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The Moral and Spiritual Aspects of Personality

Read the files attached and ANSWER the ff questions.

1. Define Morality and tell me about your personal view of morality.

For me morality refers to the standards that enable people to live cooperatively
in groups. It’s what societies determine to be right and acceptable. Sometimes,
acting in a moral manner means individuals must sacrifice their own temporarily
interests to benefit society. Individuals who go against these standards may be
considered immoral.

2. What is positive attitude, extract the best definition you can find from your readings.  Site references
if you use other references aside from the files attached.

The positive attitude that extract best definition that i find in the reading which is the files given. Is that

3. Enumerate and explain the different types of Values

Ethical and Moral Values – are the guiding principles and standards that define and measure choices
we make in life.

Doctrinal and ideological Values-are based on beliefs that may find its roots on religious teachings.

Social Values-an integral part of the culture. Along with the beliefs and assumptions on the view of the

Aesthetic Values- It allows people to look at an object and recognize the art worth in terms of its
features and call it work of art. It deals a mans appreciation of natures beauty.

4. What are the  right attitudes  in the tourism and hospitality industry?

The right attitude of a tourism and hospitality industry determines on how high in the hierarchy of the
organization one will get. Tourism and hospitality industry must be treat customers good as what we
want to be treated. Second doing the best that they can to improve the services given. Also tourism
and hospitality industry must be a positive one ,fucos on work and everyone will get along a flow
good.Because As such, having a positive, enthusiastic, cheerful and generous outlook on
life will translate into someone who cares about their team, listens to instructions from leaders
and is able to communicate with customers with professionalism.

5. Enumerate the things to be done in order to develop a positive attitude.

1. Treat your customer as you would like to be treated. This is the golden rule in all industries, but more so, in the
hospitality industry. Customers can be very exacting in their needs and you need to make sure that you are able to
predict their needs even before they ask for it.
2. Do the best you can and tell yourself the best has got to be good enough. This is a challenge that you should give
yourself on a daily basis. You know what you are capable of doing and with this, you know if you've done the
best you could. If things are not good enough, then you solicit assistance from your colleagues or improve on the
service or product you offer your guests. Other people may say that it is good enough, but the best critic is
3. Things aren't as bad as you think they are. Do not worry too much on little things as these may be irrelevant or
inconsequential to the things at hand. As long as the guests, boss and colleagues are happy, you are on the right
path. Focus energy on your work.
4. Stay around positive people. If you surround yourself with positive people, you will be "charged" with positive
thoughts and this will show in the way that you work. People with "negative thoughts" will deplete the positive
thoughts in you and may reduce your effectiveness as a worker.
5. Think positive to reinforce your positive thoughts. Think positive. Thoughts and actions emanating from a
positive person will affect others positively. This is always very important for you to grow better as a person and
as an industry worker.

6. What is your  philosophy in life? Elaborate.

My philosophy on life is that you should live while you are alive and you should give
others that same privilege. We shouldn't judge people for the choices they make, because
we all make bad decisions. You should do what you want with your life, as long as it makes
you happy and causes no harm to others.

7. Enumerate and discuss the five branches of philosophy and reflect on each, stating your personal
thoughts/view on each philosophies.

1. Metaphysics- It defines whether the world is real, or merely an illusion, providing a

fundamental view of the world around us
 Metaphysical studies generally seek to explain inherent or universal elements
of reality which are not easily discovered or experienced in our everyday life.
2. Epistomology- It focuses on how we acquire knowledge, and how our minds are related to
reality, and whether these relationships are valid or invalid
 It is concerned with the mind's relation to reality.
3. Ethics- It deals with what is the proper course of action for man, the right and wrong in
human activities.
 It deals with the way people should act. Ethical people always strive to make
the right decision in all circumstances.

4. Politics- This is ethics applied to a community, setting it up, and how one should act within
 Politics is the way that people living in groups make decisions. Politics is about making
agreements between people so that they can live together in groups such as tribes,
cities, or countries.

5. Aesthetics- It is the study of art, what it consists and the purpose behind it.
  It addresses philosophical questions about beauty and art. Aesthetics investigates how
we define beauty or taste, appreciate art, and recognize connections between forms
found in nature.

8. Discuss the theories of philosophy and give examples of each. Could it be your personal experience,
a picture that portrays each theory or use in materials to discuss each theory.

1.Realism- is the doctrine that is associated with the study of the

world we live in. It is a philosophy away from the world of ideas or
spiritual things.
Examples :

2. Nominalism - This theory provides that abstract or universal terms are

words only, or denote mental states such as ideas, beliefs, or intentions.
Examples of this are love, hate.

3. Rationalism - This theory focuses on the importance of the human

reason. When someone undertakes an action, he tries to explain how he
arrives at that action by undertaking a rationalizing stance.

4. Skepticism-This theory provides an attitude that questions the

possibility of obtaining any sort of knowledge.
5. Idealist- The theory maintains that nothing can be directly known
outside the minds of thinking beings.

6. Pragmatist- The statement is said to be true if it is a reflection of the

actions taken.

7. Phenomenology-It is an attempt to lay the foundations for an account

of the structure of conscious experience in general.

8. Existentialism - It lays a philosophical thinking that begins with the

human subject, composed of his thoughts, his actions, feeling, and the
entire living human individual

9. Structuralism- It seeks to clarify systems of signs through analyzing the

written or spoken communication.

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