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Risk Management

Identified Risk
Institutional Risk Category Probability Impact Overall Rate Mitigation
High/Medium/Low High/Medium/Low Strategies
Lack of financial support for Financial 4 4 4 Enhance partnership with
health facilities (health clinics, stakeholders to subsidize the
wash area) medical equipment and supplies.
Property damage to school Strategic 5 5 5 In order to identify damages on
caused by natural disasters school properties conduct a
such as typhoon and building and site inspection.
Classroom shortage due to lack Strategic 5 5 5 Shifting of Classes, Strengthen
of funds partnership with stakeholders to
sponsor the construction of
Limited access of resources Strategic 4 4 4 Innovate using resources that are
such as (books), facilities and available, brainstorming a few
equipment (laboratory room ideas and maximize use of the
and laboratory apparatuses) resources in hand.
School’s Inability to maintain Reputational 3 3 3 Continuously monitor school
safe operations safety in all sectors.
Number of learners with low Operational 3 5 4 Reinforcement of interventions
literacy and numerical skills and remediation for students.
due to pandemic
Occupational and health Operational 4 4 4 Boost prevention-related health
hazards encountered while advocacy and campaigns.
carrying out duties and
responsibilities during the
Limited technological access 4 4 4 Innovate using resources that are
and insufficient internet Strategic available
connectivity home that may
have an impact on the learners
digital curriculum integration
Lack of seminars for teachers Operational 4 4 4 provide trainings for teachers to
help them improve their teaching
methods and strategies

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