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P rocess

P rocess
E diting
Brainstorming is the first step in the writing
process. It can be done in many different
ways. You can use lists, webs, four squares or
any other graphic organizer that helps you
organize your thoughts.

You can publish by typing.

You can publish your writing

by turning it into a book.

You can also publish by

making your story into
a green screen project.

Publishing 5
This is the last step of the writing
process. Publishing is where you take
all of your hard work and showcase
the best version of your writing. You
can either type it, hand write it or print
it. As long as it is has no mistakes and
you have done your best to make it
perfect, your publishing is complete!

Examples of

Brainstorming 1
Drafting is part of the writing process
where you get your ideas written down
into a story or essay. Use ideas from your
brainstorming graphic organizers to
organize your thoughts on paper.

One strategy to help

with editing is to read
through your writing
piece several times. Each
time you should be
looking for one type of
mistake. It is an easier
way to keep your focus
as you edit.
E diting 4
Revising is the step in the writing process where
you add more details, choose better words,
switch sentences around, add more figurative
language and anything else that will make your
writing the best it can be.

Figurative Transitions Better words

Language to add To begin Big: colossal,, enormous
to writing First, second, third Small: miniature, tiny
Onomatopoeia Afterward
However Mad: furious, irate
Metaphors Therefore Happy: ecstatic, ela ted
idioms In conclu sion Sad: melancholy, down
Hyperbole Finally
Said: exclaimed, hollered,
Alliteration Last or Lastly
personification To conclude whined, bellowed, cried

Revising 3
E diting
Editing is one of the final steps of
finishing your writing piece. This is the
stage in which you need to fix spelling,
grammar, capitalization, spacing and
punctuation. After you think you are
finished editing, be sure you ask a
friend to double check it for you. It’s
easy to miss a simple mistake.

It is okay to make
mistakes during this part
of the writing process.
You will be doing a lot
more work on your
writing piece from here
on out.

Drafting 2

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