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México, DF. 23 de octubre 2022


Analyse a reading text and an audio text under a model of communication

from the ones revised in unit 1

Design a mind map or a graphic organizer to exemplify the workings of

different language teaching methodologies and approaches as well as
teaching techniques. Establish links between methodologies and relate
them to your teaching practice experience.

Discuss the theoretical perspectives of the communicative approach and

Kolb´s model of Experiental learning identifying them in classroom
applications and provide at least one example of each of them.

Identify your role as a teacher as well as your students´ roles from your real
teaching context situation.

Based on the theoretical concepts seen throughout the module and a deep
reflection and critical analysis of your learning and teaching experiences;
write a better version of your teaching identity and philosophy to cope with
our current Mexican teaching context.



The present project describes an analysis of the different aspects studied during
the first module of the specialization in English Teaching and Learning as a foreign
language. As we have reviewed we need to know what aspects of the language
are most important to concentrate on when we teach the language, and what our
students should learn, today's English classes are focused on teaching language
as a social practice, and there are several methods and approaches mentioned
and studied about how a second language is acquired or learned and focus more
on how we as teachers work in our classroom, and outside on it, the roles that we
should play because we need to create and perform various roles in our courses
and some theories about how students learn, and the suggested materials we
could use to succeed in our teaching practice.

In our daily experience, we faced not only some external factors but also some
students' internal needs, so it is very important to take into consideration the ways
our students learn and develop their knowledge construction.

Even though most of us as English teachers have some experience in teaching or

not one of the most essential skills that we should have is the ability to give
Constructive criticism, generate a safe environment for our students, and reflect in
our practice all the time, having the professional knowledge about the language,
how to put it into practice and continuing preparing to face the challenges of the
future generations.

We need to value our own beliefs and have opened to shifting and innovating our
courses with responsibility and love for our work.
Analyse a reading text and an audio text under a model of communication
from the ones revised in unit 1

Jakobson´s model helps us to understand how a person tries to communicate their

ideas to another person, for instance, he explains that a sender sends a message
to a receiver, but before it would be received by the other, each message has a
context in which is influenced by something which is out from the message, and it
is sent through a channel as the medium used to send the message and a code
which is the way that each message adopted to be transmitted.

Jakobson said that successful communication can occur only if all the elements
mentioned before are correct. To understand this statement we can give a short
example, Mrs. Rocio Salgado sends a message in the EEAILE platform to the G11
students about the instructions for project 1,

Mrs. Salgado is the sender, and instructions for the project are the message, G11
students are the receiver, the message from EEAILE platform is the channel, the
words used in the message are the code, and the context could be the teacher-
students relationship which could help to Mrs. Salgado give the instructions to the
project and the students do what the teacher asked them.

How the language functions are related to Jacobson´s model, If we remember the
language functions are six (video de Jakonbon )

Referential is focused on the reference with which we are focusing. In the example
above we are doing reference to the instructions about the project. Mrs. Salgado is
not talking about her or ours, she is just giving the correct instructions.

The emotive or “expressive” function is focused on emotions and attitudes from the
sender, for instance, the good intention from Mrs. Salgado to give the correct
instructions to help students to complete their project, exhorting us to work hard or
complete all the requirements asked in the project instructions.

The appellative function is focused on the receiver, it is related to what Mrs.

Salgado wants G11 students to do, she wants students to submit their projects
following the correct instructions from her message, and she is expecting they
could understand all the instructions. The word summit is the cue.

The metalingual is when we use communication to explain the codes which we

used, for instance, the VC taken before the project is used to solve some doubts
about the project.

The Fatica function is focused on the channel, we used when we try to maintain
the communication channels opened or blocked, and it could be used by the
sender or receiver for instance when we had a doubt we asked directly the teacher
and the teacher explained about how we need to do.

The poetic function is focused on the message, which means that it is not much
important what we say instead how it had said, could be the format which is used
to send the message.

If we use the language we can persuade and establish social links, construct our
realities and understand what importance is played by each element in the grade of
each communicative process

Continuing with the analysis of the next audio:

Alice: Mom, I want some ice-cream

Mom: Okay. Where is the cafeteria
Alice: It´s next to the flower shop
Mom: Let´s go
Alice: Mom, where is the restroom?
Mom: I don´t know. Mmm Let´s ask
that women
Alice: Excuse me where is the
Mrs. Pam: Go straight and turn left. It
´s on your right.
Alice: Thank you
My Wonderful Family
I I live in a house near the mountains. I have two brothers and one sister, and I
was born last. My father teaches mathematics, and my mother is a nurse at a
big hospital. My brothers are very smart and work hard in school. My sister is a
nervous girl, but she is very kind. My grandmother also lives with us. She came
from Italy when I was two years old. She has grown old, but she is still very
strong. She cooks the best food!
My family is very important to me. We do lots of things together. My brothers
and I like to go on long walks in the mountains. My sister likes to cook with my
grandmother. On the weekends we all play board games together. We laugh
and always have a good time. I love my family very much.

could say that language is a way to communicate ideas, thoughts, feelings,

experiences, and emotions through verbal interaction of the members of a society,
according to Jacobson’s Model the above example in my point of view some of the
main elements describe for instance when Alice says “Mom I want some ice-
cream” who is the sender expressing an emotion (emotive function) and her mom
“I don´t know”. I could consider it as a Referential function when Mrs. Pam and
Alice are giving directions about where are the places they were asked.

In the next text I consider that most of the reading text used in some books to
teach English to young learners are not considering all the elements mentioned
above to have a good communicative development learning. Most teachers
focused only on textbooks and think they are the only resource to follow, and hope
to cover all that is required in Language teaching. For instance in this short reading
textbook even though it is focused to give a short description about families and It
should be a common interested topic for everyone, sometimes it is hard for
students to communicate their ideas as are suggested in the reading text.

Design a mind map or a graphic organizer to exemplify the workings of

different language teaching methodologies and approaches as well as
teaching techniques. Establish links between methodologies and relate
them to your teaching practice experience.

When we talk about teaching a new language most of us could start answering
ourselves what´s the best method, approach, or technique to teach and can get
good outcomes in our teaching goals, but it depends on different aspects to take
into consideration, firstly, the classroom context, student´s situations, learning
styles, student´s motivation, teacher´s beliefs about how to teach, etc. but one very
important thing to consider is to have a clear definition about what do a method, an
approach and a technique exactly mean, and how can they help us to get the
course objectives.

An approach is defined as “Theoretical positions and beliefs about the nature of

language, the nature of language learning, and the applicability of both to
pedagogical setting”. A method is a “generalized set of classroom specifications for
accomplishing linguistic objectives” focused on the role of the teacher and the
student, sequencing, materials, and how they can be used in many different
learning contexts. Techniques are the specific things that we do in class, often they
are created based on certain approaches (Brown, 2007).

The following graphic organizer will explain the workings of different language
teaching methodologies and approaches as well as teaching techniques.
As teachers, we must possess the idea of what linguistic aspect of approaches we
have in mind, and what psycho-linguistic aspect of the approach is going to shape
our lesson plan. It must help us to feel easy in executing a task, our goal must be
clear to us what we are going to attain in the classroom.
The grammar translation method is one method used by a teacher for a long
time, it was called the classical method, and it was used to help students read and
appreciate foreign language literature. Classes are taught in the student´s mother
tongue, explanations of grammar, “reading and writing are the major focus; little or
no systematic attention is paid to speaking or listening”. “Vocabulary selection is
based solely on the reading text used and words are taught through bilingual words
list, dictionary and memorization” (Richards & Rodgers, 2002) difficult read text
and little attention to the content of the text. Being able to read and write in that
particular language. The main problem is that it does not develop speaking skills, it
is the most popular language to teach English. It´s not natural.

In the Direct method or natural method, if we wish to learn a language then we

should try to recreate the conditions that we learn our native language. the main
rule is not translation allowed, the meaning needs to be directly connected with the
target language without any translation to the student´s mother tongue. We know
that it is a little difficult for our students to express their ideas in the target language
if they do have not the grammatical structures or enough vocabulary, they could be
exposed to no realistic situations. Lexical clarity is difficult. For instance, I might
teach the word “cup” but then the students never learn the word glass, they may
think that the only thing used for liquid is a cup.

The audio-lingual method is based on the behaviorism theory, it was used to train

soldiers through drills and repetitions, and soldiers learned structures that help
them use the foreign language. It was learned through stimulus-response. Listen
and repeat. The focus is mainly on oral discussion and very little on grammar rules.
For instance, in class, I give my students a sentence and ask them to repeat it
several times, in this way I do my student learn vocabulary very quickly and the
correct pronunciation, or sometimes I used to drill the pronunciation and intonation
of utterances and even though I could be said that it has some negative aspects as
it is very difficult to them to translate the knowledge that they pick up from drills to
real situations. This is a common practice in a typical language-learning classroom.

Task-based Language Teaching is based on the assumption that tasks are the
major unit of language learning, learners should be given some task to be solved.
“It recommends a specific sequence of learning activities or Teaching cycle: The
task-based cycle has only three steps, named simply Pre –task, Task Cycle and
Language Focus” (Lesson Plans and Strategies in SLA, 2015). The pre-task is
knowledge as the warm-up activity or introduction, where students activate their
previous knowledge. For instance, in every lesson as a teacher, we should start
with different activities focused to get our students´ previous knowledge such as
brainstorming, instructions, quiz, etc. The task cycle has three phases which
collectively offer the learners a variety of contexts for exposure to the language, the
first of them is the pair work where they just focused on the message; in the
second phase, the teacher can provide their input and advice, including help with
the language. In Report phase combines fluency with accuracy. In the final
Language Focus stage, learners have the opportunity to focus on form and ask
specific questions about the language being learned. 

In my own experience as an English teacher and after the analyses made by all the
information about the different language teaching methodologies, approaches, and
techniques I would say that I used to be an eclectic teacher because I consider that
using different approaches or methods we tend to be creative and dynamic to
make teaching and learning more productive. It could be that certain types of
learners respond very positively to a grammatical syllabus, while other students
could, and if we have an open mind we could learn and experience new ways to
teach more effectively.
          “Because not all principles apply to all learners, to all contexts, and all
purposes. Therefore, “approaches and methods can be used not as prescriptions
for how to teach but as a source of well-used practices, which teachers can adapt
or implement based on their own needs” (Richards & Rodgers, 2002: 16).
Discus the theoretical perspectives of the communicative approach and Kolb
´s model of experimental learning identifying them in classroom applications
and provide at least one example of each of them.

The Communicative Approach or Communicative Language Teaching

(CLT) is based on the idea that learning a second language is to gain
communicative competency, they focused on the use of language in every situation
or the functional aspect of language and least on the formal structures. Whenever
possible authentic language used in real context should be introduced. The target
language must be used for classroom communication through communicative
activities. Learners are involved in real communication, there are natural strategies
for the acquisition of the target language.
For instance, in my classroom, I try to ask for personal information from my
students such as what makes them laugh. what makes you cry? what´s your
favorite food? etc. We must stimulate meaningful communication, in this way my
students can share information; I try all the time to help them express their ideas in
English, and if they make some mistakes I try to be tolerant because everyone has
mistaken when we are learning a new language, not all my students want to
express their thoughts 
but when they do it is very important to let them express how they can do and
probably at the end of the statement I could make some corrections to help them
feel comfortable. 
 Some techniques used are interviews, visual cues, pictures, sentence fragment
roll-plays, information gap activities, discussions on debates, which learners can
use as a starting point for conversation, text-based materials, 
An increase in the target language, enables the learner to be more confident when
interacting with other people but it depends on how we as teachers motivated or
boring the lessons to our students, we need to prepare enough material and our
students find meaningful tasks to communicate with each other.
In Communicative Language Teaching the teacher acts as a facilitator, guide, or
helper in setting up communicative activities and as an advisor during the activities
and the students are communicators who are actively engaged in negotiation
meaning – in trying to make themselves understood and in understanding others
The teacher´s role is as a facilitator and model and has to develop different views
of learning enroll facilitating language learning.

For instance, when I studied my bachelor I liked an English teaching class, my

teacher used to play the role of facilitator, he started the class with a joke, a new,
riddle, or a picture that was used to begging a short conversation but it was a little
difficult to me to start talking with fluency and accuracy because of the lack of
vocabulary, grammatical structure or to feel embarrassed to make some mistakes.
So he used to help us to develop our ideas by giving us explanations or options to
express our ideas simply. But also he fueled us through discussions about
interesting and meaningful topics.

I would understand that as English teachers we need to consider that our lessons
should have communicative aims, and create a lesson where students have
different activities where they can practice and value their linguistic competence.
Providing a range of practice activities where students can interact with each other.

 Kolb´s model experimental learning explains that there are four steps, a
continuous process for effective learning that explain how we learn through
experience: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract
conceptualization, and active experimentation.

The first step is a concrete experience which is related to what you must do by
yourself for learning to occur, for instance in my class I usually introduce a new
topic through reading but it is not the same if I read the text or performance it, my
students must read and pronounce it to create their own concrete experience. The
second step, reflecting observation means taking a step back from doing to reflect
and review what we just experienced through giving observations or asking some
questions, for instance when our students reflect and be aware of where can use
what they observe in different circumstances, in the previous example it could be
when some of them ask for the correct pronunciation of a word or the meaning of a
sentence, the third step is Abstract conceptualization and here we fit what we´ve
just learned into everything we already know, it starts taking sense together which
help us to achieve abstract conceptualization by maybe expressing our ideas,
creating something related with what we learn, or writing. We just start working with
some projects in English and everything is presented in a mural, so students tend
to write or present a final project (model, writing, game) in which they understand
what they have learned in class. And the final step is Active experimentation, which
happens when we consider how we will put what we have learned into practice. It
means that students start planning when they are going to use what they have just
learned, probably in the real life they are requesting a short description of their
future plans or their routine habits. There is a moment when we start planning and
stop doing and the cycle starts again (Kolb, 2015).

According with Kolb´s model of experimental learning describes four learning

styles: Diverging, people who prefer this style can see things from different
perspectives, they prefer to watch rather than do and collect and use their
imagination to solve problems, people with this learning style like work in groups,
they take feedback well and are interesting in different cultures and people. The
next learning style is Assimilating enjoys watching and thinking, which means they
enjoy ideas but not their practical applications, they are logical problem solvers,
and most of them tend to be technical or experts in a specific subject. They prefer
reading, taking lectures, or having to have enough time to think things true.

If we could consider all these aspects in our lesson planning we could start taking
into account the activities developed into the concrete experience so a learner who
was successfully motivated will wish to enter Reflective Observation by digging
deeper into the topic under study or to expand outward it. During abstract
Conceptualization, learners use logic to extract general rules on the matter under
study. We could plan an activity where our students could develop it and may
logically extract specific rules on pronunciation, grammar, or lexis.

For instance, In my classroom, I tend to work with students from age raking around
6 to 12 years old, so most of them like to play while they are learning, they enjoy
interacting with different materials and activities; grammar and reading lessons
tend to be boring but I need to develop different techniques to get their attention
and motivation, in this way they can acquire the grammatical structures.

I would consider Kolb´s learning cycle by asking students to watch different

sentences with the same grammatical structure and try to help some of their
partners to understand the structure of the sentence in order to have contact with
some aspects of the language in this case

grammar and reading skills, discuss amongst themselves what they observe or
analyze the grammatical structures of a sentence, for example, they provide them
with some texts which contain the grammatical structure and a few explanations
about the use of it, and some of them could give to the group what understood
about the grammatical structure.

Identify your role as a teacher as well as your students´ roles from your real
teaching context situation.

As teachers and like actors in a play, we often need to create and follow different
roles for our students and shift from one role to another, so we need to know some
concepts about how a role is defined. It can be defined as a set of actions that are
expected or anticipated for a setting or task. All of us have many roles to play:
spouse, siblings, parent, child, friend, colleague, consumer, etc. In our case we
need to analyse how our school's norms determine our roles, it can be an authority
or open style. On the other side, we play a specific role outside the classroom:
curriculum developer, material developer, counselor, mentor, team member,
researcher, and professional (Richards & Lockhart, 1996: 99)

In my point of view, I consider that we are in a constant shift of roles, everything is

based on each course that we start, as teachers we play a major part in our
classes and with our students and institutions' norms, At the beginning of my
teaching experience I used to be the authority and have the control of everything,
very traditional, and It also depends in my background, considering my teacher´s
methodology used during my language learning experience It had taken a very
important influence in the role I usually play into my classroom and outside of it, for
instance, I used to explain everything and try to follow the curriculum or textbook
which was designed by each course. Then when I started working in a private
school I could notice that our role must be as an advisor, it has to be friendly and
students need to develop their learning through different ways to promote this role.

Another aspect to take into consideration is our personality, I believe that as

teachers we must be responsible and do everything in the best way we can, and
students should do the same, I think that I am so serious and strict so I have
trouble with some disruptive students, after different experiences I had understood
that we need to find out why our students present a specific behavior into the
classroom. Currency I am working in the public system, and we are faced with a
huge of deficiencies not only in infrastructure but also in an appropriate syllabus to
follow and specific training as public English teachers.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this course I like to be professional in all that I

do, and one of the most relevant thing in the development of my classes are the
lesson plans, and materials, I like to I thought that if we organized everything and
do our best teaching working thinking in our student´s needs we are going to get
great outcomes in every course.

A student role is understood as a set of expectations people have about the

student´s behavior, and it could be determined by the role that a teacher assumes
and the relationship we established with them. My students tend to stay in their
places and just do what I asked. Now I like they have the opportunity to construct
their learning, interacting with some other students, not viewed as organisms that
can be directed by skilled training techniques to produce correct responses but
also could be active participants engaging in diverse classroom activities to
promote their learning outcomes.
Based on the theoretical concepts seen throughout the modul and a deep
reflection and critical analysis of your learning and teaching experiences;
write a better version of your teaching identity and philosophy to cope with
our current Mexican teaching context.

According to the SEP Curricula, teaching English as a Foreign Language must

start from the third grade of pre-school, and continue until secondary school, it is
divided into two stages: the first one to promote the first contact with the language
and the second with main objective to generate the basic domain of competence of
the language; it is focused on the CLT approach and the teacher role is considered
how the main and in some places the only writing and speaking language model
(Secretaria de Educación Básica, 2017). Besides, it determines the student's
competence through the Common European Framework of Reference for
Language, and even though it gives us well-organized content for each grade.

However, different factors influence the deficiency of English teaching as a Foreign

Language such as most English teachers do not know the curricula, lack of
infrastructure, some urban schools just covered by different English programs, lack
of English teacher training, etc. For instance in Oaxaca and some other places
around the country students from a public school have not in touch with the
language until secondary school, we don´t have a textbook and enough materials
to work with our students, currently, I am working in a rural community where
students first language is Chinanteco, and even though we are in a different
context and facing a huge of difficulties I would like to say that It is important to be
opened minded, and I believe in teaching to each student´s passion, for instance in
my first grade, students suddenly got excited about vocabulary using flashcards, I
fuel their passion to learn English in this way because they want to know how to
say some objects, animals or places in English. I believe that all children learn from
what we are more than what we say or teach, what we project to our students, best
teachers are those who do not give you the answers but the ones who show you
where to look, we are major influences in our student's minds, it is important to ask
us questions all the time and never stop to learning, doesn´t matter how many
years of experience do we have or the kind of education we have, we are
continuously learning.

The teacher should be aware of the suitable method to positively impact the
teaching-learning process, Teachers must be innovative, resourceful, and ready to
impart quality education. That´s why I decided to continue studying and learning to
give my best to my students.

I can state that through the study of different methodologies and approaches we
could work out our thoughts about teaching and learning. Through the process, we
begin to develop an awareness of the processes through which we learn and
teach, we are conscious of the fact that understanding a teacher´s method is far
more complex than technical-rational models of experts´ knowledge describing
curriculum approaches and teaching methods.

Having experience with different courses, student´s ages, institutions, and student
´s contexts, and having the information provided by this course I could conclude
that there is no perfect way to teach, each teacher should use his/ her personality
and beliefs to form their style of teaching, students have different needs and
varying learning styles, if teachers can cater to each student, there would be a
higher success rate.

Several adjectives could be used to describe how should be a teacher such as

open-minded, charismatic, patient, committed, etc, but we also need to consider
not only the teacher characteristics, we also need to know the main concepts that
involve this complex activity and analyses all the factors which take place in our
teaching work.

Brown, H. D. (2007). Teaching by principles. An interactive approach to language pedagogy.

Pearson Education. Recuperado el 17 de 10 de 2022

Kolb, D. A. (2015). EXPERIMENTAL LEARNING. Experience as the Source of Learning and

Development (Second ed.). USA: Pearson Education. Recuperado el 20 de 10 de 2020

Leasson Plans and Strategies in SLA. (8 de 07 de 2015). Recuperado el 18 de 10 de 2020, de

Richards, J. C., & Lockhart, C. (1996). Reflective Teaching in Second language Classrooms.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2002). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Recuperado el 19 de 10 de 2020

Secretaria de Educación Básica. (2017). Programa de estudios 2017. Lengua Extranjera Inglés.
México: SEP.

UPN. (21 de 10 de 2022). EEAILE Enseñanza y aprendizaje del Ingés como lengua extranjera.
Obtenido de

A 25 del mes de septiembre de 2022

Consejo de la Especialización en Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera

Coordinación de Posgrado


Me dirijo a usted en carácter de autor del presente trabajo académico que sustenta el título,
Assignment for unit 2, declarando que es una producción personal, donde no se ha copiado,
replicado, utilizado ideas, citas integrales e ilustraciones diversas, obtenidas de cualquier tesis, obra
intelectual, artículo, memoria, (en versión digital o impresa), sin mencionar de forma clara y exacta
su origen o autor, conforme los lineamientos del Manual de Publicaciones de la American
Psychological Association, en su última edición en español.

En este sentido, lo anterior puede ser confirmado por el lector, estando consciente de que en
caso de comprobarse plagio en el texto o no se hayan respetado los derechos de autor; esto
será objeto de sanciones por parte del Consejo de la Especialización en Enseñanza y
Aprendizaje de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera y/o sanciones en apego al inciso d del
Artículo 42, del Reglamento General para Estudios de Posgrado de la Universidad
Pedagógica Nacional.



Matrícula: 220926081
Tutor: Rocío Salgado Pérea
A 23 del mes de octubre de 2022

Consejo de la Especialización en Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera

Coordinación de Posgrado


Me dirijo a usted en carácter de autor del presente trabajo académico que sustenta el título,
PROJECT 1 OF THE MODULE 1, declarando que es una producción personal, donde no se ha
copiado, replicado, utilizado ideas, citas integrales e ilustraciones diversas, obtenidas de cualquier
tesis, obra intelectual, artículo, memoria, (en versión digital o impresa), sin mencionar de forma
clara y exacta su origen o autor, conforme los lineamientos del Manual de Publicaciones de la
American Psychological Association, en su última edición en español.

En este sentido, lo anterior puede ser confirmado por el lector, estando consciente de que en
caso de comprobarse plagio en el texto o no se hayan respetado los derechos de autor; esto
será objeto de sanciones por parte del Consejo de la Especialización en Enseñanza y
Aprendizaje de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera y/o sanciones en apego al inciso d del
Artículo 42, del Reglamento General para Estudios de Posgrado de la Universidad
Pedagógica Nacional.




Matrícula: 220926081
Tutor: Rocío Salgado Pérea

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