Some Properties of Alginate Gels Derived From Algal Sodium Algin

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Some properties of alginate gels derived from algal sodium

H. Kakita & H. Kamishima

Originally published in the Journal of Applied Phycology, Vol 20, No 5, 93–99.

DOI: 10.1007/s10811-008-9317-5 # Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2008

Abstract Alginic acid in soluble sodium alginate turns to Introduction

insoluble gel after contact with divalent metal ions, such as
calcium ions. The sodium alginate character has an effect Seaweed can produce several polysaccharides (e.g., alginic
on the alginate gel properties. In order to prepare a suitable acid, agar, and carrageenan) which differ from those of
calcium alginate gel for use in seawater, the effects of terrestrial plant origin. Most alginic acid is commercially
sodium alginate viscosity and M/G ratio (the ratio of D- prepared from brown algae, such as Laminariales and
mannuronate to L-guluronate) on the gel strength were Fucales species, and used as a food viscosity stabilizer,
investigated. The wet tensile strengths of gel fibers derived textile printing glue, dental impression agent and sizing
from high viscosity sodium alginate were higher than those agents (Gacesa 1988). Alginic acid, an acidic polysaccha-
from low viscosity sodium alginate. The tensile strength ride, is a linear copolymer of D-mannuronate (M) and L-
increased with diminishing sodium alginate M/G ratio. guluronate (G) and is composed of homo-polymer blocks
Among the gel fibers tested, the gel fiber obtained from a of M and G, and a hetero-polymer block (Haug et al.
sodium alginate I-5G (1% aqueous solution viscosity = 1967a). The main characteristics of alginic acid are as
520 mPa·s, M/G ratio=0.6) had the highest wet tensile follows: (1) high viscosity solution and spin tolerant; (2)
strength. After 13 days treatment in seawater, the wet ability to form gels in the presence of certain divalent (or
tensile strength of the gel fiber retained 36% of the original multivalent) cations, particularly calcium ions; (3) adhesive
untreated gel strength. For sodium alginates with similar and biocompatible properties; and (4) ability to entrap other
viscosities, the seawater tolerance of low M/G ratio alginate materials in the gel. These characteristics may help to
was greater than that of the high M/G ratio one. This study develop new industrial materials.
enables us to determine a suitable calcium alginate gel for Because the ratio of D-mannuronate to L-guluronate (M/
use in seawater. G ratio) in the sodium alginate molecule affects the
properties of calcium alginate gel (Haug et al. 1967b), the
Keywords Alginic acid . Brown algae . Gel property . selection of suitable sodium alginates as raw materials fit
Polysaccharide . Seawater . Seaweed for each purpose is important. For example, alginates rich
in L-guluronate form strong but brittle gels, whereas those
rich in D-mannuronate are weaker but more flexible
(Penman and Sanderson 1972; Rees 1972).
H. Kakita (*) : H. Kamishima We have already reported that a calcium alginate gel
AIST Shikoku, National Institute of Advanced derived from sodium alginate I-7 (1% aqueous solution
Industrial Science and Technology,
viscosity = 784 mPa·s, M/G ratio=1.3) was useful as a
Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-0395, Japan carrier of microorganisms in seawater (Li et al. 1994, 1995,
e-mail: 1996). For the efficient degradation of oil spilled on the sea

Borowitzka et al. (eds.), Nineteenth International Seaweed Symposium. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-9619-8_13 93

94 Borowitzka et al. (eds.)

surface, the alginate carrier was prepared incorporating both Preparation of calcium alginate gel fibers
a marine oil-degrading yeast, Candida sp., and nutrients. In
a biodegradation test in a flask with n-tetradecane as an oil Five percent sodium alginate aqueous solutions (dope) were
component, this model system degraded up to 61% of the prepared by mixing sodium alginate powder in distilled
initial oil within 14 days at 20°C. But during the 14-day water, followed by degassing with a centrifuge or vacuum
biodegradation test, the calcium alginate carriers decom- pump. The dopes were extruded from a 0.84-mm (or 1.14-
posed. Improvement of alginate gel strength therefore still mm) diameter nozzle of an air-dispenser Model
remains necessary. ML5000XII (Musashi Engineering, Tokyo, Japan) into a
To select a suitable calcium alginate gel for use in 0.5 M calcium chloride solution (as a coagulation reagent)
seawater, the wet tensile strengths of calcium alginate gel at 30∼200 kPa at room temperature. The extruded gel fibers
fibers derived from various sodium alginates were investi- were stretched up to 1.4-fold length of original gel length
gated with variations in the sodium alginate M/G ratio (0.4– and then washed with water.
1.3) and viscosity at 1% aqueous solution (16–994 mPa·s).
We also evaluated the seawater tolerance of the gel fibers
Gel fiber strength measurements
derived from various sodium alginates. In this paper, we
describe a suitable calcium alginate gel fiber for use in
The wet tensile strength of the gel fiber was measured with
a tensile tester Model Autograph 100A (Shimazdu, Kyoto,
Japan), according to Japan Industrial Standard L1069.
Measurement conditions were as follows: (1) fiber diame-
Materials and methods
ter, 20 mm; (2) speed, 20 mm/min; (3) temperature, 20±
2°C. The wet tensile strength (g d−1) was defined as the
The six sodium alginate samples [I-S (1% aqueous
minimum load (g) which caused a gel fiber to break,
solution viscosity = 994 mPa·s, M/G ratio=1.3), I-7
applied by a tensile tester / denier (d). One denier (d) is
(784 mPa·s, M/G ratio=1.3), I-5 (583 mPa·s, M/G
defined as dry weight of a fiber 9,000 m in length.
ratio = 1.3), I-3 (354 mPa·s, M/G ratio = 1.3), I-1
(133 mPa·s, M/G ratio=1.3), and SI-L (16 mPa·s, M/G
Effects of sodium alginate viscosity and M/G ratio on gel
ratio=1.3)] were purchased from Kimica (Tokyo, Japan).
fiber strength
The two sodium alginate samples [I-5M (565 mPa·s, M/G
ratio=1.3) and I-5G (520 mPa·s, M/G ratio=0.6)] were
First, in the viscosity experiment, the wet tensile strengths
kindly provided by Dr Hisashi Yamaguchi of Kimica.
of calcium alginate gel fibers were compared, using six
The four sodium alginate samples [350-M (370 mPa·s,
sodium alginates (viscosity; 16, 133, 354, 583, 784, and
M/G ratio=1.0), 150-M (171 mPa·s, M/G ratio=0.9), 350-
994 mPa·s, M/G ratio=1.3) as raw materials. Then the wet
G (350 mPa·s, M/G ratio=0.5), and 150-G (135 mPa·s,
tensile strength of gel fiber prepared from a high M/G ratio
M/G ratio = 0.4)] were purchased from Kibun Food
alginate (viscosity; 565 mPa·s, M/G ratio = 1.3) was
Chemifa (Tokyo, Japan). Other reagents were of analyt-
compared with that with a low M/G ratio (viscosity;
ical grade.
520 mPa·s, M/G ratio = 0.6). Finally, the wet tensile
strengths of gel fiber derived from five sodium alginates
Sodium alginate viscosity measurements
[variations in viscosity (135, 171, 350, 370, and 520 mPa·s)
and M/G ratio (0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.9, and 1.0)] were measured.
Viscosity measurements were made at 20°C on the sodium
For each experiment, six replicates of each gel fiber were
alginate solutions by means of a rotating cylinder viscom-
eter, Model LVDV-I (Brookfield, Mass., U.S.A.). A range
of alginate concentrations up to 2.5% w/v was used.
Sodium chloride was used in all cases to adjust the ionic Seawater tolerance of alginate gel fiber
strength (Smidsrød et al. 1973). The final concentration of
sodium chloride was adjusted to 0.1 M NaCl. In order to The seawater tolerance of gel fiber prepared from a high M/G
evaluate [η] values, (ln η)/c values against the alginate ratio alginate (I-5M; viscosity; 565 mPa·s, M/G ratio=1.3)
concentration (c) were plotted, and [η] values were was compared with that with a low M/G ratio (I-5G; viscosity;
determined from the intercept (Smidsrød 1970; Johnson et 520 mPa·s, M/G ratio=0.6). Five grams of gel fibers were
al. 1997). Molecular weights (Mw) were calculated using immersed four times for 1 h each in 40 mL of soaking solution
the formula: [η]=2.0×10−5MW, where [η] is the intrinsic (either distilled water or seawater). The soaking solution was
viscosity and MW is the molecular weight (Smidsrød and renewed each time. Finally the gel fibers were stored in the
Haug 1968). soaking solution. After soaking for 5 days, the wet tensile
Nineteenth International Seaweed Symposium 95


strength of each gel fiber (three replicates per fiber) derived
from I-5M and I-5G alginates was measured.
In another experiment, the time-course (pre-soaking, and
at 2 days, and 13 days) of the decrease in wet tensile strength
of alginate gel fiber treated with seawater was measured. A
low M/G ratio alginate I-5G (viscosity; 520 mPa·s, M/G 0.2
ratio=0.6) was used as the raw material. In this experiment,
five replicates of each gel fiber were measured. 0
I-5M I-5G
To clarify the effect of additional calcium ions on the wet
Sodium alginate
tensile strength of gel fiber soaked in seawater, calcium
Fig. 2 Effect of M/G ratio on gel fiber strength. The wet tensile
alginate gel fibers derived from I-5G (1% aqueous solution strengths of calcium alginate gel fibers derived from alginates with
viscosity; 520 mPa·s, M/G ratio; 0.6) and I-S (994 mPa·s, different M/G ratios but constant viscosity [I-5M (1% aqueous
M/G ratio; 1.3) were treated with various calcium concen- solution viscosity; 565 mPa·s, M/G ratio; 1.3) and I-5G (520 mPa·s,
trations in seawater for 5 days. After soaking, the wet tensile M/G ratio; 0.6) ]. Extrusion nozzle diameter: 0.84 mm. Wet tensile
strengths of alginate gel fibers were measured according to Japan
strengths of gel fibers (four replicates each) were measured. Industrial Standard L1069. Each data point is the mean of six
replicates (means ± SE). *The wet tensile strength of gel fiber derived
Statistics from low M/G ratio alginate (I-5G) was statistically different to that of
gel fiber from high M/G ratio alginate (I-5M)
The data concerning gel fiber strength were analyzed by
one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple compari-
son test (Winer et al. 1991) or t test. At similar viscosities (520 and 565 mPa·s), the M/G ratio
in the sodium alginate molecule also had a significant effect
on the wet tensile strength of gel fibers (n=6, t=4.404, p<
Results 0.005). Gel fiber strength derived from M/G ratio 0.6 (I-5G;
1% aqueous solution viscosity = 520 mPa·s, M/G ratio=
The viscosity of sodium alginate at a constant M/G ratio 0.6) was stronger than that derived from M/G ratio 1.3 (I-
(M/G ratio=1.3) had a significant effect on the wet tensile 5M; 1% aqueous solution viscosity = 565 mPa·s, M/G ratio=
strength of calcium alginate gel fiber (n=6, F=79.249, p< 1.3) (Fig. 2).
0.001). The optimum sodium alginate viscosity (1% The wet tensile strength of each alginate gel fiber
aqueous solution) for the wet tensile strength of calcium derived from five sodium alginates (150-G, 350-G, 150-
alginate gel fiber was 354–994 mPa·s (I-3, I-5, I-7, and I-S). M, 350-M, and I-5G) was measured (Fig. 3). Variations in
The wet tensile strength ranged from 0.166 g d−1 at sodium alginate had a significant effect on the wet tensile
16 mPa·s (SI-L) to 0.494 g d−1 at 994 mPa·s (I-S) (Fig. 1). strength of calcium alginate gel fibers (n=6, F=14.671,
p<0.001). Wet tensile strengths varied from 0.396 g d−1
(150-M; 1% aqueous solution viscosity = 171 mPa·s, M/G
ratio=0.9) to 0.647 g d−1 (I-5G; 520 mPa·s, M/G ratio=


0.6). The strength of the alginate gel fibers, in order of

0.4 b
derivation, were I-5G = 350-G (350 mPa·s, M/G ratio=0.5) >
150-G (135 mPa·s, M/G ratio=0.4) = 350-M (370 mPa·s, M/G
ratio=1.0) > 150-M.
These results suggested that the wet tensile strengths of
gel fibers derived from high viscosity sodium alginates
SI-L I-1 I-3 I-5 I-7 I-S
were higher than those from low viscosity ones. The results
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 also suggested that the tensile strength increased with
Viscosity (mPa s) of 1% sodium alginate decreasing sodium alginate M/G ratio. From these results,
Fig. 1 Effect of sodium alginate viscosity on wet gel fiber strength. we selected I-5G sodium alginate as a raw material for
The wet tensile strengths of calcium alginate gel fibers prepared from
alginate gel fibers in the subsequent experiment in this
alginates with different viscosity but constant M/G ratio (M/G ratio=
1.3) [SI-L (1% aqueous solution viscosity; 16 mPa·s), I-1(133 mPa·s), paper.
I-3 (354 mPa·s), I-5 (583 mPa·s), I-7 (784 mPa·s), I-S (994 mPa·s)]. Soaking alginate gel fibers in seawater for 5 days had a
Extrusion nozzle diameter: 0.84 mm. Wet tensile strengths of alginate significant effect on their wet tensile strengths [I-5M (n=3,
gel fibers were measured according to Japan Industrial Standard
t=25.829, p<0.001) and I-5G (n=3, t=11.193, p<0.001)]
L1069. Each data point is the mean of six replicates (mean ± SE).
Bars marked with the same letter are not significantly different (Fig. 4). Although the wet tensile strength of the gel fiber
according to Tukey’s multiple comparison test (p=0.05) derived from high M/G ratio alginate (I-5M) decreased with
96 Borowitzka et al. (eds.)


c a
Wet tensile strength (g d-1) c
0.8 b 0.4
b I-5
0.6 G
350 a 350
-G -M 600 b
0.4 0.2
150 150 500
-G -M 400
0 100 0
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 2 13
M/G ratio Seawater immersion time (days)
Fig. 3 Wet tensile strengths of alginate gel fibers derived from five Fig. 5 The time-course of wet tensile strength of gel fiber immersed
sodium alginates, 150-G (1% aqueous solution viscosity; 135 mPa·s, in seawater. The wet tensile strengths of calcium alginate gel fibers
M/G ratio; 0.4), 350-G (350 mPa·s, 0.5), 150-M (171 mPa·s, 0.9), derived from I-5G (1% aqueous solution viscosity; 520 mPa·s, M/G
350-M (370 mPa·s, 1.0), and I-5G (520 mPa·s, 0.6). Extrusion nozzle ratio; 0.6)] with seawater immersion for 0, 2, and 13 days. Extrusion
diameter: 1.14 mm. Wet tensile strengths of alginate gel fibers were nozzle diameter: 0.84 mm. Gel fiber wet weight: 5 g. Soaking solution
measured according to Japan Industrial Standard L1069. Each data volume: 40 ml. Soaking solution renewal: 1 h×4 on first day. Wet
point is the mean of six replicates (mean). Bars marked with the same tensile strengths of alginate gel fibers were measured according to
letter are not significantly different according to Tukey’s multiple Japan Industrial Standard L1069. Each data point is the mean of five
comparison test (p=0.05) replicates (mean ± SE). Bars marked with the same letter are not
significantly different according to Tukey’s multiple comparison test
5 days seawater treatment to 19% of the original untreated
gel strength, the wet tensile strength of the gel fiber derived
from low M/G ratio alginate (I-5G) retained 44% of the
original untreated gel strength. For sodium alginates with even after 13 days of seawater soaking, the gel fiber
similar viscosities, the seawater tolerance of low M/G ratio strength remained at 36% at the original untreated gel
alginate was greater than that of the high M/G ratio one. strength.
Alginate gel fibers subjected to seawater treatment for 2 The concentration of calcium chloride in seawater had a
days underwent significant change in their wet tensile significant effect on the wet tensile strength of alginate gel
strengths (n=5, F=242.000, p<0.001) (Fig. 5). There was fiber (n=4, F=46.591, p<0.001).
no statistical difference in gel fiber strength between 2 days After the gel fibers had been treated for 5 days with
and 13 days of seawater soaking (n=5, t=1.433, p>0.05). seawater, their wet tensile strengths decreased to 42% (gel
After 2 days in seawater, the wet tensile strength of the gel fiber derived from sodium alginate I-5G) and 19% (gel
fiber derived from low M/G ratio alginate (I-5G) decreased fiber derived from sodium alginate I-S) of the original
to 41% of the original untreated gel strength (Fig. 5). But untreated gel strengths. There was no statistical difference
in wet tensile strength between gel fibers (derived from
0.5 sodium alginate I-5G) treated with distilled water and those

treated with seawater containing 0.03 M calcium chloride
* (n=4, t=2.198, p>0.05). There was also no statistical
0.3 difference in wet tensile strength between gel fibers
(derived from sodium alginate I-S) treated with distilled
water and those treated with seawater containing 0.05 M
calcium chloride (n=4, t=0.773, p>0.05). Tukey’s multiple
comparison test indicated that there was no statistical
0 difference in wet tensile strength between gel fibers
I-5M I-5G (derived from sodium alginate I-S) treated with distilled
Sodium alginate water and those treated with seawater containing 0.04 M
Fig. 4 Effect of M/G ratio on seawater tolerance of gel fiber. The wet calcium chloride (Fig. 6), but the t test result indicated a
tensile strengths of calcium alginate gel fibers derived from alginates significant statistical difference (n=4, t=2.614, p<0.05).
with different M/G ratios but constant viscosity [I-5 M (1% aqueous
Gel fiber (derived from I-5G) in seawater containing 0.005
solution viscosity; 565 mPa·s, M/G ratio; 1.3) and I-5G (520 mPa·s,
M/G ratio; 0.6) ]. Extrusion nozzle diameter: 1.14 mm. Gel fiber wet M calcium chloride could retain 53% of the original
weight: 5 g. Soaking solution volume: 40 ml. Soaking solution untreated gel strength. From these results, adding 0.03 M
renewal:, 1 h×4 on first day. Storage time: 5 days. Wet tensile calcium chloride seems to be enough to maximize the
strengths of alginate gel fiber were measured according to Japan
original gel fiber strength in seawater (for I-5G sodium
Industrial Standard L1069. Each data point is the mean of three
replicates (mean ± SE). *Significant statistical difference. SW alginate). For I-S sodium alginate, adding 0.05 M calcium
Seawater, DW distilled water chloride was necessary.
Nineteenth International Seaweed Symposium 97

(GG-block, MM-block, and GM-block) also influence the

d, e e polymer properties.
Wet tensile strength (g d-1)
0.5 d,e
c, d f The influence of alginate molecular weight on the
e ,f
0.4 binding of calcium ions to alginate has been reported. Fang
0.3 b, c a
et al. (2007) revealed three distinct successive steps in the
b binding of calcium ions to alginate with increased concen-
tration of calcium ions. The first step is the interaction of
calcium ions with a single guluronate unit to form
0 10 20 30 40 50 DW
500 monocomplexes. The second step is the propagation and
Calcium concentration (mM) in SW formation of egg-box dimers via pairing of these mono-
Fig. 6 Effect of calcium ions on the wet tensile strength of gel fiber complexes. The third step is the lateral association of the
soaked in seawater. Calcium alginate gel fibers derived from I-5G (1%
aqueous solution viscosity; 520 mPa·s, M/G ratio; 0.6) and I-S
egg-box dimers, generating multimers. They also clarified
(994 mPa·s, M/G ratio; 1.3) were treated in solutions with various that the third step has different association modes depend-
calcium ion concentrations. Gel fiber wet weight: 5 g. Soaking ing on the molecular weight of the alginate.
solution volume: 40 ml. Soaking solution renewal: 1 h×4 on first day. The influence of the percentage and configuration of
Storage time;:5 days. Unfilled bar calcium alginate gel fibers derived
from I-5G. Filled bar calcium alginate gel fibers derived from I-S.
uronic acid blocks (GG-block, MM-block, and GM-block)
After soaking for 5 days, the wet tensile strengths of gel fibers were on the binding of calcium ions to alginate has also been
measured. Solutions included distilled water, seawater, seawater reported. Donati et al. (2005) reported that the frictional
containing 0.005 M calcium chloride, seawater containing 0.03 M force between the calcium–alginate gel network chains
calcium chloride, seawater containing 0.04 M calcium chloride, and
seawater containing 0.05 M calcium chloride. The wet tensile
increases with increasing length of the alternating mannur-
strengths of alginate gel fibers were measured according to Japan onate–guluronate (MG) sequences. Li et al. (2007) reported
Industrial Standard L1069. Each data point is the mean of four that MG block or short G blocks in calcium–alginate
replicates (mean). Bars marked with the same letter are not junction zones contribute gel bond stability.
significantly different according to Tukey’s multiple comparison test
(p=0.05). SW Seawater, DW distilled water
Gel fiber derived from low M/G ratio alginate was
stronger than that from high M/G ratio alginate (Figs. 2, 3).
The C-2 hydroxyl groups in the M (mannuronic acid) block
Discussion are transformed from an equatorial conformation to an axial
one, which reduces the flexibility of the polymer chain. But
Under a constant sodium alginate M/G ratio of 1.3, the the whole structure is like cellulose in its conformation. In
extent of sodium alginate viscosity in the range of about contrast, the G (guluronic acid) block has the axial–axial
16–994 mPa·s was proportional to the strength of calcium form of glycosides, which leads to a less flexible buckle-
gel fiber. But in the high viscosity region above 354 mPa·s type ribbon structure. Because its molecular model illus-
(I-3, I-5, I-7, and I-S), sodium alginate viscosity had no trates the existence of large voids between the helices, the
significant effect on the wet tensile strength of sodium G-block has a higher affinity for cation ligands and causes a
calcium gel fiber (Fig. 1). Molecular weight (Mw) was new configuration of the polymer chains which are brought
calculated using the formula: [η]=2.0×10−5MW. Molecular together by the cations. As the arrangement of the model, in
weights of sodium alginates tested were as follows: SI-L; which cations are arrayed in the voids full of oxygen
59×103, I-1; 136×103, I-3; 182×103, I-5; 206×103, I-7; molecules between the chains, resembles an egg box
241×103, and I-S; 255×103. The correlation coefficient (r= holding eggs, it is named the ‘egg box’ structure (Rees et
0.846) between the sodium alginate viscosities and the al. 1982). Braccini and Pérez (2001) developed a novel
calcium gel fiber strengths was smaller than that (r=0.962) molecular modeling procedure and demonstrated that the
between the sodium alginate molecular weights and the popular “egg-box model” can still be referred to in the case
fiber strengths. Thus, we infer that sodium alginate of polyguluronate in alginates. The small-angel x-ray
molecular weight was an influential factor in gel fiber scattering profiles of the alginate gels depend on the
strength. Because sodium alginate monomer (i.e. sodium alginate concentration, calcium ion concentration, and the
mannuronate or guluronate) has a molecular weight of alginate composition (Stokke et al. 2000). The small-angle
about 216, SI-L, I-1, I-3, I-5, I-7, and I-S corresponded to x-ray scattering study also revealed that high-G alginates
about 270, 630, 840, 950, 1,120, and 1,180 polymerization (proportion of guluronic acid residues fractions; 0.68) give
degrees, respectively. Therefore, we infer that an alginate alginic acid gels of a higher aggregate density compared to
with more than an 800 polymerization grade alginate (under domains composed of loosely packed shorter junction
a constant sodium alginate M/G ratio of 1.3) was needed to zones in intermediate-G alginates (proportion of guluronic
make a high strength gel fiber, although other parameters acid residues fractions; 0.50) or low-G alginates (proportion
such as percentage and configuration of uronic acid blocks of guluronic acid residues fractions; 0.39) (Draget et al.
98 Borowitzka et al. (eds.)

2003). We presume that low M/G ratio alginate could We conclude that this study enabled us to identify a
produce strong gel fibers because the guluronic acid suitable alginate gel fiber for use in seawater. A high
polymer (poly-guluronic acid) adopts an egg-box structure, viscosity sodium alginate with low M/G ratio seems to be
which is able to capture metal ions (calcium ions) and form the best raw material for deriving alginate gel fiber for use
a rigid gel. in seawater. Additional calcium ions were useful for
The wet tensile strengths of both gel fibers derived from preventing gel decomposition in seawater, a 0.03 M
I-5M and I-5G were decreased by seawater treatment calcium chloride concentration being enough to maximize
(Fig. 4). The percentage of the residual strength (44% of the original untreated gel strength in seawater.
the original untreated gel strength) of the gel fiber derived
from I-5G (G block rich alginate) was higher than that
Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge Dr Hisashi Yamaguchi
(19% of the original untreated gel strength) derived from of Kimica (Tokyo, Japan) for providing the sodium alginates (I-5G and
I-5M (M block rich alginate). The concentrations of ions in I-5M). We are grateful to Mr Hideki Obika of AIST Shikoku for much
typical seawater (salinity 34.5‰) are: sodium, 455 mM; helpful advice. We thank Ms. Satoko Tsukuda for her technical assistance.
magnesium, 52.5 mM; calcium, 10.2 mM; potassium, 9.2
mM; strontium, 0.15 mM (Lyman and Fleming 1940). We
think that after calcium alginate gel fibers were immersed in
seawater, sodium ions, which are the great majority of
chemical components in seawater, replaced the calcium ions
Braccini I, Pérez S (2001) Molecular basis of Ca2+-induced gelation in
of alginate gel fibers, and gel fiber strength decreased. The alginates and pectins: The egg-box model revisited. Biomacro-
high calcium ion capacity of G block rich alginate (i.e. I-5G) molecules 2:1089–1096
seems to be the reason for its high tolerance of seawater. Donati I, Holtan S, Mørch YA, Borgogna M, Dentini M, Skjåk-Bræk
We used a microorganism carrier (a calcium alginate gel) G (2005) New hypothesis on the role of alternating sequences in
calcium-alginate gels. Biomacromolecules 6:1031–1040
prepared from an M block rich alginate I-7 alginate (1%
Draget KI, Stokke BT, Yuguchi Y, Urakawa H, Kajiwara K (2003)
aqueous solution viscosity = 784 mPa·s, M/G ratio=1.3) in Small-angle x-ray scattering and rheological characterization of
our previous study. For preparation of gel fibers for use in alginate gels. 3. Alginic acid gels. Biomacromolecules 4:1661–
seawater, G block rich alginates may be a more suitable raw 1668
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material than M block rich ones. The change to G block
PA, Li LB (2007) Multiple steps and critical behaviors of the
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causes the fiber strength improvement which was an Gacesa P (1988) Alginates. Carbohydr Polym 8:161–182
unsolved problem in our previous study. Haug A, Larsen B, Smidsrød O (1967a) Studies on sequence of uronic
acid residues in alginic acid. Acta Chem Scand 21:691–704
The results from the study of the time course of the fiber
Haug A, Myklestad S, Larsen B, Smidsrød O (1967b) Correlation
strength decrease on storage with seawater suggest that the between chemical structure and physical properties of alginates.
fiber strength decrease was due to ion exchange from Acta Chem Scand 21:768–778
calcium ions to sodium ions, because the storage period Johnson FA, Craig DQM, Mercer AD (1997) Characterization of the
block structure and molecular weight of sodium alginates.
(between 2 days and 13 days) in seawater had no significant
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