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d ì q ī k è y ǔ f ǎ liàn x í

第七课 语法练习-2

1. Ordinal Number: adding the prefix 第 +number+(measure word if applicable) + noun

Example: Lesson 1 第一课
Question#1 第一个问题
1) The first month _____________________________________
2) The second week _____________________________________
3) The third year _____________________________________
4) The forth day _____________________________________
5) The fist cup of tea _____________________________________
6) Grammar #6 _____________________________________
7) Second dialogue _____________________________________

2. The adverb 就: to indicate or suggest the earliness , briefness or quickness of the action
The adverb 才: to indicate or suggest the tardiness, lateness of an action as perceived by the

Example: The dance started at 7:00. He came at 5:00. 。
舞会七点开始, 他五点就来。

The dance started at 7:00. He came at 8:00. (did not come till 8:00)

舞会七点开始, 他五点才来。

Practice: Write the following sentences in Chinese using 就 or 才

1) Class starts at 8:25. He came at 7:00

2) Class starts at 8:25. He comes at 9:00 (did come till 9:00.)
3) I came home at 5:0 yesterday. (earlier than usual)
4) I came home at 10:00 (later than expected)
5) We do it now. (Do it earlier than expected
6) We do it now. (Do it later than planned )
7) She learned Chinese at the age of 10 (really early)
8) She learned Chinese at the of 20 (hinting it is really late)

3. 真 (soooo), 太(too, usually combined with 了)-used in exclamatory sentences

xiě z ì
Example of 真: 他写字写得真好

1) He dances so well。
2) You are so smart!
3) Last week’s test is so easy
4) She is so cute.
5) He is so slow!

Example of 太: 这个电影太有意思了

1) My grammar is fantastic.
2) Grammar is really interesting.
3) You dance fantastically.
4) Lesson 7 grammar is too hard!
5) I am too slow!
6) You speak too fast. I don’t understand.

4. Somewhat, a little, 有一点儿+ adj-verb; 一点儿+ Noun

jué d e j ǐ n zhāng
Example: 我觉得 有一点儿紧 张 。
miàn b ā o
1) I think Chinese is a little hard.
2) I think the vocabulary is a little easy.
3) I like him a little.
4) Give me a little time.
5) Ms. Yang is a little busy now.
6) She is a little mad.
7) Give me some coffee.

5. Double Objects-direct object and indirect object

Example: 杨老师教我们 中文 Yang Laoshi teaches us Chinese

1) I would like to ask you a question

2) Little Bao gave us a bottle of water
3) Can you teach me to write Chinese character?

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