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Name : Novita Sarah

NIM : 19040027



1.1 The Background of the Study
English is one of the most important international languages in the
world. It is used by almost all people around the world to communicate each
other. That is why English is taught in every level of education in Indonesia
as the first foreign language. English is taught as a compulsory subject given
to the students of Junior High School and Senior High School for both
government, private schools and also University.
In Indonesia, English is taught as a foreign language that has four
skills, namely listening, reading, speaking and writing. The four skills are
supported by the learning of language elements. They are structure,
vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling.
There are many factors that influence people to succeed to learn
English, especially to acquire speaking ability. Among them are motivation
of learners, personality, environment, culture, teaching materials and
techniques, teachers and curriculum. Personality play an important role to
improve speaking ability. Pervin (2010:6) states that personality is the
characteristic of people which causes consistency of feeling, thinking and
behavior. One aspect that constructs personality is Introversion.
In addition, there are English students that still have a great difficulty
in speaking, it causes that students different in their performance levels, they
receive and process information differently; there is a difference in their
personality type and so is their understanding (Nazla, 2015, p.10). In this
research, the researcher focuses in the Introvert personality type. Moreover,
Hakim (2015, p.437) in his journal found that by knowing the student’s
personality, the teacher can choose the appropriate learning strategies for
them. Thus, the teacher should be studied the personality of the students to
provide a more fruitful learning and appropriate teaching environment
between the teacher and the students, because there is close connection
between the personality, the learning style, and the learning strategy of the
student in order to increase their speaking ability.
1.2 Research Questions
Based on the background of the study above, the writer has formulated some
research questions as follows:
1.2.1. What are the students’ personalities?
1.2.2. What is the correlation between Department of English Language
Education students’ personality and English speaking fluency?
1.3 Research Aims
The aims of this study are:
1.3.1. To find out information about the students’ personality.
1.3.2. To figure out the correlation between Department of English
Language Education students’ personality and English speaking fluency.
1.4 Significance of Study
This study has some significance for the writer, students, teachers, and the
1.4.1. For the writer
By doing this research, the writer hopes that he can study and has
more information about the correlation between students’ personality and
English speaking fluency. Furthermore, this research is very important to the
writer because the problem raised in this research is his personal experience.

1.4.2. For the students

The information in this research may lead students’ to have a
reflection of what makes them succeed or struggle in English speaking class.
Thus, they will learn how to solve their problems in English speaking
1.4.3. For the lecturers
This research is expected to provide lecturers with the information
about the correlation between students’ personality and their speaking
fluency. Understanding about the correlation may inspire the lecturers to put
more awareness in psychological aspects of students as an effort to make the
students develop their fluency in English speaking class.
1.4.4. For the readers
It is expected that the readers will have insight of the relationship
between students’ personality and English speaking fluency.
1.5 Scope of the Research
The scope of this research are :
1.5.1. Research Subject
The subject of this research is the fourth semester students of English
Education in STKIP PGRI West Sumatera.
1.5.2. Research Object
The object of this research is the student’s speaking performance in
their difference personality whether introvert or extrovert.
1.5.3. Research Setting
This research will be conducted at the fourth semester students of
English Department of STKIP PGRI West Sumatera.
1.6. The Definition of Key Terms
1.6.1. Personality
Personality according Pervin (2010:6) states that personality is the
characteristic of people which causes consistency of feeling, thinking and
1.6.2. Extrovert
An Extrovert is a type of one’s personality that is shown from the tendency
of being active, sociable, brave to take risk, impulsive, expressive, less
reflective and less responsible.
1.6.3. Introvert
According to Jung (in Howard, 2008:296), introverts focus on the
exploration of thoughts and feelings and experiences.
1.6.4. Speaking
According to Nunan, speaking ability is defined as the ability to carry out a
conversation in the language.

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