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PEH 3 Lesson 1: Individual, Dual, and life.

Sports and games are laboratories

Team Sports of life.
What is sport? Why are rules important?
• Sports is a part of human civilization. • Sports, by nature, is made up of rules.
These rules are put in place for several
• In the past, people or whole armies
would do battle with each other,
causing hundreds of death. Later, it o First, rules are put up in sport to
evolved into a fight between or secure safety.
among representatives. People would
▪ Skill, strength, speed, power, strength,
send the champion or the strongest
agility, competitive acumen, and
one of the army to represent and
swiftness of reaction time are
compete with the champions of the
characteristics developed as
other groups.
competitors try to best each other given
• Eventually, sports became a form of a set of parameters that will totally
entertainment, as well as an avenue eliminate, if not, minimize harm to each
to practice and show physical other and to everyone.
prowess and skill. o Second, rules are set up for a sport
What are the benefits of sports? or game to be playable.

• There are several benefits of engaging ▪ For example, boundary lines are usual
in sports. y put in place to eliminate players from
running away. This might sound too
o One is learning how to set goals, as well simplistic unless we think of a specific
as collaborating with others in order to situation. Imagine playing basketball
attain such goals. without an outside line. Once a team
o Another advantage of sports is learning scores, the next time they have ball
to follow and respect rules. possession, they can just dribble the
ball away and wait it out. The same
o The value of persistence and
logic goes for time. If there are no time
perseverance is also developed in
constraints, then a basketball team will
practices, motivated with the desire to
not have the need to drive the ball to
improve technique and the self.
the other side of the court and shoot the
o While the desire to win is encouraged, ball. In boxing or in most martial arts, a
dealing with loss and failure is also player needs to attack given an allowed
learned. amount of time. In weight lifting, the
participant needs to lift the weight within
o The values learned in sports or games
a given time after his or her name is
are also lessons anyone can apply in
called by the officials. Time and


boundary lines are examples of rules to What is “Citius, Altius, Fortius”?
make a sport playable.
• “Citius, Altius, Fortius” is the motto of
o Third, rules exist so that the sport is Olympic Games, an event that
marketable. symbolizes unity and exuberance of
▪ A sport that is not understood by the the human spirit.
audience alienates that audience. If a • The three Latin words mean “Faster,
spectator is watching and knows the Higher, Stronger”
rules, then the spectator is drawn into
Why do we play sports?
the game. The reasons that a player
acts in a certain way may be due to the • To build sportsmanship and
excitement induced as the game is camaraderie
played, the thrill of winning or the agony
Lesson 2: Track and Field: Athletics
of losing shared by the spectator. When
the audience knows the rules, the What is athletics?
demonstrations of skill, technique,
• Athletics is composed of sports
prowess, strength, and all the other
involving walking, running, jumping,
traits are a lot more appreciated. The
and throwing.
audience will then become a part of a
fan base for the sport who will want to o It is actually a group of sports, or
watch more, or who will want to engage events, divided mainly in what is known
in it, and the sport will gain popularity. as "track and field."
What is the difference between o Running, jumping, and throwing are all
individual and dual sports? military and hunting skills.
• In the individual sports, the student can o As these skills became identified as
engage in the sport without the direct games, related and varied skills such
need of a counter player. as the long jump, javelin throw, hammer
throw, hurdles, and triple jumps were
o For example, in athletics, a student can
perform the sprints without having to rely
on another player in order to play. • Eventually, the rules were refined
from the original Olympic Games,
• In contrast, dual sports are sports that
through the Dark Ages, then during
need two players or sides.
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
o For example, one cannot play table With the increase in competition
tennis alone. You need a direct counter came the improvement of technique
player in order to run the game. and training.
o Improvement of equipment and facilities
also played a hand in the evolution of


the sport, such as the development of o The triple jump also makes use of the
synthetic tracks, rubber shoes, poles for pit of sand for landing.
the pole vault, and so on.
▪ The combination for the triple jump is
What are Track Events? the hop-step-jump. The athlete lands
on both feet.
• Track events are different kinds of
races, from the 50-meter sprint to the o For the high jump and the pole vault,
distance races that require the landing surface is a pad
endurance. cushioned with rubber foam. For both
events, a crossbar held up on either
• Events that are variations of running
side by posts (uprights) must be
races include jumping over barriers
cleared. The jumpers must not knock
such as hurdles and steeplechases
off the crossbar, and knocking off the
crossbar eliminates the jumper. The
• There is an event involving group contest involves jumping at higher
running called the relay, while there heights than the crossbar.
are also walking races, where the What are the types of throws?
racer must not elevate off the ground,
and the leg touching the ground in • The throws consist of throwing the
front must not be bent for a moment. hammer, discus, javelin, and shot
What are Field Events?
o The object of the game is to throw as
• Field events are comprised of far as the athletes can.
jumping and throwing events. These
are usually held inside or beside the • The discus and hammer throw
track oval, or in areas specially involves a spinning move that might
designed for it. be dangerous to spectators; thus, it is
performed in a cage to protect
What are the types of jumps?
• The jumps consist of the long jump, o All three throws (hammer, shot put,
the triple jump, the high jump, and the and discus) are thrown from inside a
pole vault. circle. The javelin is thrown from a
o The long jump is performed with a run prior to a foul line.
single jump, landing on a pit of sand
• The discus is usually made of a
that is designed for that purpose.
wooden disc with a metal rim. The
▪ The distance is measured at the hammer is a steel wire with a metal
nearest mark where the athlete ball and a handle.


What is the IAAF?
• The governing body of the athletics is
“International Association of Athletics
• Former International Amateur
Athletics Federation


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