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Amanda Diable

634 7th Street

Pitcairn, PA 15140

25 November, 2022
Nate Rempe
President & Chief Operating Officer of Omaha Steaks
10909 John Galt Blvd
Omaha, Nebraska 68103, US

Dear Mr. President and Chief Operating Officer,

In the words of the famous English poet, painter, and printmaker William Blake, “Hindsight is a
wonderful thing but foresight is better, especially when it comes to saving life, or some pain.” I
understand in your role how genuinely busy you are, and appreciate you taking the time to
address my very real concerns.

Animal Drugs and Human Health authors Franco and Crawford quote, “The use of hormones in
food-producing animals is generally limited to anabolic implants. The latter are growth
regulators that repartition or shift growth. Their use is confined to food-producing ruminants
(cattle, calves, sheep), in which they cause the shift from fat to lean, an increase in growth rate,
and reduced feed requirements for growth…” Personally, I have a distinct concern with farmers
and companies that use hormones used for growth on and in food producing animals. I am very
passionate about this issue; as I personally suffered the effects of boosted hormone levels when I
was six years old. As a result of my mother feeding my brother and I so much chicken, the
hormones used to produce larger chickens affected my own; consequently, the hormone levels in
my body have forced my development to be six years ahead of schedule. I had to spend months
getting blood work and tests done for doctors to try to figure out what was happening with my
body and why. As another example, a boy I went to school with started developing female breast
tissue, and doctors linked his tissue development to the hormones used in chickens before they
linked my own health condition to the same. Ultimately, this is an issue that I very passionately
speak about in terms of the need for further research to be conducted, as research at this time is
very inclusive.
1. Franco, Don A., and Crawford, Lester M.. Animal Drugs and Human Health. United States, CRC
Press, 2020.
2. “Steroid Hormone Implants Used for Growth in Food-Producing Animals”. FDA. 13 April 2022. 27
October 2022.
I am not saying in this moment that I expect your company to walk away from a production
method that has clearly been profitable; however, I am asking that at this time your company
agrees to halt the use of hormones until further and more conclusive testing results can be
obtained. To offset any potential loss of revenue while further testing is conducted, the company
could use the funds that would be utilized to purchase hormones to purchase additional chickens
and be able to increase sales by the pound. Franco and Crawford also stated, “The safety factor
continues to be in the forefront in most of the important debates and policy decisions involving
hormone use. International differences have split the world’s scientific community on use
acceptance.” Other countries have clear scientific based concerns regarding the use of hormones
and their safety on the populations living within their political boundaries; it is time that the
United States takes a more serious stance on this public health concern. In their article, Steroid
Hormones Implants Used for Growth in Food-Producing Animals, the FDA states “Since the
1950s, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a number of steroid hormone
drugs for use in beef cattle and sheep, including natural estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and
their synthetic versions. These drugs increase the animals’ growth rate and the efficiency by
which they convert the feed they eat into meat.” Some doctors clearly believe, through the
testing of human hormone levels, that more testing needs to be done to substantiate praise of the
use of hormones in animals that humans will consume. As a fifth-generation family-owned
company, I appeal to your love of family as I ask that you also put the families of your customers
and their safety as well.

I feel it falls in the ethical principal of rights and responsibilities that we all take the obligation of
keeping one another safe more seriously. I am unsure how many children in my age group grew
up in the same situation, finding hormones negatively impacting their growth and development;
however, I feel it is my moral obligation to share my story and raise awareness of what can
happen to other children. Additionally, I believe the FDA needs to be more aware and do more
testing based on the findings of other doctors.

Furthermore, the belief in the dignity of all humans/the belief that people are valuable and
worthy as humans, is also called into question with the continued use of these hormones despite
the lack of continued quality testing. The health and wellness of all humans should be held at a
higher standard, especially that of children. Your company has the ability - and more importantly
the moral obligation – to put the health and wellness of fellow human beings, your own customer
base, at the forefront of this decision.

1. Franco, Don A., and Crawford, Lester M.. Animal Drugs and Human Health. United States, CRC
Press, 2020.
2. “Steroid Hormone Implants Used for Growth in Food-Producing Animals”. FDA. 13 April 2022. 27
October 2022.
One of the things I appreciate most of all about your company is your promise to make things
right with your customers on any order. I also appreciate that your family continues to be at the
center of the business that you run. I would like to thank you in advance for your time and
consideration on this health matter. I trust that a man of your reputation will do what you believe
is best for the health and safety of your customers and potential future customers. As Zig Ziglar
said, “Integrity gives you real freedom because you have nothing to fear since you have nothing
to hide.”

Thank you,

Amanda Diable

1. Franco, Don A., and Crawford, Lester M.. Animal Drugs and Human Health. United States, CRC
Press, 2020.
2. “Steroid Hormone Implants Used for Growth in Food-Producing Animals”. FDA. 13 April 2022. 27
October 2022.

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