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Desalination 365 (2015) 389–397

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Recent advances in utilization of graphene for filtration and desalination

of water: A review
Arash Aghigh a, Vahid Alizadeh a, H.Y. Wong a, Md. Shabiul Islam b,c, Nowshad Amin c, Mukter Zaman a,⁎
Faculty of Engineering (FOE), Multimedia University, 63100 Cyberjaya, Malaysia
Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN), UKM, 43600, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), 43600, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


• Graphene shows good potential for water desalination and filtration systems.
• NG membranes show high salt rejection and feasibility in RO applications.
• CDI is heavily material dependent but feasible in water desalination.
• GO sieving is a novel method and needs further improvement for desalination.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Water as a basic necessity is an influential factor in our everyday lives but water pollution, urbanization, and huge
Received 15 December 2014 population growth has led humankind to the brink of water resource scarcity. To address this issue, water filtra-
Received in revised form 13 March 2015 tion as well as desalination got enormous interest by the research community. Recently graphene, a new two
Accepted 14 March 2015
dimensional material with exceptional capabilities and characteristics, has become apposite in the field of
Available online 20 March 2015
water filtration and desalination. This paper reviews the recent progress in Graphene research for water desali-
nation using novel methods such as Nanoporous Graphene (NG) sheets as well as Capacitive Deionization (CDI)
Graphene method. Among which most promising uniform NG sheets can be used for water filtration and desalination at a
Water desalination removal efficiency of 33–100% depending on the pore size as well as the applied pressure [1] and has a water flow
Nanoporous graphene rate of 10–100 L/cm2/day/MPa [1] and by adjusting the pore size, different mineral filtrations can take place [1].
CDI The main drawback which limits the widespread utilization of NG is the mechanical stability of NG sheets as the
Nanopores pore number increases since water permeability is directly proportional to the number of pores, pore distribution
RGO as well as the mass production of graphene sheets which has not been solved [1,2]. Apart from this, in CDI
Graphene oxide
method, filtration is done by applying a certain potential difference between arrays of paired electrodes. The
GO sieve
mentioned CDI method has moderate removal efficiency but has higher energy efficiency compared to the
reverse osmosis method due to minimal energy requirement of only 0.1–2.03 kWh/m3 [3]. Graphene oxide
based desalination is another emerging desalination method which is gaining popularity because of its ease of
fabrication, industry scale production, and strong mechanical stability [4,5]. It uses the “ion sponging” effect
and can block hydrated ions with a radius greater than 4.5 A°. But still this method should be further improved
as small seawater salts are able to pass from the GO sieve [6,7].
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
1.1. Graphene: characteristics, synthesis and opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
1.2. Reduced graphene oxide fabrication process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
2. Pyridine–thermal preparation of graphene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
3. Water filtration and desalination using nanoporous graphene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
4. Capacitive deionization using graphene based electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Zaman).
0011-9164/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
390 A. Aghigh et al. / Desalination 365 (2015) 389–397

5. Desalination application using graphene oxide membranes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395

6. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396

1. Introduction sheet of graphite was first defined as graphene in 1986 by Boehm

et al. [22]. Graphene has a honeycomb lattice structure and a carbon–
Water has always been one of the basic needs of human beings. With carbon bond length of 0.142 nm [23] and has many superiorities over
the rapid growth of the population, consumable water has become very conventional materials, one of the most fascinating properties of
scarce and is expected to worsen between now and 2040, thus, novel graphene is that it is only one atom thick and thus instead of being a
solutions must be implemented. The use of underground and sea water 3D material, this material is only 2D. It has high thermal conductivity
is limited due to the contamination and the huge cost for contamination (5300 W/mK) and electrical conductivity (2000 S/cm) and in addition,
removal, salt and unwanted particle separation [8,9]. It is necessary to it has the fastest electron mobility [24]. It is 30 times harder than dia-
deploy low cost water purification techniques to purify contaminated monds and 200 times harder than steel [25,26]. Moreover, it also has in-
water as well as desalination for sea water. Many methods have been im- teresting optical properties and can absorb about 2.3% of white light
plemented for water treatment such as ion exchange, reverse osmosis which makes it an excellent choice for the production of more efficient
and distillation [9]. The widespread utilization of these methods is limited solar cells [26]. With all of the mentioned advantages, there is a problem
due to self-contamination [9], huge power requirements [9], and utiliza- with graphene and it is that a band gap is not present and thus it can
tion of intense resources [9] and not being economically viable. As an never be switched off and thus an engineered band gap needs to be im-
example, reverse osmosis is used among wealthy countries such as plemented so that it can be used in different applications [26]. Apart
Saudi Arabia and Israel which have the necessary resource for deploying from this, due to the defects introduced during the exfoliation time,
such plants when confronted with water shortage [10]. This process was high quality graphene is hardly obtainable [27]. Despite these limita-
implemented in the 1990s to replace multistage flash distillation and tions, graphene is considered suitable for lots of applications such
multiple-effect distillation due to their high power consumption [1,11] as transistor fabrication, super capacitors, improved batteries, solar
requirements. In RO, a polymer membrane is used in which seawater is cells and water purification [28]. Graphene can be fabricated in both
pressurized from one side of the membrane and because of the structural bottom-up and top-down methods. The preparation of Graphene from
gaps of the membrane, only water will be able to pass through and hy- chemical reaction of organic and small molecules is called bottom-up
drated ions such as sodium and chloride ions will be filtered and will method. Epitaxial growth using silicon carbide, thermal CVD and
not be able to pass [12]. In addition, this method can produce an average PECVD can be used to grow graphene on many substrates [24]. In
of 250 million gallons of fresh water per day [13]. But still as an example, the top-down method, fine graphene with good yield can be produced
reverse osmosis method was not successful in Almeria—a Spanish prov- by using the following methods: chemical reduction, electrochemical
ince due to high consumption of electricity [14]. Moreover the membrane synthesis and chemical derivations [24]. Fig. 2 shows some of the
filter technology can be summarized in the table below. methods mentioned for fabricating graphene.
So the problem that needs to be addressed is to find cost and power In addition, many other ways have also been developed for prepar-
efficient processes for water purification and desalination, eliminate ing graphene and by these fabrication methods, different characteristics
self-contamination and more importantly should be industrially appli- of the material can be modified and catered for specific needs and pur-
cable. As such, nanotechnology has opened a window of opportunity poses. For example, for obtaining graphene-polymer films with large-
for researching on water purification and improving the environment area which are flat and single layered, Langmuir–Blodgett assembly is
by studying on a selection of new materials [16]. But nowadays, many used [30,31].
of these materials have proven to be inefficient in this application. For
example, low salt rejection is a serious problem in carbon nanotube 1.2. Reduced graphene oxide fabrication process
based membranes and in addition high-aligned and high-density CNT
arrays are very difficult to produce [17,18]. In addition, another material Since producing graphene is not an easy process, instead a substitu-
that was considered but was not successful was Zeolite for its compara- tion can be used which has a very similar structure to genuine graphene
tively low water permeability [19] and for comparison purposes, the salt and it is called the Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO). For creating RGO a
rejection vs. water permeability of graphene is presented in Fig. 1. few steps should be taken, firstly graphite is oxidized and thus graphite
As a consequence, graphene has been investigated and identified as
a new material for certain characteristics and properties suitable for the
purpose of water purification. Besides, graphene is very light and also
can withstand high water pressure which makes it advantageous to
other nanofiltration materials [21]. This paper will summarize recent
research works for water purification and desalination using graphene
and will provide a detailed investigative result in applied and appli-
cation perspectives which includes description of graphene, its char-
acteristics, fabrication, and characterization methods. In the next
part, graphene based water desalination methods namely NG as well
as graphene based CDI will be discussed in details and the possibilities
of graphene oxide sieves will also be briefly discussed and the paper
will end with summarizing of the reported and expected results and
findings for better clarification, comparison and benchmarking purpose.

1.1. Graphene: characteristics, synthesis and opportunities

Graphene is a new material which was first synthesized in 2004

using a scotch tape and a piece of graphite, although a single atomic Fig. 1. Salt rejection vs. water permeability of different filtration methods [20].
A. Aghigh et al. / Desalination 365 (2015) 389–397 391

(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a): Chemically converted graphene by reduction of graphene oxide [24]. (b): Low temperature and low pressure CVD growth of graphene on metals [29].

oxide can be formed. Afterwards it requires treating of graphite oxide Graphene is more preferable compared to more traditional methods
with hydrazine hydrate at 100° for 24 h. In the next step the RGO is since it rectifies major problems in graphene fabrication such as toxicity
exposed to hydrogen plasma and a strong light which is very similar and restacking which makes this method an excellent candidate for
to the xenon light. Next, the prepared RGO is heated in distilled water graphene based desalination purposes.
and is combined with an expansion–reduction agent. In the last step
the RGO is heated to a high temperature degree and linear sweep
voltammetry is conducted [32]. 3. Water filtration and desalination using nanoporous graphene

This method is the novel method in water desalination and has been
2. Pyridine–thermal preparation of graphene studied in the research center in MIT University in the USA and it can be
used as a viable membrane for reverse osmosis method. Traditional
From the mentioned methods, reduction of graphene oxide has been reverse osmosis membranes have low water permeability and thus
proven to be a more promising choice of fabrication in large-scale require higher operation power for the desalination process [34]. In
Graphene fabrication since it has shown superiorities such as cost- this new membrane, graphene is modified by creating nanopores on
efficiency which is a necessity in the graphene fabrication industry. the surface of the graphene. In this process, well-structured channels
Apart from its superiorities, this method is limited by the fact that it is of pores can facilitate the water flow and thus make the flow fast. In
highly dependent on the choice of reduction agent being used. Many addition, not only salt can be rejected using this method, but by modify-
reduction agents have been used but most of these agents have caused ing the size of the pores, other materials, based on their molecular size
problems such as toxicity or restacking of graphene which is highly can be filtered as well. For rejecting ions and other solute molecules,
undesirable especially in desalination applications. One of the new the pores use physical principals such as charge and hydrophobicity
strategies that has been used to eliminate the mentioned problems [1]. The whole process of desalination can be seen in Fig. 4.
and has caused enhancements in capacitive deionization desalination Graphene has many advantages over other membranes that are
is the pyridine–thermal strategy which can be illustrated and summa- used for the purpose of water desalination. The first and most important
rized in Fig. 3 [33] and characteristics of this novel fabrication process advantage is that since it is one atom thick, its thickness can be
will be summarized in the CDI section of this paper later on. neglected. On the contrary to its negligible thickness, graphene has
From all of the fabrication methods discussed in the previous high mechanical strength and these two attributes lead to low pressure
sections, for desalination purposes, pyridine–thermal preparation of requirements and faster water transport [1,25,26].

Fig. 3. Graphene fabrication using pyridine–thermal strategy [33].

392 A. Aghigh et al. / Desalination 365 (2015) 389–397

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 4. (a) Nanoporous graphene water desalination [1,35], (b) nanopores with hydrophilic bonding [1,36], (c) graphene filter computer simulation [1,34], and (d) nanopores with
hydrophilic bondings (left) and functionalized nanopores on graphene (right) [1,36].

So the question that arises here is that how something that is harder gallium ion gun is used and this gun scans the graphene sheet from
than diamond can be punctured. Two methods can be used to create the left to right and from top to bottom and an unfocused beam of gallium
nanopores required on the graphene so that water desalination can be ion is shot at the graphene sheet causing the gallium ions to be scattered
performed. In addition, the size of these pores must be very precise on all of the Graphene sheet causing disruptions in the lattice of the
and thus the puncturing process must be performed with extra care material and knocking off carbon atoms. Afterwards, the created defects
and control. If the pore sizes are very small, the water molecules will would be vulnerable to etching and thus, graphene is placed inside a
not be able to pass through the pores and thus desalination will not be solution of acidic potassium permanganate which is also used for
performed. If the pore sizes are too large, the salt molecules will be unzipping carbon nanotubes. The amount of time that the graphene
able to pass through with the water molecules which are highly unde- sheet is immersed in the oxidizing solution controls the pores that are
sirable. The first method that was mainly used for creating these pores created on the graphene sheet and the more time the graphene is
was electron beam exposure but nowadays, for the purpose of achieving immersed in the solution the size of the pores will also become larger
higher porosity as well as increasing the precision, chemical etching and [37,38]. The process can be seen in the Fig. 5.
etc. is in use [1]. Recently, researchers have found an efficient way for In their research, the result of using such method was a single layer
creating the required pores on the graphene sheets. In this process, a graphene that contained five trillion 0.4 nm holes/cm [37]. But for

Fig. 5. (a–c) Gallium ion bombardment of graphene sheets and (d) etching with oxidizing solution [6].
A. Aghigh et al. / Desalination 365 (2015) 389–397 393



Fig. 6. (a) Water molecule on the feed side vs. simulation time for different pressures (left), water flux vs. applied pressure (right) [34], (b) salt rejection vs. applied pressure and for
hydrogenated (upper line) and hydroxylated pore (bottom line), and (c) water permeability vs. open pore area for hydrogenated and hydroxylated pores [1].

desalination purposes, it is found through experimental analysis that membrane will decrease and also the pore distribution is another prob-
the maximum pore diameter should be approximately around 7 A° [1, lem of this method as well as the mass production of Graphene sheets
34]. In addition, further research should be conducted for the men- which need to be addressed by extensive researching [1,2,40].
tioned technique to be used in larger graphene filters [37]. After creating In addition, the mentioned problems are hoped to be rectified as the
the pores, some hydrophilic bonding at the pores to enhance the water commercialized version of this membrane has been patented to
flux which goes through the pores is created. The reason behind this is Lockheed Martin and is named Perforene and as mentioned before, by
that a higher sum of hydrogen-bonding configuration will be available modifying the pore size, different mineral capturing is possible [41].
inside the pores [1]. The company has also stated that the new membrane filters will be
In their research Tanugi and Grossman demonstrated that this new 500 times thinner and 99% more energy efficient than the best reverse
membrane for water purification was far greater than the traditional osmosis technology [15,42] and it is highly anticipated that by the in-
reverse osmosis membranes due to its superior water permeability in vestment of the company in this new membrane, the disadvantages of
comparison with the best RO membranes presently in use. In addition, the membrane will be rectified and negligible.
it was found that the salt rejection was dependent on two elements: Although promising results have been obtained for NG membrane in
pore size and pressure. It was shown that increasing the pore size and RO applications, but it is noteworthy that all of the obtained results are
the pressure will both degrade the salt rejection ability of the mem- simulation based and practical results have not yet been obtained for
brane [1]. The graph for the results obtained can be seen in Fig. 6. this novel membrane. Further research and studies should be conducted
Another Allotrope of carbon can also be used in water desalination so that this method can be commercially available and feasible. In addi-
and it is called graphyne. This membrane has not been fabricated yet, tion, the control and distribution of pores on the Graphene sheet as well
but based on computer simulation results; its performance is compara- as the mass production of Graphene are two main concerns which re-
ble with nanoporous graphene as presented in Table 2 below in which quire extensive study and further investigation to be resolved for this
the differences in removal efficiency as well as water flow rate for method since salt rejection is heavily influenced by the pore size and
both methods is presented. (See Table 1.) distribution and mass production of graphene is essential for real
The main problem for the NG membrane is that the water flow is world application of this method. So despite the favorable simulation
directly proportional to the numbers of pores on the graphene sheet results, real world implementation of this method should be performed
and by increasing the number of pores, the mechanical stability of the so that the robustness of NG membranes can be truly tested.

Table 1
Membrane filter technology [15].

Filter type Symbol Pore size (μm) Operating pressure (psi) Types of materials removed

Microfilter MF 1.0–0.01 b30 Clay, bacteria, large viruses, suspended solids

Ultrafilter UF 0.01–0.001 20–100 Viruses, proteins, starches, colloids, silica, organics, dye, fat
Nanofilter NF 0.001–0.0001 50–300 Sugar, pesticides, herbicides, divalent anions
Reverse osmosis RO b0.0001 225–1000 Monovalent salts
394 A. Aghigh et al. / Desalination 365 (2015) 389–397

Table 2
Removal efficiency and water flow rate of nanoporous graphene and graphyne sheet.

Method Removal efficiency Water flow rate L/cm2/day/MPa Remarks

Nanoporous graphene [1,34] 33–100% 10–100 Depends on pore size and applied pressure
Graphyne sheet [39] 80–100% 13

4. Capacitive deionization using graphene based electrodes well as desalination capacitance [49]. Another important factor that
should be taken into consideration when using mesoporous carbon is
In this process, CDI is used for the purpose of water desalination. In its pore structure because electroadsorption which is the key principle
this method, Graphene is not used as the main filtering process and in of CDI technology is affected by the pore size and thus suitable pore
here it is only a part of the CDI and its nanocomposite is used as the elec- size and structure are essential. Fig. 8 illustrates three fabricated pore
trodes. In this process the main driving mechanism of the CDI for configurations for mesoporous carbon namely 2-D hexagonal, 3-D
removing ions is electrostatic adsorption [43]. CDI or electrosorption is cubic symmetry and 3-D bicontinuous [50].
the process in which when a direct voltage through its electrodes is It has been shown through experimentation that electroadsorption
applied, the ionic species will be adsorbed to the electrodes and it is in 3-D symmetry cubic configuration is superior compared to the two
mainly used for desalination applications. If the external voltage is other pore structures [50]. In addition, apart from mesoporous carbon,
reversed or shorted, this will cause the adsorbed ions to be released to many other materials can be used as electrodes for CDI applications
our solution again [9]. Fig. 7 graphically represents the CDI process. which are summarized in Table 3.
The main water purification process in this method is highly Moreover, besides the Batch method, Flow-through capacitor (FTC)
dependable on the materials that are used for CDI. The advantages method is another popular method which is used in CDI technology.
that can be named for this process are as follows: energy efficiency, CNTs have proven to be exceptional in this method due to their stability
high removal efficiency, easy regeneration and low cost. As mentioned and strength as well as their low resistivity. One of the main consider-
before, the electrode is the most important part of the water purification ations in this method is the BET surface area. Studies have shown that
system and must have some specific characteristics which can be seen BET surface area is reversely proportional to CNT nanotube diameters
below: large specific surface, good electrical conductivity and suitable and thus by decreasing the diameter, higher BET surface area can be
pore size [9]. For the preparation of the electrode, several steps must achieved which will lead to higher removal efficiency up to 95% [56].
be taken and different techniques must be applied. The first step is to Moreover, the surface texture of CNTs can be enhanced using the car-
prepare the graphene and resol (RGO-RF) which was thoroughly bonization of hot-pressed CNTs in which will result in a removal effi-
discussed previously. Next by using Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) for ciency of more than 90% and also increases the specific capacitance
the purpose of binding, desired electrode is fabricated and functional- from 2.4 to 10.6 and decreases the equivalent resistance from 15.1 to
ized them into the capacitive deionization device for desalination appli- 2.2 which in terms will lead to better CDI performance [57].
cations [9]. Like any other technology, CDI also suffers some drawbacks as well,
The results of the experiments which was reported by Zhuo Wang one is the requirement of a considerable external power source and the
et al. shows that using RGO-RF has a better adsorption characteristics other one is the brine solution disposal of the system [58]. CDI has
of NaCl than using the conventional RGO. In addition, since a higher spe- shown promising results in desalination applications and unlike NG
cific area is required, it was found that using Resol will enhance the spe- membranes which are still in the simulation stage, CDI has been tested
cific surface. It was also shown that Langmuir adsorption is observed in and implemented in various configurations. It is one of the most power
the CDI method [9]. In terms of efficiency, many studies have shown en- efficient methods which is available nowadays but it also experiences
ergy efficiencies ranging from 60–95% [45,46]. Moreover, composite major drawbacks such as heavy electrode material dependence as
materials such as graphene/CNT, three-dimensional macroporous well as self-contamination which require further investigation so that
graphene, etc. are also being extensively researched for desalination a more efficient electrode material and configuration can be used with
purposes in this field because they provide good surface area and supe- this method which can rectify the mentioned problems.
rior conductivity [47,48]. Table 4 shows a summary of all the findings that have been stated in
Apart from these materials, one of the main materials that has this paper. From the table, it is clear that CDI has superiority over RO in
shown promising results in the CDI application and has been proven terms of Power requirement [3,59]. In addition, NG can be modified to
to be more desalination efficient than activated carbon is mesoporous reject any contamination and NG is more energy efficient and has
carbon. Compositing this material with carbon nanotube has shown higher salt rejection but it suffers from major drawbacks and that is
promising results in CDI due to its superior electrical conductivity as the complexity of controlling the pore size and pore distribution across

(a) (b)

Fig. 7. (a) Capacitive deionization process from salt water to desalinated water [44] and (b) capacitive deionization process using flow-through method [26].
A. Aghigh et al. / Desalination 365 (2015) 389–397 395

Fig. 8. (a) 2-D hexagonal, (b) 3-D symmetry cubic and (c) 3-D biocontinuous [50].

the graphene sheet and the mass production of graphene is not yet not suitable for seawater desalination because the GO mesh should be
tangible [1,2]. reduced from 9 A° to 6 A° to be able to filter the finest salts in the sea
water [6,62]. Fig. 9 shows the simulation results for a 9A graphene slit.
5. Desalination application using graphene oxide membranes GO sieving is a novel method which is in its early stages of develop-
ment and require further research for optimization. This method is not
Graphene oxide is another membrane that has recently found a yet applicable for seawater desalination because the mesh size of the
place in desalination application. The difference between ordinary GO sieve is not yet small enough so that it can be used to filter out
graphene sheets and graphene oxide sheets is that graphene oxide small seawater salt ions and the sieve requires further improvement
sheets are covered with hydroxyl molecules [6]. These materials are to be able to be applicable in desalination processes. On the other
popular because of their ease of fabrication, mechanical strength and hand, one of the major fortes of implementing this method is the mate-
industrial scale production [4,5]. GO laminates can be stacked on each rial of choice which makes GO sieving very cost efficient.
other to form a single membrane that has millions of nanocapillaries
[6,7]. It was found that smaller ions can move through the membrane 6. Conclusion
very faster than the diffusion mechanism. It was like the nanocapillaries
act like strong vacuum cleaners that draw in smaller ions and this effect In this review, different characteristics of graphene which can be
was termed as “ion sponging” [6,7]. Moreover, interestingly, the ions implemented for water purification and desalination is investigated. It
moved in the reverse direction of the osmosis-driven water. It should was found that due to its high thermal and electrical conductivity as
also be noteworthy that ion charge does not have any influence on the well as hard structure, graphene is a nominal candidate for conducting
permeation rate and the only important factor which plays an impor- the process of water purification. In this paper firstly the properties
tant role in the permeation rate is the hydrated radii of the species. It and capabilities of most novel membrane for desalination which is
was found in the research that hydrated ions with a radius higher nanoporous graphene [1] is reported. The advantages of this membrane
than 4.5 A° will be blocked using this method [62]. Still, this process is are as follows: it can be used in low pressures and it is more power

Table 3
Comparison between different electrode materials in batch mode operation.

Electrode material Flow rate Conductivity initial Voltage Conductivity final Operation hours
(mL/min) (μS/cm) (V) (μS/cm) (h)

Pristine mesoporous carbon/CNT [49] 25 93.5 1.2 b20 2

KOH activated mesoporous carbon/CNT [49] 25 93.5 1.2 b10 2
Pyridine–thermal graphene [33] 25 86.9 2 10.2 2
Graphene-coated hollow mesoporous carbon spheres [51] 25 68 1.6 15.8 2
Graphene/mesoporous carbon [52] 25 89.5 2 b10 1
Ordered mesoporous carbon/CNT [53] 25 93.5 1.2 b20 2
3-dimensional graphene [54] 30 60 1.2 b30 1.33
3-dimensional graphene-based hierarchically porous carbon [54] 30 60 1.2 b15 1.33
3-dimensional hierarchical porous carbon [55] 25 70 2 b10 1.33

Table 4
Comparison between water filtration methods.

Method Advantage Disadvantage Power Power Material

source requirement

Nanoporous Modifiable pore size, high salt rejection, low and high Mechanical stability decrease with number of pores, pore Yes Unknown Graphene
graphene pressure operation, power and cost efficient size control, mass production has not been reached
CDI [3,9] Energy efficient, low cost, moderate rate of removal, Material dependent, source causes contamination Yes 0.1–2.03 Reduced
regenerate able kWh/m3 graphene oxide,
RO [59–61] Good efficiency, various application, removal of many Membrane degradation, periodic replacement, high power Yes 3–8 Cellulose
contaminants requirement, high operation cost kWh/m3 acetate,
396 A. Aghigh et al. / Desalination 365 (2015) 389–397

(a) (b)


Fig. 9. (a) Sieving characteristic of GO with different materials, (b) molecular sieving simulation, and (c) GO sieve ion transport and different applications [6,63].

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