Part 1 1984

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Quote EOF/motif commentary

War is peace doublethink This is doublethink, as

specified by the
Freedom is slavery
narrator. The author
Ignorance is Strength included this because
later in the story, the
reader finds out the
true meaning of these

“[A] smallish, frail characterization With the way Orwell

figure, the meagerness described Smith’s
of his body merely physical attributes, it
emphasized by the blue comes to make Winston
overalls which were the Smith out to be this
uniform of the Party. weak and frail
His hair was very fair, character. However,
his face naturally with the use of just one
sanguine, his skin word, sanguine, Orwell
roughened by coarse manages to completely
soap and blunt razor change the outlook of
blades and the cold Smith’s personality. By
winter” describing Winston, as
this man with a
naturally sanguine face,
it may come to
foreshadow something
about his true
character. That Smith is
this optimistic and
motivated person who
does want to work
towards a better future,
a future from the
“At thirty-five he was characterization The direct
already putting on rolls characterization of
of fat on the neck and Parsons body and
at the waistline, but his movements reminds
movements were brisk one of a very young boy
and boyish. His whole (so young that he
appearance was that of cannot think for himself
a little boy grown large, yet) not a grown man.
so much so that This characterization of
although he was Parsons resembling a
wearing the regulation child was most likely
overalls, it was almost used to reflect how he
impossible not to think also mentally resembles
of him as being dressed a child. Parsons is naive
in the blue shorts, grey and trusting of the
shirt, and red party, much like a child
neckerchief of the with their parent, he
Spies. ” believes the Party can
do no wrong.

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