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2 - Final Question Practice

From analysing all the sources, it was clear that the war was avoidable to some point and in
some conditions. Source B said that even though Hitler’s ambitions was high, he was trying his
best to achieve them without provoking a war. Hitler believed that in a condition of Communism
breaking down, he will achieve eastern Europe peacefully. From the same source, Hitler also
made a promise that he will not threaten the two most powerful empires which were Britain and
France. In source D, after the settlement, Chamberlain believed that it was the begin of the
larger one that will find peace in Europe. It showed that Hitler are always ready for a peaceful
talk and no one wanted to risk a war, he even agree that he will assure the peace as long as
both sides can reach some kind of agreement. While both sources above told us that the war
would be avoidable, source E expressed the regret as countries could do better to avoid it. From
the source’s point of view, abandoning Czechoslovakia was a terrible result of the
miscalculations from the past years. The European has lost their chance to maintain peace and
it was a painful consequences from what they have done and if they did a better job, the war
might be avoidable.

However, from reading the remaining sources, I can see the different views from the event,
where the war was unavoidable and reshaping the world is a must. Studying Source A, from the
very start, we can see that the Czech crisis has bought Europe very close to war as it has gone
too far and any actions from then was just delaying the war, not to avoid it. Moreover, the
source also said that even though Hitler expressed that he had no interest in the British, in the
long run, he was ready to provoke a war with the empire. Not to mention, the source also said
that Hitler’s desires could only be achieved by military forces and he more than well
acknowledging that, therefore, his intention in the first place was to using the military. Source C,
a British cartoon was showing Britain’s ignorance towards their allies, as they were being
compared with rocks that was held by a thin string, at some point, as the string cannot holding
anymore (expressing the anger that were bursting), the string will no longer being able to held
them in, that is when the war is about to begin. Last but not least, as I mentioned, source E was
so regretful because of the consequences that the world was facing, it strengthen the point that,
the war was unavoidable due to miscalculations, things leaving undone and many more
consequences that were adding up.

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