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@ ELABORATE Document] FWSTLOIS Saint Louis University Code School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts RevisionNo. [07 Effectvty June 07,2021 Page Toft04 Read and study the example of the Service Leaming Program from pages 164-178. G Propet fan othe | SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY EXTENSION AND OUTREACH PROGRAMS (CEOPO) of SLU. Reproduction, storing ina roival sy copying, cording, or aterwis of pat ofthis Document FMSTLOTS Saint Louis University Code Revision No._[ 07 School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity Tune 07, 2024 Page of 104 NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM (NSTP) OFFICE SERVICE LEARNING PROGRAM. Title: Mangrove Plantation SLU’S VMO STATEMENT Saint Louis University is an excellent missionary and transformative educational institution that is zealous in developing humanresources to be creative, competent, socially involved and imbued with the Christian spirit. CORE VALUES COMPETENCE - To provide a broad and professional education necessary for principles and methods of modemscientific Nursing. CREATIVITY — To develop the students’ faculty's and staff's innovate potential so that they can adapt to real life situations; To hone the faculty and students’ creativity in dealing with current trends, issues and problems in Nursing practice through the development of Research skills. SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT — To harness the expertise and resources of the School through the Community Organizing Participatory Action Research (COPAR) and the mobile nursing clinic to help alleviate the state of health care systemin depressed or neglected communities and barangays. CHRISTIAN SPIRIT — To develop the personal qualities that would enable the students, faculty, and staff to live awholesome, satisfying life as a Christian and instill the values of humanitarian dedication. SCHOOL: School of Nursing PROGRAM: Bachelor of Science in Nursing Propty of and means, eletonic, PARTNER COMMUNITY: Fideliz AKO- Alaminos City and Quezon City, The Local Government Unit of Alaminos City, and the Girl Scoutof the Philippines of ACNHS. TARGET COMMUNITY: Brgy. Telbang, Alaminos City, Pangasinan PROFILE OF TARGET COMMUNITY: Telbang is situated at approximately 16.1718, 120.0612, in the island of Luzon. Barangay Telbang is located in the northern part of Alaminos City, Pangasinan. Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 12.3 meters or 40.4 feet above mean sea level This Barangay is along the shore that faces the famous tourist destination in Alaminos, the "Hundred Islands.” Its population as determined by the 2020 Census was 3,784, This represented 3.81% of the total population of Alaminos. any form or by any lusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in aretieval system, distributing, uploading or posing online, or vansmi is strict prohbite al, photocopying, recording, e thanwise of any par ef his document, without emission a S ‘vir wit Document] FWSTLOIS Saint Louis University Code School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts RevisionNo. [07 Effectvty June 07,2021 Page 3of 04 Propty of and RATIONALE: Planting mangroves has been a convention to restore and conserve deforested areas as mangroves have played a vital role in mitigating the negative impacts of climate change worldwide due to the various functions of their parts. They act as a natural barrier against storm surges, strong winds, and tsunamis while reducing soil erosion through stabilizing sediments with their root systems. They also provide habitats, breeding grounds, and nurseries for various species. At the same time, they maintain the quality of water with their roots that could filter pollutants and trap sediments from the land. The project supports the achievement of the Sustainable Developmental Goals }3 (Climate Action), 14 (Life below Water), and 15 (Life on Land) while being of assistance to the Paris Climate Agreement in limiting global warming as the Philippines is one of its signatories. The Philippine government passed the Climate Change Act in 2009, which requires local government units to develop a local climate action plan to adapt to and mitigate the effect of climate change. Furthermore, throughout the years, an alarming number of deforestation, including the conversion of mangrove forests into fishponds and its negative impact on society, made the government craft and implement laws and policies to prevent further environmental damage. Presidential Decree No. 705, s. 1975 and No. 953 s. 1976 are laws implemented to cater to forest management and penalize people involved in unlawful destruction and damage to forests while promoting rehabilitation and development of forest lands. The Philippines is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to flood damage caused by typhoons. It has benefited from mangroves as they have protected the coastlines by reducing flood and soil erosion risks, aiding livelihood, and decreasing social vulnerability by providing resources. In 2013, the province of Aklan was struck by Super Typhoon Yolanda, which had greatly devastated a large part of the Visayas and expanded their mangroves to 200 hectares, cushioning them from the threat of floods and storm surges in their coastal areas. Implementing the project to plant mangroves has embodied the pursuit of Saint Louis University and the National Service Training Program, which is to enhance the civic consciousness of the youth while integrating educational values through sustainable mobilization. Engaging in this project exhibits the student's competence to be involved in worthwhile community programs as the group learned from a current issue and contributed to a solution to mitigate it, Volunteerism was manifested due to their willingness to participate in the practice to continue the restoration and conservation of mangrove forests. Moreover, it is where they have to showcase their potential to cater to society and the environment while developing their service ethics to better the lives of the community they serve. The social collaboration with these people has empowered them to join the mobilization of our ne exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, string ina rerival sytem, distbutng, uploading or posting enn or transiting in any frm al, photocopying, recording, or therwiseof ary par ofthis document, without the prior writen permssion of SLU, is strip Document FSTLOS Saint Louis University Code — School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Revision No | 04 Effectiviy Tune 07, 2027 Page of t04 project. Therefore, with the lessons acquired and experiences gained through immersing themselves in the community, they are building a firm foundation to take ‘on the world of employment in the future while embodying the core values of their university and their Filipino culture. MATRIX OF SERVICE LEARNING PROGRAM ACTIVITIES PROGRAM NEXUS ‘ACTIVITIES | COMPETENCIES | PERSONS IN- OUTCOME CHARGE AND THEIR IRESPONSIBILITI ES Work effectively [C.LCM-N | Before (Collaboration with Labrador in collaboration [Program |Needs people outside the |Cobcobo, with inter. intra- |(CICM assessment campus, FFaciltator — Takes and mult- Initiatives to| Visiting the target | specificalythe harge of the disciplinary and |Carefor [community members of the _fproponent’s multi-cultural {Mother Meeting with the partner community [programplanning, teams Nature) {Partner in which we would jimplementation Communities be trained to work [and evaluation Planning of accordingly while activities creating a bond [Maria Odessa R Processing of lwith various types |Tugade,Group needed of citizens. leader Lead the eocuments fgroup in ning Development of a_ preparation, Mangrove Planting |r thumb Implementation towards Mother [and evaluation of Re-greeningof the |Nature in which fhe project and lwewould learn on connected to Plantation of howto take care of private mangrove seedlings Jit. sustainability —_forganizations. After Mangrove [Cooperation with [Claudine Ann A. maintenance Iihose fromthe _[Caasi, Technical ~ Evaluation lexpertise ofthe said [Responsible for lgathering hecessary Kiocuments for the project interms of broposals, plans land evaluation brocess. Dionell D. Casipit, |Communication, Propry of nd ftw excusvo use of SLU Reprodcta, sloningin a atievaleystn,dtouing,opoadng or posing one, or rans in any fo trans, econ, mechanl, hacen, rcordng. or anwse of ary par of tis deca wath or ren person of LU, sty pone id Saint Louis University School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Document FMSTLOTS Code Revision No._[ 07 Effectivity Tune 07, 2021 Page 5 of 104 reachedout to the jappropriate government units land people needed fo implement the lprogram Katherine Alexis D. “alerio, Responsible for jholding the important documents legarding the city of [Alaminos and jotting the important faspects during the isiting and re- lgreening, {Christine Jane \Santiago- Responsible for keeping the peace in the said activity, ind accountable for hecking the team's, fexecution some time lecently, amid and latter the actualized project. ISophia Lorraine A. ISongouan, Responsible for Imanaging the budget heeded; and identifies| needed resources fand addresses lesource constraints leanne Coreene L. Pulido, Responsible for managing the budget and handling lhe paperwork such 6 request letters and -onsent forms. Proprty of and use of SL Reprod Vy Pa loading or post ‘or tansmiting in any form o by any ssion of SLU, is stil prohbite id Saint Louis University School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Document FMSTLOTS Code Revision No._[ 07 Effectivity Tune 07, 2024 Page of 104 [Chief Gir Scout and Former GSP INorthern Luzon President Melody lEstrada- Responsible for Ispearheading the members of the lpartner community (GSP) IChief Girl Scout Ma. IGyreme Esper IQuirimit- Responsible for the engaged members hat all would operate {Chief Girl Scout ISophia Dianne Manzon- Will spearhead the Ischeduled activities Hannah A, lAbarra, Troop Leader of JACNHS- will pioneer the supervision ofthe activity John Emmanuel |Abarra- Fideliz [AKO President- Pioneer head of he activityfrom the partner community \Fideliz AKO) Liohn Emmanuel |Abarra- Fideliz [AKO President- Pioneer head of he activityfrom the partner community \Fideliz AKO) Proprty of and use of SL Reprod val stem, dist 5 pat ofthis doc loading or post ‘or tansmiting in any form o by any ssion of SLU, is stil prohbite Document FSTLOS Saint Louis University Code — School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Revieion No. oF V Effectvily June 07, 2027 Page Toft04 FFideliz AKO members — leading the movement for le-greening and leaning of the area IX. APPENDICES ‘A. Plan Design or Program of Activities Plan design/ Program of Activities Date and ‘Activity Competencies ‘Assessment Venue June 14,2022 | Project Planning Collaboration with people SLP Rubrics Saint Louis outside the campus, University specifically the members of the partner community in which we would be trained to work accordingly while creating a bond with various types of citizens. June 18 2022, | Visiting of the Area ‘Cooperation with those from | Waiver Forms Brgy. Telbang, the expertise of the said AlaminosCity, program that we would be Pangasinan leaming from them and gaining experience June 27,2022, | Request ofseedings | Collaborating with the _| Request Forms City Hall of partnered community helping Alaminos us to create a more stronger bond with the people of our communi June 24,2022 | Proposal of SLP Setting the goals, ideals and | Approved SLP. Saint Louis vision for the project. Listing University ideas to cary out the activities to achieve a successful project June 24,2022, | Re-greening of the Development of a green Endorsement Brgy. Telbang, | Area and meeting the _| thumb towards Mother Nature | forms AlaminosCity, | barangay officials in which we would learn on Pangasinan how to take careof its sustainability June 27,2022, | Requesting for Collaborating with the Request City Hall of seedlings partnered community approved Alaminos helping us to create a more stronger bond with Property of and fo the excuse use of SLU. Repraducton storng ina rtieval system, disbuting, uploading or posting online, or ransiting in any frm o by any ‘means, elecvonc, mechanical, photocopying, econ, or otherwise of any part of his document, without the pir writen permission of SLU, fs tly prohibit id Document FMSTLOTS Saint Louis University Code. School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Revision No. [Of Effectvily June 07, 2027 Page Sof 104 the people of our ‘community Propty of and uly 4, 2022 Visiting the area ‘Cooperation with those ‘Agreement of Brgy. Telbang, | and collaborating from the expertise of the plans AlaminosCity, | with the said program that we Pangasinan mangrove would be learning from management them and gaining team experience July 10, 2022, | Plantation of mangrove | The students should be able | Successfully Brgy. Telbang, _ | seedlings to experience situations of | planted AlaminosCity, helping Mother Earth sustain | requested Pangasinan and seedlings regain its resources by adding up to the livingorganisms that help in the community July 12, 2022 Editing and finalizing | Collaboration of group Successfully Saint Louis the video members to complete the final | turned in the University documentation and SLP to ensure a well- outputs SLP constructed output July 17, 2022- | Mangrove Develop consistency and Documents 2024, maintenance determination to outdothe and Brgy. Telbang, project even years after the | photographsof AlaminosCity, said proposal. comparison of Pangasinan the mangrove 2years ago and the latter Consent from Partner Community he exclusive use of SLU. Repraducton slornginaretieval sytem, dstbutng, uploading or posing online, or transiting in any frm o by any i, mechanical, photocopying, recordin, e there of ary par this document without the prior writen permsson of SLU, fst prohibie Document FMSTLOTS Saint Louis University Code Revision No._[ 07 School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts ! Etecviy | June 07,207 Page ‘Tot 104 SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY EXTENSION AND OUTREACH PROGRAMS OFFICE NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM SERVICE LEARNING PROGRAM Consent From Partner Community Date: June 27, 2022 To the University President: May | inform your office of our willingness to enter into a partnership with Group for Mangrove Plantation, a Service LearningProgram of the National Service Training Program of Saint Louis University from June 27 to July 11, 2022 which will be held at Brgy. Telbang, Alaminos City, Pangasinan. Catherine Oyzon Officer in the Agriculture Department Signature over printed name Designation Local Government Unit of Alaminos City. Community/Barangay/ Organization Contact Information ‘Address: Quezon Ave, Poblacion, Alaminos City, Pangasinan Mobile Number/ Landline: 09993191096 Email Address: Budget Proposal Propet of and fo the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, string ina reival system, disbutng, ueloading or posting onl, or ransiting in any frm or by any ‘means, elecvonic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of his document, without the pir writen permission of SLU, fs tly prohibit Document FMSTLOTS Saint Louis University Code. School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Revision No. [Of Effectvily Tune 07, 2027 Page 10 of 104 Nexus ‘Aeti ies Materials Description ‘Amount _| Source of Funds. Proposed Source/s CILCM | Preparat- N ion of Program | materials (cic Initiatives to Care for Mott Nature) her Mangrove seedlings This would be the essential material in the project, Php 0.00 | Partner comuniti es City Agriculture Bamboos This is needed to put up a simple fence in order to prevent damage to the newly planted seedlings from the threat of pests, debris, and humans. Php 0.00 | Partner ‘commu nities City Agriculture Visitation land Icleaningof the area |Walis ting- ting and Garbage bag The materials would be used in cleaning the area in making sure that the bodies of water would be healthy for the mangrove plants Php 0.00 |Students” budget Household Planting the seedlings Rented Jeep This would be the vehicle that will be used in transferring the seedlings to the area Php Donations [700.00 —_Jandsponsors LGU- lAlaminos City [Snacks ‘Snacks will be distributed assign of gratitude to all the people who Php [Students 500.00 budget Bakery Proprty of and sive use of SLU. Reprod al, photocopying, ree 5 Pat ofthis docume Joading or posting ont n of SL Is strictly prohibit Document FMSTLOTS Saint Louis University Code School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Revision No [ 01 ! Etecviy | June 07 207 Page 11 of 104 helped during the planting of the seedlings Approved by: LABRADOR A. COBOBO CHARMAINE P, MENDOZA Supervising Instructor Director, CEOPO FELINA P. ESPIQUE, PhD REV. FR. MACWAYNE N. MANIWANG, CICM. Dean, STELA Vice President for Mission and Identity X. IMPACT ASSESSMENT In these trying times, not only the pandemic that the world is facing but also the ‘ongoing threats of global climate change. In an article published by the World Economic Forum, the world's biodiversity is at risk and may disrupt at least half a century from today if the global temperature peaks. Many species of plants, especially animals, are in the blink of extinction because of the changes to their habitats. If this continues, we humans will suffer the costs of our doing. With the disruption of our biodiversity, millions of people will face a fulure where food supplies are limited, pests and diseases rise, fresh water will not be accessible, and none of our needs will be enough to retain life. With that in mind, it is our time to take action. Heal the world together and rehabilitate the habitats of all the species. We can do many things even with the simple reduction, reusing, and recycling of materials contributes to rehabilitating the Earth. Another help that can be beneficial is re-greening our planet by planting trees. Trees and plants play a vital role in helping to control global climate change as greens absorb the carbon dioxide we produce that is connected to the warming of the Earth. To effectively manage the threats mentioned on the plant that could be used are the Mangrove trees because these trees not only absorb carbon dioxide but also be used as a habitat for many water species. Mangrove trees are essential to the ecosystem in our country. In the province of Pangasinan, it is an integral part of the ecological system as it experiences surges, flash floods, and extreme typhoons since it is near bodies of water. Mangrove trees are a huge help in this situation as the trees help form a natural barrier against this violent storms, flash floods, and surges. The trees reduce the height and energy of wind and swell waves passing them, making them the front liner in trying times of typhoons. The roots lessen the effect of solid waves’ ability to erode the sediments on lands and holds the soil helping with soil erosion problems. Also, its roots have a firing process that prevents harmful residues from reaching the deep seas, coral reefs, and seagrass meadows, making these habitats healthier and allowing aquatic species to propagate well and not be extinct. With global warming, mangrove trees are the best as they can store much carbon, almost five times a regular tree. The trees pull a massive amount of the harmful greenhouse gasses and keep them in their soil which is a great help in slowing down climate change. Propet of and fo the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, string ina rerival system, disbutng, ueloading or posting onl, or transiting in any frm or by any ‘means, elecvonic, mechanical, photocopying, econ, or otherwise of any part of his document, without the pir writen permission of SLU, fs tly prohise Document FMSTLOTS Saint Louis University Code School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Revision No [ 01 ! Eesti ane 07 BT Page 12 of 104 ‘Once we spread the information about climate change and how mangrove planting can help, more student groups and organizations could also hold a mangrove plantation. This movement could help add to the mangrove ecosystem since erosion and flooding are among the most common problems that Filipinos experience yearly. This is a vital key in solving an issue that all species worldwide suffer. Besides the impact it brings to our environment, the project of Mangrove Planting also impacts the community, Youth, and the participant in becoming aware, wake, and sensible of our Mother Nature. As we become more aware of it, we, together as one, can conclude the solution to the environmental threats we face. Moreover, we could also make a significant impact by letting others know and educating them about what would happen if we would not act up now when natural disasters occur. The project impacts the people by bringing more knowledge and awareness to them, especially with today’s Youth because, as the saying goes, Youth is the key to our future. Endorsed by: LABRADOR A. COBCOBO Supervising Instructor CHARMAINE P. MENDOZA, LPT, MAED Director, CEOPO FELINA P. ESPIQUE, LPT, PhD Dean, STELA REV. FR. MACWAYNE N. MANIWANG, CICM, PhD VPMI Propet of and fo the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, string ina rerival system, disbutng, ueloading or posting onl, or ransmiting in any frm or by any ‘means, eleconic, mechanical, photocopying recoding, or otherwise of any part of his document, without the prior writen permission of SLU, f strict prohibited

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