Chemodenervation and Nerve Blocks in The

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Special Section-Spasticity

Chemodenervation and Nerve Blocks in the

Diagnosis and Management of Spasticity and
Muscle Overactivity
Elie P. Elovic, MD, Alberto Esquenazi, MD, Katharine E. Alter, MD, John L. Lin, MD,
Abraham Alfaro, PhD, DO, Darryl L. Kaelin, MD

This article will discuss many of the key concepts regarding chemodenervation and
neurolysis in the management of spasticity. Topics that will be discussed include techniques
for localization, strengths and limitations of various agents (botulinum toxin, phenol, and
alcohol), the value of combination therapies, and the role of nerve blocks (diagnostic and
therapeutic). With advancing technology have come newer methods to improve accuracy of
localization for the performance of chemodenervation and neurolysis such as electro-
myographic guidance, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound guidance. During the last 2
decades, the addition of botulinum toxin chemodenervation as an adjunct to traditional
neurolysis, medication, and therapy modalities has expanded the field of treatment of
intramuscular hyperactivity in upper motor neuron syndrome. The technique of diagnostic
blocks as predictors of response and the therapeutic value of nerve blocks will be discussed.

Numerous factors must be taken into account when deciding on the treatment approach for
an individual with spasticity. Etiology, chronicity, prognosis, distribution, location, sever-
ity, and medical comorbidities are all important factors. In addition, clinicians must take
into account the patient’s and caregiver’s goals to effectively plan a course of action that is
realistic, meaningful, and maximizes the potential for success. The classic model of deliv-
ering spasticity treatment using a linear, hierarchal approach has been supplanted by a more
modern approach of choosing singular or multiple interventions that are based on the
factors previously listed.
Spasticity and the upper motor neuron syndrome (UMNS) differ greatly in their presen- E.P.E. Division of Physical Medicine and Re-
habilitation, University of Utah, 30 North 900
tations and response. A critical factor in the treatment algorithm is the distribution of the East, Salt Lake City, UT 84132. Address
spasticity. It can be focal, affecting a single joint or functional group of joints such as the correspondence to: E.P.E.; e-mail: Elie.Elovic@
hand; more widespread, affecting most of a limb; or multisegmental as in spastic hemipa-
Disclosure: 2A, Allergan, Ipsen, and Merz; 7B,
resis when it affects many areas simultaneously. Because chemodenervation affects a limited Allergan
area, it is important to have realistic outcome expectations. Examples of appropriate goals
A.E. Moss Rehab Hospital, Elkins Park, PA
include improved range of motion, reduction of co-contraction, and improved local Disclosure: 7B, Allergan; 9
function. As the severity of spasticity increases, there is greater emphasis on aggressive K.E.A. Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital,
management so as to lessen suffering and prevent secondary complications such as contrac- Cheverly, MD
ture and skin breakdown. Diagnostic nerve blocks are minimal risk procedures that may be Disclosure: nothing to disclose
helpful in determining the presence of contractures and the risk of excessive weakness, as J.L.L. Shepherd Center, Atlanta, GA
well as estimating potential functional gains after chemodenervation. Often these individ- Disclosure: nothing to disclose

uals have other medical conditions that affect decision making, such as altered cognition, A.A. Bacharach Institute for Rehab, Pomona,
diabetes, venous thrombosis, and anticoagulation. When dealing with spasticity in complex NJ
Disclosure: 2A/3A, Allergan
neurologic patients, physicians should be holistic in their approach.
D.L.K. Shepherd Center, Atlanta, GA
Disclosure: 3, Allergan, Cephalon, Medtronic;
7, Allergan, Medtronic, Pfizer; 8, NIDDR
Disclosure Key can be found on the Table of
Once a method of chemodenervation has been selected for treatment of problematic Contents and at
hypertonia, the next steps are to correctly identify the involved muscle(s) and select Submitted for publication August 6, 2009;
injection sites. Several localization techniques are used for chemodenervation, ranging from accepted August 6.

PM&R © 2009 by the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

1934-1482/09/$36.00 Vol. 1, 842-851, September 2009
Printed in U.S.A. DOI: 10.1016/j.pmrj.2009.08.001
PM&R Vol. 1, Iss. 9, 2009 843

simple palpation to sophisticated imaging technology. The EMG and EMG-SA

goals of all localization techniques are to accurately and
Historically, EMG has been the most frequently used adjunctive
quickly identify target muscle(s) and to avoid injection of
technique for muscle localization for BoNT injections. Equip-
untargeted structures such as vessels, nerves, or organs.
ment requirements include either an EMG machine or EMG
All muscle identification techniques begin with anatomic
auditory amplifier, injection needle electrodes (concentric or
localization. Many physicians use one or more supplemen-
monopolar), a ground electrode, and a reference electrode for
tary methods, ostensibly to enhance the accuracy of needle
monopolar injection needles. The needle is placed in a target
placement. Available adjunctive technologies include elec-
muscle, and activity at rest and with voluntary recruitment is
tromyography (EMG), EMG auditory signal amplifiers
observed. The examiner listens for the auditory frequency and
(EMG-SA), electrical stimulation, and ultrasound (US) [1].
intensity of the motor unit action potential (MUAP) signal to
Computed tomography or fluoroscopy is used in special
identify correct placement. The needle is repositioned, as
circumstances for botulinum toxin (BoNT) injections, but
needed, guided by the EMG signal. Other techniques may be
have limited use owing to the risk of ionizing radiation
required if a patient does not have voluntary control of a given
exposure with repeated treatment [2]. The following is a
muscle. The clinician can passively move the muscle, with the
more detailed discussion of the most frequently used local-
EMG electrode in the target muscle, and look for needle move-
ization techniques for chemodenervation.
ment with passive ROM (PROM) or listen for sounds of depo-
larization or sound amplification. Abnormally high EMG activ-
ity on insertion or at rest is often used to identify sites of
Anatomic Localization increased muscle activity associated with spasticity or dystonia.
All physicians who perform EMG regularly use their knowl- In addition, increased activity during volitional muscle activa-
edge of surface anatomy to place needle electrodes in mus- tion can identify residual function, whereas increased activation
cles. These techniques include observation, identification of during rapid stretch may further delineate the presence of spas-
bony landmarks, palpation, and muscle activation and relax- ticity. Using EMG localization has the potential to identify which
ation. Many experienced clinicians rely solely on anatomic muscle is most spastic when choosing how to divide dosing.
localization techniques for neurotoxin injections with good Some physicians specifically target the most active area for
results. This requires meticulous technique and an extensive injection as it is speculated that toxin uptake may be higher in
knowledge of surface and three-dimensional anatomy, mus- more active muscles [7]. In some studies, EMG-guided injec-
cle functional anatomy, and the complex relationship be- tions have been associated with improved clinical results [8].
tween muscle groups [3]. Advantages of EMG and EMG-SA include their wide avail-
Some superficial muscles are easily identified using an ana- ability and clinician experience. Most physiatrists require no
tomic approach (eg, biceps, triceps, gastrocnemius, or ham- additional training to use this technology. Although EMG-SA
strings). Even when easily palpated, needle placement in the may increase the accuracy of needle placement for injection
target superficial muscle is not guaranteed [4,5]. And identifica- therapy, it has limitations. Many patients have impaired
tion is more challenging with deep muscles (eg, in the calf and motor control and can minimally recruit or activate a muscle
hip girdle or in the forearm flexor compartment) [6]. Spasticity on command. This limits muscle identification. Co-contrac-
may lead to secondary changes in muscles (hypertrophy, con- tion of adjacent muscles may obscure localization of an
tracture, resistance to range of motion [ROM]), which may individual muscle. For example, activity in the flexor digito-
actually assist in the identification of target muscles. Unfortu- rum profundus or sublimis (FDP, FDS) may be falsely attrib-
nately, secondary changes such as atrophy may also obscure uted to activity in the flexor carpi radialis. EMG needle
muscle identification. Hypertrophy and contractures occur less electrodes may also be more painful to insert.
frequently in patients with focal dystonias, making it more
difficult to identify a muscle with palpation alone. Therefore,
anatomic localization alone may be insufficient in patients with
Electrical Stimulation
severe spasticity or dystonia. Electrical stimulation guidance is divided into two primary
The advantages of anatomic localization include its uni- techniques: electrical muscle activation and electrical motor
versal availability, physician experience, portability, lack of point stimulation (EMPS). Electrical muscle activation typically
equipment, and low cost. Injections may be less painful as requires higher current for activation and has the disadvantage
smaller needles can be used [3]. Disadvantages with this of activation of multiple regional muscles and simultaneous
method include errors in needle placement as a result of afferent fiber stimulation, leading to discomfort and pain. As
anatomic variations or muscle rearrangement (eg, contrac- such, the primary mode of electrical stimulation-guided BoNT
tures or surgery) and inadvertent targeting of unintended injection is through EMPS. EMPS-guided BoNT injection has
structures. Patient factors that reduce accuracy include im- been a successful adjunctive tool in addition to anatomic local-
paired motor control and poor patient cooperation. Ana- ization and EMG-SA [1,9]. Its utility in guiding BoNT injection
tomic localization cannot be used for phenol or alcohol has become more prominent as studies have shown lack of
injection, which requires electrical stimulation to assist with comparable accuracy and efficacy from relying solely on ana-
motor point localization. tomic guidance [8,10,11] (without using the multisite injection

technique [12]). Accuracy and efficacy have been reported to be require isolation of FDS and FDP to digit 3, but not FDS to
comparable to EMG-SA guidance [13]. This technique has the digits 2 or 4. This can be easily and quickly achieved using
further advantage of allowing the clinician to definitively isolate US. Disadvantages of US include the availability and prohib-
different fascicles of muscles such as the FDS. itive cost of the equipment. Clinicians require additional
EMPS requires passing of a relatively low current of 5 to 10 training in US technology as well as musculoskeletal imaging
mA (but as low as 0.5 mA) through the injecting needle to the and pattern recognition of individual muscles and other
target muscle, causing it to contract and allowing visual structures.
confirmation. Advantages of EMPS technique includes in- Depending on their experience and training, equipment
creased accuracy of BoNT injections [10,14-16], especially availability, and patient-specific clinical issues, physicians
when the target muscles are located among a group of other may select one or all of the above localization techniques for
muscles that have similar function, eg, hip adductors [10]. BoNT, phenol, or alcohol injection [31]. No technology will
Disadvantages include training required for mastering the assist a clinician who has little experience or knowledge of
technique, cost of time and equipment for the neural stimu- functional anatomy and muscle action. Injection therapy
lator, and inability to independently assess the degree of must be performed by highly trained physicians who under-
muscle hyperactivity before injecting. Contraindications may stand the potential risks and benefits of injection therapy.
include regional hardware (eg, electrical wire, catheters, or
metallic implants).
Advances in US and transducer technology have led to in- Chemodenervation is a process used by clinicians to manage
creased use of this noninvasive technique for diagnostic focal muscle overactivity through the use of an established
musculoskeletal imaging and procedural guidance. Experi- agent such as phenol or alcohol or one of the newer BoNTs
enced clinicians routinely use US for joint, tendon, and that have become available more recently [32]. The utility of
muscle injections. US provides direct visualization of target phenol has been reported by numerous authors for more
muscles and other structures. In addition US does not require than 4 decades [33-35], whereas the utility of alcohol has also
patient cooperation or active movement; therefore US is been demonstrated more recently [36-38]. BoNTs have been
perfectly suited to assist in BoNT muscle injection and nerve used most recently, and there are numerous publications that
localization for phenol or alcohol neurolysis. have demonstrated their efficacy in the management of spas-
As a large number of major peripheral nerves travel with ticity and cervical dystonia [39-50]. The question that arises
major vessels, the risk of neurologic or vascular injury using from reviewing the literature is what agent should be used
anatomic guidance for nerve blocks has been shown [17]. and what clinical criteria should be used when making this
Real-time visualization of the neurovascular bundle in the choice? The decision should be based on a patient’s clinical
experienced ultrasonographer can minimize vascular in- condition and the relative strengths and weaknesses of the
volvement [18,19]. Ironically, peripheral needle-nerve con- different agents.
tact does not always produce sensory alterations or electrical
stimulation responses [20]. The efficacy of US guidance,
either alone or in combination with electrical stimulation
Phenol and Alcohol
confirmation, is comparable to electrical nerve stimulation Phenol in concentrations between 5% and 7% and alcohol in
guidance alone [21-24]. US-guided regional blocks have concentrations between 45% and 100% mediate their effect
been described for various nerves, including axillary [21], through neurolysis. Phenol and alcohol have the advantages
femoral [25], sciatic [23], and obturator [26]. of lower cost, rapid onset of action, and potency. Disadvan-
US may increase the accuracy of needle placement in tages of these agents include the risk of dysesthesia, soft tissue
BoNT injections, especially in patients who lack motor con- fibrosis, and the requirement for significant clinician skill to
trol, have contractures or deformity, or cannot cooperate administer. A more complete list of the pros and cons of
with instructions. It has particular utility in localizing deep phenol and alcohol are outlined in Table 1.
muscles that are difficult to palpate, such as the piriformis,
iliopsoas, and tibialis posterior [27-29]. US imaging allows
the physician to guide needle insertion and to avoid vessels,
nerves, and other structures during the procedure. In high- In the United States there are currently 3 different toxins
risk muscle locations such as the scalenes or intercostal available on the market; Botox, Myobloc, and the recently
muscles, US is particularly useful for avoiding the underlying approved Dysport. Botox and Dysport are BoNT type A
lung tissue. In the facial region, US can be used to isolate the products, whereas Myobloc is a BoNT type B. There are
parotid or submandibular salivary glands that cannot be numerous publications that have documented the utility of
localized by other techniques [30]. In patients with focal Botox [39-43] and Dysport [44-47] in the management of
dystonia, US is extremely useful for identifying individual spasticity; however, the same cannot be said for Myobloc as
muscle fascicles. For example, in a pianist, treatment may limited efficacy has been demonstrated for this indication
PM&R Vol. 1, Iss. 9, 2009 845

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of phenol and alcohol as chemical denervating agents

Pros Cons
Less costly than botulinum toxin Risk of dysesthesias
Rapid onset of action Muscle fibrosis
Facilitation of serial casting Need for patient sedation
Potency Scarring
Its effect on sensory fibers can further decrease spasticity reflex arc Risk of granuloma formation
Potency for large muscle groups (hip adductors) Reduce contraction during voluntary movement
Less injection sites Edema can develop after injection
More spastic regions can be treated at one time than botulinum toxin Greater patient discomfort during procedure
Less storage requirements Procedure requires more time to perform
Can reinject or booster in less than 3 months Procedure requires more skill to perform than toxin

[48,49]. There is abundant literature and FDA approval resulting from neurologic disorders in adults. Gracies [51]
supporting the use of all three agents in the treatment of points out that patients with spasticity represent a uniquely
cervical dystonia; however, Comella et al [50] suggest that recognizable population from a clinical and physiologic per-
the side effect profile may be in favor of the type A toxins spective and that they are affected by 3 main features: (a) paresis,
(Botox versus Myobloc). Ease of administration, better pa- ie, reduced recruitment of skeletal motor units; (b) soft tissue
tient tolerance, and easy titration are clearly a benefit for the contracture, eg, muscle shortening and joint retraction; and (c)
BoNTs when compared with phenol and alcohol, although muscle overactivity, ie, reduced ability to relax muscle and
the cost, dose ceilings, and longer onset of action are limita- co-contraction. These changes give rise to the commonly ob-
tions. For a complete list of pros and cons see Table 2. served UMNS with a clinical picture of shortened overactive
muscles, velocity-dependent stiffness, loss of fine motor control,
The Final Choice of an Agent weakness, muscle spasms, changes in limb posture, and fatigue
[52]. Injection of BoNT is indicated to reduce focal muscle
The physician needs to look at the entire clinical picture and
overactivity [51] and provide a window of opportunity to ad-
decide whether the use of a combination of agents (eg, phenol
dress related problems such as soft tissue shortening or fixed
and toxins) or individual agents alone is the best way to address
a patient’s problem. The risk of side effects, condition being joint contracture, and to promote strengthening and selective
treated, time since onset, and prognosis are just some of the movement control. BoNT is a microbial protein that exists in
issues that clinicians must consider when making their selec- seven serotypes, designated A through G. All BoNTs contain an
tion. Table 3 summarizes the differences between phenol and enzyme that acts in the cytosol of nerve endings to cleave three
the BoNTs. A clinician’s experience and skill set is critical. polypeptides that govern exocytosis. Only serotypes A and B
Without significant experience, one must be leery of using have clinical utility at this time. The ability of BoNT to block
phenol or alcohol. As a result, the use of them by an injector who acetylcholine release at neuromuscular junctions accounts for its
is not doing it on a regular basis may be inadvisable. therapeutic action to relieve dystonia, spasticity, and related
muscle overactivity disorders. Undesirable effects associated
with administration of BoNT fall into three broad categories:
diffusion of the toxin from the intended sites of action, sustained
blockade of transmission that can produce muscle atrophy, and
potential development of immunoresistance to BoNT [53].
OVERACTIVITY However, neutralizing antibodies to BoNT are now deemed to
Many impairments of body structure or function are associated be of minimal clinical relevance after the reformulation of
with focal spasticity and dystonic overactivity of the lower limb BoNT-A Botox in 1997 [54].

Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of the botulinum toxins

Pros Cons
Supported by double-blinded, placebo-controlled trials Greater cost
Muscle effect is reversible Maximal effect can take up to 4 weeks
Easier to titrate dosing Without negotiated carve out in inpatient rehabilitation cost
Better patient acceptance can be prohibitive
Easier to perform procedure Ceiling dose may limit efficacy in severely spastic muscles or
When using EMG can identify the most pathologic firing units Injections should be at least 3 months apart
Numerous clinical trials demonstrating effect with dystonia Risk of distal effects with FDA black box warning
Effective in areas with dense sensory innervation Can develop resistance
Has the potential to reduce pain Some patients report headache and fatigue
Relative contraindication with neuromuscular disease

EMG ⫽ electromyography; FDA ⫽ U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


Table 3. Comparison of phenol with botulinum toxin (BoNT)

Characteristic BoNT Phenol

Titratable to symptom severity Yes Yes
Adjustable dilution to maximize diffusion Yes No
Toxic to tissue No Yes
Pain during injection Needle only Yes
Motor point injection technique required No Yes
Reversible side effects Yes No
Duration of benefit 3 to 4 months Up to 6 months
Repeated use long-term safety record Yes No literature
Cost Expensive Relatively affordable
Preparation Storage in refrigerator, easy reconstitution Requires hood for preparation
Risk of dysesthesias No Yes
Easier to administer with noncooperative patient Yes No
Rapid onset of action No Yes

Adjunctive Treatment Techniques bral palsy and adults with UMNS [60-62]. Verplancke et al
[63] published a prospective double-blind, randomized pla-
There is evidence for the impact of adjunctive treatment
cebo-controlled trial of BoNT-A with or without casting to
when used in combination with BoNT injection. Widespread
lengthen the plantar flexor (PF) muscles in 35 patients hos-
clinical opinion supports physical and occupational therapy
pitalized with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury.
treatment after BoNT-A injection for focal spasticity. Not
Subjects were randomly allocated to one of three groups
only does it improve the delivery of the therapy, but it also
(controls, saline plus casting, 200 units of Botox to the
appears to improve the outcomes. Radensky et al [55] per-
gastrocsoleus complex plus casting). All subjects gained
formed a cost comparison of three treatment strategies
ROM, but there was no difference between BoNT-A plus
for poststroke spasticity: physiotherapy only, Botox plus
physiotherapy, and oral baclofen plus physiotherapy. The casting and placebo injection plus casting. The quality of the
authors found that BoNT-A combined with physiotherapy study was marred by significant subject dropouts and cross-
was more cost-effective than oral baclofen combined with overs to the active drug group (rescue treatment) [63]. Evi-
physiotherapy. dence exists to support targeted strengthening programs,
There is strong evidence to support the beneficial effect on including progressive-resistance exercise (PRE) and graded
spasticity (muscle overactivity) from soft tissue stretching after functional activity, to augment outcomes of BoNT injection
BoNT-A injection [56-58]. Giovannelli et al [56] in a single- and the efficacy of PRE to improve muscle strength and
blind, randomized controlled trial on 38 subjects with multiple reduce activity limitation in adults with neurologic disorders.
sclerosis compared BoNT-A injection of 100 to 300 units The concern about increased spasticity associated with PRE
(Botox) to the gastrocsoleus or tibialis posterior with BoNT plus programs is unsupported by the literature [64-67].
daily stretch therapy for 15 days after injection, aimed at increas- It is reasonable, although not yet demonstrated experi-
ing muscle length. A problem with this study is that the authors mentally, to assume that combining the known effects of
poorly defined what they meant by the term physical therapy. BoNT to improve gait deficits associated with equinovarus
The combined treatment group had statistically significantly deformity of the ankle and principles underpinning the effect
greater reduction in tone measured objectively using the Modi- of task-specific training of gait and mobility function is likely
fied Ashworth Scale and subjectively using a self report of to improve outcomes of BoNT-A treatment [68]. Advantages
satisfaction with reduction of spasticity using a 10-point visual of body weight support treadmill training (BWSTT) include
analog scale at weeks 4 and 12 after injection. A dynamic the potential to provide a sufficient “dose” of practice to
orthosis is an alternative stretching technique that has a benefi- improve endurance and quality of gait and to likely facilitate
cial effect on joint ROM and muscle length resulting from the neuroplastic adaptation, while reducing effort of gait and risk
use of spring-loaded splinting after BoNT injection to reduce of falls. BoNT-A injection to muscles of the leg and foot can
ankle plantarflexion and knee flexion contractures. Several case augment functional outcomes when combined with task-
reports of patients with Parkinson disease or traumatic brain specific targeted practice, such as that achieved by BWSTT,
injury presenting with knee flexion contracture after total knee reportedly improving gait quality, speed, and endurance, and
joint arthroplasty that improved using injection of 200 to 300 reduce activity limitation in adults with neurologic disorders
units of BoNT-A (Botox) to the hamstrings plus a dynamic knee [69,70]. Robertson et al [71] recently described a technique
orthosis suggests that this combination of treatment can pro- to enhance swing phase knee flexion during locomotion in
duce functionally meaningful improvement in knee ROM [59]. stroke patients using BoNT injections. Constraint-induced
There is extensive literature regarding the combination of movement therapy (CIMT) has been shown to improve the
BoNT-A injection and serial casting to correct contracture amount of arm use and quality of movement [72]. At this
(mostly ankle equinovarus deformity) in children with cere- time there is limited evidence to support the improvement of
PM&R Vol. 1, Iss. 9, 2009 847

upper limb outcomes after stroke when a combination of functional electrical stimulation (FES) for most of the day
BoNT-A and CIMT treatment is implemented [73,74]. during a 12-week period, showed improvements in gait
A single-blind, randomized controlled trial (n ⫽ 18 speed in both groups; however, only the FES-treated group
chronic stroke patients) compared injection alone of a mod- showed an increase in functional mobility using the River-
erate dose of Botox (190 to 300 units) to the gastrocsoleus mead Motor Assessment and reduced effort of walking using
complex with or without the tibialis posterior versus a low the physiologic cost index. These authors concluded that
dose of Botox (100 units) to the tibialis posterior only plus treatment with BoNT-A and FES combined effectively im-
taping of the ankle in eversion. Beneficial effects were dem- proved walking and function. This study unfortunately did
onstrated in both groups; however, the duration of benefit not compare outcomes with a BoNT-A only group, so it is
was shorter in the single-muscle, lower dose group [75]. difficult to conclude which part of the intervention had the
Sixty-five adult subjects affected by spasticity of the wrist most effect on the measured outcomes.
and finger flexors were treated with BoNT-A [76]. Using a Another intervention that can impact the care of patients
case-control design, two postinjection treatment groups were treated with BoNT is the dilution for injection and the injection
created. One was treated with stretching through the use of technique used for targeting the muscle. A randomized, con-
adhesive taping for 6 days and the other with electrical trolled parallel-group trial, with blinded outcome assessment,
stimulation and splinting for 6 days. Patients treated with was recently reported by Mayer at el [12] using 31 patients with
adhesive taping and BoNT-A achieved a greater reduction in acquired brain injury who had an Ashworth Scale score of 3.
muscle overactivity as measured with Modified Ashworth They were injected with low doses of BoNT-A 60 units (Botox)
Scale, with less staff time dedicated for the treatment [76]. in 2.4 mL of normal saline solution with multisite EMG-guided
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) has been injection technique or 30 units (Botox) in 1.2 mL with electrical
applied to muscles injected with BoNT to potentially aug- stimulation– guided motor point technique after obtaining two
ment the beneficial effect of the toxin. A case-control series baseline evaluations of the main outcome measures. Postinter-
with blinded assessment (n ⫽ 10 chronic stroke survivors) vention testing at 3 weeks showed no significant differences
were injected with 2000 units of BoNT-A (Dysport) to the between the groups (P range, .31–.82 across three outcome
gastrocsoleus complex and tibialis posterior. Five subjects measures). However, within each group, significant treatment
subsequently received alternating NMES to the plantar flex- effects were observed on all outcome measures (P ⬍ .01).
ors and tibialis anterior for 30 minutes 6 times per day for 3 Findings suggest that low-dose, high-volume strategies may
days. The combined treatment produced greater improve- have a potential role in reducing drug utilization per muscle and
ment in gait quality and quantitative measures such as Mod- helping clinicians stay within accepted limits for total body dose
ified Ashworth Scale for ankle PF, clonus, and toe clawing in patients with UMNS requiring multiple muscle injections
than the injection-only group [77]. In an open-label case [12]. A different approach using end-plate localization com-
series of 11 patients with longstanding diagnosis of blepha- pared with a multisite distribution injection technique showing
rospasm or idiopathic facial hemispasm, subjects were in- similar results was recently published by Gracies et al [82].
jected with 3 units of Botox into the extensor digitorum Changes in functional outcomes of a distant limb after
brevis muscle in both feet. Shorts bursts of NMES were injection is also a possible adjuvant technique. A prospective,
applied continuously for a period of 2 days to only one of open-label, multicenter, interventional evaluation study of
these muscles. Compound muscle action potential, mea- 15 patients with residual hemiparesis attributable to chronic
sured during a 30-day period, consistently showed the in- acquired brain injury evaluated Modified Ashworth Scores
jected plus stimulated muscle to be weaker than the injected- and gait velocity before and after treatment with 120 to 200
only muscle [78]. units of BoNT-A (Botox) to the biceps, brachialis, or brachi-
A randomized case series of 11 patients with chronic oradialis [41]. The treated group demonstrated a statistically
stroke comparing injection of 400 units of Botox with 100 significant reduction in elbow Ashworth score after treat-
units of Botox combined with EMS using the same method- ment (P ⬍ .003), and a significant increase in walking veloc-
ology previously described by Hesse et al [77] demonstrated ity (P ⬍ .037) was evident. The study concluded that treat-
no significant difference between groups in any of the mea- ment of upper-limb spasticity may be an important adjuvant
sured variables. The authors concluded that NMES could be treatment for patients with gait disturbance related to the
used to achieve therapeutic outcomes with lower doses of UMNS [41].
BoNT [79]. A group of clinicians from across Europe experienced in
Esquenazi and Mayer [80] described the beneficial use of the use of BoNT-A for the treatment of spasticity after ac-
NMES to prolong the duration of BoNT-A (Botox) effect on quired brain injury recently published a consensus statement
elbow flexor and ankle PF muscle overactivity on 30 subjects on best practice in managing adults with spasticity [83]. They
with the diagnosis of subacute acquired brain injury. concluded that BoNT-A provides a valuable tool in the mul-
A nonblinded, randomized controlled trial [81] with 18 timodal treatment of adult spasticity and that further research
subacute stroke patients, randomized to physiotherapy alone in adjuvant techniques including different injection tech-
or BoNT-A (Dysport 800 units) to the gastrocnemius and niques, therapy interventions, and the use of orthosis is
tibialis posterior plus physiotherapy and the additional use of necessary.

NERVE BLOCKS FOR SPASTICITY AND Clenched Fist, Thumb in Palm, and Adducted
DYSTONIA Finger Deformities. For patients who present with a
clenched fist, thumb in palm deformity, or increased finger
Diagnostic Nerve Blocks adduction, DNB can help differentiate whether the MH orig-
inates from the extrinsic or intrinsic finger flexors. It can also
Diagnostic nerve blocks (DNB) have an important role in the
differentiate between FDP MH, which flexes the distal inter-
management of patients who have intramuscular hyperactiv-
phalangeal (DIP) joints, or the FDS, which flexes the proxi-
ity (MH) regardless of its origin. It will allow the clinician to
determine the potential benefits of performing longer lasting mal interphalangeal (PIP) joints. DNB of the AIN evaluates
interventions such as chemodenervation or surgery. Al- the contribution of MH of the FDP for digits 2 and 3 and of
though not perfectly mimicking the longer lasting effects of the flexor pollicis longus (FPL) to the clinical presentation.
other interventions, it allows the patient to experience the This will enable the selection of the most involved muscles
potential benefit of reduced muscular hyperactivity (MH) for chemodenervation while preserving as much residual
and have a better understanding of what to expect from more function as possible. Properly planned intervention has the
definitive procedures. DNB can also assist the clinician in potential to improve overall hand function [74,89].
diagnosing contractures (that will not respond to chemode- In the assessment of the thumb in palm, DNB of the AIN
nervation or neurolysis) [84], identifying potentially unde- and median and ulnar nerves can be considered. If DNB of
sirable outcomes (eg, excessive muscle weakness), and ap- the AIN corrects the thumb in palm, then chemodenervation
preciating the beneficial effects of pain reduction and to the FPL can be implemented; whereas, if a DNB of the
improved limb posture on function and hygiene. recurrent motor branch of the median nerve resolves the
problem, this suggests that chemodenervation of the oppo-
nens pollicis and flexor pollicis brevis (FPB), superficial head,
Protocol for Performance of DNBs should be performed. If DNB of the ulnar nerve is required,
consider treating the deep head of the FPB. DNB of the ulnar
There are several criteria required for the proper performance
nerve can also address adduction of digits 2 through 4 as well
of DNB. First is a thorough understanding of the relevant
as adduction or flexion at the MCP joints.
anatomic landmarks, neurovascular structures, and kinesiol-
ogy and function of the regions where IMH is prevalent. The Flexed Elbow and Wrist, and Pronated Forearm.
next is a working hypothesis of what may be altered (both Performance of a DNB of the MCN can significantly reduce
positive and negative effects) as a result of the DNB. Finally, elbow flexor MH arising from the brachialis and biceps brachii.
availability of the appropriate equipment needed for the A motor point block of the brachioradialis muscle can assess its
performance of the block is essential. contribution to this abnormal posture. Evaluation of volitional
The equipment needed for a DNB includes an electrical elbow flexion and extension before and after a diagnostic block
stimulator, a Teflon-coated hypodermic needle of sufficient can assess the effect of MH and weakness. When performing
length that allows access to the nerve but with the smallest DNB of the MCN, insert the needle at the medial arm and volar
bore that is practical to minimize pain, and a syringe contain- to the median nerve and brachial artery; as the needle is ad-
ing the anesthetic agent with the lowest dose and concentra- vanced laterally, electrical stimulation will produce a contrac-
tion possible to limit side effects. Palpation and ultrasonog- tion of muscles innervated by the median nerve and then the
raphy may help with the identification and avoidance of MCN. DNB of the median nerve in that region will assess MH of
neurovascular structures. Electrical stimulation is critical in forearm pronators, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, the
the localization of the perineural area. Ideally, it is identified FDS, and muscles innervated by the AIN.
when a current of ⬍1 mA results in a strong muscle contrac- DNB of the median nerve performed at the proximal
tion. Surface stimulation may facilitate the initial localization forearm will evaluate the effect of IMH for wrist and finger
of superficial nerves, but is often of limited value and may flexors (which can contribute to wrist flexor spasticity).
cause unnecessary discomfort for deep nerves. Using low
doses of the anesthetic agent limits diffusion and minimizes Shoulder Adduction, Internal Rotation, and Sub-
prolonged weakness and anesthesia. However, when assess- luxation. The most common patterns seen as a result of MH
ing for contractures, higher volumes and concentration of the at the shoulder is adduction and internal rotation. Muscles that
selected anesthetic agent may be required. are involved in these abnormal patterns include the pectoralis
major and minor, subscapularis, teres major, and latissimus
dorsi. DNB can be useful in the identification of contractures as
Upper Extremity DNBs
well as assessing the functional significance and limitations that
Common spasticity patterns are seen in the upper extremi- result from MH of these muscles. A DNB of the thoracodorsal
ties. Nerves that are commonly blocked in the upper extrem- nerve will reduce the activity of the latissimus dorsi, whereas
ity include the musculocutaneous nerve (MCN) [85,86], block of the pectoral nerves will help elucidate muscles produc-
anterior interosseus nerve (AIN) [87], median and ulnar ing shoulder internal rotation and adduction. Other muscles
nerves [87], recurrent motor branch of the median nerve such as the subscapularis [90] and teres major can be blocked
[88], thoracodorsal nerve [85,86], and pectoral nerve [86]. using a motor point technique.
PM&R Vol. 1, Iss. 9, 2009 849

Lower Extremity DNBs spinal cord injury or hypoesthetic hemiplegia from stroke or
brain injury. The risk of this side effect does depend on the
The most common gait abnormalities seen with MH of the
skill of the injector and the nerve being treated. Nerves with
lower extremities are scissoring, stiff knee, and equinovarus
relatively limited sensory involvement (eg, musculocutane-
deformities. DNB can be performed to the obturator nerve for
ous and obturator) can also be blocked by a skilled injector
scissoring [85,91], to the femoral nerve motor branches for
with a very favorable risk– benefit ratio. In addition, transient
stiff knee [92], and to the tibial nerve to the gastrocnemius
nerve blocks are used before serial casting in the treatment of
[93], soleus [94], and tibialis posterior [94] muscles for
muscle overactivity and the consequent joint contracture, to
equinovarus deformity.
temporarily block the activity of the overactive muscle and to
Scissoring gait with a resulting narrow base of support can
alleviate possible pain during forced PROM required for
result from hip adductor MH or hip abductor muscle weak-
ness. Some patients with hip external rotation during swing serial casting. In addition, the use of regional anesthesia
phase may be using their adductor muscles to assist with limb through peripheral nerve blocks can minimize the morbidity
advancement in the swing phase of ambulation. A DNB of the of undergoing contracted joint manipulations under general
obturator nerve can help evaluate these issues. If the DNB anesthesia [98].
reduces scissoring and improves balance and gait without
loss of hip flexion, then a longer lasting procedure can be
contemplated [95]. REFERENCES
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