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Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Supported a Livelihood Improvement by Leveraging NREGA funds to create productive agriculture assets

Quarterly Progress Report

Volume IV

JANAKALYAN has initiated an innovative intervention with the support of Sir Dorabji Tata Trust in 17 villages of Sindhanur taluk to create productive agriculture assets by leveraging NREGA funds through community capacity building and complementing the efforts of government machineries

Shantinagar, R H Colony No.4


Raichur District
Karnataka, India

November 2010 January 2011


Leveraging NREGA Funds to make Agriculture Profit-making & Sustainable in Raichur, the last ranked district of Karnataka Quarterly Progress Report Index Chapter Particulars Chapter I Progress during reporting period (November 2010 January 2011) 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.6 Shelf of works completed Budget Approved GP wise work allocation Completed Works Analysis of the works taken up under NREGA in 2010-11 Analysis of the works for each GP Works to be executed in next 2 months Gram Panchayat wise work execution Conclusion Problems encountered in executing the planned works Strategies adopted to execute the NREGA works Strengthening AIG/WEG and preparing them to execute planned works Orientation to PRI members Orientation to government staffs at various levels Demonstration of Agriculture Technologies High Yielding Varieties in summer Introduction of collective purchase and marketing through farmers Page No. 3 3 4 6 6 8 9 11 13 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 21 23 24 25 25 26 28 29 38 39

Chapter II Learning from Field Chapter III Quarterly Action Plan (February March 2011) 3.1 3.2 Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 3 Annex 4 Plan of action to complete Rs.2,02,50,000/- worth asset building works in 4+1 issues of Janakalyan under NREGA Plan of action for years ahead to take the action forward List of AIG List of WEG Details of the productive assets creating activities completed Outreach, Outputs and Outcomes of the productive assets created

Part I

Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

Progress During the Quarter

(November 2010 January 2011) The last quarter of the project interventions in 3 Gram Panchayat of Sindhanur taluk of Raichur district in Karnataka to leverage NREGA funds for creating productive agriculture assets with the support of Sir Dorabji Tata Trust (SDTT) was inspiring for the team as they succeeded to complete most of the planned activities. The team was not very happy and hopeful in the beginning of the quarter that it would be able to complete the commitments to the Trust and thus requested SDTT to give an additional time and we are thankful to the Trust for giving an extension to complete our commitments. This document is prepared at the end of 4th quarter of the project but reports only the activities of 4th quarter (November 2010 to January 2011) only and not of the entire year. The final report at the end of extended period would cover entire project period report. Efforts have been made to report as per the budget line items from the approved program list in the subsequent sections of the report. 1.1 Shelf of works completed: As stated in the previous volumes of Quarterly Progress Reports that the project commenced in February 2010 and completed 12 months by now. The total project period is shown below for your referenceFeb Mar Apr May Jun Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan July 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011
GP election Code of NREGA Conduct; no implementation Ground works like developmental work system promotion of AIG, implementation: ALL changed: microplan to WORK EXECUTION recruitment of identify the needs SUSPENDED PDOs in place of THROUGHOUT Secretary KARNATAKA GP election: 8.5.2010 President/VP election: 24.6.2010 Conflict of old and TP/ZP election new GP members Code of regarding work EXECUTION OF conduct; executed during NREGA SHELF SUSPENEDE 2009-10; OF WORKS ALL WORK suspended all new EXECUTION work execution TP/ZP election: 26.12.2010 President election: Jan 2011

Effectively we have got only 2 months (October-November) and few days in January 2011 for execution of shelf of works approved by government for 2010-11 as clear from the above table. The major reasons1) February- March: The ground works were carried out to form AIG, prepare microplans to assess the needs of the communities. 2) April-June: Gram Panchayat election announced till election of GP President and Vicepresident: election code of conduct and hence suspended all works. 3) July: Government announced new system to replace Secretaries by PDO (Panchayat Development Officers) in each Gram Panchayat; due to handing-taking over the charges by newly recruited PDOs, no work execution took place. 3

Leveraging NREGA Funds to make Agriculture Profit-making & Sustainable in Raichur, the last ranked district of Karnataka 4) August-September: The old GP members, who had lot of works in February-March in additional budget as flood measures but could claim payment in April due to announcement of election, submitted their claims. But the newly elected GP body declined their payment alleging that these works were either not executed or partially executed by the old GP members. The conflict was in whole Karnataka state and took lot of time to resolve the issue by the intervention of state level bureaucrats and finally resolved in September end. 5) October- November: Execution of approved shelf of works initiated and completed few works as furnished in the subsequent sections of the report. 6) December- January: The Intermediate and District Panchayat election announced and thus execution of works suspended due to election code of conduct again. Despite all these hurdles, the team could achieve most of the agreed tasks and the details are provided in the subsequent sections of the report. 1.1.1 Budget Approved: Total approved budget of all 3 Gram Panchayat put together is Rs.3,75,48,800 while that for 4 asset-creating works is Rs.2,75,08,800 whereas our target is only Rs.2,02,50,000. Earmarked Budget for different categories of works Therefore, we were pretty sure Sector Alabanur Badarli Madasirwar of accomplishing our target. The Tree Plantation 2515000 1100000 1943800 Connecting roads 2010000 6600000 1950000 highest budget is approved for Land Development 120000 1100000 1360000 Badarli Gram Panchayat Water harvesting 4230000 2300000 2280000 (Rs.1,54,00,000) followed by Other Works 3800000 4300000 1940000 Alabanur GP (Rs.1,26,75,000) Total Budget 12675000 15400000 9473800 and lowest is for Madasirwar GP (Rs.94,73,800). The budget approved by the government for the year 2010-11 is grouped in 5 categories for our reporting convenience; 4 sectors representing the needs of the farmers to create productive assets and all other priorities of NREGA are grouped as other works. The maximum budget is earmarked for tree plantation in Alabanur GP, approach roads in Badarli GP, Land development in Madasirwar GP and water harvesting structures in Alabanur GP. The least fund is earmarked for tree plantation in Badarli GP, approach roads in Madasirwar GP, land development in Alabanur GP and water harvesting in Madasirwar GP.


Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

Leveraging NREGA Funds to make Agriculture Profit-making & Sustainable in Raichur, the last ranked district of Karnataka 1.1.2 GP wise work allocation: The allocation of works in all these 3 Gram Panchayat of Sindhanur taluk are furnished in the table above and discussed as under. Alabanur: Maximum funds is earmarked for water harvesting structures (Rs.42,30,000) followed by tree plantation (Rs.25,15,000) and connecting road (Rs.20,10,000) and the least investment is for land development activities. About Rs.38,00,000 is allocated for all other priorities of NREGA. Badarli: Similarly for Badarli GP, the maximum funds is earmarked for connecting road (Rs.66,00,000) followed by water harvesting structures (Rs.23,00,000) and Rs.11,00,000 each for land development and tree planning activities. About Rs.43,00,000 is allocated for all other priorities of NREGA. Madasirwar: For Madasirwar GP, the maximum funds is earmarked for water harvesting structures (Rs.22,80,000) followed by connecting roads (Rs.19,50,000) and Rs.19,43,800 for tree planning while Rs.13,60,000 for land development activities. About Rs.19,40,000 is allocated for all other priorities of NREGA. 1.1.3 Completed Works: Effectively there was only 2 months (October-November) and few days in January 2011, when Janakalyan team could mobilize the communities and complete the works, though the target is much higher than what has been achieved; therefore, we have sought for an additional time of 2 months and is hopeful that would accomplish the target before expiry of project period.


Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

Summary of Works Completed under different target areas as per our commitment Sl. Alabanur Badarli Madsirwar Total Categories No Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. I Completed Works as on 31.1.2011 A Tree Plantation 0 0 0 0 B Connecting roads 1410000 5200000 1250000 7860000 C Land Development 0 800000 920000 1720000 D Water harvesting 550000 2100000 1100000 3750000 Sub total - Completed works 1960000 8100000 3270000 13330000 II To be completed by end of the project A Tree Plantation 2515000 1100000 1943800 5558800 B Connecting roads 600000 1400000 700000 2700000 C Land Development 120000 300000 440000 860000 D Water harvesting 3680000 200000 1180000 5060000 Sub total - to be completed works 6915000 3000000 4263800 14178800 III Other works of GP (not related to Janakalyan target) 1 Completed works 350000 2300000 240000 2890000 2 To be completed by 31.3.2010 3450000 2000000 1700000 7150000 Sub total - Other works 3800000 4300000 1940000 10040000 GRAND TOTAL - ALL WORKS 12675000 15400000 9473800 37548800
The work-wise details are attached in worksheets as Annex III to this report (4 NREGA activities completed.xls).

From the above table, it is clear that about Rs.1,33,30,000/- (65.83%) of the total target of Rs.2,02,50,000/- is already accomplished despite all these hurdles during the reporting period. Though, we must agree that the Janakalyan team could not involve physically in implementing all of these works as many parallel work execution took place in each GP 7

Leveraging NREGA Funds to make Agriculture Profit-making & Sustainable in Raichur, the last ranked district of Karnataka while we have only 1 GPO per GP; however, the planning was done by Janakalyan and the AIG/WEG members participated in these works, wherever our staff failed to make it. Many works have been implemented by direct supervision of our GPO in collaboration with GP members. Analysis of the Works taken up under NREGA in 2010-11: It is clear from the following table that out of total works executed during the year under NREGA, more than 82% works are to create productive agriculture assets (water harvesting, land development, plantation and connecting roads) proposed by Janakalyan while rest 18% is for other works. Similarly, from the works those are approved by government and would be executed in next 2 months, the major share (about 66%) is again to create productive agriculture assets while only 34% would be related to other works.
Analysis of the works keeping total budget of all 3 GP as the base during 2011 Sl. Alabanur Badarli Madsirwar Categories No. Rs. Rs. Rs. I Completed Works as on 31.1.2011 A Tree Plantation 0% 0% 0% B Connecting roads 61% 50% 36% C Land Development 0% 8% 26% D Water harvesting 24% 20% 31% Sub total - Completed works 85% 78% 93% II To be completed by end of the project period A Tree Plantation 24% 22% 33% B Connecting roads 6% 28% 12% C Land Development 1% 6% 7% D Water harvesting 36% 4% 20% Sub total - to be completed works 67% 60% 71% TOTAL - JANAKALYAN WORKS 70% 72% 80% III Other works of GP (not related to Janakalyan target) 1 Completed works 15% 22% 7% 2 To be completed by 31.3.2010 33% 40% 29% Sub total - Other thank Janakalyan works 30% 28% 20% Total Rs. 0% 48% 11% 23% 82% 26% 13% 4% 24% 66% 73% 18% 34% 27%


Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

Similarly, the above table depicts that only 27% of the total GP budget is earmarked for other works while 73% of the works are approved to create productive agriculture assets. Detailed study shows that about 80% of total approved budget is earmarked for asset building activities in Madsirwar while that in Badarli is 72% and in Alabanur is 70%. Analysis of the works for each GP: Similarly, if we analyze the works for each GP, we find that maximum works have been implemented in Badarli GP (53%) followed by Madsirwar (35%) and least is in Alabanur (15%); the total works completed so far in these 3 GPs for creating the productive agriculture assets is 36% while for other works is only 8%.

The maximum works undertaken for land development activities is in Madsirwar GP (10% of their completed works), for water harvesting activities is in Badarli GP (14% of their completed works) and for connecting road is in Madsirwar GP (12% of their completed works). However, out of the completed works of all 3 GPs, the highest investment has gone for connecting roads (21%) followed by water harvesting structures (10%) and least 9

Leveraging NREGA Funds to make Agriculture Profit-making & Sustainable in Raichur, the last ranked district of Karnataka is for land development (5%). Tree plantation has remained zero because the work execution started after the monsoon and thus still none of the works have yet been taken up under this category; the GP as well as the members are of the opinion that they will not be taking up these activity during the current financial year.
Analysis of the works keeping total GP budget as the base during 2011 Sl. Alabanur Badarli Madsirwar Categories No. Rs. Rs. Rs. I Completed Works A Tree Plantation 0% 0% 0% B Connecting roads 11% 34% 13% C Land Development 0% 5% 10% D Water harvesting 4% 14% 12% Sub total - Completed works 15% 53% 35% II To be completed by end of the project period A Tree Plantation 20% 7% 21% B Connecting roads 5% 9% 7% C Land Development 1% 2% 5% D Water harvesting 29% 1% 12% Sub total - to be completed works 55% 19% 45% Other works of GP (not related to Janakalyan III target) 1 Completed works 3% 15% 3% 2 To be completed by 31.3.2010 27% 13% 18% Sub total - Other works 30% 28% 20% Total Rs. 0% 21% 5% 10% 36% 15% 7% 2% 13% 38%

8% 19% 27%



Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

As discussed in the earlier paragraphs, Janakalyan has identified 4 areas of productive agriculture asset creation by leveraging funds from NREGA. The following figure depicts that, tree plantation has not been taken up at all (0%) as it is a seasonal intervention but the period when this activity shall have been taken up (July-Sep) was spent in the conflict between the old and new GP members. It is also clear from the figure that maximum investment of this period has gone into approach road from the village to the farms in all the 3 GPs. Water harvesting structures have also been created but relatively less than other works while investment for land development is least among all 4 components. 1.1.4 Works to be Executed in next 2 months: If we analyze the works that are already approved and would be implemented in next 2 months, we find maximum investment would 11

Leveraging NREGA Funds to make Agriculture Profit-making & Sustainable in Raichur, the last ranked district of Karnataka be for water harvesting structures followed by tree plantation and then connecting roads while land development would find least investment. However, the point to be noted here that, would it be possible to take up plantation activities in the next 2 months (summer)?



Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

1.1.5 Gram Panchayat wise work execution: The GP wise execution could be analyzed using the following pie charts. It is clear from all the 3 GPs that maximum investment has gone into connecting roads followed by water harvesting structures.

1.1.6 Conclusion: To conclude the above discussion one can say that, total commitment of Janakalyan during the project period was about Rs.2,02,50,000/- while we have already accomplished Rs.1,33,30,000/- (65.83%) despite several hurdles during the reporting period. In order to accomplish our target, we need to implement asset creating activities worth Rs.69,20,000/- while government has already approved productive agricultural assets worth Rs.1,41,78,800/-, need to be executed in next 2 months, which the team is pretty sure to complete before expiry of the project period. Though, the team is not very happy with the achievements during the reporting period, but has learnt lots of lessons from experiences / hurdles, which shall be our assets for the future period of intervention. Moreover, all the elections starting from lower tier of PRI to District PRI, MLA/MP are completed during the year and therefore we will not face any such difficulties in the next 13

Leveraging NREGA Funds to make Agriculture Profit-making & Sustainable in Raichur, the last ranked district of Karnataka 3 years. Therefore, keeping the learning in mind, we are sure to do more good works to create productive agricultural assets for the farmers of the region and come up with a replicable model to leverage NREGA funds for the benefits of the farming communities.

1.1.7 Problems encountered in executing the planned works: Execution of works approved under NREGA by Janakalyan team is not an easy task in the present environment and systems adopted by the government in implementation of the activities. The elected representatives as well as government machineries have their own stakes in execution of these shelves of works and therefore dont entertain interference by any external persons/institutions like ours. Some of the problems we have faced while executing these sets of shelves of works under NREGA are The communities themselves are not interested to get the works done in their field (especially the individual benefits like water harvesting structure, land development works or tree plantation) but simply want the amount paid to them (whatever amount they get after paying the percentage of share to all persons associated in finalizing the bills and getting it released). The newly elected PRI members, who have invested to get elected this year, have so far not been able to get any works implemented due to various reasons stated in our previous volumes of the reports; also part of the approved budget has been shared with the old PRI members and therefore, initially showed reluctance in implementing the works, especially with the cooperation of Janakalyan since our team insists for true implementation. However, finally agreed to cooperate for the works which directly benefits the farmers to create productive assets only.



Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai The concerned officers at various levels though express their full support whenever our team meets them, but creates all sorts of difficulties while making payment for the executed works to discourage the farmers / wage-earners. This was the major problem as if the payment for one activity is delayed then our team finds extreme difficulty in mobilizing the wage-earners / farmers to participate in subsequent works.

1.1.8 Strategies adopted to execute NREGA works: The notable strategies adopted in order to get these works executed to create productive agriculture assets are Many rounds of individual interactions with the beneficiaries for whom the works have been approved followed by focused group discussion to make them understand the importance of these productive agriculture assets with the following reasoningWith these productive assets, they would derive the benefits for years and also for their next generations, in terms of increased productivity. The benefits would be multiplied year after year. If they do not create these assets this time but simply get percentage of money, they would never be able to create these assets in future, as government would not allow them to get the same benefits in future.


Leveraging NREGA Funds to make Agriculture Profit-making & Sustainable in Raichur, the last ranked district of Karnataka PRI members are convinced to cooperate with the concept that If you support the farmers to create these productive assets, they would remember you as long as the structure remains with them while for the common infrastructure like village road, etc. nobody recognizes you. The approved budget for the productive agriculture assets is part of the total budget where we are seeking your cooperation and not for all other activities. In the whole nation, nobody has done work on this model of productive agriculture assets creation with NREGA funds and thus whole nation would recognize this model and also all of you once we prove this as a replicable model. The officers of various levels responsible for execution of the NREGA works are convinced with the motivating factors likeOut of 164 GPs of the district (34 in Sindhanur taluk), we are requesting you all to support us to create these 3 GPs as model GP so that we can give a model to the whole nation; definitely, as executing agency, the officers like you will be recognized by whole nation. 1.2 Strengthening AIG/WEG and preparing them to execute the planned activities: The emphasis has been in implementation of the approved activities during this quarter and the real empowerment of these AIG/WEGs has happened during this quarter, the team believes.

1.3 Orientation to PRI members: This quarter was dedicated only for execution of the works and thus none of the activities have been taken up any training or capacity building for the PRI members. We did plan for an exposure trip for these elected representatives but finally realized that none of the GP in the country has taken up activities under this model (as far as our knowledge goes) and thus the exposure to another context might mislead the PRI members. Therefore, finally dropped the idea of taking them for an exposure trip; moreover, they were also busy in getting the works executed during this period, as whole year they could not do this earlier.



Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

1.4 Orientation to government staffs at various levels: Many activities have been completed in our previous period and thus none of the activities have been conducted during this quarter. Further, the officials were also engaged in preparatory activities of the election and later in election activities.


Leveraging NREGA Funds to make Agriculture Profit-making & Sustainable in Raichur, the last ranked district of Karnataka 1.5 Demonstration of Agriculture Technologies: As clear from our previous quarterly progress reports (Volume I, II & III), all these asset creating works have been implemented only during October-November due to election code of conduct and conflict between old and new GP members; again the election code of conduct was in force from 8.12.2010 for intermediate and district Panchayat elections till 10.1.2011. As per our original plan, the demonstration of agriculture components should have been taken up with the farmers for whom the agricultural assets such as irrigation tank, drainage, land leveling is undertaken by the project. Since, our efforts were concentrated on such asset creating works, we lost few months of kharif season and then realized that the asset creation might go beyond the kharif crop. Therefore, the team identified interested farmers among our AIGs who have assured sources of irrigation at least for part of their farm and initiated the demonstration of agricultural technologies such as SRI, IFS and high yielding crops. Therefore, though we will not be able to measure the exact outputs and outcomes of the project for agriculture components, the expenditure, yield and income data are documented from time to time which are furnished here.

Though, these demonstrations do not exhibit the benefits of the assets created by leveraging funds from NREGA, but since these are complete in itself, the farmers have realized the importance of such technologies. It is worth mentioning here that without assured irrigation, we can neither demonstrate the benefits of SRI nor the vegetable cultivation; but even then the farmers have got good yield and realized that SRI, vegetable cultivation and IFS are very relevant systems of cultivation in the present context for this region. There was lot of hesitation towards adoption of SRI and thus there was very poor response too in the beginning; however, some of the participating farmers have now realized its importance and are ready to adopt it during next cropping year too. They found nothing important in IFS as many of the farmers has been doing it for year; however, the IFS package that Janakalyan propagates is tank-based and thus the farmers did not realize its importance during the year. It would be demonstrated again with the farmers having tanks in the next cropping year. Vegetable cultivation was a new addition to this area and farmers have got the taste during the year and we are sure they would definitely adopt it in the years to come as part of their regular farming activities.



Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

Though we have documented all details about the expenditures, yield and return from these demonstration plots, but we dont have any benchmark to compare the results as this is the first year we have introduced the program with these farmers. Therefore, we do not have the records of their previous year and hence cannot compare the data with that of previous year. However, we can definitely make analysis of the data against the expenditures that with the return. Further, some of the farmers have also shared that the yield is more than that of previous year, but there are few others who have also mentioned that the return has reduced from that of previous year. The details of these experiments are tabulated below for your ready reference.
Sl. No. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Name of the Village farmer SRI Ramachandra Hediginal Naganagouda Valabellary Earanna Giniwar Amaregouda Badarli Rajashekhar K Haretanur Devendrappa Thimmapur Girija Veeresh Udbal Basavanagouda Gomarsi Mali Earanagouda Gomarsi Muradabasappa Budiwal G. Hanmanthappa MadaSirwar Chidanandappa Alabanur Srikantha Gouda Belagurki Total Average Per acre Vegetables Allabhaksha Hediginal Devendrappa Valabellary Komareppa Giniwar Sangappa Haretanur Huchappa Badarli Rudragouda Goniganur Satyapriya M RH NO.5 Total Average Per acre Grand Total (SRI+IIFS) Average per farmer Average per acre Gram Panchayat Badarli Badarli Badarli Badarli Badarli Badarli Mad-Sirwar Mad-Sirwar Mad-Sirwar Mad-Sirwar Mad-Sirwar Alabanur Alabanur Crop grown paddy-Sona masuri paddy-Sona masuri paddy-Sona masuri paddy-Sona masuri paddy-Sona masuri paddy-Sona masuri paddy-Sona masuri paddy-Sona masuri paddy-Sona masuri paddy-Sona masuri paddy-Sona masuri paddy-Sona masuri paddy-Sona masuri Data from Demonstration Plot Area (ha) Expenditure Yield Rate Return 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.4 4.6 0.35 1 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.85 0.12 1 5.45 7505 27541 9000 5050 5200 11600 12350 11400 10700 11500 11600 5300 9750 10700 11450 125600 9662 27304 4200 3000 4600 3150 2800 3800 2950 24500 3500 28824 150100 16 58 27 12.5 11.5 28 29 26 28 28 28 14 27 27.5 28 314.5 24.19 68.37 25650 12250 12075 28280 29000 24440 26880 28280 27300 14420 26190 27225 28000 309990 989.6 23846 67389 950 980 1050 1010 1000 940 960 1010 975 1030 970 990 1000 Net Profit 16650 7200 6875 16680 16650 13040 16180 16780 15700 9120 16440 16525 16550 184390 14184 40085

B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Badarli Badarli Badarli Badarli Badarli Badarli Badarli

Ladies finger, Tomato, brinjal, Chilly, ridge gourd, pumpkin, cucumber, bitter gourd, Menthe, Palak, Kothambri

11500 7300 8000 5000 1240 -3360 7650 4500 6300 3500 9200 5400 7800 4850 51690 27190 0.00 0.00 7384 3884 0.00 60812 31988 361680 211580 643 18084 10579 7505 66363 38822 27541

The total return is Rs.361680 from an investment of Rs.150100 with a net benefit of Rs.211580 in SRI and vegetables while the return from the IIFS is yet to come. It is clear from the figure that the average investment per acre of SRI cultivation is about is Rs.27304 and Rs.28824 for vegetable cultivation; the return from SRI is Rs.67389 and Rs.60812 for vegetables with a net return of Rs.40085 from SRI and Rs.31988 from one acre of vegetable cultivation.


Leveraging NREGA Funds to make Agriculture Profit-making & Sustainable in Raichur, the last ranked district of Karnataka

The output form the IIFS activities are yet to be analyzed after the harvest data is collected in the month of February 2011; the participating farmers and expenditure as on date is furnished in the table below.
Sl. No. C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name of the farmer IIFS Venkatesh Allabhaksha Mallikarjuna Mudakappa Channabasava Chidanandappa Basappa Yamanapp Adeppa Pralladh Girija Veeresh Basavanagouda Mali Earanagouda Murada Basappa G Hanmanthappa Total Average Per acre Village Hediginal Hediginal Valabellary Giniwar Badarli Haretanur Goniganur Goniganur Thimmapur RH C No.5 Udbal Udbal Gomarci Gomarci Budiwal Mad-Sirwar Gram Panchayat Badarli Badarli Badarli Badarli Badarli Badarli Badarli Badarli Badarli Badarli Mad-Sirwar Mad-Sirwar Mad-Sirwar Mad-Sirwar Mad-Sirwar Mad-Sirwar Crop grown Bengal gram/Sorgham Sorgham/Bengal gram Sorgham/Bengal gram Bengal gram/Sorgham Sorgham/Bengal gram Sorgham/Bengal gram Bengal gram/Sorgham Bengal gram/Sorgham Bengal gram/Sorgham Bengal gram/Sorgham Sorgham/Bengal gram Sorgham/Bengal gram Sorgham/Bengal gram Bengal gram/Sorgham Sorgham/Bengal gram Bengal gram/Sorgham Area Data from Demonstration Plot (ha) Expenditure Yield Rate Return 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 6.4 0.40 1.00 4700 2775 2900 4800 2400 2650 4000 4100 4250 4250 2500 2500 2650 4050 2600 4200 55325 3457.81 8644.53
Yet to harvest & will be harvested end of Feb 2011

Net Profit

0.00 0.00


0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00



Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

The same can be better understood from the following table; a rupee invested in SRI fetches a return of Rs.2.47 with a net return Demonstration Investment Return Net Profit of Rs.1.47 while that in the case of SRI 1.00 2.47 1.47 vegetable is Rs.2.11 & Rs.1.11 respectively. Vegetables 1.00 2.11 1.11 It demonstrates that SRI remained more beneficial crop during the year, though the result from IIFS is yet to be obtained. However, the available figures are furnished in the table below.

1.5.1 High Yielding Varieties in summer: About 47 farmers have come forward to demonstrate high yielding varieties of vegetable cultivation during summer and the project has supported their intervention in terms of inputs as well as technical supports. The list of these farmers and their demonstration details are provided below-


Leveraging NREGA Funds to make Agriculture Profit-making & Sustainable in Raichur, the last ranked district of Karnataka
Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Name of the farmer Amreshappa S/o Eranna Yankappa S/o Hanumantha Ambanna S/o Huleshappa G.Veeresh S/o Yankappa Amresh S/o Karibasappa Basappa S/o Gadeppa Dodda ambanna Vishwanath Reddy Doddan Gouda Bimal Sarkar S/o Haripado Amal Sarkar S/o Adaitya Abanna nayak s/o basanna kumar swamy pujari k. vereshappa gouda tippanna s/o bimanna mallana gouda devanna mulimani karilingappa s/o linganna yankoba s/o yallappa shankrappa kambli yankoba s/o sheshappa ambresh s/o yamanappa Saraswati W/o Satyapriya Madhusudhan S/o pagal Biswanath Bar S/o Govinda Khadu S/o Fhanibhusan Jagadish bawali s/o Panchu Suresh biswas s/o sachin Sharanappa yeldoni Amresh s/o Tippanna Shiwangouda Hanumanthappa Devanna Shankrappa s/o balappa Kariyappa s/o basappa Pampapati s/o mariyappa Candrappa s/o malleshappa Hampayya Virabadrappa Mahadevappa Duragappa Huligemma d/o yallappa Yallappa d/o huligemma Pampapati s/o duragappa Yamanappa s/o yamanappa Gangappa s/o tippanna Veeresh s/o narasappa Shivarayappa Nagavaleppa Mallappa s/o shivarayappa Virupanna s/o Ramanna Total Village Alabanur Alabanur Alabanur Alabanur Kannari Kannari Kannari Kannari Belagurki Belagurki Belagurki Giniwar Giniwar Giniwar Giniwar Giniwar Giniwar Giniwar Giniwar Giniwar Giniwar Giniwar R.H.C. No.5 R.H.C. No.5 R.H.C. No.5 R.H.C. No.5 R.H.C. No.5 R.H.C. No.5 Haretanur Haretanur Haretanur Madsirwar Madsirwar Madsirwar Madsirwar Gomarsi Gomarsi Gomarsi Gomarsi Gomarsi Udbal EJ Udbal EJ Udbal EJ Udbal EJ Budihal Budihal Budihal Sy No 9 11 12 137 105 54 Area 1-0 1-0 0-20 0-27 0-20 1-20 0-10 0-10 1-00 1-20 1-00 1-00 1-00 1-00 1-00 1-00 0-20 0-20 0-20 0-10 0-20 1-00 2-00 0-20 0-20 0-10 0-10 0-05 0-20 0-20 0-20 0-20 0-20 0-30 0-20 1-00 1-00 1-00 0-20 0-20 2-00 1-00 0-20 0-10 0-20 0-20 0-20

64 69 81 81 13 81 116 86 80 107 80 107 5 40/A 68 41 65.29 89/100 61bp3/4 16 17 16 146 120 120 121 132 143 133 134 134 654 51 37 1 95 82 95



Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

1.6 Introduction of collective purchase and marketing through farmers: Since all the activities got delayed due to creation of productive assets, the collective purchase and marketing could not be taken to its true spirit though some initiatives was initiated.


Leveraging NREGA Funds to make Agriculture Profit-making & Sustainable in Raichur, the last ranked district of Karnataka Part II

Learning from Field

(November 2010 January 2011) The learning for previous periods have been reported from time to time in the earlier versions of the reports submitted in last 3 quarters and the learning of the 4th quarter is documented here. While in our previous volumes we have also put efforts to document the problems / difficulties / bottlenecks experienced by the team while implementing the planned activities but this volume covers only the important learning which shall form the basis for future interventions to take the action forward. The major learning from our interventions in this 12 months have been Complementary approach is the best approach as against the right-based approach for a program like NREGA to ensure real benefits to the farmers. Complementary approach, as practiced in this project, is slow but steady and is a sustainable intervention in long run while the right-based approach might bring immediate results but wipe out at the end of the intervention. Institution building at the grass root level for the wage-earners as well as farmers is essential component of the project to create productive agriculture assets which acts as pressure groups for the PRI members as well as government functionaries. Microplanning is the only tool to mobilize communities by making them realized their needs and the possibilities of getting these needs met through the NREGA. Information is power and thus the communities made aware about the facts and figures related to NREGA on day to day basis, it would make them active in deriving the benefits from the national flagship program like NREGA; a kiosk at Gram Panchayat may help a lot to achieve this goal. Though it is not that easy to motivate the elected representatives and government functionaries towards selfless works, but the team is now ready with several strategies to ensure that they create productive agricultural assets in the subsequent years. There are many farmers for whom the productive agriculture assets have been sanctioned under NREGA but are not interested to execute these works instead wants to get some percentage of the earmarked budget without creating the structures; this is because they do not have proper knowledge about these structures and also the importance of such structures and the impacts that these structures would bring in long term. Our efforts have changed mindsets of many farmers to execute the works in their farmers during the year. The labors are also hesitating to participate in execution of the works as they are not able to meet the output criteria and thus minimum wage per day; instead if they go for agriculture operations, they can earn more money than NREGA with lesser efforts and energies. Therefore, many of the works have been implemented using machines in the places where labors were not available.


Part III

Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

Quarterly Action Plan

(February 2011 March 2011)
As per the original plan and grant approval, the project ended by January 2011; since, Janakalyan team could not achieve the target of Rs.202,50,000/- worth of productive assets creating activities leveraging NREGA fund, we sought an extension of the project period for 2 months (February March 2011) and grateful to the Trust for approving our extension. Therefore, this is an additional plan prepared at the end of the 4th quarter only to accomplish the commitments of completing the shelf of works. The major activities planned for these 2 months are Facilitate implementation of NREGA works from the approved action plan 2010-11 soon to avoid lapse of funds. Provide handholding support to labor groups (WEG) and AIG members to ensure effective implementation of all the approved works within the scheduled time. Strengthening of AIGs: demonstration of vegetable cultivation in summer and documentation of outputs to demonstrate the technologies. Organize experience sharing workshop and FIELD DAY inviting WEG members, all AIG members, GP officials and PRI members to share outputs and learnings of implementation of NREGA works as well as the outputs of all demonstrations. Documentation of the process followed and progress achieved during the entire project period by consolidating all learning for wider circulation so that it can be practiced by all other stakeholders. Ensure the entire 1000 WEG members submit their applications to GP for job-cards and facilitate them to obtain their job cards.

3.1 Plan of action to complete the balance work out of Rs.2,02,50,000/- worth asset building activities
in 4 issues of Janakalyan under NREGA: The following approved works are still to be completed and Janakalyan team plans to completed these in collaboration with the PRI members, farmers, government functionaries and wage earners. Out of our commitment, we have already completed the works worth Rs.133,30,000/- and need to complete the works worth Rs.69,20,000/- while the approved budget is about Rs.127,78,800/-. The team is very confident to achieve this target and fulfill the commitment in another month time.

Sl. No. 1 2 3 4

Work approved as per NREGA priorities

Tree Plantation Connecting roads Land Development Water harvesting Sub total

2515000 600000 120000 3680000 6865000 3450000

Shelf of works proposed Badarli Madasirwar Total

1100000 1400000 300000 200000 1650000 2000000 1943800 700000 440000 1180000 4263800 1700000 5558800 1350000 860000 5010000 12778800 7150000

26% 13% 4% 24% 33%

5 Other works Grand Total



5963800 19928800 100%


3.2 Plan of action for years ahead to take the action forward: Based on the learning from pilot phase, Janakalyan proposes that interventions which it has initiated in February 2010 shall be taken forward with the following activities for next 3 years commencing from April 2011 with the support of SDTT. This being a unique approach of Janakalyan, nowhere in the country it has been implemented. Upon successful of the intervention, it would become a National Model and could be adopted in all districts across the country. If, using this complementary model, we can reduce the corruption even by 20-30% form the present level, it would be huge contribution to the country if we consider the amount of funds the government is investing in this particular program. The following activities have been planned for next 3 years keeping the learning in mind.
Sl. Activities to be Completed No. I

Justification / Descriptions about the activities


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9










10 11 12
h h h

Developing the skills and empowering the communities to prepare their own plan using micro-planning tools, shelf of works and labor budget under NREGA for their Gram Panchayat and get it approved in the Gram Panchayat and subsequently include in the district level plan 1 Task Force Committee (TFC) Education about NREGA is very important among communities; they must realize how 40 TFC formation in each of our public funds are not used for the purposes it is meant for in the present system of NREGA operational villages for implementation and what their role to implement all works with 100% efficiency and NREGA. transparency. To create a cadre of people in the villages who would take active role of vigilance to review the activities proposed under NREGA, its implementation, motivating labor groups to take part in the work execution To ensure their participation in implementation of NREGA shelf of works to create 50 productive agricultural assets and providing employment to needy families. instituti

Efforts shall be put to ensure that the Action Plans preparation and beneficiary selection 40 shall be in gram sabha using micro-planning tools only and the final list must be displayed micropl in prominent places of the villages. The practical & felt needs of the communities shall be ans reflected in the Annual Action Plans prepared under NREGA giving more emphasis on labor-oriented productive assets creating works/ activities. Sensitization Campaign for (3 tiers) PRI members with special focus on Gram Sabha members to sensitize the importance of irrigation tanks, plantation, drainage and II physical connectivity of the land and the scope of covering these under NREGA 5 PRI members must be given NREGA is not only meant for labors but also for whole communities as it helps creating lot 300 PRI motivational, personality of public assets in the rural area. It allows GP members to take up all kinds of rural membe development and life skill development activities to create basic facilities & required amenities; thus PRI members rs and

Promotion of Women Groups, Wage Earners Group (WEG) and Agriculture Interest Groups (AIG) Strengthening Women Groups / SHGs in each village through capacity building training Ensuring effective conduct of Gram Sabha and preparation of action plans in the gram sabha

To motivate them to take part in implementation of shelf of approved productive asset 1000 creating works instead of letting all the works being implemented by the GP members. membe


Sl. Activities to be Completed No. development training to imbibe high level principles in their lives.

Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

Justification / Descriptions about the activities


1 2 3 4 5 6th 7th 8th 9th






10t 11t 12t

h h h

can create their self-respect, positive image and moral value in the eyes of local public.

govern ment Through this training if we can bring positive development attitude among at least 2-3 PRI officers
members from each village, it would be a great achievement and definitely we will achieve the expected changes in the villages through them. To orient them about the importance of productive agricultural assets under NREGA for 5 making the agriculture sector profitable in long run. worksh

Workshop to sensitize bureaucrats as well as elected representative


Implementation of sanctioned shelf of works to generate employment opportunities for their fellow villagers; at the same time, create water harvesting structures III (irrigation tanks), improve connectivity, improve soil health and plant biomass generating species in the farms. Supplement these activities with demonstration of IIFS package to make agriculture sustainable. 7 Execution of productive Creating water harvesting structures, soil health improvement systems (drainage), land 200 agricultural assets creating development, plantation and other such productive assets by leveraging funds from works activities in project villages NREGA through Community Driven Development Approach 8 Demonstration of latest To demonstrate judicious utilization of water and other natural resources created 50 agricultural technologies leveraging NREGA funds demons with farmers tration IV Facilitation of knowledge building by providing access to information through knowledge center establishment as well as community magazine introduction in the villages 9 Wall Magazine to display Transparency shall be brought in implementation of NREGA shelf of works by ensuring 144 NREGA works related that the GP displays the information on works approved, work allotted to SHG/ Numbe information on weekly / institution/ department for implementation, works under progress, works completed, rs monthly basis in every etc., on the notice board and it is to be updated and uploaded to GP website regularly. village 10 A Kiosk with internet To provide updated information to the communities on every project, every village with 8 kiosks connection shall be put in approved budget and its utilization on day to day basis; this will help public to know all each GP head quarter information from time to time and raise questions for prevention of corruption to a large extent. This Kiosk shall also provide latest amendment to the NREGA implementation and all relevant forms for labor communities. It would also assist the stakeholders to apply for employment, unemployment allowance, insurance, work site facilities, medical benefits, etc.


Annex I List of Agriculture Interest Groups (AIG) The lists are provided in excel sheets and enclosed with this report as1) Annex I: AIGs of Alabanur GP 2) Annex I: AIGs of Badarli GP 3) Annex I: AIGs of Madsirwar GP

Annex II List of Wage Earners Group (WEG)
Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Name of the Member Nagamma Channama Sharadamma Basamma Mukappa Parvathamma Neelamma G.Venkatesh Parvathamma Channamma Basavaraj C.Mallamma Amrutha Earamma Aanandamma Venkatesh Pampapathi Nirmala Ratnamma Ambamma Ramesh Aalambi Huligemma Mudiyappa Mallamma Ambayya Yallamma Yankappa Basappa Yamanamma Renukamma Amaresh Gangamma Lakshmi Virupamma Yamanamma Sharanamma Father / Husband

Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

Age 45 22 36 34 45 40 36 20 43 21 24 19 18 33 45 32 35 26 30 45 54 36 40 45 38 44 34 25 50 45 34 40 35 42 40 39 30

Sex F F F F M F F M F F M F F F F M M F F F M F F M F M F M M F F M F F F F F

Caste Lingayath Lingayath Lingayath Lingayath Lingayath Lingayath Lingayath Lingayath Lingayath Lingayath Lingayath Lingayath Lingayath Lingayath Lingayath Lingayath lingayath Lingayath Hadapad Hadapad Hadapad Muslim Madiwalar Madiwalar Madiwalar Madiwalar Nayak (ST) Nayaak(ST) Nayak(ST) Nayaka(ST) Nayaka(ST) Nayaka (ST) ST ST Lingayath SC SC

1. Alabanur W/O Malleshappa D/O Malleshappa W/o Amareshappa W/O mukappa S/o Linganna W/o Basavarajappa W/O hanumanagouda S/o mukappa W/O Kalyanappa D/O Kalyanappa S/O Kalyanappa W/O Basavaraj D/O Basavaraj W/O Basappa W/O Rangapur Venkatesh S/O Sanna Amaragundappa S/O Rangapur Bheemanna W/O Pampapathi W/O Basappa W/O Ramesh S/O Mudakappa W/O Husen sab W/O Mudiyappa S/O Rajappa W/O Ambayya W/O Rajappa W/o Basappa S/O Basappa S/O Dyavappa W/O Basappa W/O Amaresh S/O Basappa W/O Adeppa W/O Yamanappa W/O Siddayya W/O Mudiyappa W/O Basappa


Leveraging NREGA Funds to make Agriculture Profit-making & Sustainable in Raichur, the last ranked district of Karnataka
Sl. No. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Name of the Member Ambamma Venkatesh Pampapathi Nirmala Ratnamma Ambamma Ramesh Aalambi Parvathamma Neelamma G.Venkatesh Parvathamma Mudiyappa Ayyappa Basamma Veeresh Pakeeramma Gurappa Ambamma Basavaraj Renukamma Husenappa Parvathamma Gireppa Hanumanthamma Thippamma Basamma Huligeppa Shanthamma Mahadevamma Nagamma Devendrapa Lakshmi Yallapa Earamma Ramanna Sharanamma Basavaraj Neelamma Ayyappa Father / Husband W/O Ramesh S/O Sanna Amaragundappa S/O Rangapur Bheemanna W/O Pampapathi W/O Basappa W/O Ramesh S/O Mudakappa W/O Husen sab W/o Basavarajappa W/O hanumanagouda S/o mukappa W/O Kalyanappa S/O Rajappa Age 45 32 35 26 30 45 54 36 40 36 20 43 45 32 28 28 25 38 32 26 21 27 24 32 30 40 38 30 25 35 18 28 22 38 35 50 40 25 20 38 Sex F M M F F F M F F F M F M M F M F M F M F M F M F F F M F F F M F M F M F M F M Caste Hadapad Lingayath lingayath Lingayath Hadapad Hadapad Hadapad Muslim Lingayath Lingayath Lingayath Lingayath Madiwalar SC SC SC SC ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC

2. Badarli
S/O yallappa W/O Ayyappa S/O Duragappa W/O Veeresh S/o Ayyappa W/o Gurappa S/o Yallappa W/O Basavaraj S/O Mudakappa W/O Husenappa S/O Batta Ayyappa W/O Gireppa W/O krishnappa W/O Thirupathi S/O Bheemappa W/O Huligeppa W/O Lokappa D/O Lokappa S/o Huligemma W/o Devendrappa S/o Thippanna W/O Yallappa S/O Yallamma W/O Ramanna S/O Channappa W/O Basavaraj S/O Bheemappa


Sl. No. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Name of the Member Basamma Ayyappa Sharanamma Earappa Gangamma Sanna Sabanna Sangamma Ayyappa Devamma Hulagappa Channamma Ningappa Pamamma Yamunappa Mashamma Yallamma Basanna Husenappa Virupamma Basavaraj Umadevi Huchappa Shivamma Ayyappa Ambamma Jalihal Ayyappa Mukamma Ayyappa Muk Parvathamma Husenappa Parvathamma San Mallayya Ningamma Kanakappa Hanmanthamma Hanmantha Channabasamma San Devanna Papamma Huligeppa Huligeppa Father / Husband W/O Ayyappa S/O Muddappa D/O Ayyappa S/O Sabanna W/O Earappa S/o Duragappa W/o Sanna Sabanna S/O Dodda Sabanna W/O Ayyappa S/O Thimmanna W/O huligeppa S/O Chagappa W/O ningappa S/O Basappa W/O Yamunappa W/O Basanna S/O Chagappa S/O Shivappa W/O Husenappa S/O Shivappa W/O Basavaraj S/O Husenappa W/O huchappa 3. Goniganur S/O Basappa(Uchegida) W/O Ayyappa Uchigida S/O kanakappa W/O Ayyappa S/O Earappa W/o Ayyappa Muk S/O Nagappa W/O husenappa S/O Nagtappa W/o mallayya S/O Mallayya W/O Kanakappa S/O Ayyappa W/O hanumantha S/O Shankarapa W/o Devanna S/O Dhyavanna S/o Dyavanna

Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

Age 32 35 18 35 45 40 35 26 21 35 30 30 27 40 38 22 26 26 21 22 20 24 22 30 27 38 32 39 32 28 26 30 28 35 30 40 35 40 32 21 22 Sex F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F F M M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M M Caste SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST Madiwalaru Madiwalaru Madiwalaru Madiwalaru


Leveraging NREGA Funds to make Agriculture Profit-making & Sustainable in Raichur, the last ranked district of Karnataka
Sl. No. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name of the Member Dyavanna Yallamma Ayyappa Kanakappa Gangamma Lakshmi Pampanna Lakshmi Pompanna Huligemma Kariyappa Ambamma Huligeyya Nagamma Hanumayya Narasamma Basappa Gangamma Huligeyya Hampamma Amaresh Narasamma Pakeerappa Nagamma Hanumantha Gangamma Nagapa Pamayya Malappa Devamma Ramesh Ambanna Ramanna Channamma Amaresh Salgunda Rangamma Geethamma Swamy Earamma Ramanna Father / Husband S/O Ayyappa D/O Dyavappa S/O Bheemraya S/o Bhimraya W/o Ayyappa W/O Kanakappa S/O Earappa W/O Pampanna S/O Thimmayya W/o pompanna S/O Yamanappa W/O kariyappa S/O kariyappa S/O kariyappa Ayyappa W/O hanumantha S/O Yamanappa W/O Basappa S/o Dyavappa W/O Devappa S/O Ramanna W/O Amaresh S/o Ramanna W/O Pakeerappa S/O Thimmayya W/O hanumanth S/o Gireppa S/o nagappa S/O Hanumanth W/O Malappa S/O Malappa S/O Hanumantha Age 45 24 26 45 34 41 35 35 44 40 35 30 48 20 39 40 46 40 40 30 40 30 45 40 45 40 30 45 39 35 26 27 28 25 35 32 55 28 25 25 Sex M F M M F F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M M M F M F M M M F M M M F M F F M F M Caste ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST

4. Haretanur
S/O Husenappa W/o Ramanna S/o Thippanna nayak W/O Amaresh Salgunda W/o Shippa S/o Shivappa W/o Swamy S/O Shivappa


Sl. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Name of the Member Linganna Basamma Basavaraj Kanakamma Ramanna Ambamma Mukappa Huligemma Husenappa Gangamma San Ayyappa Mahadevamma San Ayyappa Duragamma Dod Ayyappa Lingamma Husenappa Dyavamma Parshuram Ayyamma Kanakappa Huligeyya Husenappa Basamma Ayyappa Lakshmi Gangappa Parvathamma Huligeyya Ayyamma Amaresh Sabanna Ayyamma Basayya Mukamma Huligeyya Gangamma Dod Kriyppa Duragamma Duragayya Hobalemma Parasappa Father / Husband S/o Yankoba Giniwar W/o linganna S/O Ayyappa Giniwar W/O Basavaraj S/o Ayyappa Salgundi W/o Ramanna S/o San Ayyappa W/O Lachamayya S/o hanumanth W/o husenappa S/o Sagarappa W/O San Ayyappa S/o Earappa Devaramane W/O San Ayyappa S/O Earappa W/o Dod Ayyappa S/o Rangayya nalgamdinni W/O husenappa S/O Husenappa W/o Chinchar Ramanna S/o Chinchar Ramanna S/O Chincharki Ramanna S/O Ramanna W/o husenappa S/o Devendrappa W/o Ayyappa S/o Devendrappa W/o Gangappa S/o Devendrappa W/o huligeyya S/O Devendrappa S/o Ragayya W/o Sabanna S/o Rangayya W/O Basayya S/O Ayyappa Nalgamdinni W/o Huligeyya S/o Ayyappa nalgamdinni W/o Dod kariyappa S/o Ayyappa nalgamdinni W/o Duragayya S/o Ayyappa

Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

Age 60 50 40 35 40 35 42 40 35 30 38 35 28 25 30 28 40 35 18 50 22 22 28 25 30 25 28 24 25 20 19 40 35 40 36 30 25 45 35 42 38 45 Sex M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M M M F M F M F M F M M F M F M F M F M F M Caste ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST


Leveraging NREGA Funds to make Agriculture Profit-making & Sustainable in Raichur, the last ranked district of Karnataka
Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Name of the Member Narayanappa Duragamma Shivaraj Kariyappa Mahesh Beesamma Mariyappa Sharanappa K.Sharanappa Duragamma Dyavamma Adeppa Earamma Basavaraj Amaramma Rajasab Husenamma Husenamma Rajamma Hasensab Gudamma Husenamma Bashasab Durugappa Bandenavaz Husenbi Dyamamma Basamma Basavaraja Jalalamma Husenappa Gouramma Father / Husband Age 48 40 24 22 20 48 30 26 35 30 45 30 25 20 18 26 24 45 20 48 45 24 20 35 30 26 40 30 26 24 40 35 Sex M F M M M F M M M F F M F M F M F F F M F F M M M F F F M F M F Caste ST ST ST ST ST Uppar Uppar Uppar Uppar Uppar ST ST ST ST ST Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Nayak Muslim Muslim ST ST ST ST SC SC

5. Maladinni Camp
S/o Ramanna W/o narayanappa S/O Narayanappa S/O narayyappa S/o Narayanappa W/o San Rangappa S/O San Rangappa S/o San Rangappa S/o Govindappa W/O K.Sharanappa W/o Amarappa S/o Amarappa D/O Adeppa S/O Adeppa D/o Adeppa S/o Hydersab W/O Rajasab W/O hydersab D/o Hydersab S/O Husensab W/o hasensab D/o hasensab S/O hasensab S/o Shivappa S/O Hasensab W/O Bande Navaz W/O Shivappa W/o Duragappa S/O Shivappa D/o Basavaraj S/o EArappa W/o Husenappa

6. Belagurki
1 2 3 4 5 6 Pampathi Shyamamma Hanumantha Earamma Gangadhara Maremma S/o lachamanna W/o pampapathi S/o Lachamanna W/o hanumantha Lachamanna W/o Gangadhar 28 26 34 30 26 24 M F M F M F SC SC SC SC SC SC


Sl. No. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Name of the Member Hanumantha Mankalemma Yankamma Hire yankoba Mudiyappa Lakshmi Lakshmipathi Mahadevi Husenappa Parevathamma Amaresha Basavaraja Gangamma Hanumanthi Bheemanna Guramma Anjanayya Devamma Husenamma Fakeerappa Krishnamma Yankappa Basamma Nagappa Muthamma Bheemamma Mudiyamma Ayyamma Hanumantha Rudramma Sharanabasamma Mahadevi Kariyappa Mallamma Beerappa Hampamma Amaresh Shivamma Basavaraj Ambamma Nagappa Lakshmi Father / Husband S/o Hire Yankoba W/o Hanumantha W/o Hire Venkoba S/o kaggalappa S/O Thimmanna W/o Mudiyappa S/O nagappa W/O lakshmipathi S/O nagappa W/O husenappa S/o husenappa S/o San yankoba W/O Basavaraj W/o yankoba S/o Yamunappa W/o Bheemanna S/o Bheemayya W/o Anjanayya W/o Yamunappa S/o yankappa Dani W/o Fakeerappa S/o Balappa Yankappa Yankappa Nagappa Ayyappa Ayyappa W/O Basappa S/o Ningappa D/o hanumantha Hanumantha D/o hanumantha S/O Basappa W/O Kariyappa S/o Kariyappa D/o kariyappa S/o kariyappa W/o Amaresha S/o kariyappa W/o Basavaraj S/o Kariyappa W/o nagappa

Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

Age 35 30 45 50 38 35 40 35 38 29 19 36 30 48 50 48 28 24 35 35 35 48 40 35 30 45 18 50 40 35 20 18 48 39 20 19 36 28 29 26 25 24 Sex M F F M M F M F M F M M F F M F M F F M F M F M F F F F M F F F M F M F M F M F M F Caste SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC ST ST ST ST ST ST Kurubaru Kurubaru Kurubaru Kurubaru Kurubaru KURUBARU Kurubaru Kurubaru Kurubaru Kurubaru Kurubaru Kururbaru Kurubaru Kurubaru Kurubaru Kurubaru Kurubaru


Leveraging NREGA Funds to make Agriculture Profit-making & Sustainable in Raichur, the last ranked district of Karnataka
Sl. No. 49 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Name of the Member Yankappa Earamma Girija Mallamma Ramadevi Yamunamma Dyamanna Gangamma Dyavamma Lakshmi Ratnamma Parvathamma Sharanamma Mallamma Shankramma Lakshmi Ningamma Earamma Gundamma Fakiramma Dodda Basamma Kamalamma Earamma Gangamma Kariyamma Earamma Mukudamma Malamma Kalasappa Husensab San hanumantha Kariyappa Virupanna Narasimharaj Nagaraj Mallamma Sharanamma Basavaraj Father / Husband S/o kariyappa W/o Yankappa Age 28 26 Sex M F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F M M M M M M M F F M OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC Caste Kurubaru Kurubaru OBC OBC OBC OBC SC OBC SC OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC SC SC OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC SC OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC

7. Udbal
W/o Veeresh Hire Ningappa Veeresh Veeresh Virupanna Shekharappa W/O Ambanna Wo mudakappa W/o Dyavappa W/o Chandrayya Swamy W/o Ghamanna W/o Nagappa W/o kariyappa W/o yankappa W/o Virupanna W/O Hanumantha W/o Basanna W/o nagesh W/o Gundappa W/o yamanappa W/o Shekhappa W/o Basavaraj W/o hanumantha W/o Renukappa W/O Veerappa W/O yamanappa 8. Madasirwar S/o Thippanna S/o Rajasab S/o Siddappa S/O San Virupanna S/o Siddappa S/O hanumantha S/o Changaleppa W/O kariyappa W/o Shivappa 9. Gomarsi 35 32 25 20 30 25 34 32 25 28 34 39 44 26 19 22 43 37 34 56 45 54 34 29 43 33 45 44 39 32 29 44 25 34 40 34


Sl. No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Name of the Member Basavaraj Veerabhadrappa Devamma Akbarsab Mallesh Mudakappa Dharmanna Yamunappa Yankappa Venkatesh Maskilsab Tajuddin Yankoba Veeresha Hampayya Siddappa San kariyappa Nirupadeppa Shivappa Kariyappa Mudakappa Dharmanagouda Mutturaj Mahadevappa Kariyappa Hanumanthappa Khajasab Jagiramma nagaraj Father / Husband

Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

Age 27 45 45 42 31 24 23 19 22 26 31 42 47 25 26 29 30 33 22 33 40 18 24 29 35 39 41 28 24 Sex M M F M M M F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F M Caste OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC SC OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC SC OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC OBC SC OBC OBC OBC OBC


Leveraging NREGA Funds to make Agriculture Profit-making & Sustainable in Raichur, the last ranked district of Karnataka Annex III Details of the productive assets creating activities completed under NREGA Details of activities completed under 4 heads are furnished in excel sheets and enclosed to this report as Annex III: NREGA works completed



Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Mumbai

Annex IV Outputs, Outreach and Outocomes of the productive assets created under NREGA Details of the outputs, outreach and outcomes of the productive assets created under 4 heads are furnished in excel sheets and enclosed to this report as Annex IV: Outputs, Outcomes & Outreach
Total Expenditure Sl. Vill Category of work GP No. age 1 2 3 4 Water Harvesting Land development Tree Plantation Connecting Road Total 17 17 17 17 17 3 3 3 3 3 Labor Material No No of Size of Area of farmers structure Benefitt Remarks benefitti Total struc (ha) ed (ha) ture ng 3750000 15 11.825 237 221 1720000 43 17575.25 129.75 82 0 0 0 0 0 Not taken up 7860000 25 38.75 942 4242 13330000 83 17625.825 1308.75 4545

2072000 1390000 1032000 688000 0 0 4716000 3144000 7820000 5222000

It is clear from the table that about 4545 farmers have been reached out through these assets creating activities those are deriving the benefits of these structures. About 83 structures have been created by investing an amount of Rs.13330000/- covering 17625.83 ha of land. About 1308.75 ha of land is benefitting from these structures.


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