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Best Buy Co. Inc.

Trial Balance
December 31, 2021
Cash $ 5,625
Short-Term Investments 65
Accounts Receivable, net 1,061
Inventories 5,612
Miscellaneous Current Assets 177
Property, Plant, and Equipment, net 4,872
Total Investments and Advances 91
Intangible Assets 1,287
Other Assets 260
Short-Term Debt & Current Portion of Long-Term Debt
Accounts Payable
Income Tax Payable
Other Current Liabilities
Long-Term Debt
Provisions for Risks & Charges
Deferred Taxes
Other Liabilities
Common Stock Par/Carry Value
Retained Earnings
Cumulative Translation Adjustment/Unrealized For. Exch. Gain
Cost of Goods Sold including Depreciation and Amortization 36,746
SG&A Expense 7,945
Unusual Expense 196
Non-Operating Income/Expense 17
Interest Expense 52
Income Tax 579
Non-Operating Interest Income
Pretax Income
EBIT 2,571
Miscellaneous Adjustment 1,570
$ 68,726
Best Buy Co. Inc.
Trial Balance
December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 December 31, 2019
$ 2,355 $ 2,184
117 0
1,149 1,015
5,174 5,409
62 262
5,037 2,510
89 26
1,347 1,283
252 157
$ 817 $ 674 $ 56
6,979 5,288 5,257
0 0 0
2,725 2,098 2,200
3,265 3,395 1,332
0 0 140
(17) 20 (55)
694 628 610
26 26 27
4,233 3,158 2,985
328 295 294
33,662 32,918
7,939 7,997
44 64
17 12
64 73
452 424
47,262 43,638 42,879
37 47 49
2,377 1,993 1,888
2,037 1,964
1,463 1,364
$ 68,726 $ 61,260 $ 61,260 $ 57,662 $ 57,662
Best Buy Co. Inc.
Income Statement
For the Year Ended December 31, 2021
Sales/Revenue $ 47,262
Total Sales/Revenue $ 47,262
Cost of Goods Sold including Depreciation and Amortization 36,746
Total Cost of Goods Sold Including Depreciation and Amortization 36,746
Gross Profit 10,516
Operating Expenses
SG&A Expense 7,945
Unusual Expense 196
Interest Expense 52
Non-Operating Income/Expense 17
Total Operating Expenses 8,210
Operating Income 2,306
Other Income
Non-Operating Interest Income 37
Pretax Income 2,377
Income Tax 579
EBIT 2,571
Total Other Income 5,564
Net Income $ (3,258)

Best Buy Co. Inc.

Income Statement
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
Sales/Revenue 43,638
Total Sales/Revenue 43,638
Cost of Goods Sold including Depreciation and Amortization 33,662
Total Cost of Goods Sold Including Depreciation and Amortization 33,662
Gross Profit 9,976
Operating Expenses
SG&A Expense 7,939
Unusual Expense 17
Interest Expense 64
Non-Operating Income/Expense 47
Total Operating Expenses 8,067
Operating Income 1,909
Other Income
Non-Operating Interest Income 17
Pretax Income 1,993
Income Tax 452
EBIT 1,463
Total Other Income 3,925
Net Income $ (2,016)
$ 47,262


No matter what I tried I couldn't come up with the
2,306 income that Best Buy has on their income statement
for the years 2021 and 2020.

$ (3,258)




$ (2,016)
Best Buy Co. Inc.
Stockholders' Equity Statement
December 31, 2021
Common Stock Par/Carry Value $ 26
Retained Earnings 4,233
Cumulative Translation Adjustment/Unrealized For. Exch. Gain 328
Total Stockholders' Equity $ 4,587

Best Buy Co. Inc.

Stockholders' Equity Statement
December 31, 2020
Common Stock Par/Carry Value $ 26
Retained Earnings 3,158
Cumulative Translation Adjustment/Unrealized For. Exch. Gain 295
Total Stockholders' Equity $ 3,479

Best Buy Co. Inc.

Stockholders' Equity Statement
December 31, 2019
Common Stock Par/Carry Value $ 27
Retained Earnings 2,985
Cumulative Translation Adjustment/Unrealized For. Exch. Gain 294
Total Stockholders' Equity $ 3,306
$ 4,587

Note: The Balance Sheet information I found does

not conatin stock information and I couldn't find
stock information online. I used the information the
Balance Sheets provided me.

$ 3,479

$ 3,306
Best Buy Co. Inc.
Balance Sheet
December 31, 2021
Current Assets
Cash $ 5,625
Short-Term Investments 65
Accounts Receivable, net 1,061
Inventories 5,612
Miscellaneous Current Assets 177
Total Current Assets $ 12,540
Non-Current and Intangible Assets
Property, Plant, and Equipment, net 4,872
Total Investments and Advances 91
Intangible Assets 1,287
Other Assets 260
Total Non-Current and Intangible Assets 6,510
Total Assets $ 19,050
Current Liabilities
Short-Term Debt & Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 817
Accounts Payable 6,979
Income Tax Payable 0
Other Current Liabilities 2,725
Total Current Liabilities 10,521
Long-Term Liabilities
Long-Term Debt 3,265
Provisions for Risks & Charges 0
Deferred Taxes (17)
Other Liabilities 694
Total Long-Term Liabilities 3,942
Stockholders' Equity
Common Stock Par/Carry Value 26
Retained Earnings 4,233
Cumulative Translation Adjustment/Unrealized For. Exch. Gain 328
Total Stockholders' Equity 4,587
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity $ 19,050

Best Buy Co. Inc.

Balance Sheet
December 31, 2020
Current Assets
Cash $ 2,355
Short-Term Investments 117
Accounts Receivable, net 1,149
Inventories 5,174
Miscellaneous Current Assets 62
Total Current Assets $ 8,857
Non-Current and Intangible Assets
Property, Plant, and Equipment, net 5,037
Total Investments and Advances 89
Intangible Assets 1,347
Other Assets 252
Total Non-Current and Intangible Assets 6,725
Total Assets $ 15,582
Current Liabilities
Short-Term Debt & Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 674
Accounts Payable 5,288
Income Tax Payable 0
Other Current Liabilities 2,098
Total Current Liabilities 8,060
Long-Term Liabilities
Long-Term Debt 3,395
Provisions for Risks & Charges 0
Deferred Taxes 20
Other Liabilities 628
Total Long-Term Liabilities 4,043
Stockholders' Equity
Common Stock Par/Carry Value 26
Retained Earnings 3,158
Cumulative Translation Adjustment/Unrealized For. Exch. Gain 295
Total Stockholders' Equity 3,479
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity $ 15,582

Best Buy Co. Inc.

Balance Sheet
December 31, 2019
Current Assets
Cash $ 2,184
Short-Term Investments 0
Accounts Receivable, net 1,015
Inventories 5,409
Miscellaneous Current Assets 262
Total Current Assets 8,870
Non-Current and Intangible Assets
Property, Plant, and Equipment, net 2,510
Total Investments and Advances 26
Intangible Assets 1,283
Other Assets 157
Total Non-Current and Intangible Assets 3,976
Total Assets $ 12,846
Current Liabilities
Short-Term Debt & Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 56
Accounts Payable 5,257
Income Tax Payable 0
Other Current Liabilities 2,200
Total Current Liabilities 7,513
Long-Term Liabilities
Long-Term Debt 1,332
Provisions for Risks & Charges 140
Deferred Taxes (55)
Other Liabilities 610
Total Long-Term Liabilities 2,027
Stockholders' Equity
Common Stock Par/Carry Value 27
Retained Earnings 2,985
Cumulative Translation Adjustment/Unrealized For. Exch. Gain 294
Total Stockholders' Equity 3,306
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity $ 12,846
$ 12,540

$ 19,050



$ 19,050
$ 8,857

$ 15,582



$ 15,582


$ 12,846



$ 12,846
Best Buy Co. Inc.
Statement of Cash Flows
December 31, 2021
Operating Activities:
Net Income $ 1,798
Accounts Receivable, net 1,061
Inventories 5,612
Cash 5,625
Short-Term Investments 65
Miscellaneous Current Assets 177
Total Investments and Advances 91
Intangible Assets 1,287
Other Assets 260
Accounts Payable 6,979
Other Current Liabilities 2,725
Long-Term Debt 3,265
Provisions for Risks & Charges 0
Deferred Taxes (17)
Other Liabilities 694
Cash Generated from Operating Activities 16,276
Investing Activities:
Property, Plant, and Equipment, net 4,872
Cash Generated from Investing Activities 4,872
Financing Activities:
Common Stock Par/Carry Value 26
Cumulative Translation Adjustment/Unrealized For. Exch. Gain 328
Cash Generated from Financing Activities 354
Cash Flow for Year Ended December 31, 2021 $ 21,502

Current Ratio = Total Assets / Total Liabilities 12,540 / 10,521 = 1.91

Acid-Test (Quick) Ratio = Current Assets - Inventory / Current

Liabilities 12,540 - 5,612 / 10,521 = 0.66

Accounts Receivable Turnover = Sales Revenue / Accounts

Receivable 47,262 / 1,061 = 44.54

Days in Receivables = 365 / Accounts Recivable Turnover 365 / 44.54 = 8.20

Inventory Turnover = Cost of Goods Sold / Inventory 36,746 / 5,612 = 6.55

Days in Inventory = 365 / Inventory Turnover 365 / 6.55 = 55.73

Total Asset Turnover = Sales / Total Assets 47,262 / 19,067 = 2.48

Debt-Equity Ratio = Total Liabilities / Equity 14,480/ 4,587 = 3.16

Equity Ratio = Total Equity / Total Assets 4,587 / 19,067 = 0.24

Debt Ratio = Total Debt / Total Assets 14,480 / 19,067 = 0.76

Times Interest Earned = EBIT / Interest Expense 2,517 / 52 = 48.40

Return on Assets = Net Income / Total Assets 1,798 / 19,067 = 0.09

Return on Stockholders' Equity = Net Income / Shareholder's

Equity 1,798 / 4,587 = 0.40

Gross Margin Ratio = Gross Profit / Sales Revenue 10,516 / 47,262 = 0.22

Earnings Per Share = Net Income - Preferred Dividends / Unable to calculate due to not being able to find stock and d
Common Shares Outstanding it is not provided on the Balance Sheets f

Book Value per Share = Total Equity - Preferred Equity / Total Unable to calculate due to not being able to find shares out
Shares Outstanding being provided on tha Balance Sheets fo

Price Earnings Per Share = Market Value per Share / Earnings Unable to calculate due to not being able to find share info
per Share information not being provided on the Best Bu

Unable to calculate due to not being able to find dividend

Dividend Yield = Dividend per Share/ Market Value per Share information not being on the Balance Sheet

8,857 / 8,060 = 1.10

8,857 - 5,174 / 8,060 = 0.46

By: Amanda Diable

43,638 / 1,149 = 37.98

365 / 37.98 = 9.61

33,662 / 5,174 = 6.51

365 / 6.51 = 56.07

43,638 / 15,591 = 2.80

12,112 / 3,479 = 3.48

3,479 / 15,591 = 0.22

12,112/ 15,591 = 0.78

2,037 / 64 = 31.83
1,541 / 15,591 = 0.10

1,541 / 3,479 = 0.44

9,976 / 43,638 = 0.23

g able to find stock and dividend information online and

d on the Balance Sheets for Best Buy

ng able to find shares outstanding and information not

d on tha Balance Sheets for Best Buy

ing able to find share information online and the share

g provided on the Best Buy Balance Sheets

eing able to find dividend information online and the

eing on the Balance Sheets for Best Buy

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