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COR 001: Oral

Communication Student Activity

Sheet Module #5

Name: Aragon, Sigmund Ray A. Section: STEM11-SJ4 What’s your food delicacy? ___________________ 4.
Schedule: ____________________________________ What’s your dialect? _________________________
Class number: 207 Date: 03/09/2022 Materials:
Lesson title: Nature and Elements of References:
Communication: Intercultural Communication
Lesson Objectives: definition-model-strategies.html
1. I can explain the importance of intercultural
2. I can demonstrate sensitivity to the socio cultural
dimension of communication situation Baraceros, Esther L. and Rachelle B. Lintao. English 4:Oral
Communication in Context

You are now in Day 5. In this session, you are going
to learn the importance of the communication between
cultures. Our topic for today talks about the
communication across different cultures and social
groups. There are many things to consider when you
communicate among diverse cultures. The picture in the
right tells you that different cultures, means different
religion, manners, food, and etc., thus, one must be
sensitive when communicating with people with diverse
cultures. Let’s start the session now by doing this activity.
You are going to tell a bit of the place that you came from
by answering the questions below.
1. From what province are you from? ______________ 2.
What’s your religion? ________________________ 3.

5. What is your favourite celebration in the province? _________________________________________

6. What clothes do you wear? ___________________
7. List down 2 superstitious beliefs that is known in your place:______________________ ;
8. What is your favourite past time in the province? ____________________________________

After answering the questions, look for somebody like your classmates or family members who came from a
different province. Share your answers with them.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

COR 001: Oral
Communication Student Activity
Sheet Module #5


______________________________________________ Content and Skill Building
_____________ Section: ____________ Schedule: Class number: _______ Date: ______________

In order for you to know more about the topic, let’s read the texts below. You may highlight keywords for
better understanding.
Intercultural communication is the verbal and nonverbal interaction between people from different
cultural backgrounds. Basically, 'inter-' is a prefix that means 'between', so intercultural communication is the
communication between cultures. It describes the wide range of communication processes and problems that
naturally appear within an organization or social context made up of individuals from different religious, social,
ethnic, and educational backgrounds. In this sense it seeks to understand how people from different countries
and cultures act, communicate and perceive the world around them.

Intercultural communication is also not simply language proficiency. Yes, communication requires the ability
to understand language, but just think about how much of your communication with even your own friends is
nonverbal: our body language, our attitudes, the rituals from handshaking to the stink eye. Some researchers
estimate that up to 93% of all human communication is nonverbal, although according to recent studies, it's
actually closer to 60%. Still, that means that more than half of communication is never spoken. So, intercultural
communication is going to take a lot more than just learning a language.

Skill-building Activity
How’s your reading? Did you learn something new or any additional information? Great work! Now, let’s
test your skill by doing this activity. Answer the questions below by underlining the correct answer inside the
parenthesis. Before answering the questions, read the word bank first for you to be familiar with the difficult

Enculturation is the process by which an individual learns the traditional content of a culture and
assimilates its practices and values.
Ethnocentrism is believing that the people, customs, and traditions of your own race or nationality
are better than those of other races.
Stereotyping is a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an
idea that is wrong.
Prejudice is an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough 1.
What is a “learned system of knowledge, behaviour, attitudes, beliefs, values, and norms shared by a
thought or knowledge
group of people” called? (dominant culture, culture, community)

2. The feeling of stress and anxiety that most people experience when encountering a culture different
from their own is referred to as (enculturation, culture shock, ethnocentrism)

3. Which barrier to effective intercultural communication is taking place when a person assumes that all
the people who belong to another social group or class will act and think just as he or she does?
(stereotyping and prejudice, ethnocentrism, assuming similarity)
This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
COR 001: Oral
Communication Student Activity
Sheet Module #5

Name: _____________ Section: ____________ Schedule:

______________________________________________ ____________________________________
Class number: _______ Date: ______________

4. Which barrier to effective intercultural communication might cause mistranslations like “body by
Fisher” being translated in Flemish to read “corpse by Fisher”? (different communication codes,
assuming similarity, ethnocentrism)

Check your work by using the key to

corrections at the last page.

Check for Understanding

Wow! You did a great job! You indeed learned a lot! Let us now check your understanding by answering
this. In this activity, you will know about the 5 ways of enhancing intercultural communication by Terry Brown.
Read the tips and examples then, provide your own example according to your experiences. Ready? Go!
*answers may vary*
1. Breaking Assumptions
Individuals should avoid assuming that the way they do things is the way others do. People should break all

possible assumptions regarding the use of signs and symbols too that vary from community to community.

Tips and example: In one community, whistling for instance may be a way of showing happiness and
relaxation while in another community it is a way of catcalling/rude sexual remark.

Your example: A peace sign in one community can mean a sign of war to another.

2. Involvement of Others
Involvement of others helps the understanding of the context of usage of certain words and
symbols and helps one to understand how different messages are interpreted by different

Tips and example: Working together and establishing rapport with members of other
cultures breeds an ease and

Your Example: People from different areas help each other to build a tower
3. Empathizing with others
This aspect involves an individual putting him or herself into the position of people from other
cultures and trying to think and communicate in their way. It is only after one is put into another
person’s shoes that they feel where it pinches and fits.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

COR 001: Oral
Communication Student Activity
Sheet Module #5

Name: _____________ Section: ____________ Schedule:

______________________________________________ ____________________________________
Class number: _______ Date: ______________

Tips and example: A culturally empathetic American who sees a Muslim woman wearing a hijab or burqa
(headscarf) will typically not automatically come to the conclusion that this woman is oppressed and controlled
by her religion and/or husband. This culturally empathetic American may consider the idea that this woman has
chosen to fashion her hijab as a personal choice -- as a symbol of religious and cultural pride and female
empowerment rather than gender injustice.

Your example: A guy looking at another guy who came from another place eating food that is considered bad for his
but is ok for them and thinking it must be from their culture.

4. Avoidance of “head mentality”

Effective intercultural communication will be achieved only when the individuals treat each other’s
cultures as equal and not to feel superior to another’s. Head mentality creates an illusion of superiority and this
causes the individual lose interest in knowing other cultures, eventually contributing to a total communication

breakdown that further hinders the probability of enhancing intercultural relationships.

Tips and example: A city girl treating a newcomer girl from a province as a lesser individual, thus, creating
conflict and communication breakdown.

Your example: A rich man entering a convenience store and treating everyone as if they were his equals

5. Dropping Insensitive Behaviour

Different cultures speak and communicate in different ways; people should always avoid ridiculing and making
fun of the way other people speak or use language to communicate as this insensitive behavior make it difficult

to understand the real meaning of the intended message.

Tips and example: A co-worker laughing at a colleague from Cebu who now works in Manila because of the
hard accent when talking.

our example: A teacher complimenting another teacher for their accent because it sounds unique

6. Being Wise
Maturity in communication is shown through asking and seeking clarifications in cases where the
communicating parties do not understand each other. The willingness to be open to all verbal and non-verbal
communication portrays a great level of maturity in trying to foster intercultural communication. Maturity in
communication enhances an individual’s ability to understand another’s body language, enhances interactions,
improves decision making skills and promotes conflict management.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

COR 001: Oral
Communication Student Activity
Sheet Module #5

Name: _____________ Section: ____________ Schedule:

______________________________________________ ____________________________________
Class number: _______ Date: ______________

Tips and example: When you don’t understand someone, you can politely say: “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch

what you said. May I beg your pardon?” Instead of laughing or not talking at all.

Your example: A student asking a teacher about the lesson because he didn’t quite get it.
Summary/Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the purpose of intercultural communication?
The primary purpose of intercultural communication is to increase understanding of culturally mediated
communication phenomena. The “culture specific” focuses on identifying the communication behaviors of a
specific culture. The “culture general” seeks to identify commonalities or universalities across cultures.

2. What are the advantages of intercultural communication?

Intercultural communication helps employees from different ethnic backgrounds to communicate effectively
with one another. It also guides the management competencies to design policies that incorporate the diversity
in the team, allowing every member to be productive and proficient in their tasks.

Thinking about Learning

To end our topic, put a check mark beside the items if we met the goals.
I can explain the importance of intercultural communication __________
I can demonstrate sensitivity to the socio-cultural dimension
of communication situation __________

Skill building
1. Culture
2. Culture Shock
3. Stereotyping/Prejudice
4. Different Communication Codes

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

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