Revision Notes For Class 11 Physics Motion in A Plane For NEET

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NEET Revision Notes

Motion in a Plane

The physical quantities with both magnitudes and direction are known as vector
quantities or vectors.
Example: force, velocity etc.

Representation of a vector:
A vector is represented by a straight line with an arrowhead on it. The length of
the line represents the magnitude of a vector and the arrowhead tells the direction
of the vector.

Types of vectors:
● Polar vectors: A polar vector involves a displacement or virtual
displacement Example: velocity, force etc.
● Axial vectors or Pseudo vectors: A pseudo vector or axial vector involves
the orientation of an axis in space.
Example: angular velocity, torque, angular momentum, etc.
● Equal vectors: Two vectors are said to be equal if they have the same
magnitude and direction regardless of their initial position.
● Negative vector: It is a vector having the same magnitude but direction
opposite to that of a given vector.
● Unlike vectors: Two vectors whose magnitude and direction are different
are called unlike vectors.
● Orthogonal vectors: Two vectors are said to be orthogonal if they are
perpendicular to each other
● Null vector: It is a vector whose magnitude is zero but its direction is not
● Properties of a null vector:
A0  A
 0  0 Were λ is a scalar.
0A  0

Class XI Physics 1

● Unit vector: A vector having magnitude equal to unity. To find the unit
vector in the direction A, we divide the given vector by its magnitude.
Formula for unit vector: Aˆ 
● Co-initial vectors: The vectors are said to be co-initial, if there initial point
is common.
● Collinear vectors: These are those vectors which are having equal or
unequal magnitudes and are acting along the parallel straight lines.
● Coplanar vectors: These are those vectors which are acting in the same


If A , B and C are Vectors, and m and n are scalars, then

● Commutative law of addition
A B  B A
● Associative law of multiplication
m(nA)  (mn) A  n(mA)
● Distributive law
(m  n) A  mA  nA
m( A  B)  mA  mB

Triangle law of vector addition:

It states that if two vectors can be represented both in magnitude and direction by
the two sides of a triangle taken in the same order, then the resultant is represented
completely (both in magnitude and direction) by the third side of the triangle
taken in the opposite order.
R is the resultant of A and B then:
R  A2  B 2  2 AB cos 
B sin 
tan  
A  B cos

Parallelogram law of vector addition:

Class XI Physics 2

It states that if two vectors acting simultaneously at a point can be represented
both in magnitude and direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram, then
the resultant is represented completely (both in magnitude and direction) by the
diagonal of the parallelogram passing through that point.
If R is the resultant of A and B then,
R  A2  B 2  2 AB cos 
B sin 
tan  
A  B cos

Image: Parallelogram and triangular law of vector addition

Polygon law of vector addition:

It states that if a number of vectors can be represented both in magnitude and
direction by the sides of a Polygon taken in the same order, then their resultant is
represented (both in magnitude and direction) by the closing side of the Polygon
takes in the opposite order.

Rectangular component of a vector in a plane:

When a vector is spitted into two component vectors at right angles to each other,
the component vectors are called rectangular components of a vector. If A makes
an angle with X-axis, and A and A be the rectangular components of A along X-
axis respectively, then
A  Axiˆ  Ay ˆj
Ax  A cos and Ay  A sin  .
 Ax 2  Ay 2  A2 (cos2   sin2 )

Class XI Physics 3

A  Ax 2  Ay 2 and tan  

Resolution of a vector in a space:

Let α, β, and γ are the angles between A and the x, y and z-axis, respectively as
shown in the figure, then

Figure: Image showing how a vector is resolved

Ax  A cos  , Ay  A cos  , Az  A cos 
In general, we have A  Axiˆ  Ay ˆj  Az kˆ

The magnitude of A is
A  Ax2  Ay2  Az2

Dot or scalar product of two vectors:

The dot or scalar product of two vectors A and B denoted by A.B (read A and B
) is defined as the product of the magnitude of A and B and the cosine of the
angle between them. In symbols, A.B  AB cos , 0≤θ≤π where A.B is a scalar
and not a vector.
Properties of dot product:
● A.B  B. A
● A.( B  C )  A.B  A.C
● m( A.B)  (mA).B  A.(mB)  ( A.B)m , where m is a scalar.
● iˆ. ˆj  ˆj.iˆ  kˆ.kˆ  1, iˆ. ˆj  ˆj.kˆ  kˆ.iˆ  0

Class XI Physics 4

● If A  A1iˆ  A2 ˆj  A3kˆ and B  B1iˆ  B2 ˆj  B3kˆ then,
o A.B  A1B1  A2 B2  A3 B3
o A. A  A2  A12  A22  A32
o B.B  B 2  B12  B22  B32
● If A.B =0 and A and B are not null vectors, then A and B are

Cross or Vector Product of two vectors:

The cross or vector product of A and B is a vector C  A  B (read A cross B ).

The magnitude of A  B is defined as the product of the magnitude of A and B
and B the sine of the angle between them.
The direction of the vector C  A  B is perpendicular to the plane containing A
and B and such that A , B and C form a right-handed system. In symbol,
A  B  AB sin nˆ , 0≤θ≤π where n̂ is a unit vector indicating the direction of
A B .
Examples of vector product:
● Torque ( )  r  F
● Angular momentum ( L)  r  p
● Velocity (V )    r
● Acceleration (a )    r
Here r is position vector or radius vector and F , p ,  and  are force,
linear momentum, angular velocity and angular acceleration respectively.
Properties of vector product:
● A  B  B  A
● A  (B  C)  A  B  A  C
● m( A  B)  (mA)  B  A  (mB)  ( A  B)m , where m is a scalar.
● iˆ  ˆj  ˆj  iˆ  kˆ  kˆ  0, iˆ  ˆj  kˆ, ˆj  kˆ  iˆ, kˆ  iˆ  ˆj
● If A  A1iˆ  A2 ˆj  A3kˆ and B  B1iˆ  B2 ˆj  B3kˆ , then
i j k
A  B   A1 A2 A3 
 
 B1 B2 B3 

Class XI Physics 5

● A A  B = the area of a triangle with sides A and B .
● If A  B  0 and A and B are not null vectors, then A and B are parallel.
base  height
Area of ΔPOQ 
A  B sin 

 A B
 Area of parallelogram OPRQ = 2[area of ΔOPQ]
 A B

Lami’s theorem:
When three forces acting at a point are in equilibrium, then force is proportional
to the sine of the angle between the other two forces.
 
sin  sin  sin 

Figure: Lami’s theorem

● There is no meaning of motion without reference or observer. If reference
is not mentioned then we take the ground as a reference of motion.
● Velocity or displacement of the particle w.r.t. the ground is called actual
velocity or actual displacement of the body.
● If we describe the motion of a particle w.r.t. an object which is also moving
w.r.t ground then the velocity of particle w.r.t ground is its actual velocity(
 act ) and velocity of the particle w.r.t. moving object is its relative velocity

Class XI Physics 6

(  rel ) and the velocity of moving object (w.r.t. ground) is the reference
velocity (  ref ).
According to vector law of addition relative displacement is:
rps  rps  rss
Differentiating the equation w.r.t. time, we get
rps rps rss
 
dt dt dt
So that, v ps  v ps  vss
Differentiating again, we get a ps  a ps  ass .

● Relative velocity of a body A with respect to body B, when they are moving
in the same direction is given by
 AB   A  B .
● Relative velocity of a body A with respect to body B when they are moving
in the opposite direction is given by
 AB   A  B .
( B )sin(1800   )  B sin 
tan   
( A )  ( B )cos(1800   )  A   B cos

Rain man problem:

If rain is falling vertically with a velocity  r and a man is moving horizontally
with speed  m , the man can protect himself from the rain if he holds his umbrella
in the direction of relative velocity of rain w.r.t. man. If θ is the angle which the
direction of relative velocity of rain w.r.t. man makes with the vertical, then
tan  

Image: Rain-man issue

Class XI Physics 7

Boat-river problem:
Let  1 = velocity of boat in still water,  2 = velocity of flow of water in river,
d = width of river.

The cross the river in the shortest path:

Here it is required that the boat starting from A must reach the opposite point B
along the shortest path AB. For the shortest path, the boat should be rowed
upstream making an angle θ with AB such that AB gives the direction of resultant
So, sin  
And   1  2
d d
Also, t  
 2
12  2

To cross the river in the shortest time:

For the boat to cross the river in the shortest time, the boat should be directed
along AB. Let ν be the resultant velocity making an angle θ with AB.
Then tan   and  2   12   22 .
Time of crossing: t  .
Now the boat reaches the point C rather than reaching point B.
If BC = x, then
 x
tan   2 
1 d
 
x  d  2 
 1 

Class XI Physics 8

If a man travels downstream in a river, then the time taken by the man to cover a
distance d is t1  . If a man swims upstream in a river, then the time taken
1   2
by him to cover a distance d is t1  and thus:
1  2
t1  1   2
 .
t2  1   2

Image: Boat problem

Any body given an initial velocity moves freely in space under the influence of
gravity is called a projectile.
A javelin thrown by an athlete and a ball kicked from the ground.
The path followed by a projectile is called its trajectory. Trajectory of a projectile
is a parabola. Projectile motion is a two dimensional motion.

Image: Projectile motion with its parameters

Different variations and parameters in projectile motion:

A Projectile Projected Horizontally from a Height h with Velocity u:
● Time taken by the projectile to reach the ground is: .

Class XI Physics 9

● Time taken by the projectile to reach the ground does not depend upon the
velocity of projection. i.e., u.
● Horizontal range: x  ut  u .
g 2
● Equation of trajectory is: y  x .
2u 2
● Resultant velocity of the projectile at any time t is v  u 2  g 2t 2 .
● Angle made by the resultant velocity with the horizontal is tan   .
● Velocity of the projectile on striking the ground  u 2  2 g h .

A Projectile Projected with Velocity u at an Angle θ with the horizontal:

● x  u cos t
● y  u sin  t  gt 2
gx 2
● Equation of trajectory is y  x tan   2 .
2u cos2 

● Velocity of the projectile at any time t is v   u cos 2   u sin   gt 2

●  u 2  g 2t 2  2 gtu sin  . This velocity makes angle β with horizontal.
u sin   gt
● tan   .
u cos
u 2 sin 2
● Horizontal range, R  .
● For maximum horizontal range,   450 .
● Rm 
u sin 
● Time of a ascent = time of descent = .
2u sin 
● Time of flight, T  .

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u 2 sin 2 
● Maximum height: H  .
● When horizontal range is n times the maximum height, then tan   .

Motion of projectile along an inclined plane:

● Range of projectile along the inclined plane is
R sin  2  0   sin 0 
g cos 2 0 
2u sin   0 
● Time of flight on the inclined plane is T 
g cos0
● The maximum range on inclined plane is R 
g 1  sin  0 
● The angle at which the horizontal range on the inclined plane becomes
 0
maximum is given as,    .
4 2

Circular Motion
● Circular motion is a two dimensional motion.
● The motion of a body along a circular path is called as circular motion.

Angular displacement:
The angular displacement of an object moving around a circular path is defined
as the angle traced out by the radius vector at the center of the circular path in a
given time. It is denoted by symbol θ.

Angular velocity:
● Angular velocity of an object in circular motion is defined as the rate of
change of its angular displacement with time. It is generally denoted by
symbol ω(omega) and it is given by   .
● SI unit of angular velocity is rads 1 and its dimensional formula is
 M 0 L0T 1  .
 

Class XI Physics 11

Angular acceleration:
Angular acceleration of an object in circular motion is defined as the rate of
change of its angular velocity with time. It is generally denoted by symbol α and
it is given by  
SI unit of angular acceleration is rads 2 and its dimensional formula is
 M 0 L0T 2  .
 

Uniform circular motion:

When an object is moving on a circular path with a constant speed then the motion
of an object is said to be a uniform circular motion.
● Time period: In circular motion, the time period is defined as the time
taken by an object to complete one revolution on its circular path. It is
generally denoted by symbol T and is expressed in second.
● Frequency: In circular motion, the frequency is defined as the number of
revolutions completed by an object on its circular path in a unit time. It is
generally denoted by u.
● Its unit is S 1 or hertz (Hz).
1 1
● Relation between time and frequency T  or  
 T
● Relation between angular velocity, frequency and time period
  2

Image: Centripetal and tangential acceleration

Class XI Physics 12

● Centripetal acceleration: Acceleration acting on an object undergoing
uniform circular motion is known as centripetal acceleration. It is given by
Centripetal acceleration, ac    2r
where r is the radius of the circle.
● Tangential acceleration: The tangential acceleration arises from the
change in the speed of an object and has a magnitude given by
at 
● Radial acceleration: The radial acceleration is due to the change in
direction of the velocity and is given by
ar    2r .

Points to remember:
● Vectors: The physical quantities which have both magnitudes, as well as
direction, are known as vector quantities or vectors. Example: force,
velocity etc.
● Representation of a vector: a vector is represented by a straight line with
an arrowhead on it. The length of the line represents the magnitude of a
vector and the arrowhead tells the direction of the vector
● Types of vector are polar, non-polar, collinear, orthogonal, unit, null
vectors etc… and many others.
● Vectors follow the basic laws such as commutative, associative etc…
● The cross or vector product of A and B is a vector C  A  B (read A cross
B ).
● When three forces acting at a point are in equilibrium, then force is
proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two forces is called
the lamis theorem.
● Any body given an initial velocity moves freely in space under the
influence of gravity is called a projectile.
● Example: A javelin thrown by an athlete and a ball kicked from the ground.
● Using lami’s theorem and projectile motion we can solve many kinematics
issues like rain-man and boat problem.
● Projectile varies according to height, angle, and along a inclined plane.
● Circular motion is a two dimensional motion.

Class XI Physics 13

● The motion of a body along a circular path is called as circular motion.
● Angular displacement: The angular displacement of an object moving
around a circular path is defined as the angle traced out by the radius vector
at the center of the circular path in a given time. It is denoted by symbol θ.
● Angular velocity: Angular velocity of an object in circular motion is
defined as the rate of change of its angular displacement with time.
● Uniform circular motion: When an object is moving on a circular path
with a constant speed then the motion of an object is said to be a uniform
circular motion.
● Centripetal acceleration: Acceleration acting on an object undergoing
uniform circular motion is known as centripetal acceleration. It is given by:
Centripetal acceleration, ac    2 r where r is the radius of the circle.
● Tangential acceleration : The tangential acceleration arises from the
change in the speed of an object and has a magnitude given by at 
● Radial acceleration : The radial acceleration is due to the change in
direction of the velocity and is given by ar    2r .

Numerical Examples
1. A particle moves so that its postion vector is given by
r = cosωtxˆ + sinωtyˆ , where  is a constant. Which of the following is
a. Velocity is perpendicular to r and acceleration is directed
towards the origin
b. Velocity is perpendicular to r and acceleration is directed away
from the origin
c. Acceleration is given by a = -ω2r .
d. Velocity is directed away from origin and acceleration is equal
to zero
Answer: option (a) & (c)
Complete solution:
r  cos txˆ  sin tyˆ

Class XI Physics 14

v   sin txˆ   cos tyˆ
a   2 cos txˆ   2 sin tyˆ   2 y
Thus we get
a   2r .
Since the given position vector is directed away from the origin as it is a
non-zero value. We have, acceleration is directed towards the origin.
r .v  (sin tyˆ  cos txˆ ).( sin txˆ   cos tyˆ )
  sin t cos t   sin t cos t  0
r v
Thus, Velocity vector is perpendicular with the position vector.

2. Given a particle which is projected from a horizontal plane with a

velocity of 8 2ms-1 at an angle x. At the highest point its velocity is
found to be 8ms-1 . Which of these following statements are true?
a. Angle x is 45° .
b. Horizontal range is 12.8m
c. Range is maximum at larger velocity
d. None of these values are correct.
Answer: Options (a) & (b) & (c)
Complete Solution:
At highest point, velocity of projectile is:
v  u cos x
8  8 2 cos x
cos x 
x  45
Thus angle subtended is 45 .
u 2 sin 2
range 
(8 2) 2 sin(2  45)

Class XI Physics 15

64  2
r  12.8m
Thus range is 12.8m.
And also it is maximum at maximum velocity as at v=8 R=6.4m.

Important formulae:
● Properties of a null vector:
1. A  0  A
2.  0  0 Were λ is a scalar.
3. 0 A  0
● Laws of Vector Algebra:
If A , B and C are Vectors, and m and n are scalars, then
o Commutative law of addition
A B  B A
o Associative law of multiplication
m(nA)  (mn) A  n(mA)
o Distributive law
▪ (m  n) A  mA  nA
▪ m( A  B)  mA  mB
● Triangle law of vectors: R  A2  B 2  2 AB cos 
B sin 
tan  
A  B cos
● Parallelogram law of vectors: If R is the resultant of A and B then,
R  A2  B 2  2 AB cos 
B sin 
tan  
A  B cos
● A.B  AB cos , 0≤θ≤π for dot product
● A  B  AB sin nˆ , 0≤θ≤π for cross product
● Relative velocity of a body A with respect to body B, when they are moving
in the same direction is given by  AB   A  B .
● Relative velocity of a body A with respect to body B when they are moving
in the opposite direction is given by

Class XI Physics 16

( B )sin(1800   )  B sin 
 AB   A  B . tan   
( A )  ( B )cos(1800   )  A   B cos
● tan   for rain man problem
● Formulas on projectiles are based on the conditions curtained above, please
go through one condition and read all formulas.
○ 
○ 
○ ac    2r
○ ar    2r
○ at 
Since each topic in this contains all important formulas, at least knowing at which
situation to apply this formula will help in reducing the mistakes in the numerical.

Class XI Physics 17

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