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X=MsgBox("Virus detected. Do you want to fix it?

",4+48, "Computer")

X=MsgBox("Unable to fix. You're now under by this hacker",0+16, "Error")

X=MsgBox("You are under monitor. Answer the questions sincerely",1+16, "Warning")

X=MsgBox("Are you happy?",4+64, "I hope so")

X=MsgBox("Are you happy with me?",4+64, "Aba dapat YES yarn, hays")

X=MsgBox("Cringe Alert",0+48, "Warning")

X=MsgBox("Crush mo ba ako?",4+64, "Be honest")

X=MsgBox("Really?",4+64, "Yieee")

X=MsgBox("I...",0+16, "<3")

X=MsgBox("Like...",0+16, "<33")

X=MsgBox("You...",0+16, "<333")

X=MsgBox("Too...",0+16, "Yiee kilig betlog :>")

X=MsgBox("AKIN KA LANG HA",4+64, "Sige subukan mong mag NO, grr :>")

X=MsgBox("MY FUTURE BOYFRIEND",4+64, "Sige subukan mong mag NO, grr :>")

X=MsgBox("MY BABY RON DINOSAUR",4+64, "rawr, hehe mwa :>")

X=MsgBox("Goods",0+64, "dapat lang, aba aba")

X=MsgBox("WALA NG ALISAN",0+64, "walang magbbreak ng ring mwa :>")

X=MsgBox("You're only mine",0+64, "IM ALWAYS YOURS <3")

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