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Name : Miftahul Rozak

Class : XII TKJ2

1. When do we use pasti tense?

2. When do we use present perfect tense?

3. What is the formula of simple past tense?

4. What is the formula of present perfect tense

5. Give 3 exam ples the sentences ini simple past tense

6. Give 3 examples the sentences ini present perfect tense

Answer :

1. When we are talking about something that has already happened

2. Is used when talking about experiences from the past, a change or a situation that has happened in
the past but it still continuing today.

3. There is a formula for making simple past verbs negative, and it's the same for both regular and
irregular verbs (except for the verb to be)

4. The present perfect of any verb is composed of two elements : the appropriante form of the auxiliary
verb to have (present tense) + the past participle of the main verb.

5. Simple past tense :

(+) we wathced the news last night

(-) we did not wathced the news last night

(?) did we wathced the news last night

6. Present perfect tense

(+) it has rained a lot lately

(-) it has not raised a lot lately

(?) has it rained a lot latey

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