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Wellness Medium and Your Wellness Plan

1. What medium have you chosen? Please describe and/or attach/upload visual.

For this assignment, I have

chosen this poem.
Unfortunately, I have
looked for this poem
previously in attempts to
find the original author and
book for it but have not
been able to.

2. What does this

medium represent
to you? Why?
Please describe
why this is

Originally, my
boyfriend had
found this image
somewhere online
as he like reading
poetry and claimed
he had immediately
thought of me. I
don’t feel as if I
will ever fully see
myself in the way
he does, however I find this okay as I don’t believe he will ever quite see himself the way
I do. The last few years did much for me in terms of me realizing my self-worth and how
resilient I can be. Though after everything, it had never really clicked to me the depth of
my various positive traits until my boyfriend had really shone a light on them. Writing
this, I feel somewhat conflicted as I have never been one to ever encourage people to
look for their own worth in others. After further reflection however, I have come to find
that I have always been the way I am today and have always had these qualities. I may
have not have always been quite as confident and comfortable in myself but as I have
grown, I’ve always found myself going against the grain even when it does not
personally benefit me. I have always been the person to stand up against the majority if
ever a situation is unjust and do not shy away at the first instance of conflict. For these

Sp 18 MOC
reasons, I am eternally grateful and proud of myself and for helping me realize these
attributes in myself, I am eternally grateful to my boyfriend.

3. Post your personal wellness commitment statement and plan to care for YOU below. Be

Without making this some sort of pity party for myself, I am someone who has struggled
with mental health and anxiety issues for most of my life. As a result of this, excessive
rumination and dread have continued to plague most if not all my day to day decisions.
This coupled with my deep seeded obligations and duties to speak up in the face of
wrongdoings and conflict can manifest in needless amounts of stress and anxiety that in
turn take up much of my days often rendering me unable to leave my bed until I
absolutely am required to. Additionally, this trait of mine has more often than not lead to
me feeling and becoming ostracized by people in the past. At times this has made me feel
as if these qualities of mine are instead destructive to myself. Over time and experience, I
have come to learn these attributes are here to stay and rather are something to be proud
of. The people in my life that are truly valuable will see these parts of me and respect me
all the more for them. I now understand that while the situations I can unnecessarily put
myself into can be difficult, the way I operate is something that is rare and a trait I should
keep near to my heart. I have also learned that not everyone I am around should stay
around and rather, those that deserve to stay with me will and some minor conflicts or
disagreements are inevitable. With all this said, my personal wellness commitment
statement and plan to care for myself go as follows:
I commit to staying true to myself and my values in the face of adversity. When
times become difficult, I will continue to stay strong in my morals rather than shy
away from conflict wherever need be. I will continue to nurture these attributes in
myself and if ever I encounter someone that feels insecure or intimidated by my
confidence or ability to go against the grain, will brush them off and stick to what
I believe.

Sp 18 MOC

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