Tfe Compendium 1

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Huntman’s Bite


Roaring Shield Musket


Erydron’s Maw
Ægis of
the waterlily

Transcendantal Doorknob











Magic shield, uncommon HUNTMAN’S BITE

You can walk on water at will while using this shield. Magic longbow, rare

When you receive fire damage from an attack This bow’s “fangs“ coat its ammunition in an oily
or are forced to make a Dexterity saving throw venow, dealing an additional 1D6 poison damage
against fire damage, you can use your reaction to on a hit. However, when you roll a natural 1 with
gain half-cover and resistance for this instance of this weapon, it bites your hand. You suffer 1 point of
fire damage. piercing damage and 1D6 point of poison damage.

ERYDRON’S MAW In addition, the silk string creates a thread attached

to the arrow. This string can stretch up to 60 ft., after
Magic axe (any type), rare, which it snaps and the arrows continues its course
requires an attunement without it. A creature hit by an arrow with a string
attached cannot move further away from you, unless
This axe deals an additional 1D6 lightning damage it uses its action to make a DC 14 Strength check
on a hit. and succeeds. If you shoot another arrow while a
creature is ensnared in this way, it is freed as the
Erydron’s Bite: each time you make an attack string snaps. You can use a bonus action to force
you can choose to suffer 1D6 lightning damage an ensnared creature to make a DC 14 Strength
and add 1D6 lightning damage to this weapon’s saving throw or be pulled 10 ft. toward you. On a
damage. In addition, when you receive lightning success, the creature doesn’t move but isn’t freed.
damage from another source than this axe, you
can use your reaction to gain resistance to this In addition, you can use this bow to cast the spell
damage until the start of your next turn, and this Web once per day without using a spell slot. The
weapon’s lightning damage increases to 2D6 for 1 DC equals 12 + your proficiency bonus. The bow
minute or until you hit a creature. regains this ability each dawn.



Magic shield, rare, requires an attunement

CHAMPION’S SHINY TORSO While holding this shield you can use a bonus
action to cause it to emit a powerful roar in a 15 ft.
Magic armor (half-plate), rare, cone emanating from your space. Choose a roar
requires an attunement from the following list. Once you have used this
ability twice you can’t do so until the next dawn.
While attuned to this armor, you gain +2 in Strength
or Charisma (your choice when you attune to this - Frightening Roar: all creatures in the cone must
armor) for a maximum of 20. You can choose to succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be
change which statistic benefits of this bonus at frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
the end of a long rest. You also gain the following
benefits: - Challenging Roar: all creatures in the cone have
disadvantage attacking any other creature than
- You add a bonus to your Athletic, Performance you until the start of your next turn.
and Persuasion skill checks equal to the number
of non-hostile people that are watching you when - Emboldening Roar: all creatures in the cone gain
you roll (maximum +6). advantage to their next attack roll or saving throw
for 1 minute.
- You count as one size larger when determining
your carrying capacity and the weight you can - Thundering Roar: all creatures in the cone must
push, drag or lift. succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or
suffer a number of D6 Thunder damage equal
- If you size is Small, you can use weapons with to your proficiency bonus, or half as much on a
the Heavy property without penality. success.



Magic dagger, uncommon,

requires an attunement

This dagger deals an additional 2D6 Psychic TRANSCENDANTAL DOORKNOB

damage sleeping creatures. In addition, this
dagger has 5 charges and regains 1D4+1 charges Wondrous item, rare
each day at dusk. You can expend any number of
charges to cast the spell Sleep at a level equal to You can use an action to put this portable
the number of expended charges. doorknob on a surface like a wall or a ceiling, and
pronounce its command word, which is engraved
Curse of the Dream-Ogre: this dagger is cursed on the doorknob’s back. The doorknob immediately
and possessed by a dream spirit. Becoming transmutes both sides of the surface into a 5
attuned to it extends the curse to you, and you can’t ft. wide and 7 ft. high wooden door with golden
unattune from this weapon unless by a Remove hinges, unless the surface you put the doorknob
Curse or a Greater Restoration spell. As long as on is smaller than this dimensions, or if both sides
you remain cursed, you need to feed nightmares are more than 5 ft. appart, in which case the door
and life to the dagger. cannot be opened.

Whenever you take a long rest you are cursed The door doesn’t have a knob on its other side but
with atrocious nightmares unless you have killed can be opened if you speak the command word
a sleeping creature with this weapon within the of the doorknob. A creature that doesn’t know the
previous 24 hours. The victim must have an command word cannot open the door from any side
intelligence of 5 or higher and must be able to and cannot remove the doorknob from the surface.
speak at least 1 language. These nightmares When removed from it, the door disappears as the
occurs even if you don’t need to sleep to take a surface reverts back to its original aspect.
long rest. Each time you are afflicted by these
nightmares, you suffer 1D6 psychic damage + 1D6 If you possess the key of a particular door of
per remaining charges in the blade at the end of approximatively similar proportions you can insert
your long rest, and your maximum hit points are it into the keyhole and create a portal between the
reduced by the same amount until you feed the two doors as long as they are within 1 mile of each
dagger, at which point your hit points return to other for as long as the doorknob is not removed.
normal. If the curse brings your maximum hitpoint In this case you can open the door created by the
to 0, you die and can’t be revived unless the curse doorknob even if it is created on a surface thicker
is first removed from you. than 5 ft.



+1 Rod, uncommon, requires an attunement

with a bard, sorcerer, warlock or wizard.

When you use this rod as a spellcasting focus

ARCANE MUSKET you gain a +1 to your spell attack rolls and your
spellsave DC.
Magic Staff, uncommon (+1), rare (+2) or very
rare (+3), requires an attunement. You can use an action to make this rod mimic the
voice and words of a creature you have heard
This musket composed of a mage staff can be while in its possession. It is obvious to someone
used as an arcane focus and provides a bonus who can see you that it is the rod that is speaking
to your spell attack rolls based on its rarity. When those words.
you cast a spell that requires an attack roll through
this musket you choose your spellcasting ability: Whenever a creature that you can hear in a 120
Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma or Dexterity. ft. radius casts a spell using a vocal component
of 3rd level or lower that does not require a
The musket also gives you access to a single material component costing more than 10 gold
cantrip that requires an attack roll amongst the pieces, you can use your reaction to make this
following: Chill Touch, Eldritch Blast, Fire Bolt, rod “record“ the spell. You can use the rod to cast
Ray of Frost or Shocking Grasp. Any spell or a spell it has recorded, using your spellcasting
cantrip that requires an attack roll cast through this ability modifier. You regain the possibility to
musket has a minimum range of 120 ft, and you cast this spell in this way each day at dawn.
add your spellcasting ability modifier + the bonus
of this musket to damage rolls of those spells and The rod can only store one spell at a time. If you
cantrips, unless you have an ability that already record a new spell, the previous one is permanently
gives you this benefit. erased.


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