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ELITE CLASSES SPELLBLADE Driven to seek knowledge and skill above all else, the spellblade is a true master of both theory and applying it practically Like a wizard, the spellblade is committed to research and study: Like a fighter, they are willing to tra improve until they can put what they know into practice. Blending weapon and magic, the spellblade charges into battle with contingency plans for their contingency plans. PREREQUISITES + Atleast 3 levels inthe fighter class + Atleast 3 eves inthe wizard lass. + Noleves in other elite classes. Cass FEATURES ‘Asa spellblade, you gain the following class features. ‘Hrr Ponts + Hit Dice: 148 per speliblade level *+ Hit Points per speliblade level: 148 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier, BATTLEMAGE Starting at Ist level any weapon you are proficient with can, be used as an implement for your wizard spells and your spellblade spells. Additionally, when you use your Second Wind feature to regain hitpoints, you also regain a spell slot ofa level equal tor lower than your spellblade level ARCANE REVELATION WWietigou reach 20d level yee ganna ea cee en Choose two spells from the list of spells at the end of the class description. You add those to your spellbook and can prepare and cast them as though they were wizard spells. In addition, you gain two 3rd-level spell slots. SPELLCLEAVE Starting at 3rd level you can rip spells out of the weapons, Whenever a creature that you can see within 60 feet of yo casts a spell that targets you or an area that would include the square you are standing in or a square adjacent to it, you ccan use your reaction to make an attack roll against the caster’s spel save DC using a weapon you are holding. Ona successful attack, you shatter the spell, countering it, and ‘until the end of your next turn, your attacks with that weapon count as magical and deal an additional 2d6 force damage on hit with your DISTORTIONIST ‘Toa distortionist, there are no rules that apply. The rogue’s disregard for law and the sorcerer’ disregard for the laws of nature make a dangerous combination. Armed with a confidence that can warp the fabric of space, nothing can stop the distortionist, not even reality. PREREQUISITES * Atleast 3 evelsin the rogue class. + Atleast 3 levels in the sorcerer class + No levels in other elite classes. Cass FEATURES AAs a distortionist, ou gain the following class features. Hrr Ports + Hit Dice: 148 per distortionist evel + Hit Points per distortionist level: 148 (or 5) ~ your Constitution modifier. Mrra-ATTACK Starting at Let level you can manipulate the fabric of reality tomake your attacks more dangerous. Your sorcery point total increases by 3 You gain two of the following metaattack ‘options of your choice. You can only use one mets-atack option on an attack. D1srant ATTACK When you make a ranged weapon attack, you can spend 1 sorcery point to double the range of that attack. When you make a melee weapon attack, you can spend 1 sorcery point to give that attack a range of 30 feet. It still counts as a melee weapon attack, EmpowsREp ATTACK, ‘When you roll damage for a weapon attack, you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll a number of the damage dice (including Sneak Attack damage) up to your Dexterity ‘modifier (minimum of one) You must use the new rolls. HEIGHTENED ATTACK When you make a weapon attack, you can spend 3 sorcery points to gain advantage on the attack, ‘TWINNED ATTACK When you make a weapon attack against a creature, you ean spend 2 sorcery points to make an additional attack against another creature within range of the weapon. Drain REALITY At 2nd level you gain the ability to absorb some of the distortions you leave in reality, converting them to magical energy. ‘When you would apply Sneak Attack damage to an attack, you can choose to remove any number of Sneak Attack dice. Ifyou do, you don't rol thoee for damage, and you regain a spent spell slot of level equal to the number of dice removed this way: You can do this a number of times equal to your Charisma ‘modifier, nd regain the ability to do so once you finish a long. rest CasTING EXPERTISE When you reach 3rd level choose a spell you know with a casting time of I action. You can use the action granted to you by your Cunning Action feature to cast that spell SPELLBLADE SPELLS Anas OF THE WARLORD ‘Sed level transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self ‘Components: V Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You enter a battle stance and grow four additional arms for the duration of the spell. Each of these arms is holding a shortsword On each of your turns, you can take an additional four actions, each of which ean be used only to make « single attack with one of the shortswords of to interact with an Biape RAIN Srdlevel conjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S, M (a weapon) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You make a slashing motion with your weapon, opening ‘magical rift in the air 20 feet above a point you choose within range, from which swords fall to strike anyone below. Each creature in a 20-foot radius from the point you choose must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 6d6 slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. ‘The swords remain for as long as you maintain concentration, making the area difficult terrain. A creature can ignore this difficult terrain, aking 246 slashing damage instead. As long as the swords remain, whenever you end your turn inside the ares, your weapon absorbs some of the power of the swords, increasing its damage on a hit by 146. This effect, ends when this spell ends. INVOKE WEAKNESS Srdllevel necromancy Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch ‘Components: V Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You whisper a secret word of power to a weapon within, range, imbuing it with the power to seek out weakness in any enemy. For the duration of this spelt all ereatures have ‘weakness to attacks made with that weapon, and attacks with, itignore all resistances and immunities. PRoTEAN WEAPON Srd-level conjuration Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Touch ‘Components: V, S, M (abit of clay) Duration: 24 hours You create a magical weapon that can take any shape you desire, This weapon starts out in the shape of a greatsword, but its wielder can change it into the shape of any single simple or martial weapon as a bonus action. You can also cause it to split into two weapons, ifboth of them are light, ‘The protean weapon counts as a magical weapon, and rants +2 to all attack and damage rolls with it. It provides infinite ammunition for its ranged forms by creating it as you reload, but the ammunition dissipates at the end of your turn after being fred ‘When you make an attack with the protean weapon, you ccan choose to attempt to restrain you target. Ifyou do, and you hit, the target must make a Strength saving throw. On failed save, chains of metal burst forth, wrapping themselves around the creature and holding it in place, That creature is restrained until the end of your next turn, CREDITS Created by Chillthid(chilithidtumblrcom) using the Homebrewery. Artwork: Graceblade Artisan by Magali Villeneuve, Geier Reach Bandit by Slawomir Maniak

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