Metode Pekerjaan Lifting Kolom Rebar - Mobile Crane

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  Method of work Lifting Column Rebar


1 . Tools & Material 1. Alat & Bahan

Column rebar lifting require tools and Dalam metode lifting perlu di siapkan alat
material as mention : dan bahan terdiri atas:
Alat Bantu Persiapan
 Mobile Crane
 Tower Crane
 Sling
 Sling
 Meteran
 Measuring tape
 Waterpass
 Waterpass
 Sipatan
 Marking
 Auto-level
 Auto-level
 Theodolite
 Theodolite
 Benang
 String
 Unting-unting
 Plumb Bob
 Boom Lift
 Boom Lift
 Scafolding & Formwork
 Scafolding & Formwork
4. Pekerja
4. Man Power
 Supervisor
 Supervisor
 Rigger
 Rigger
 Mobile Crane Operator
 Mobile Crane Operator
 Tukang Besi
 Steel Labour
 Boom Lift Operator

4. Work Flow 2. Alur Kerja

 Rebar Lifting  Pengangkatan besi
a. Make sure the rebar segment match a. Pastikan besi terkait sesuai dengan
with the BBS approval drawing gambar BBS approval
b. Make sure rebar are tied by wire b. Pastikan bendrat besi terpasang kuat
  Method of work Lifting Column Rebar

tightly c. Pastikan berat besi yang diangkat dengan

c. Make sure the lifted rebar segment crane tidak melebihi maximum load
does not exceed the maximum load of mobile Crane
the mobile Crane d. Ikat besi dengan tali sling yang sudah
d. Tied the rebar segment with a rope dikaitkan dengan Mobile Crane
sling of Mobile Crane e. Rigger Operator memastikan kait
e. Rigger Operator ensures the hook is terpasang kuat dan menginformasikan
firmly attached and inform the operator mobile crane untuk
operator mobile crane to lift to the mengangkat ke kolom yang telah
specified column. ditentukan.
f. Make sure when lifting, there are no f. Pastikan pada saat lifting, tidak ada
personnel around and under the personil di dekat dan dibawah arah
direction of movement of the lifting pergerakan lifting crane.
• Rebar release  Pelepasan besi
g. After the rebar carried out to the g. Setelah rangkaian besi diposisi kolom
location, then labor rebar tie the 2 yang diinginkan, lalu pekerja
segments using wire (Picture 1). mengencangkan dengan bendrat
h. After the rebar segment is on the (gambar 1).
column position, then the worker h. Pastikan semua terpasang dengan
tightens it with wire. kencang dan sesuai dengan gambar
i. Make sure everything is attached pada daerah splice
tightly and according to the drawing i. Pasang support sling di ke empat sisi
on the splice area untuk mencegah lendutan, sambil
j. Install support slings on all four sides menunggu di tutup dengan bekisting
to prevent deflection, while waiting to j. Setelah ikatan sambungan antar segment
be covered with formwork besi kuat dan terpasang support sling,
k. After the connection bond between pekerja dapat melepas sling yang ikatan
the rebar segments are strong and the segment besi column dengan mobile
support sling is installed, workers can crane dengan dibantu boom lift untuk
remove the sling that binds the membantu pekerja mencapai
column rebar segment with the Tower ketinggian.(Gambar 2)
Crane with help boom lift to lift the
worker to the height.(Picture 2)
  Method of work Lifting Column Rebar

Gambar 1. Pengikatan sambungan rebar kolom

Gambar 2. Pelepasan shackle sling

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