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11 Promotion and marketing in tourism 11 SECTION Reading and speaking Selling a holiday Types of advertising and promotion @ _Lookatthese stogans and extracts from advertisements connected with tourism (1-11). Match them with the destinations and services (a-k) listed onthe next page. Where the swishine never goes on holiday ANSWER THE CALL OF THE WILD The surroundings may be your greatest handicap ‘a fly the friendly skies IT ONLY TAKES A TICK ¥ TO GET THERE You drive — we'll take the car! For the time of your life The sun is smiling on you down under It couldn't be easier. Step on in the heart of one capital city, three hours later step off in the heart of another. LEADING THE WAY TO LATIN AMERICA It’s your last run of the day. Your legs are burning ... Your back is killing you ... What's the first thing you do when you reach the bottom? Head straight for the lift! Eurostar train London to Paris holidays for people aged over 50 Portugal brochure supply service for Australia and New Zealand Iberia group airline an Ame in airline skiing in the Canadian Rockies Australia golfholidays in the US mountains African safaris car ferry company rote eee ‘The advertising slogans on the previous page are all from newspapers, ‘magazines, and display posters. What other forms of tourism advertising n and promotional activity can you think of Make a list. Here are some different ways of promoting a tourism product or service. ‘What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Are any of them particularly suitable for certain products and services? advertisement in magazine or newspaper b leaflet given out in the street € leaflet available in travel shops advertisement in theatre programme £ advertisement on billboard by roadside § poster at railway station or airport hi television advertisement i cinema advertisement J. press release k sponsorship of sporting event 1 sales promotion, eg. early booking discount 1m personal selling, face-to-face or tele-sales 1 direct mailing/mailshots © web site on the Internet P point-of-sale promotion (Ieaflet, poster) 4. commission to selling agent Which type of promotional activity do you think would be best for the following? ~ cheap last-minute flights —new caravan and camping site ~ inclusive packages to see the next Olympic Games —travel insurance —new cut-price transatlantic air service ~ trekking holidays in Nepal —new children’s theme park. Reading How to sell your product Competition in the travel agency businessis tough. Businesses thatwantto survive must know how to gain customer confidence, present their products, and ultimately close the sale, ‘Many books have been written on the art of successful selling, sohere are some of the choicest tipsin fivesimple tages. First impressions count. As ‘Oscar Wilde sad, ‘Only the superficial cannot judge by appearances: Whether or not you agree with him, there is no denying the fact that most people hopea Visit to the travel agent will bea prelude to, ifnot the memory ofaliftime, then at least the high point ofthe year. A warm smile, a pleasant appearance, and. good eye contact al help the ‘How to sell your product’ ‘Travel agents are concerned with direct face-to-face promotion and selling. You are going to read an article, ‘How to sell your product; which gives travel agents some information on the five stages of selling. @ _ Before you read, what order do you think these five stages would be in? a find out what the customer wants post-sales contact ¢ show product knowledge and expertise help the customer relax € close the sale © Now read the article to identify the correct order and provide the five rising sub-headings. ‘would-betravellerto relax, | advantages. Evidence shows safeinthe knowledge that | thattheagent who heorsheisinthehands ofa. | demonstrates intimate professional. | knowledge ofthe product } that they are recommending ‘Thenextstageistoldentify | ismozelikely to achievea | successful sale. However it is impossible to be familiar ‘with all aspects of each ‘company’s services. ‘Therefore itis vitally important that the salesperson is able to access formation quickly theneeds ofthe prospective client. Thisis done by asking questions about the ‘composition ofthe group, the destination and duration oftheir trip, their preferred mode of travel, and their anticipated ‘expenditure. ough use ofthe ‘Theproblemsencountered | computer or the brochures at thisstage provided by the tour client nothavinga very clear | operators ‘dea of what they want,to | Let’sassume thatthe first their being unrealisticabout | package you draw to your isgoing ocost. As | customer's attention seems thesalesperson has | tomect with theirapproval. established the customer's | ‘Thesale doesnot stop here. requirements,heorshe | Itisnowa good idea to show rmoveson tothe nest stage. | something else ifonly to s point out the comparative Effective sales stat will advantages ofthe frst demonstrate good product | choice. novledgeby pointing out not only the relevant features ofa variety of travel packages, but also their | ‘That way, with luck, the | salesperson may proceed | seth dling the sale in © Atwhi other words the client smakesa commitment of some kind, The ideal ‘outcome isthat the client ‘makesa firm booking by paying a deposit. Yet the salesperson must make sure clients do not fel pressurized into deciding ‘one way or another need be, the salesperson should offer to callthem later or invite them backin, ‘X good sales technique does not stop witha successful sale, Interest and care must still be shown to ensure ‘customer satisfaction. Ithas become common practice in many travel agencies to ‘maintain some form of postsales contact through the use ofa ‘weleome home’ card, both to instil customer loyalty and to encouragea high Level of repeat business. ‘Theskillof selling successflly toa growing customer base requires hhuman interest, dedication, and above all, hard work, of the five stages might you hear someone say the following? a Ican really recommend this place I was there myselflast year. D Please take a seat, ¢ Would you like me to make a definite reservation? d Can help you? € We'll be sending next year’s brochure to you in a few weeks. £ Do you know where you'd like to go? 4g. Let’ssee if we can find a similar package from another operator. h That may bea bit beyond the price range you mentioned. i Waseverything satisfactory? j, Well, why don't you think about it and I'l give you a call in the morning? © > What would you say in these situations? Discuss in groups. 4 Acustomer is looking at a winter sports brochure, b A young couple come in and start arguing about where to go. ¢ Ayoung family tell you how much they would like to spend on a two- week holiday. The kind of holiday they want is twice as expensive but they do not know this yet. You are speaking on the phone to an important regular customer. Everyone else is busy. Suddenly someone comes in and starts 11 complaining very loudly about the holiday they have just been on. € Acustomer asks you a detailed question about a particular resort which you are unable to answer. © Nowrole. Describing features 1 Inadvertising and promotion itis very important to use appropriate adjectives to describe features and facilities, $0 that they seemattractive, Hereis alist of adjectives Which nouns could they go with? Think of your own or choose fom thelist of nouns. Adjectives lively traditional secluded panoramic central hearty peaceful wellstocked relaxing well-equipped unspoilt breathtaking friendly pretty istoric delicious interesting Nowne rooms view cathedral service stot hotel village facies setting ‘museum location restaurant disco ‘mini-bar beach lunch holiday scenery 2 Which of these phrases might appeal tothe following people? ‘a ahoneymoon couple 'b acompany looking foralocation for aconference aretired couple d you ‘e yourpartner f yourteacher yy one or more of thes Connotation Inadvertising and promotion itisalsoimportant to present everything ina positive way. However, thesame thing can often be described indifferent ways - either with 2 positive connotation ora negative connotation. For ‘example, something whichis described as luxury; might be interpreted from a negative point of view as expensive! 1 Lookat these adjectives all of which have a positive ‘connotation. Can you think of another way of describing ‘the same thing but froma negative point of view? a luxury simple glively b popular —erelaxing =i remote cosy £ unspoilt 2 Here are some words and phrases with possible negative connotation, Match them to the appropriate positive adjective i small v crowded impossibletogetto _vi nofacilties. ‘expensive vil nothing todo iy noisy vii boring) eutncecuners onl 1 Aswesaw in Unit 10, itis important to stress the correct syllablein an adjective. Ifthe stress is strong and used. with ahigh rise-alltone, then the positive meaning of theadjectiveisalso stressed. ° Forexample: de-lic-ious 2 Markthe stressed syllable in allthe adjectives listed in exercise 1 above. Practise saying the adjective-noun combinations you chose with exaggerated stress. Output task Selling aholiday @® Workin pairs. Fill in the chart below for a town or city that you know well, but that your partner doesn't. Make sure you include some negative points as well as positive ones (exaggerate if necessary ~it isimportant that the place is nota perfect holiday destination!). Name of place Type of resort Travel time (from where you are now) Climate Famous sights Places to visit Entertainment and nightlife Possible inconveniences Languages spoken Need fora visa Cost of ving Cultural and religious differences Other dificutties Disadvantages reasons not to visit. @ When you have filled the forms in, exchange them with your partner. Look at the new form you have. You have to sell this holiday destination to your partner, 0 you will need to push and promote the positive aspects and disguise the disadvantages. Act out the role-play at the travel agency. Try to sell your partner’s resort to your partner! © Choose a few other tourist destinations and products which have obvious disadvantages and try to sell them to other members of the class. Here are some suggestions. —aski resort in the summer (when there’s no snow) ~a each resort in the winter (when it’s cold and there’s no sun) ~a cheap basic hotel with no facilities (to business people used to staying luxury expenses-paid hotels) ~a plane ticket from London to New York via Moscow and Addis Ababa ~abroken-down caravan SECTION2 Specialist holidays Vocabulary and Holiday types and market segments speaking @ _ Look at this list of specialist holiday types. What do they involve? What sort of customer are they likely to appeal to? Make notes. religious tours and pilgrimages i n ramblingholidays @® _Tomarket and promote these specialist holidays itis very important that the companies know who their market is likely to be. When identifying target markets, most organizations divide the total market into ‘segments, or groups ‘of customers who share similar characteristics, ‘There are several ways markets can be segmented or categorized. ‘groups sharing similar lifestyle (work patterns, social and leisure habits, etc.) age groups ethnic and culturally-distinet groups groups from the same country or region gender (male/female) socio-economic class (e.g. managers, professionals, semi-skilled and unskilled workers, etc.) moans © _ Ingroups, choose three or four of the specialist holiday types listed in. ‘exercise 1. Analyse each one in terms of the six market segments in exercise 2. ‘Compare your opinions with other groups. Asa result ofthis discussion, how would you promote each of the holidays? Holiday advertisements @® _Hereare some advertisements for specialist holidays. Read them quickly and identify the type of holiday being advertised in each one. erat eig rites 0181 673 0859 (24 hrs) 1 TRAVELWORLDWIDE Areyou interested in joining a group fora very ‘special religious walk? THE PILGRIMAGE OF THE CAMINO DE SANTIAGO A pilgrimage to the tomb of St James the Apostle 4 100-mile walk to the ancient religious sitein Santiago de Compostela innorth-west Spain. Departing from Le Puy in the French Auvergne late April, ‘and returning in lte July Contact: Maureen O'Connor (0n 976 2184 Ocean Adventures n search of wild placestnd wildnatitre Journ Antarctica —~ from £2150! alsOvArctic Regions 3 To India in search of rhino (Our 18-day escorted tour takes you from Delhi, ‘Agya (and the Te), to Darjeeling and Sikkim, ‘Shillong and Calcutta, tribal villages and ‘Buddhist monasteries, to Kaziranga and elephant safaris to view ino. Including fist- lass hotels wherever posible and British Airways scheduled flights, tha’ unusually good sale at £2095.00 pp. Fra free brochure call (0171-487 9111 (24 hrs) GREAVES TOURS S9.4AueLAHONE HON STREET LONDON WaKE3PF paxcomt4seora. Leave the ordinary behind You love tsk or snowboard butyouare packed uns ities, andcowded slopes? ‘Youhave helistied but youre... wondering theeis somethin beyond the experienc ofhelising with tre or four goupsusingthesameelcoptr? 16s... Itstneto onus Bish Columbia Crboo/Cicotin montis fr nada error Hecate Sing experienc Advanced to expert skiersand boarder wilfindlosof onde diversified tein andchallengingrunsin ahuge area! Interment skies and boarders ilfird our ne Hel Relax roupsthe perfect wayto experience the mostexctngkingon earth ‘Ml find our exsiv service of king with only two groups erhlcopter andor fatstcmountan odgefacty the perfect way to enjoy themost outstanding sk vacation ever. Your powder paraiseisacted62 miles (100km) northof Whistler Resort rsh Columbia, nada, TyaxLodgeHelisking 080x118, Vernon, BCVTT6N4, Canada Tels 001(250)556-5379, Far001 (250) 558-5389 emit iskiindink ca Internets: tphnwatieskingcom red ofhard- ‘THE EXCLUSIVE AND WORLD- RENOWNED MALA MALA PRIVATE. GAME RESERVE PROVIDES THE DISCERNING TRAVELLER WITH A. | WUE AND Dig came EXPERIENCE SECOND TO NONE? 1 45,000 acres of privately owned pristine bbshveldstuated on thebanks ofthe Sand iver with an unparalled 37 kilometres oftver frontage. 1 Lastyer over 87% of guests who stayed ‘wo nights ormoresovthebia five elephant. rhino buffalo in, and leopard = Choice of three camps Main Camp, ce Camp. Mount Andersen Ranches 20,000 Inaddition, Safar Deskalso represents ‘other fine safari destinations including the unitjue Mashatu Game Reservein Botswana and the legendary Ker and acresinthe Drakensberg Mountainsand | Downeycampsintheenigmatic — »- ehca ceele en tna tsiegena getaway. a 1m Limitedto six quests, | Aconmotninandscette_) oreo + tenis sqnouavaraieenesy\ Soest eee rence | Okavango Dela, Forfurther information: Safari Desk / 86/87 Campden Set Kersngton jondon WB 7EN Telno:0171 2291216 Faxrie:0171 2291511 SAFARI DESK: Listen to these three conversations on the telephone. In each case the enquirer is asking for more details about one of the advertised holidays. 1 Which advertised holiday is being discussed? Conversation | Conversation 2 Conversation 3 2. Inwhich of the holidays are these places and things mentioned? — bed & breakfast ~ Buddhist monasteries = cathedral ~ fiesta = glaciers — Himalayas = library = orchids = penguins and seals, — plunge pool and sauna — Pyrenees ~ church halls = Taj Mahal — tigers = whales Foreach holiday, note down any information given about the following topics. —location, scenery, etc. accommodation and facilities length of holidays and itineraries on offer —what to do and see meal arrangements Reading Heliskiing holidays @ _ Look again at the advertisement for the Tyax Lodge Fleliskiing holiday on page 156. What type of people isit trying to appeal to? a experienced skiers or beginners b people who like to go to popular resorts and runs or people who like to go somewhere unspoilt and remote € people who like adventure and excitement or people who like relaxing lazy holidays d safety-conscious people or danger-loving people € people who like comfortable accommodation with good food and facilities or people who like to live simply and be close to nature £ people who want cheap holidays or people who don’t mind too much about the cost Now read this extract from ‘Tyax Lodge Heliskiing’s online brochure. ‘Tyax Lodge Heliskiing Home Page “Tyas Lodge Helisking offers two-to seven-day ‘Tyax Lodge is built on a plateau overlooking the frozen packages Suitable for intermediate to expert skiersand waters of Tyaughton Lake. The largest log building in snowboarders from its base at Tyax Mountain Lake —_western Canada, Tyax offers European and east coast Resort, a unique getaway just 100 km (62 miles) north of cuisine plus fresh-baked desserts und breals. An outdoor ‘Whistler Resort. Skiers and snowboarders enjoy the jacuzzi features a panoramic view ofthe lake and. convenience ofhavinga helicopter at theservice ofa ‘mountains. Games, fitness rooms, and a sauna are maximum of two groups. additional features, ‘This exclusive service allows skiers to set their own pace After skiing, enjoy a pleasant soak in the outdoor ‘over a greater selection of untracked powderrunsin jacuzzi ora drink in the Cowboy Bar. After a fine dinner, thrce diferent mountain ranges. Waiting times are ‘you can relaxin front of the river-rack fireplace oF watch ‘virtually eliminated and on average, ight to ten runs~ video footage of the day's adventures. selected by experienced mountain guides from more than 275 routes are skied per day. A hearty lunch is served in the splendour ofthe mount 1 Haye you changed your opinion about who they are trying to attract? 2. Find out information on the same categories referred to in Listening 1, exercise 3 on page 157. Make notes that will help you to pass the information on to someone enquiring about the holiday. 4 location, scenery, ete. accommodation and facilities ¢ length of holidays and itineraries on offer d_ what to do and see -mealarrangements © _ Another method of promoting a holiday or a resort and giving important information at the same time isto include a question and answer page. Here is the Tyax Lodge question and answer page from their online brochure. Match the questions with the answers. a How good a skier should I bet b Can bring my snowboard? Why do skiers come to Tyax Lodge for heliskiing? 4d Howare the skiing groups chosen? € What about physical conditioning? Tyax Lodge Heliskiing Home Page TVARLODGEQUESTIONSAND ANSWER ‘Our guests seek an incomparable powder skiing ‘experience and want to enjoy itwith old and new Tends inan intimate setting. Our climate zone provides us with lots of snow and sunny Weather. Add the more than 27S runs accesible in thrve diferent ‘mountain ranges. and the exclusivity of skiing with ‘only two groups per helicopter, and you have found the place fora superb heliskiing or heli-snowboarding ‘cation, Our regular packages are well suited foradvanced intermediate to expert skiers who are physically ft, Our new hei-telax packages are ideal for intermediate skiers and helski connoisseurs who desire o sk ata ‘more relaxed and less demanding pace. Our mountain _Buides are also sk instructors, rained 0 each you the hecessary skills you may requ Especially for our regular packages, your experience ‘ill beenhanced by being physically fitand prepared For your helisking vacation. For our new heli-relax packages special conditioning isnot necessary... but it ‘certainly can't hurt! Helsing a Tyax Lodgeisan exctuiveexperenc nd wwowant to atay that way. Thereare ony two groupe ach amnmumat ivan rand pe ot incopler Ours packages cond of ‘maximum of tenses and bw gldes Group are ‘hose based onthe unawers provid onthe Skier ‘Quesonnaire’ which afd out upon your arial at the Lodge Peae understand that group traveling {oped may be spt upint dierent groupe ‘cording thir abies This done nthe interest ‘fmaking the sking as cnjoybleas posi for allot ‘ur gusts partipatinginaelsksinghliay wath Ofcourse! TLHsenowned in theinne cles of Ssnowoardingas the plas to go Snow boarders already account for nearly of eurtotal sera Pleas bring your own snowbeard a we have etal boards @ _ Look back atall the texts from Tyax Lodge. Make alist ofall the positive adjectives used and note down what they are describing. For example: nN extraordinary (helicopter skiing experience) challenging (runs) Outputtask Specialist holiday enquiries @ _ Inpairs, act out the conversation between an enquirer and the office of the ‘company promoting Tyax Lodge, using the notes you made in the previous section. © For further practice, use the notes you made in Listening 1, exercise 3 on age 157 to act out similar conversations (but use your notes, not the tapescript!). Make sure that you each get an opportunity to be the person in the office. © _ Now choose another of the specialist holidays. It could be one of the other advertisements or one of your own. 1 Write down the details ofthe holiday, using the categories from Listening 1, exercise 3 on page 157. —location, scenery, etc. —what to do and see accommodation and facilities. _ meal arrangements — length of holidays, itineraries on offer nN SECTION 3 Reading 2. Divide into two groups. Group A are potential customers, Group Bare representatives of different holiday companies promoting their particular holidays. The potential customers should visit each of the holiday companies and find out details about the holidays on offer. At theend, customers should decide which specialist holiday they are going to take. 3. Change roles so that Group A are now the company representatives and. Group B the potential customers. Repeat the activity. Promotion on the Internet Promoting Georgia through the Internet What do you know about the American state of Georgia? Discuss these questions in groups. 1 Where exactly is Georgia located? 2 Which of these places are in the State of Georgia? —Alberta Charleston - Rome Atlanta —Columbus Savannah Alabama —Dallas 3. Do you know any songs or films associated with Georgia? 4. What type of holiday would visitors to Georgia have? 5. What do you think would be the aims and function of the Georgia Department of Industry, Trade, and Tourism? Georgia like many other tourist boards, and travel companies and ‘organizations in general, promotes itself through the Internet. 1 What do you know about the Internet? Discuss in groups. 2. Have you ever used the Internet — information on the World Wide Web? 3. What is meant by the following terms? er for e-mail or to look at ww tobrowse to download website toclickon something desktop homepage —_tosearch mouse 4 What information would you expect to find out about Georgia through the Internet? Now look at the welcome page of Georgia's entry on the World Wide Web. Read it quickly and check your answers for exercise 1, question 5, and exercise 2, question 4. Look at the underlined parts ofthe text. When clicked on, they all give access to other pages in the Georgia website giving more information. ‘What additional information would you expect to find for each of these underlined parts? State of Georgia Home Page ionby encouraging business investment expansion cof existing induste, locating new markets for Georgia products, ‘promoting tourism, and promoting te tate asa location for film and videotape projects. For more information, Visit theonline office oF the Georsia Department of Industry, Trade, and Tourism. [ Welcome Sconomic Development Information on Georgia's sreat business climate. 2 Snternational Trade Welcome to Georgia. We invite you to begin your tour with a message from Governor Zell Miller, ‘To assist you in identifying Georgia products available forexport, we have compiled MADE IN, GEORGIA USA. For additional information on Georgia's sgrowth contact all (404) 656 3571 & Tourism Visit the host state of the 1996 Olympic Games. Browse a calendar of events or cas by areas 4 Georgia Film, ‘See Georgia's TV ‘campaign across the Internet. Listen to Elton John's memorable theme for Georgia. Pattern your PCs desktop with ots of freely downloadable desktop images. « Registration Request more information on tate of Georgia and register in ourguest book, Photo gallery of Georgia images USA GEORGIA ON MY MIND Georgia Links allows you toscarch hundreds of web sitesin thestate. Visit the | ‘Georgia Research Alliance | tolearnaboutexciting projcctsGRA has started Visit the Georgia Chambers of Commerce Directory Visit Creative Services ‘September 7 9a.m.-6 ppm, Ist Saturday Arts & CCrafis Festival, Savannah 912-234-0295 b ‘Georgia serves as the headquarters for dozens ‘of major corporations © _ Below are six extracts from other pages on the Georgia website. Match them with six of the underlined parts on the welcome page. 4 ‘Search: SAVANNAH ~ ATTRACTIONS, Savannah Waterfront Association, River St ‘Address: PO Box 572, Savannah, Georgia 31402 Phone: 912/234-0295 Historicand scenie River St. First Saturday. Festivals~ Dining ~ Many international ‘companies also call Georgia home. Shopping ~Museums~Art « Georgia plays vital role in the nation’s economy in Farm commodities and ‘equipment and service. “The State of Georgia ‘contains a wide variety of tourist destinations. Our northern Georgia water rafting and numerous outdoor activities. Our coastal region includes some of America’s most interesting islands. The grandeur of theclassic south and the gleaming towers of Atlanta are both symbolic of our state. To earn more about each of ‘our regions simply click ‘on yourarea of interest on the map. ns Feature white fl ‘The Georgia Film and Video Office helps make Georgia one ofthe most sought after locations for film produetion in America. Dozens of major ‘motion pictures have been ‘made in our state, From the rural vistas of Deliverance to the charming performances of Driving Miss Daisy, Georgia provides an Cam Superlative language Inorderto selland promote theirproductadvertsers use ‘superlative’ language. 1 Lookat the undertined words in these sentences from the Safari Desk’ advertisement on page 157, and phrases from theheliskiing advertisement andthe Georgia website. ‘Mal Mala Private Game Reserve provides the discerning traveler with awildifeandbia game experience second tonone. ‘Mount Andersen Ranch... provides an exclusive haven foran unforgettable ishing nd wide getaway. The Georgia Fim and Video Office helpsmake Georgia ‘one ofthe most sought after locations for film productionin America, 2 Canyoutind other examples of superlative wordsand phrases in any ofthe other texts in this unit? 3 Make similar sentencesto the onesabove to promote these features. For example: ~exclusiverestaurant Youwillfndourenclusiverestaurantthe perfect iy to ‘enjoy amost romantic meal. or Ourexclusive restaurant provides oneofthe most romantic settings nthe country. ~historichotel Intermediate skiers and boarders will find ournewHeli- secluded beaches Relax groups the perfect way to experience the most exciting nightlife exciting skiing on earth. fascinating museum Allwilfind... our fantastic mountain lodge facility theperfect way to enjoy the mostoutstanding ski vacation ever. Output task Designing a website Designa website for your region. @ Start with the welcome page. Would you have the same sections as the Georgia welcome page? Which extra ones would you add to suit the attractions and facilities of your region? ‘Write the text for each section. Be brief this is only the introduction! ‘What pictures would you include? How would you lay out the page? Decide which words to highlight or underline ~to allow the reader to click on them and lookat them. ® Make a complete list or map ofall the pages you would include on your website. They will probably correspond with the underlined words on your welcome page. © _ Design one or two of the other pages. For example: a a page about a particular town or resort in your region bb aquestion and answer page like the one for Tyax Lodge on page 159 ACTIVITY Planning a promotional campaign Divide into groups. You are going to plan a campaign to promote tourism in the region where you are studying. These are your main aims. ~to promote the region in general as destination for potential tourists to promote’a particular annual event, such asa festival, a sporting tournament, or an anniversary ofa local building or institution ‘You will need to research and plan your campaign very carefully. Follow the guidelines below. 1. Define exactly what it is that your region offers to tourists and visitors. Decide which annual event you are going to promote in particular (you caninvent one ifnecessary). 2 Identify your target market and describe likely market segments. Who, are your potential customers? What are their common characteristics? 3 Set detailed objectives for the campaign. Are you trying to attract new customers, maintain existing ones, raise awareness in general? What areas are you particularly aiming to increase? 4. Identify the best way to reach your target markets, Which promotional activitiesand methods are you going to use? 5. Identify the resources you will need to carry out your campaign. 6 Seta schedule for the next twelve months for both (a) the general campaign to promote your region, and (b) the promotion of the annual event you have chosen, 7. Prepare your opinions and plansin the form ofa report that can be shown to the rest of the class. Vocabulary advertising desktop homepage _pressrelease billboard direct mailing Jacuzzi print-run agro-holiday download mailshot rambling holiday browse expedition ‘matketresearch secluded centenary extraordinary __marketsegment slogan challenging _familarization tip mountainlodge snowboarding dlickon fiesta mouse sponsorship climate gamereserve _neonsign target cosy slacier online telesales cut-price heliskiing pointofsale well-stocked 1

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