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Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation

Special Science High School

Vol. 1 No.4 (2021)
The Impact of Socio-economic Status on the Academic Achievement of Junior High
School Students
Judi Leann A. De Vera, Alysa Julienne S. Ebalin, Khristine R. Gutierrez, Joyce R. Nobleza, Jashley A.
Palisoc, Marie Stephanie G. Perez, and Nicel May Reynante
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation Special Science High School, Dr. Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San
Carlos City, 2420 Pangasinan
Cloma J. Bustarde, LPT, Practical Research II
Abstract - The background of family played a significant role in the educational development of the
students. In this study, the researchers examined the Impact of Socio-economic Status on Academic
Performance of Junior High School Students. The researchers used a descriptive research design and used
stratified random sampling as the sampling technique. This study aimed to find out the significance
between socioeconomic status and academic achievement and also researchers aimed that such
discrepancies may be caused by the different levels of learning motivation among the students. The study
was conducted using Google Forms and resulted that most of the respondents were 15-16 years old,
Female and were part of the academic excellence. Also, majority of the students have an average IQ level
and their parents’ income is P20,000 above. It is concluded that socioeconomic status and academic
achievement is significant to each other which means that factors of socioeconomic status definitely
affected the students’ studying capacity or academic achievement. The researchers recommended to
conduct a virtual meeting when taking the IQ test to accurately get the results and avoid cheating,
especially if it is not face to face.
Keywords: achievement, SES, socioeconomic status, academic achievement
INTRODUCTION countries in terms of reading, mathematical, and
scientific literacy. Children with similar family
Education is a lasting process. A lot of children SES may not have the same academic
didn’t have a chance to study due to the reason achievement. Researchers aimed that such
that they do not afford to enroll themselves. discrepancies may be caused by the different
There is an old saying in China: “Children from levels of learning motivation among the students.
poor families take up responsibilities early.” As Researchers assumed that for students with
another example, the success of students in strong motivation, the influence of SES on
Asian educational systems is attributed by many reading ability is weakened. However, for
media outlets to their coherent approach and students with weak motivation, the influence of
having a culture devoted to education (Coughlan SES through the mediating variable is
2016). Students from poor families raised in a strengthened.
fairly difficult environment. Over time, a
consensus has been reached that SES is According to Suleman, Hussain, Khan, and Nisa
comprised of (at a minimum) parental education, (2012), investigated whether parental SES had
family income, and parents’ occupation (or an effect on the academic achievement of 10th
occupational prestige) since these three grade students studying in Pakistan. Because
indicators reflected different aspects of family these forms of achievement are difficult to be
background (Brese and Mirazchiyski 2013). assessed, most researchers have relied on a
narrower definition that is largely limited to
They want to change their current situation more outcomes on standardized achievement tests.
urgently than students who are better off, and
they could think that it will be easier to do so if Hence, it is required to examine how family
they studied harder and did better at school. In background affected children’s academic
other words, family Socio-Economic Status achievement at an early stage. Socioeconomic
influenced individual success differently status (SES), which generally involved factors
according to the motivation. The agency reported such as parental educational background,
that the overall performance of representative occupation and income level, is a strong
participants in the Programme for International predictor of student achievement. That is,
Student Assessment (PISA, 2018) significantly students with higher parental SES demonstrated
fell behind from its neighboring ASEAN increased academic performance when compared

Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
Special Science High School
Vol. 1 No.4 (2021)
to those with lower parental SES. Moreover, significant relationship between the
Orbeta (2011) stated that due to the socioeconomic status of the students to their
implementation of the program (4P’s), parents academic achievement.
now worked to compensate for loss of income
from children who attended school. Conceptual Framework

Along similar lines, Vincent and Sutherland The research study focused on the complexity
(2013) described SES as “a measure of the between socioeconomic status and academic
economic and social status of an individual or achievement, a socioeconomic psychological
group of individuals based on, education, approach will be adopted.
income, occupation, and other relevant In the input, the study was conducted at Virgen
indicators, relative to other members of the Milagrosa University Foundation Special
population” (p. 3). Science Junior High School with the use of
This study examined two important aspects. Grade 10 students, together with the two
Firstly, it studied the relationship between Socio- variables, Socio-ecoonomic status and academic
Economic Status (SES) of the family and achievements. The descriptive research design
academic achievements of the students. and stratified random sampling was used to
Secondly, it investigated the different effects of gather numerical data. Frequency, percentages
SES on the student’s academic achievement. and other statistical tools were used to calculate
data to get the output, “The Impact of Socio-
Statement of the Problem Economic Status of Family on the academic
Achievement of Grade 10 Students of
This study will be conducted to test the Impact VMUFSSHS”
of Socio-Economic Status on the Academic
Achievement of Grade 10 Students of Definition of Terms
VMUFSSHS data needed for the research, in the
school year 2019-2020. The words used in these research study are
understood to have the following meanings:
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following
problems: 1. Socioeconomic status-is the social
standing or class of an individual or
1. What are the profiles of the respondents in group. It is often measured as a
terms of: combination of education, income and
occupation. It is the condition of a
a) Age students’ financial being which affected
b) Sex how he/she lives his/her life.

c) Income of parents per year 2. Academic Achievement- is the current

level of student’s learning. Referred to
d) Achievements/Awards the percentage of students at a school
whose learning currently met or
e) IQ exceeded their grade-level standards. It
also referred to the result of the
2. What are the factors that help Grade 10
student’s hard work academically.
students to aim excellent academic performance?
3. Income- is money that an individual or
a) Internal Factors
business received in exchange for
b) External Factors provided labor, produced good or
service, or through invested capital. It
3. Is there a significant relationship between the also referred to the finance and profit of
internal and external factors that helps the Grade the parents that they use to support their
10 students to their academic achievement? child (students).
Hypothesis 4. Family Influence- included coercive
interaction patterns, in which parent-
In the hypothesis, the researchers predicted the
child dyads learned to use increasingly
relationship between variables with the
confidence level of 0.05 that there is no intense behavior and coerced the other

Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
Special Science High School
Vol. 1 No.4 (2021)
person into submitting to their demands. To gather the needed data for the study, a survey
It also referred to how the family instrument was conducted.
influenced the student’s mental,
emotional and social being which The survey instrument consisted of two parts:
affected the student’s decision making Part I: Profiles of the respondent in terms of age,
skills and social skills. gender/sex, income of parents per year,
achievements/awards, IQ and Part II:
METHODOLOGY Questionnaire-checklist on the impact of Socio-
Economic status on the academic achievement of
Methodology discussed the different processes the students.
needed to gather information for the research
study’s validity. This chapter discussed the To validate the results of the study, survey data
Subject of the Study, Procedure and Data were analyzed by descriptive method to answer
Analysis. the research question. Descriptive method was
used to summary the distribution of data.
Research Design
Data Gathering Procedure
In this study, designated “The Impact of Socio-
Economic Status on the Academic Achievement The research is conducted through the sequence
of Grade 10 Students of Junior High School”. as it deems by the researchers and in conformity
researchers will use descriptive research design, to standard in practical research. The researchers
in order to accurately describe the factors that prepared a set of questionnaires that is used to
can affect the students’ academic performances. collect the following data needed for the research
topic. The questionnaire must first be
According to Shona McCombes (2019), constructed by the researchers, let the research
Descriptive research aims to accurately and adviser to peruse for any clarificatory questions
systematically describe a population, situation or and corrections. Once it has been approved, we
phenomenon. It can answer what, where, when proceeded to float the set of questionnaires on
and how questions, but not why questions. Google Forms. The chosen respondents is
Additionally, the descriptive research design is instructed to submit the answered questionnaire
also used to investigate widely on one or more as soon as they have finished it. The researchers
variables and compare the relationship between carefully kept the data for the purpose of
the two. confidentiality which literally means, not letting
The connection of the descriptive research anyone read or whoever from the researchers to
design in our research study, this study approach dispose the collected data.
and takes places in investigative one or more Data Analysis
variables. This study involves individual persons
in which it is the researchers subject, the Grade The data gathered were collected and tabulated
10 students. The researchers will be studying the based on the format required in the specific
running factors of socioeconomic status that problems of the study.
influence their academic performances.
For Statement No.1
Subjects of the Study
The profiles of the respondents such as age,
This study was conducted in Virgen Milagrosa gender/sex, Income of parents per year,
Special Science High School. The respondents achievement / award, and IQ level were
involved in the study were the grade 10 students determined frequency counts and percentages.
of VMUF-SSHS which consisted of (5) Rose, (4)
Chrysanthemum, (5) Anthurium, and (6) For Statement No.2
Hyacinth. The respondents were selected through For the factors that helped the grade 10 students
stratified random sampling technique in order for of VMUFSSHS aim excellent academic
gathered sufficient data as it has been seen performance along alignment with the external
obvious as relevant and targeted the suitable aim and internal factors. Likert scale was used to
for investigation. interpret results. This scheme is shown below.
Instruments For Statement Problem No.3

Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
Special Science High School
Vol. 1 No.4 (2021)
Statistical tools like two-sample-mean- The table 3 presented that only 1 of the
test and average weighted mean was used in respondent’s parents had P5,000 below which is
processing the data and computed the desired 5%, 4 of the respondents were P5,000 - P10,000
statistical measured of the correlation variable. which wass 20%, 6 of the respondents answered
P 10,000 – P 20,000 which is 30%, and 9 were P
Mean Scale Value Descriptive 20,000 which was 45% of the population.
Equivalent Therefore, majority of the students’ parents’
4.20 – 5.00 Always monthly salary was P 20,000 above.

3.40 – 4.19 Often Personal Attributes of the Respondents with

Regards to their Current Achievements and
2.60 – 3.39 Sometimes Awards

1.80 - 2.59 Rarely The table 4 showed that 16 respondents have

received a local award/achievement which was
1.00 – 1.79 Never 80.00% of the population, 1 respondent had
received an extra-curricular award which was
Results and Discussion
5% of the population, and 3 respondents had
This section presented the gathered data in received none and they don’t know. This
tabular forms, analysis, and interpretation. It indicated that majority of the respondents have
discussed the socio-demographic profiles of the received an Academic Excellence award.
respondents and how their socio-economic status
Personal Attributes of the Respondents with
affected their academic achievement. Moreover,
Regards to IQ Level
it also presented the relationship between their
socio-economic status and their academic Analyzed the frequency of the respondents’
achievement profile according to their IQ Level revealed that
majority of the respondents have Average IQ
Socio-Demographic Profile of the Respondents
making it 40% of the population. The population
The profile of the respondents in terms of their of the students who have IQ Levels that was
age is reflected in Table 1. >100 followed by 20%, 5 of the respondents
have <120 which is 25% of the population which
Personal Attributes of the Respondents with made it the second and 3 of the respondents
Regards to Age don’t know which was 15% of the population,
The table indicated that out of 20 respondents,
15 were 16-17 years old which was 75% of the The used IQ test was also provided by the
population and 5 were 14-15 years old which researchers. Although the test was free and
was 25% of the population. This showed that instant, it was also reliable since it was taken by
there were more 16-17 years old respondents almost 2 million people all over the world, it
than 14-15 years old who were Grade 10 stated in the site that it given almost accurate
students in Virgen Milagrosa University assessment and it was accessed through a link
Foundation Special Science High School. which was given by the researchers together with
the google form but some of the respondents
Personal Attributes of the Respondents with
didn’t took the test or forgot to take the test
Regards to Sex
which resulted that some of the respondents
The table indicated that out of 20 respondents, 3 answered ‘I don’t know’.
were male which was 15% of the population and
Factors that help VMUF-SSHS Grade 10
17 were female which was 85% of the
Students’ to aim excellent academic
population. This showed that there were more
female respondents than male respondents who
were Grade 10 students in Virgen Milagrosa Table 2.1 showed that students’ level of
University Foundation Special Science High perception with regard to internal factors that
School. helped Grade 10 student’s have excellent
academic performance fell under ‘Often’. This
Personal Attributes of the Respondents with
was reflected with the total weighted mean of
Regards to their Parent’s monthly salary
3.41. This result indicated that generally, the

Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
Special Science High School
Vol. 1 No.4 (2021)
internal factors helped the students. Moreover, way of living to their academic performance in
students perceived that these internal factors school.
must be appropriate for desired learning
outcomes being assessed. It was also found out The research used a stratified random approach
that students were always concerned with their to gather needed data. To summarize the data
grades that contributed to their urge to have an with regards to demographic profile frequency
excellent academic performance. It was also said and percentage distribution were utilized. In
that they rarely read their lessons in advance. addition, average weighted mean and description
in accordance to the provided likert scale was
External Factors that help students to aim used to present the data for table 2.1 and table
excellent academic performance 2.2 for the internal and external factors.
Presented in Table 2.2 was the mean rating of the To summarize the data with regard to
students’ external factors that helped them gain demographic profile, frequency and percentage
excellent academic performance. The resulted distribution were used. In addition, tallying
have a total weighted mean of 2.75 revealed that assessed the dominant indicators and factors of
most of the student’s external factors were only key respondents answers. There were 20 students
helped ‘sometimes’. Students preferred internal in Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
factors to helped them with achieving Special Science High School, who became the
Excellency. In addition, most students ‘never’ respondents of the study.
got unmotivated because of financial matters like
their allowance. They also agreed that they feel Summary of Results
pressured when they thought that they’ve failed 1. The Profile of the Respondents in terms of:
their parent’s expectation
a) Age
Significant Relationship between the
Socioeconomic Status of Students to their Out of 20 respondents, 75% of the population
Academic Achievement were 16-17 years old and
The study was hypothesized that “There no 25% were 14-15 years old.
significant relationship between the
Socioeconomic Status of Students to their b) Sex
Academic Achievement” and after data was
The data gathered indicated that 15% of the
gathered it was found that table 3.2 showed that
population were male and 17 were female which
the mean of internal factors was greater than the
was 85% of the population.
mean of the external factors. The computed t-test
value was 2.8131 which was greater than the c) Income of parents per year
critical value. This means that the relationship
between the Socioeconomic Status of Students to Out of 20 respondents,5% of the population have
their Academic Achievement” was significant at P5,000 below, 20% of the respondents were
0.05 level. P5,000 - P10,000, 30% of the respondents
answered P 10,000 – P 20,000 and 9 were P
SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND 20,000 which was 45% of the population.
d) Achievements/Awards
This chapter discussed the summary, conclusions
and recommendation in accordance with the It showed that 80% of the respondents have
conducted study after a thorough analysis and received a local award/achievement,5% of the
careful interpretation of gathered data. respondent have received an extra-curricular
award and 15% has received none and they don’t
Summary of the Study know.
The study was focused on ”The Impact of Socio- e) IQ
Economic Status on the Academic Achievement
of Grade 10 Students of Virgen Milagrosa Out of 20 respondents, 30% of the population
University Foundation Special Science High has below 100 level of IQ, 30% also who has the
School”. It was conducted to be able to average level of IQ, 38% has above 120 IQ level
determine the significance of the respondents’ and 2% doesn’t know their IQ level.

Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
Special Science High School
Vol. 1 No.4 (2021)
2. Academic Performance of the Students in 5 This study helped the previous researches to
Correlation to their Socio-Economic Status dig dipper into the effects of socioeconomic
The findings showed that there was a significant
relationship between socio-economic status to 6. This research helped the previous researches
their academic performance. This signified that to test it to another country such as the
they have developed fundamental skills and Philippines for more generalized study
knowledge with the help of their parents.
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1. The study is greatly relevant for the Integrated with Learning and
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their struggles and the teachers could measure Journal of Childhood Education 10
the student’s strength and weaknesses. (1) ,a646.
2. It is concluded that if only financial factors [2]
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1. For the future researchers, the researchers
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kejuruan dengan minat melanjutkan ke
intake of the IQ test if the study will be
perguruan tinggi siswa kelas xii
conducted virtually.
program keahlian teknik kendaran
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larger group. bambanglipuro bantul tahun
pelajaran2013/2014. Jurnal Taman
3. The researchers recommended to get the Vokasi,
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Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
Special Science High School
Vol. 1 No.4 (2021)
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Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
Special Science High School
Vol. 1 No.4 (2021)

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