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1 ‫بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحیم‬

In the name of God

Electrical machinery 3
Session 9
(Voltage regulation)

Mohammad Ali Shafiezadeh

‫محمد علی شفیع زاده‬
‫محمد علي شفيع زاده‬
Voltage Regulation
By changing the load at a certain power factor and by keeping the
velocity and current of the field constant, the amount of change in
the output voltage, expressed as a percentage of the nominal
voltage, is called the voltage regulation.

Ef – Vt E – Vt
VR = , VR% = f *100
Vt Vt
For lagging load always: Ef > Vt

For the leading load, the Ef may decrease.

‫محمد علي شفيع زاده‬

Voltage Regulation
Voltage regulation is basically done by AVR. But it is necessary to
know because:

1- Determining the amount of voltage increase (insulation


2- Type of automatic voltage control equipment

3- Short circuit status and stability

4- Parallel operation of generators

Voltage regulation is obtained by various experiments and

‫محمد علي شفيع زاده‬
4 Electromotive force method
( synchronous impedance method)
This method is only applicable for synchronous machines with
cylindrical rotors.Because the output flux is independent of the
angular position of the rotor.
Fr = Ff + Fa Ear
Er = Ef + Ear
Ef = -jK Ff K: Slope of the air gap line Ef xal Ia
Er = -jK Fr Er
Ear = -jK Fa δ
ψ Vt
Fa = CIa Ear = -jCK Ia raIa
Er = Ef + Ear Ia
Fa Fr θ
Er = Ef - jCK Ia
Ef = Er + jCK Ia Ff Fa
‫محمد علي شفيع زاده‬
5 Electromotive force method
( synchronous impedance method)
Ef = Er + jCK Ia
Er = Vt + raIa +j XalIa
Ef = Vt + raIa +j XalIa + jCK Ia
Ef = Vt + raIa +j(Xal + CK )Ia CK=Xar: Armature reaction
Ef = Vt + raIa +j(Xal + Xar)Ia reactance
Xal + Xar= Xs Xs : Synchronous reactance
Ef = Vt+ raIa +jXsIa
Ef = Vt+(ra+jXs)Ia Zs =ra + jXs : Synchronous impedance
Ef = Vt+ZsIa
In the synchronous motor -Ia replaces Ia. so:
Ef = Vt - ZsIa
‫محمد علي شفيع زاده‬
6 Equivalent circuit of
synchronous generator

Er = Vt + raIa +j XalIa
Ef = Vt + raIa +j(Xal + Xar)Ia

Ef = Vt+ raIa +jXsIa

‫محمد علي شفيع زاده‬

Measurement of Zs
We use open circuit and short circuit characteristics.
Ef = Vt+ZsIa
In the open circuit test Ia is zero so: Ef = Vt
In the short circuit test Vt = 0 so: Zs = f
E Open circuit input voltage for a given excitation current
Zs = f =
Isc Short-circuit current for the same excitation current

‫محمد علي شفيع زاده‬

8 measuring & calculating
of ra & Xs
Zs = ra + jXs
Zs = √ ra2 + Xs2
We use the dc method to calculate ra.
If the connection will be star:
𝟏 Vdc
rdc =
𝟐 Idc
If the connection will be triangle:
𝟑 Vdc
rdc =
𝟐 Idc

Effective armature resistance: ra = (1.2 ~1.3 )rdc

Xs = √ Zs2 - ra2
‫محمد علي شفيع زاده‬
9 Vector diagram
of generator
By specifying ra ‫ و‬Xs :
Ef = Vt + Ia Zs
If we take Vt as a basis (<Vt =0) :
Ef = Vt(1+j0) + Ia(cosθ -jsinθ)(ra +jXs)
Ef = (Vt+raIacosθ+IaXssinθ)+j(IaXscosθ-raIasinθ)
Ef =√(Vt+raIacosθ+IaXssinθ)2+(IaXscosθ-raIasinθ)2
If we take Ia as a basis (< Ia =0) :
Ef = Vt(cosθ +jsinθ)+Ia (1+j0)(ra +jXs)
Ef =√(Vtcosθ+raIa)2+(Vtsinθ +IaXs)2
If θ = 0 : Ef2 = ( Vt + raIa )2 + ( XsIa )2
For leading current: Ef2=(Vtcosθ+raIa)2+(Vtsinθ-IaXs)2
‫محمد علي شفيع زاده‬
10 Vector diagram
of generator

The voltage regulation percentage can now be set:

E –V
VR% = f V t *100
‫محمد علي شفيع زاده‬
11 Range of Synchronous
impedance change
ra ≈ 0.01 pu Xs ≈ 1 pu
Xal ≈ 0.1~ 0.2 pu Xar ≈ 0.8~ 0.9 pu Xs ≈ Xar
The voltage drop across the armature resistor at rated
current is approximately 1% of the rated voltage.
Nph2 lg
Xar = ω Lar , Lar = R , Rg = μA
g g
lg Rg Lar Xar Xar  l
Xs  l

Synchronous reactance is inversely proportional to the

length of the air gap.
‫محمد علي شفيع زاده‬
The end

The end of
9 session

‫محمد علي شفيع زاده‬

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