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What is Deviant Behavior:

Deviant behaviour is defined as actions that violate social norms, which can include
informal social rules as well as more formal societal expectations and laws. In contrast, socially
acceptable behaviour refers to actions that are generally regarded as appropriate to engage in
when in the presence of other people. Some examples of deviant behavior include drug abuse,
assault, theft, rape, animal fighting , illegal hunting etc.
Animal Fighting as a Deviant Behavior
We are going to explore animal fighting culture in Pakistan as an example of deviant
behavior. Research has linked animal cruelty to a variety of deviant outcomes and many studies
have looked into the causes of animal cruelty.
Animal fighting is a blood sport in which animals (dogs, camels etc) are forced to fight
for the entertainment and/or profit of spectators. One of the most heinous forms of animal cruelty
is animal fighting. Animals used for fighting are typically raised in isolation, so they spend the
majority of their lives chained. In Pakistan, there are three main types of animal fighting i.e.
fighting between dogs, camels, and roosters. We’ll look into each of these separately.


The genesis of dog fighting as a sport can be traced to a clash of ancient civilizations.
When the Romans invaded Britain in 43 A.D., both sides brought fighting dogs to the battlefield
for the seven years of warfare that followed. The Romans may have won the war, but the British
dazzled the victors with the ferocity of their dogs, which were far more battle-ready than their
Roman counterparts.
In Pakistan Dog Fighting was firstly considered as a legal sport activity but as a time
passed by Pakistan Government banned dog fighting and outlawed in all the states by 1976, it
did not begin to receive serious law enforcement attention until recently. For People of Pakistan
it is taken as an enthusiastic predilection for displaying masculinity to achieve honor.
Regions where Dog Fighting is common in Pakistan
The regions of Pakistan where dog fighting is majorly performed still takes place
includes Gujjar khan, Dera Ismail Khan, Attock , Daud khail, Mianwali, Bahawalpur, Rohi,
Nawabshah District, Dadu , Larkana, Nasirabad, Musakhel, Chaman etc. Dog fighting costs a lot
of money for wealthy families in Kharian, Bewal, Jabbar, Mirpur, and Dhadial.

Cultural events where Dog Fighting in popular sport

These events are organized in secret, deep within forests and other remote locations.
People from the main go towards the “Spyo Maidan” or “dogs fighting ground” a specific area
having smoother soil without harder rocks particles for dog fighting.. It is Chaman the bordering
town with Afghanistan. Chaman is again having a dangerous festival in the cold winter days. The
dog owners sit and a referee or two in the match see the dogs from very near. They bite and
punch each other till even to death. Even the referees interferes the fight when one of the owner
objects the game.

Winter is “good for dog injuries and they get well soon after a fight” a specialized dog
fighter who doesn’t want to be named says. “In hot days nobody fight his animals because it is
not a good season for such festivals”.

Other deviant behaviors that emerge from dog fighting

Now a days, dog fighting it was not taken as sports as high prices as gambling are put as
bit on each dogs head. The winner cheers and the loser become emotional. Even some time the
looser kills his dog for not fighting well or simply beats it for not getting victory over the rival


Camel fighting started among ancient Turkic tribes over 1000s of years ago. Camels
also fight in the wild, so the practice occurred before it was first started  by nomads. In the 1920s
the Turkish National Aviation league held Camel fights as fundraisers to purchase planes for the
Turkey Government . The Turk government started to discourage the practice in the 1920s.
However, In the 1980s, the new government of Turkey started encouraging the competitions as
part of Turkey's historic culture. The particular reason for the circumstances of this side, camel
wrestling events was considered family sport in Turkey.
Regions where Camel Fighting is common in Pakistan 
Camel Fighting is commonly practised in Pakistan. The practice dates back from
thousands of years in many countries and is still practiced in many areas of Pakistan which
include Jhang, Gujrawala, Bhawalnagar, Attock , Layyah, Rahim Yar khan, Rajin Shah (Huge
camel fight festival is held every year).
Cultural events where Camel Fighting is a popular sport
Thirty annual festivals for camel fights are held annually from November to March.
Almost 1000 fighting camels take part in such events, with every camel competing in almost ten
matches. Events always occur on Sundays in football stadiums and typically last ten minutes
each. At the end of the event there is often a tournament of champions where the best camels
compete. Also international tourists attend the events, making it a key part of the tourist industry.
Cockfighting is an old passive activity. There is proof that cockfighting was a distraction
in the Indus Valley civilization. The game was well known in antiquated times in India, China,
Persia, and other Eastern nations and was brought into Old Greece in the hour of Themistocles
(c. 524-460 BC). From here onward, indefinitely quite a while the Romans impacted to loathe
this "Greek redirection", however they wound up taking on it so eagerly that the farming essayist
Columella (first century Promotion) whined that its fans frequently spent their entire patrimony
in wagering along the edge of the pit.
Regions where Rooster Fighting is common in Pakistan 
Cockfighting is a 'cool' sport for some people, particularly those living in rural Pakistan
and some urban areas including Rawalpindi, Dingi khoi, Mandibahaudin, Peshawar, Chamman,
Kuclak, Banu, DG Khan, DI Khan
People in most parts of Sindh, Punjab, and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa enjoy keeping fighting
cock breeds known as 'aseel.' The 'Sindhi Aseel' are known for being tall, heavy, and skilled
Cultural events where Rooster Fighting is a popular sport
In different cities of Pakistan annually events are organized in the name of culture of
cockfighting. Most popular event held each and every year for cockfighting is held in
Rawalpindi (Dingi Khoi) where hundreds of rooster fights are held. 
Animal Fighting is not a deviant behavior peculiar to Pakistan only. It is also common
among other societies in the world.
Dog Fighting in America

Approximately 16,000 dogs are estimated to die annually from dog fighting in America
and over 20,000 dogs get involved in fight every year in America. Despite the fact that dog
fighting is officially prohibited in all 50 states of the United States, the industry is prospering,
especially in urban areas and the rural South (Villavicencio, 2007). Tens of thousands of
Americans participate in dog fighting (Anon, 2014d).
Dog Fighting in Asia

Asian dog fighting Animal cruelty claims don't have much sway in Afghanistan, despite being
one of the world's poorest nations, where dogfighting is a significant business and a source of
cash for the owners of champion dogs. A good fighting dog in Afghanistan may be worth several
thousand dollars. Although dog fighting was outlawed by the Taliban in order to stop gambling,
which is not authorised in Islam, it is still widely practised as a winter weekend activity
throughout Afghanistan. The clashes are witnessed by the public and are closely supervised by
the police in Kabul, the nation's capital. Dogs are wrestled to surrender rather than to the death.
Top dogs are equivalent to a new automobile in value (Anon, 2014a; Motlag, 2014;
Villavicencio, 2007).

Dog fighting is not common in India, but it can be found in some rural areas, and it is illegal
under Indian law. It is also illegal to own or attend a dogfighting event or to possess dogfighting
materials such as videos. Dog fighting appeared to be legal in Japan (Villavicencio, 2007;
Ensminger, 2010; Anon, 2014e,g). Yozei, who became Emperor at the age of ten in 877, set dogs
and monkeys to fight. Dog fighting is not prohibited on a national level, but it is prohibited in the
prefectures of Tokyo, Kanagawa, Fukui, Ishikawa, Toyama, and Hokkaido. Currently, the
majority of fighting dogs in Japan are of the Tosa breed, which is indigenous to Kochi( Anon
2014e, g).

Dog fighting and other forms of animal fighting are extremely popular throughout Pakistan. It is
deeply rooted in rural culture, which is home to roughly 70% of the 167 million-person
population. It has served as a means for tribes, clans, and rural residents to socialise while being
entertained. Even though it has recently been made illegal, it is still practised in rural Pakistan,
particularly in Punjab, Azad Kashmir, Sindh, and Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa.

In Russia dogfighting is prohibited in much of the West. Even though animal cruelty laws exist,
dog fighting is widely organized in some part of the country (Anon, 2015a). Throughout Central
Asia and the Caucasus, and extending to the outskirts of Russia's capital, a form of the sport has
thrived, cementing local legitimacy and gaining new followers since the Soviet Union's
collapse 15 years ago. Animal rights advocates have long wished to have it banned in Russia and
the rest of the former Soviet world, labeling it a cruel and a bloody diversion for gamblers and

Dog Fighting in Europe

European Dog Fighting As Britain began to implement animal welfare laws in 1835, these blood
sports were officially abolished. Because dogfights were less expensive to organise and far easier
to hide from the law than bull or bear baits, supporters of blood sports turned to pitting their dogs
against each other instead. Dog fighting was used as a blood sport (often with gambling) as well
as a way to continue testing the quality of their stock. Dog fighting continued in secret for
decades in working-class areas of Britain and America. In recent years, the number of
convictions for dog fighting in the inner cities, particularly in London, has steadily increased,
primarily among teenage youths of Pakistani descent. (Anon, 2014e).

Dog Fighting in Australia

Australia prohibits both dog fighting as a practise and the possession of any equipment used in
the sport. Dog fighting is frequently associated with illegal gambling, drug trafficking, and the
use of weapons in Australia. The RSPCA is concerned that dog fighting and other canine
entertainment practises result in the suffering or even death of canines. Dogs who are injured
seldom receive veterinary care in Australia because dogfighting is prohibited, which puts their
welfare and overall health at even greater risk. "Restricted Breed Dogs" cannot be imported into

Dog Fighting in Africa

One of the African countries where dog fighting occurs most commonly is the Republic of South
Africa. For instance, a study claims that the Animal Welfare Society received at least three calls
each week about dog fights in the Cloetesville neighbourhood of Stellenbosch. The breed of dog
that is most frequently used in dog fights in the country is the American Pit Bull Terrier. The
Republic of South Africa has outlawed dog fighting, as is widely known. On the other hand, dog
fighting is still very frequent in the underground. The National Council of Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is the largest animal protection organisation in Africa.


In Pakistan, camels have witnessed shocking violence. Even though it is an illegal activity, camel
fighting nonetheless takes place. Despite the fact that camel fighting is forbidden in Pakistan.
Throughout the years, numerous creatures, including dogs, cocks, horses, and bears, have been
coerced into this brutality. According to lawyer Abdul Ahad Shah of the Animal Welfare
Organization, all animal fights are against Pakistani law. He continued by claiming that injured
camels from fights never receive the necessary medical attention. "Villagers use DIY remedies to
treat wounds. It's brutal, "Shah later on.

Those who are very proud of the clashes dismiss the criticism and insist that this is a tradition
that This is very significant to Punjabis.The animals must train for a year before they are ready to
engage in combat.

In the blood sport known as "cockfighting," two roosters that have been bred expressly for
hostility are placed beak to beak in a tiny ring and encouraged to fight to the death. Despite being
forbidden in all 50 states, cockfighting nonetheless happens across the nation in a variety of
towns and among a variety of people. In addition to harming animals, cockfighting is closely
related to other crimes like drug addiction, gambling, and violent crimes. Betting on the contests
might cost anything from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars, depending on the
breeder's birds' reputation. Illegal guns have also been found during cockfights and law
enforcement raids due to the massive amounts of cash present.Cockfights are commonly
attended by gang members, which encourages violence and illegal drug use even more,
according to reports from across the country. The organisers constantly move the events to avoid
being suspected. Despite these unsettling realities, cockfights typically provide a joyous
environment where entire families, including kids.

Rooster fights in Mexico

Rooster fights are a learned cultural practise that dates back to the Spanish colonisation of

Although its appearance, adoption, and distribution can be traced back to the 16th century,
neither the exact location of origin nor the precise date of arrival on the American continent can
be determined. The cockfight is deeply ingrained in Mexican culture and has been passed down
from generation to generation. This provides the populace with a sense of identity and continuity,
while also encouraging respect for cultural diversity and individual inventiveness.

Because of the cultural associations between the fight rooster's image and virtues such as
bravery, gallantry, commitment, respect, honour, duty, and loyalty, this practise is considered a
part of Mexican folklore with being Mexican and defending Mexican ideas. The cockfight, in
Arias' opinion, is a cathartic phenomenon that contributes to a greater civilising process. It also
possesses a symbolism that stands in for feelings, emotions, and parts of the human experience
that are difficult to express or get solace from in other contexts or forms. Geertz suggests that,
despite two of these animals facing off in a cockfight, they are actually men competing
(symbolically) for social prestige, as seen in the betting system that surrounds the fight. This
suggests that cockfighting is a dramatisation of specific interests (the status level of the
Concern about animal abuse remains high among policymakers, law enforcement officials, and
the general public.

Animal fighting is a form of animal cruelty that has been criminalised over the years by laws that
protect non-human animals from human exploitation.
Its place in the discourse of organised crime reflects its ties to gambling, the group dynamics
involved in its organisation, and its ties to gangs and youth culture.
While discussions of dog fighting frequently focus on one 'traditional' type of activity,
contemporary dog fighting has expanded from its pit-based origins to include various forms of
organised activity such as street dog fighting in the form of chain fighting or chain rolling, and
the use of dogs as status or weapon dogs.
Cockfighting is associated with other crimes such as gambling, drugs, and violent acts, in
addition to being cruel to animals. Bets on the fights can range from a few hundred to thousands
of dollars, depending on the reputation of the breeder's birds. Box seats, similar to those found at
sporting events, are sometimes available to attendees.

Due to the large amounts of cash present, illegal weapons have also been discovered at
cockfights, and law enforcement raids across the country have revealed that cockfights are well
attended by gang members, encouraging further violence and illegal drug use. Organizers
relocate events on a regular basis to avoid suspicion. Despite these troubling facts, cockfights
frequently create a party atmosphere in which entire families, including children, congregate.
Despite the ban, dog fighting is still one of the most popular and well-kept secrets in the Potohar
The district administration and police have both prohibited dog fighting.

Such activity is surely a violation of animals and pets laws, a crime in international circles of
animal protection organizations. No one is allowed to kill or harm these poor animals. Others sell
their dogs with minimum prize and search for a new one.

"All animal fights are illegal under Pakistani law,"

According to a survey annually almost  850 camels die due to camel fighting.
1. Upwards of 16,000 dogs are estimated to die every year from
dogfighting in the US.
2. About 40,000 Americans are involved in dogfighting each year.
ockfighting is a popular sport in rural Pakistan, but "betting is prohibited under the
Prevention of Gambling Act 1977." Despite the fact that betting on cockfights is illegal, large
bets are placed.
Cockfighting is a blood sport in which two chickens/Roosters explicitly reared for hostility are
set bill to mouth in a little ring and urged to battle until the very end. Although it is unlawful in
every one of the 50 states, cockfighting actually takes place in the country over in a wide range
of networks and among a wide range of individuals.
Each year roughly 384 roosters dies due to cockfight. 

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