Attitudes - Ob

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❑Attitude is the opinion of a person towards

❑ It is all about likes and dislikes of individual
 Definition (according to book) : Evaluative
statements or a judgement concerning object,
people or event.
➢Positive attitude is a state of mind that
accept favorable results
➢The willingness to try doing new things.
 confidence
 flexibility
 Negative attitude ignore the good things in life and
only think about Failure
 “I can’t…”
 “I’m not confident …”
 “I’m going to fail…”
 People with a neutral attitude don't give enough
importance to situations or event.
 They ignore the problem, leaving it for someone else
to solve.
 Indifference
 Unemotional


1) Cognitive What we Think

2) Affective What we Feel

3) Behavioural How we React

• Cognitive
✓ Arijit Singh is a good

• Affective
✓ You like him.

• Behavioural
✓ You have attended his
concerts standing 2-3
• Cognitive
✓ Virat Kohli is run

• Affective
✓ You like him.

• Behavioural
✓ You have watched
his all matches.

Does Behavior Always Follows From
Attitude ?

People Do What They Like

Festinger’s Theory
Festinger’s Theory
 One Researcher Leon Festinger argued that “Attitudes
Follows Behavior”.
 Did you ever notice people change what they say so it
doesn’t contradict what they do ?
 Festinger proposed that cases of attitude following
behaviour illustrate the effects of “Cognitive
Attitude V/S Behavior
Cognitive Dissonance
 Cognitive dissonance is mental discomfort experienced by a
person who simultaneously holds two or more
contradictory beliefs ideas or values.
 This discomfort is triggered by a situation in which a
person's Belief clashes with new evidence perceived by the
 It is incompatibility that an individual might perceive Two
or More attitudes or behavior between Attitudes.
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
What is Dissonance?
Examples of Cognitive Dissonance
Desire to Reduce Cognitive Dissonance

 Importance of Elements
 Degree of Influence
 Rewards of Dissonance
➢ It is a variable that, while not intervening
between the independent and dependent
variables, influences the nature and
strength of their relationship.
➢ It influence the relationship between an
independent and a dependent variable by
increasing, decreasing, or even reversing
the relationship.
Independent Dependent
variable variable
Hours of
Exam Score

Moderator Variable
Stress Depression
Independent Dependent
variable variable

Social Support

Importance of the attitude

Correspondence to behavior

Accessibility of the attitude

Existence of Social pressures on the


Personal and Direct experience with the

1. Importance:- Importance of attitude-reflects
fundamentals values, self interest or
identification with groups or individuals have
strong relation with behavior.
2. Correspondence:- Specific attitude tend to
predict specific behavior.
 General attitude tend to predict general
3. Accessibility:- Accessibility the more we talk,
the more we remember and more its effect
on behavior.
4. Existence of Social Pressures:- In accord with the
attitude facilitates expression and vice versa.

 Higher social pressure

 Strong relationship between attitude and

❑ Five Major Attitudes
(1) Job Satisfaction
(2) Job Involvement
(3) Organizational Commitment
(4) Perceived Organizational Support
(5) Employee and Job Engagement
 A person with a high level of job satisfaction
holds positive feelings about his /her job.
 While dissatisfied person holds negative
 Term Job satisfaction describes a positive
feeling about job, it results in evolution of
his/her characteristics.
 When Person is given a bonus, pension,
monetary or non-monetary items then he/she
will get job satisfaction.
 Monetary V/S Non-Monetary
Monetary Rewards Non-Monetary
Profit Sharing Job safety

Promotion and Bonus Increase in

Commission Recognition

Gifts and Prizes Training

 Job Involvement is the degree, to which a
person identifies with a job, actively
participates in it and considers performance
important to Self worth.
 Employee who feels that they can influence
their work environment, their suitability, the
meaningfulness of their job and their real
autonomy are showing high levels of
Psychological empowerment.
 For example: - Google Employees.
 For example: - Google Office.
 In the Google Office Employees are more
productively working and then can be working
very enthusiastically and sincerely

❑ How to increase Job Involvement?

 Involve employees in decision making.
 Make them feel their work is important.
 Provide external feedback.
 Give them autonomy on how to do things.
 A state in which employee identifies with a
particular organization and its goals and
wishes to maintain membership in the
 Organisational commitment is the bond
employees experience with their organisation.

 Broadly speaking, employees who are

committed to their organisation generally feel
a connection with their organisation, feel that
they fit in and, feel they understand the goals
of the organisation.
❑ Sachin Tendulkar & M.S.Dhoni
 The degree to which employees believe the
organization values their contribution and
cares about their well being.
 Research shows that people perceive their
organization as supportive when rewards are
deemed fair, when employees have a voice in
decision and When their supervisors are seen
as supportive.
 Although less research has linked POS to OB
outcomes than is the case with other job
 Some findings suggest that employees with
strong POS perceptions are more likely to
have higher levels of organizational citizenship
behavior and job performance.
•An individual’s involvement with, satisfaction with
and enthusiasm for the work he or she does.
• work with colleagues
• Improve the job performance for the benefit of the
•Opportunity to learn new skill
•They feel their work is important and meaningful
•Their interactions with co-workers and supervisors
are rewarded.

 The employee work in passion
 Highly motivated and ready to go extra mile
 Focused and taken to take up challenges
 Problem solving attitude
 They usually step walking through the day
 Zero energy and passion in work
 Putting in hours instead of energy
 Actively undermine coworkers and sabotage projects
 Always complaint about the given tasks
 Try to demoralize colleagues also
 Lack of enthusiasm
 Failure to take responsibility

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