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NAME: Sandeep


AGE: 26


QUESTIONS Dislike Slightly Neither Slightly Enjoy

(0) dislike like nor enjoy (4)
(1) dislike (2) (3)
Creating tangible things using my hands and 2
Working with gadgets 3
Relentlessly working towards my goal 2
Working with plants animal, mad, water, 3
wood, metal etc in the outdoors
Being systematic following step by step 4
Analysing a situation or things for its pros 3
and cons
Making rational decision 2
Being curious 3
Noticing things and events around me 3
Using my imagination 4
Thinking outside the box 4
Being emotional 4
Being expressive 4
Being brave and daring 4
Being kind to others and helping people in 4
need like poor, disable, old sick,
underserved etc
Waiting for someone or something 2
Relating the others feelings and problems 2
like my own
Working in harmony with others as a team 4
with a dependency
Forgiving people who cause me harm 2
Socialising with others 3
Taking risk 4
Being enthusiastic 3
Imagining everything will go in my favour 2
Convincing people 2
Working with mind precise calculation 3
Being precise mythological and detail Did not
oriented understand
Following rules 3
Working hard and sincerely 2
Being courteous to others 3


1) You prefer to do your chores, before allowing 4

yourself to relax. 22
2) You prefer to completely finish, one project before 3
starting a new one. 7
3) Watching people crying, makes you to cry. 3 4
4) You often make lot of backup plan 4 1
5) You often spend time on exploring various random 3
topics that interest you. 2
6)At social events you don’t used to introduce 4
yourself 6
7) You usually stay calm under pressure. 5 4
8)You usually prefer to be around others rather than 5
on your own. 29
9) You like to use organising tools like schedules and 4
10) Even a small mistake can cause you to doubt your 1
overall abilities and knowledge 10
12) You are not too interested in interpretation and 4
analyses of creative works. 12
13) You are more inclined to follow your head than 2
heart 13
14) You usually prefer to go with flow rather than 4
planning task. 14
15) you are generally sentimental 8 3
16) You become bored as lose interest when the 4
discussion gets highly theoretical. 30
17) You like books and movies that makes you come 4
up with your own interpretation of the ending 17
18) You rarely second guess the choice that you have 3
made. 33
19) You are interested in so many things that you find 3
it difficult to choose, what to try next. 19
20) You avoid making phone calls. 39 7
21) You often spend a lot of time trying to understand 4
views that are very different from your own. 40
22) You are definitely not an artistic type of person. 2
23) if your plans are interrupted your top priority is to 1
get back on the track as soon as possible. 42
24) you are still bothered by mistake that you made a 2
long time. 43
25) you rarely contemplate the reason for human 4
existence or meaning of life.44
26) your emotion controls you more than your control 1
then. 45
27) You lose patience with people who are not as 2
efficient as you. 26
28) You often end up doing things at the last possible 6
moment. 27
29) You’ve always been fascinated by the question of 4
what if anything happens after the death. 28
30) you rarely worry about whether you make a good 6
impression on people you meet 15
31) You enjoy participating in Group activities.16 4
32) You find it easy to empathise with a person who 4
experience are very different from you.31
33) You usually postpone finalising decision for as 4
long as possible32
34) Your happiness come more from helping others 3
accomplishing things than your own
35) After a long exhausting week, a lively social event 7
is just what you want. 34
36) You enjoy going to art museum. 35 4
37) You often have a hard time understanding other 3
people’s feelings. 36
38) You like to have A to do list for each day. 37 Cureently 7
39) You rarely feel insecure. 38 7
40) You are prone to worrying the things will take a 1
turn for the worse 20
41) You avoid leadership role in Group setting. 21 4
42) In your social circle you are often the one who 3
contact your friends and initiate activities. 41
43) You regularly make new friends. 1 4
44) You enjoy watching people argue.23 7
45) You tend to avoid drawing attention to yourself. 1
46) Your mood can change very quickly. 25 3
47) you take great care not to make people feel bad 3
even when it is completely their fault. 46
48) your personal work style is closer to spontaneous 2
burst of energy then organised and consistent effect.
49) when someone think highly of you, you wonder 3
how long it will take them to feel disappointed in you.
50) you would love your job that require you to work 4
alone most of the time. 49
51) you believe that pondering abstract philosophical 6
question is a waste of time. 50
52) you feel more drawn to places with busy, bustling 4
atmosphere than, quite intimate places 51
53) you know at first glance how someone is feeling. 7
54) you often feel overwhelmed. 53 4
55) you complete things methodically without 6
skipping over any steps. 54
56) you pass along good opportunity, if you thought 6
someone else needed it more.56
57) you struggle with deadlines. 57 7
58) you feel confident that things will work for you.58 4
59) you feel comfortable just walking up to someone 4
you find interesting and striking up a conversation 11
60) You think the world would be a better place if Idk cant answer this
people relied more on rationality and less than their
61) you are very intrigued with things labelled as 7
controversial 55

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