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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Mollie Metts Date: November 15,


School: Thompson Valley High School Grade Level: 9th-10th

Content Area: Teen Choices

Title: Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships

Lesson #:_2_ of 2

Lesson Idea/Topic and The topic that I will be teaching with Mr. Little is healthy and unhealthy
Rational/Relevance: relationships. This relates to our students because they are at the point in
What are you going to their life where romantic relationships, friendships, and any relationships are
teach and why is this changing. Helping the students identify if their relationships are healthy or
lesson of importance to unhealthy will teach them how to go about those relationships. Identifying
your students? How is it issues like abuse, red flags and more will give the students access to the
relevant to students of knowledge they need to navigate those relationships and provide them with
this age and resources.

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the standard)

FMCS. 01.01   (Teen) Analyze functions and Expectations

of various types of relationships

FMCS 01.01a (Teen) Analyze  processes  for building and

maintaining relationships
FMCS 01.01b Compare physical, emotional, spiritual, and
Intelectual functioning in a stable and unstable
FMCS 01.01c (Teen) Analyze factors that contribute to
healthy and unhealthy relationships
FMCS 01.01d Analyze processes for handling healthy
FMCS 01.01e Demonstrate stress management strategies for
family, work, and community settings 

FMCS.01.02 (Teen) Analyze personal needs and characteristics and their impact on
interpersonal relationships.

  FMCS.01.02.a (Teen) Analyze the effects of personal characteristics on


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  FMCS.01.02.b (Teen) Analyze the effect of personal need on relationships.

  FMCS.01.02.c (Teen) Analyze the effects of self-esteem and self-image on


  FMCS.01.02.d (Teen) Analyze the effects of life span events and conditions on

  FMCS.01.02.e (Teen) Explain the effects of personal standards and behaviors

on interpersonal relationships.

Understandings: (Big Ideas)

- Factors

- Red and Green Flags

- Dating Abuse

Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction, select
applicable questions from standard)

1. What are the red and green flags in a relationship?

2. What are ways to Identify red flags?

3. What are the factors of healthy relationships? What are the factors of an unhealthy

4. How can you identify someone who is experiencing dating abuse?

5. How can you help someone who is in an unhealthy relationship?

Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets) AND (Success Criteria)

I can: identify and describe the aspects of healthy and unhealthy relationships.

This means: I will be able to describe and identify unhealthy and healthy relationships by creating a
presentation on tv characters and explaining why the relationships are healthy and unhealthy.

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List of Assessments: (Note whether the assessment is formative or summative)

Essay -Formative

Project -Formative

Test – Summative/Formative

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Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships
Purpose of The purpose is to help the students identify if their relationships are healthy or unhealthy and will teach them how
Lesson to go about those relationships. Identifying issues like abuse, red flags and more will give the students access to
Should be a creative the knowledge they need to navigate those relationships and provide them with resources.
title for you and the
students to
associate with the
activity. Think of
the purpose as the
mini-rationale for
what you are trying
to accomplish
through this lesson.
Approx. Time Two-Three class Periods -for the whole lesson
and Materials Our Materials:
How long do you
Access to google classroom
expect the activity
Daily Warm-up form
to last and what
materials will you
White Board

Student Materials:
Note-taking materials

Anticipatory What are some examples of strategies to use?

Daily warm-ups allow students to answer the questions without bias from their classmates.
Set Chalk Talk- Could be used for topics like Red Flags
The “hook” to grab
Beach Ball- Have a list of color-coded questions and whatever color the students left or right thumb lands on they
students’ attention.

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These are actions answer that question.

and statements by
the teacher to
relate the
experiences of the
students to the
objectives of the
lesson, To put
students into a
receptive frame of
 To focus
on the
 To create
for the
that is to
An anticipatory set
is used any time a
different activity or
new concept is to
be introduced.

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How do you intend

to engage your The strategy I intend to use is ___Daily Warm-up_______________________________________
students in
thinking during the I am using this strategy here because: with this topic, we get into some deep discussions like red flags and dating
Anticipatory Set? abuse. This way the students feel they can share what they know and this is a daily routine for the students.

Why are you using

it at this point in
your lesson?
Teacher Actions Student Actions
(Include a play-by- o Lecture Notes (40min) o Lecture Notes
play account of o Who am I Slide? o Students should be taking notes on the
what students and o What do all relationships require?  specific Mental illnesses information I provide.
teacher will do from o Time, energy, care, patience, nurturing, o Asking questions that they have
the minute they understanding o Participating in the questions that I ask the
arrive to the minute o Are you getting back what you put in? If not... class
they leave your o Answer any questions students may have. o Student’ss Small Break
classroom. Indicate o Move on. o Clarify anything that the students may be
the length of each o Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship confused about or want to know.
segment of the o Respect  o
lesson. List actual o Honesty o Start Students off with Red Flags Activity.
minutes.) o Effective Communication o Students should be listening to instructions.
Indicate whether o Trust o Asking questions for clarifications
each is: o Equality o Next Class
-teacher o Positive Experience/Should Be Fun o Lecture Notes
input/actions, o Consideration o Students should be taking notes on the
student actions specific Mental illnesses information I provide.
-modeling o Asking questions that they have
o Commitment
-questioning o Participating in the questions that I ask the
strategies class
-guided/unguided: o Go into depth of what each or a few of these
o Student’s Small Break
-whole-class would look like for students.
o Clarify anything that the students may be
practice o Answer any questions that students may have.

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-group practice o Start the ABCs of Healthy relationships confused about or want to know.
-individual o Accountability Project Introduction
practice o Boundaries o Students will be listening to the instructions on
-check for o Communication their projects for this unit.
understanding Discuss Key Takeaways o Students then will ask any questions that they
-other o Give Students a Small Break have about Healthy and Unhealthy
o Clarify anything that the students may be Relationships
confused about or want to know. o Project work time

o Start Students off with Red Flags Activity.

o Next Class
o Go over Red Flags
o Checking your phone to see who are you texting
without permission
o Constantly putting you down
o Extreme jealousy or insecurity
o Explosive temper
o Isolating you from your friends and family
o Making false accusations
o Extreme mood swings
o Possessiveness
o Telling you what to do
o Physically hurting you

o Repeatedly pressing you about intimacy

o Life Outside of the relationship slide
o You should feel free enough to have your own
friends and interests outside the relationship
o People are more attractive to each other if they
have other interests
o Keep up your school work, friends, and activities

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that do not involve your partner

o Maintain a relationship with family, they are

o Answer any questions that students have.

o Give Students a Small Break

o Clarify anything that the students may be
confused about or want to know.

o Disagreement slides
o You don’t have to agree on everything

o Disagreements are expected, healthy, and

normal. Just remember your ABCs.
o Talk about breakups
o Project introduction :
o Students will identify two couples from a tv show
or movie. Students will then analyze one healthy
and one unhealthy relationship and explain the
o The students must have two relationships
whether it is romantic, platonic, or family.
o There must be pictures of the relationship, red
and green flags, and a description.
o Answer Questions students have.
o Project work time
o Walk around and help students
o Check in with students.
o Answer Questions
o Make sure students have all the resources posted
and available to them.

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How do you intend

to engage your The strategy I intend to use is _Asking Deeper thinking Questions and Discussion_____
students in
thinking during the I am using this strategy here because: it allows students to think on a deeper level to understand why identifying
PROCEDURE? healthy and unhealthy relationships is important to recognize and get help if needed. Discussion is for students to
understand another viewpoint that they may not think of before.
Why are you using
it at this point in
your lesson?
Closure Snowball activity- Seeing what the students know and reading out their answers to the class to see everyone’s
Those actions or takeaways from the lesson.
statements by a Partner walk around- The class walks around and has to high-five someone that is their partner for the activity and
teacher are they share 2-5 things that they have learned about.
designed to bring a TPS- Think Pair share- Turning to their partner and sharing what they have learned. Then would be asked to share
lesson presentation what they or their partner said.
to an appropriate
conclusion. Used to
help students bring
things together in
their minds, to
make sense out of
what has just been
taught. “Any
Questions? No. OK,
let’s move on” is
not closure. Closure
is used:

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 To cue
students to
the fact
that they
arrived at
point in the
lesson or
the end of a
 To help
To help form a
coherent picture
and to consolidate.
How do you intend
to engage your The strategy I intend to use is _Partner walk Around_________________________________________
students in
thinking during I am using this strategy here because: students have been sitting for a while. This gets them up and moving. This
CLOSURE? strategy also gets the students to interact and share what they learned from this lesson.

Why are you using

it at this point in
your lesson?
Modification: Make slides available for students if they need more time. Even have slides available ahead of time
for them to be prepared. Have students share notes with them. Giving them extra time to do it as homework.
Differentiation Extending: continuing in using the deeper levels of thinking strategies. Have them dig deeper into healthy and
should be unhealthy relationships. Make inquiry questions on how this affects them and how they can help someone else.
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your whole
This is to make
sure you have
met the needs
of your
students on
IEPS or 504
To modify: If the
activity is too
advanced for a
child, how will you
modify it so that
they can be
To extend: If the
activity is too easy
for a child, how will
you extend it to
develop their
emerging skills?
Reflection: This allows us to see how well they understood the content. This also allows us to see what and why they identify
(data analysis) certain relationships that are healthy and unhealthy. Identify the factors and flags of the relationship and aspects
How will you know of dating abuse.
if students met the
learning targets?
Write a description
of what you were
looking for in each

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Post Lesson Reflection

1. To what extent were lesson objectives achieved? (Utilize assessment data to justify
your level of achievement)

The students met the lesson objectives by discussing what they already know about
unhealthy and healthy relationships. The students will continue to learn more about the
factors, red flags, and dating abuse over the course of the next couple of weeks. The lesson
has continued since being evaluated students are now going over the concepts and asking
great and relevant questions about the topic. They will continue to achieve the objectives in
two weeks’ time.

2. What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to
teach again?

The changes I would make are to have the learning target posted on the board for evaluators
to see and for students to have a continuous reminder of why we are going over the content
we are going over. I would stick to one instead of a discussion or a gallery walk because I felt
like it dragged on and on for students. When I get stuck continue to collaborate with
coworkers to keep the students involved in the class. I would also warn students of the unit
ahead of time.

3. What do you envision for the next lesson? (Continued practice, reteach content,
In the next lesson, I envision the activity not taking as long. I envision more examples
of different flags being noticed with changes. I also envision not being so frustrated
with my students because I will have built a relationship with said students and
hopefully have mutual expectations.

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