Unit 3 Health and Social Care

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City College

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Unit: 3
Investigating Health and Social Care Services for the

LO1 Examine the health, care, and support services available to

an individual requiring multidisciplinary care.
LO2 Assess an individual’s capacity to identify their own needs.
LO3 Describe the impact of own relationship with the individual
and multidisciplinary team members involved in the delivery of the
care pathway.
LO4 Demonstrate the need for person-centred communication in
implementing person-centred plans.

Lecture/Assessor: Syed Taj


Table of Contents
Task 01: Report ............................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3
Interdisciplinary Care Servicing ....................................................................................... 3
Services for Integrated Healthcare ............................................................................... 3
The variation in healthcare care servicing provider ...................................................... 5
Availability of Resources for Interdisciplinary Healthcare ................................................ 6
Case Study...................................................................................................................... 7
Healthcare Proposal (Appendix 01)................................................................................. 7
Capability to Recognise Personal Healthcare Requirements ....................................... 7
Character in Patient-centered Healthcare .................................................................... 7
The procedure of Patient-Centered Examination ......................................................... 8
Capacity Evaluation or identification of Advance areas ................................................ 8
Task 2 ........................................................................................................................... 10
Statements of Witness .................................................................................................. 10
Analytic Reflection ......................................................................................................... 10
Cooperation in Interdisciplinary Teams ...................................................................... 10
Responsibilities of data sharing .................................................................................. 10
Benefits and Drawbacks of Data Exchange ............................................................... 12
Reflection on My Role and Healthcare Delivery ......................................................... 12
Modes of Communication ........................................................................................... 13
Evaluation of Own Capability to Support Healthcare Requirements .......................... 13
Examine Role regarding Facilities to Overall Serving ................................................. 13
Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 14
References .................................................................................................................... 15
Appendices ................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix 1 .................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix 2 .................................................................................................................... 20
Witness Statement ..................................................................................................... 20

Task 01: Report


Health and social care are classified in various forms subjected to medicine and
the healthcare organisations to bring achievements in the health sector to boost public
health issues. Ekedahl and Wengström present that the older patients from the unique
teams of patients from a specific age group hamper social and health needs. By using
interdisciplinary techniques to exhibit the integrity of health and social care techniques.
In the present case scenario, the evaluation of amendments for clinical treatments was
discovered, which is a collaboration with service customers. Then each inpatient
requires a unique clinical treatment.
But medical treatments function through the cooperation of different health care
factors. Besides it, I joined a part of Digby Manor Residential Care Home in
Birmingham. The aim of narrating the following report is to assess the accessibility of
care services related to facilitation. I notified specific needs to highlight interdisciplinary
healthcare for the inpatients—a case script boosts the aim of health and care by offering
a patient-centred method. The ongoing report highlights the vision to know about
patients' hygiene, but it is not proven from the practice of the healthcare sector as it is
anonymous and unknown.

Interdisciplinary Care Servicing

Services for Integrated Healthcare

Integrated care is a worldwide global dilemma that operates to bring changes

and innovations to facilitate the healthcare system. Eklund and Hedström exposed that
integrated care is a solution to various healthcare methods offered by various
healthcare organisations (Lette et al., 2020). Its unique form deals with other healthcare
departments that provide their services to meet local community patients' requirements
and the cooperation of government authorities. In Birmingham, warm and passionate

youngsters resided with a population of four hundred thousand people precisely in


In Birmingham, we have a junior and various highly insistent and flourishing

communities, with an evaluated population of approximately four hundred thousand. In
the report, the statistics, the city of Birmingham is the United Kingdom's third most
disadvantaged local government region, which significantly affects the local population.
The city of Birmingham is known as an original for ageing deaths from multiple
illnesses, containing cardiorespiratory disease (Baxter et al., 2018). Thus, many mature
people in the district required an integrated social structure with interdisciplinary abilities
to achieve the developing need for regional ageing.

Clinical funding approved by a group of Birmingham who got is about £ 390

million, which is likely to increase its marginal shares according to the upward trend in
population and older patients. London performs a dualistic role and responsibilities by
integrations with NHS commissioned authorities and reconsidering local healthcare
services. Officials of NHS concentrate on promoting the quality of healthcare services to
deal with the healthcare requirements of the citizens. And it also acquires to boost the
quality of medical treatments in their healthcare departments.
Moreover, WELC offers an integrated healthcare proposal by allocating
resources toward the integrated healthcare proposal. The method tackles with various
aims to highlight the demand and quality of high-pipelined service end-users, which
hampers the usage of accessible resources. They pay out money for the investment
reduction at the level of household needs to deal with the healthcare needs of clinical
treatment-resistance. It lowers the severity of diseases for those who acquire a medical
coordination proposal, and it copes with the needs of the people who bear psychological
and physical illnesses. It tackles clinical treatment challenges by improving individual
levels of liability regarding healthcare departments.
Unmet demands of healthcare
Many experts determine the foster increase in social health and care guidance
challenges. It results in an amendment in healthcare services and medical treatments
for the patients to improve their quality of health. Unmet healthcare needs give rise to

the requirements for healthcare services in shaping demands. Healthcare challenges

arise due to the shortage of healthcare financial resource allocations and insufficient
clinical attendants. As the older people of the social encounter the problem of unmet
healthcare needs, the older people live by attaining clinical treatment at their house
setup. They remain destitute of the accuracy of professional medical therapies and face
unmet challenges in clinical remedies. And the rise in the healthcare needs of the
patients tends to result in foster from medical treatments.
The current calculations of Birmingham explore that exact one million people
remain destitute in clinical remedies. And it also exhibits the points for those inpatients
that use the toilet with their help but cut out to attempt and require clinical aid to
complete their basic needs (Zingmark et al., 2019). Moreover, the government improves
the related department's medical efforts, and older people get government funding
investments. And it is a reality that more senior people require complex medical
treatments to lower the influences of the severity of diseases. The seriousness of the
condition in older people attracts them to live in an isolated environment away from their
family members, relatives and friends.
Additionally, the healthcare system has started to meet the demands of older
people regarding the quality of health, coping with the challenge of disagreement in
healthcare (Silva et al., 2019). Disapproval requests of healthcare services through the
commissioning of NHS using various techniques like long-term delays, accessibilities,
transfer to the assistance of healthcare to another group, resulting in the low level of
quality in care assistance.
The variation in healthcare care servicing provider
Health and social services boost the healthcare framework in public and private
departments. By the explanation, health is a state of affairs of physical and
psychological betterment based on ecological components, biological, environmental,
hygienic, social, and economic components (Gougeon, Johnson and Morse, 2017). The
primitive aim of the healthcare sector is to offer advantages to the health factors of
people. An essential requirement of people is to provide clinical aid to sick people
through proper medical treatments.

Services of social work lay stress on the facilitation of the activities. Proper intake
of nutrition and diet maintains patients' independence, boosting the foster growth in the
security of vulnerable patients. Social service extends its role of providing clinical aid to
youngsters, youth, adults, and minors who face high offensive affairs in healthcare

Availability of Resources for Interdisciplinary Healthcare

After access to available resources and interdisciplinary healthcare,

recommendations arise due to the available resources in an integrated care plan. For
instance, the integrated environment of healthcare proposals under the guidance of
WELC suggests a complete care proposal (Wilhelmson et al., 2022). The interchange
plan of data and information was opened to ensure the care coordination plans, which
operate the access of healthcare physicians in emergency cases for consultation and
clinical treatments. The EBP technique lays the stress to provide access to health care
proposals with an effectiveness of the healthcare and clinical treatments.

Community resources, both in financial investments and in healthcare's human

capital, enable the confirmation of joint health ventures to let people know more about
the proper usage of healthcare treatment and boost patients' quality of health.
Moreover, new entries of healthcare physicians improve the clinical interventions
between patients and healthcare physicians by lowering the threats of discrimination in

Case Study

Healthcare Proposal (Appendix 01)

Capability to Recognise Personal Healthcare Requirements

The betterment process of inpatients includes rectified diagnosis with the proper
quantity of medicines at the right time. Deciding on the reality of the disease broadens
the ways to appropriate diagnosis with the proper clinical treatment and its practical
implementation. Access to legal laws and policies assures it possible for the healthcare
professional to deal with the disease with careful interactions and enable the patients
clarifies about their sickness by offering benefits through a variety of healthcare and
clinical treatments.
Acknowledging personal care permits the patients to expose their clinical and
medical treatment viewpoints and preferences to improve healthcare contentment. It
boosts the components of respect as the preferences of individuals depend upon their
cultural diversity and environmental change. The healthcare aspect requires taking
action with an effective care proposal to entertain clinical therapies for the patients
pursuing the level of their personal needs and requirements. And the healthcare
physicians must manage the secrecy of the patients to keep them secure from various
perspectives. Healthcare provision is needed to ensure the level of clinical treatment
according to desired goals of care proposals. And it also suggests meeting all essential
criteria of inpatients regarding the credibility of clinical therapies.
Character in Patient-centered Healthcare
As a healthcare physician, it is my role to offer healthcare services. Each
inpatient needs to seek to access the individual and unique care proposals. It attracts
me to improve my ability to evaluate the level of quality of health of patients and clarify
their further needs. I make sure the intake of medicines through rectified diagnosis by
following a clinical treatment in a structured way. I realised that my responsibility is to
motivate my inpatients to do their assigned tasks without making any fade. I want to
remain in collaboration with my patient to know about the level of strain and pleasure in
their personal individual life to learn about their health improvement.

I believe that availing of emotional support attempts the patients to be satisfied

and improve their life productivity in a systematic order. Most healthcare specialists
believe that healthcare physicians must rectify proper clinical treatments. The treatment
plans consist of adding dates and days, adequate medication, and the correct quantity
of clinical dose to improve patients' quality of life and health by suggesting the proper
The procedure of Patient-Centered Examination
Health and social care work against proper proceedings and evaluations
systematically to improve healthcare to understand the requirements of patients to
attain under specific situations. Healthcare physicians make their decisions considering
their patients' conditions, desires, and opportunities. The technique of patient-centred
care proposals tends to understand unique patients. It comprises the history of the
disease, its benefits and adverse impacts, and its insufficient resources to make a well-
planned system for proper diagnosis and clinical treatments. The powers, deficiency,
allergies, medical history, inheritance, and weakness are all noted in the treatment
structure. An assured and knowledgeable decision should be made using all that data.
Capacity Evaluation or identification of Advance areas

In healthcare service improvements, access to healthcare services is necessary;

after completing the medical diagnosis procedure, it is essential to know about the
healthcare requirements of the patients. The key to unique healthcare proposals makes
the inpatients receive satisfaction through their recommendations (Baumann et al.,
2019). For example, an inpatient dependent on a wheelchair due to physical disability
can perform his duties in a restricted discipline.

Additionally, the manual wheelchair requires a 24/7 attendant to ensure the

patient's movements from one location to another. But I suggest that the electric
wheelchair is beneficial for operating their assigned duties by their encouragement. The
outcome indicates that mechanised or electric wheelchairs be found, authorising most
individuals' requirement to be more accessible and independent in their motion.
Besides, everything is feasible given the compound conditions and individual
requirements; thus, in-progress observation needs.

Task 2

Statements of Witness

(Appendix 02)

Analytic Reflection

Cooperation in Interdisciplinary Teams

The term interdisciplinary group presents to varied groups that lead to intervene
the healthcare delivery for clinical and social healthcare departments to prove the
uniqueness of their medical capability (Flores‐Sandoval et al., 2020). As mentioned in
any other group, the proficiency level of interdisciplinary groups is influenced by the
level of affirmation, which shows its results in direct cooperative joint ventures. It is in
demand to become an active member of multidisciplinary groups; the need to function
through interdisciplinary groups requires uniformity in aims. Each group member of the
multidisciplinary group permits each one to put forward their decision-making for
effective strategies. It allows the rights of liberty to each unique member as they do their
duties with fair dealings and for the good of their determination.
The multidisciplinary team members belong to diverse skills and backgrounds in
clinical and medical treatment (Stewart, 2018). All members show their proficiency
related to different skills and specialities to serve the best of their healthcare services. In
multidisciplinary teams, the collaboration among colleagues is strong enough to pursue
the unification of goals. It is a systematic way to compose a more disciplined, effective
decision-making process. But it requires each team member to act and treat
professionally and follow suggested implications in healthcare.
Responsibilities of data sharing
Data sharing is essential in the health and social care section. A reliable
connection implemented between shareholders in the health a d social care procedure
is needed for effective and dependable care (Becker et al., 2021). Furthermore,
healthcare physicians tend to manipulate information between inpatients and their

family members to rotate the modes of healthcare functions. Patients' situations, the
history of their disease, and faulty errors must represent expansion to understand the
threats of supplying agents of medical treatments. But healthcare physicians need
thorough and influential communication to decrease those threats of misuse that arise
due to the communication gap between healthcare physicians and inpatients. The legal
laws concerning healthcare perspectives operate to make a practical part for the
inpatient and let him information about the disease and medical treatment situations.
The proper way attracts inpatients to have complete information about their healthcare
and clinical treatment and the severity of the disease.
It is the criteria of the decision-making proceedings through the involvement of
interdisciplinary groups to know about the fruits and adverse factors of healthcare
proposals (Bierer, Crosas and Pierce, 2017). It also proceeds to improve patients'
quality of health and learn about the results of healthcare interactions and the
calculations of effectiveness through healthcare proposals. The advancements of the
healthcare proposals proceed with effective decisions to boost patients' quality of
health. Teams' efficiency through interdisciplinary groups leads to success at the
professional level. The most appropriate consensus mode for the clinical therapies
between inpatients and healthcare physicians is to spread education about healthcare
The consensus copes with the critical appraisal of data and information to tackle
with capability and capacity of the system's rationality. As an outcome, there fall smooth
functioning of operations between healthcare physicians to critically judge the rectified
management of clinical therapies to evaluate the improvement of patients' health. It is
good to attain related data details through interdisciplinary groups to make the final
report and results to aid inpatients in a healthy life before and after the clinical treatment
process. The members of the multidisciplinary groups relate to various skills and
histories in clinical and medical treatment. All group members elaborate their efficiency
related to different skills and specialities to offer the best of their healthcare services. In
interdisciplinary groups, the collaboration among colleagues is firmly embedded to
follow the uniformity of goals. It is structured to make up a more disciplined, determined

decision-making procedure. But it needs each team member to react and deal
professionally and pursue suggested applications in healthcare.
Benefits and Drawbacks of Data Exchange
The pieces of credible information recognised and delivered have the power to
impact patients both meaningfully and adversely. It is a reality that all we relate to the
luckiest situations, makings it attainable to know about the happening and facts of the
disease situation and its clinical diagnosis. And it is also good to exchange the
malpractice of the disease between stakeholders and between the healthcare agents of
medical treatment. It led to the best process to know about the most efficient and
influential medical therapies by allowing the proper ways of healthcare and prevention.
But it is a reality that research-based solutions never present a condition
according to the healthcare criteria. They also never explore the consequences based
on scientific findings of actual data. The research exposes the modes that can lead to
misuse and faults due to individual judgment and intrapersonal skills. As a result, the
acquired information is skewed due to the interdisciplinary team members' assessment
and critical thinking, hindering improving patients' living styles.
Reflection on My Role and Healthcare Delivery
There are variations to deal with challenges that patients encounter to know
about their medical assistance. It is my responsibility to ensure the availability of a
higher level of social aid to my patients in the healthcare sector. But it looks that
patients need healthcare assistance in various modes; it is necessary to improve the
best medical services, which are essential for their healthcare to manage their freedom
of rights and preferences. Patients need to expand their social circles to receive reliable
healthcare suggestions as per the need of healthcare disease and its preventive
calculations. Being a healthcare provider, I like to interact with patients and offer them
clinical aid to achieve their medical and social requirements.
But being a healthcare provider, I know that it is my active response to maintain
the health of my patients by disregarding their present physical conditions. And I
achieved success in performing my obligations and delivering credible information to my
team members about healthcare treatments. I attained success in making them able to

verify the significance of their health, which I acknowledged as the main component of
my assignment.
Modes of Communication
Productive communication put together a mode to improve alliance among health
care professionals of the members of interdisciplinary teams. The ways of verbal
communication are most influential in improving communication effectiveness (Ratna,
2019). Besides, verbal communication is the most famous mode to communicate with
patients to employ the required data in the most deliberate format. The liberty is related
to the assertion for the increment of the efficiency of healthcare agents' capacities to
realise the fundamental purpose of their assignment. For example, the healthcare
provider prefers to adopt a verbal communication mode to cope with the patients to
know more about the judging the methods of communication and critical problems.
Verbal communication extends the modes of communication to register the explanation
in depth.
Evaluation of Own Capability to Support Healthcare Requirements
It is my route to offer assistance to my patients, which lets them tackle suitable
healthcare social requirements. I remain searching for learning to boost my professional
skillset regarding donating my clinical donation during healthcare and clinical
treatments. I like to perform my responsibilities from my capability as a multitasker to
endeavour successfully different healthcare-related commitments. I believe that I own
an excellent interpersonal skillset and skills subjected to communication mode. And I
make surely available to a healthy environment in which patients perceive their level of
sympathy high to express their feelings and genuine emotions before me and let me
know about their requirements and healthcare needs.
Examine Role regarding Facilities to Overall Serving
productive communication plays a significant role in the healthcare procedure by
the multidisciplinary group members. Practically, I only tend to adopt and strengthen the
relationships with my patient, and the rest of the group members from the
interdisciplinary team ignore adopting the technique I do. I learned that patients tend to
focus on my mode of communication and trust me as I'm their only well-wisher. And I
knew that it would be most captivating for me to see the healthcare needs of patients.


I tend to know about many new learning processes subjected to my working

experience with Digby Manor Residential Care Home. I'm more capable of tackling
increased needs in health and social care servicing, specifically coping with the elderly
population. The rise in the demand for healthcare physicians in health and care
services, insufficient financial resources for nursing faculty, and lower availability of
healthcare nurses led to a boost in the issue for the healthcare practitioners and the
inpatients—it upshots in the shortage of healthcare precautions for the patients within
time accuracy. The aspects of social care cope with the proper hygiene maintenance of
the people, their certainty of individual concern, and improving betterment through their
social dealings. Furthermore, it is suggested to carry out flexible, problem-solving and
adaptable modes to cope with the most challenging state of affairs.


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Appendix 1


Patient name: Title: NHS Number:

ADDRESS: Date of birth: / /

Has information been shared on the patient's behalf?:

If YES, by whom: (only applicable where patient does not have the capacity to
make this decision)

Patient (or other allowed individual) consent to share information:

● with other healthcare professionals involved in the patient's care
● with the multidisciplinary team


Relevant conditions, diagnosis and latest test results:

It is general in cold weather and in cold mornings to cope with joint pains and
backache. Healthcare physicians suggest that their patients limit salted and spiced
food intake to avoid allergies.

Current medication:

The patient's situation is serious, and he encounters shots of insulin and pain killers.


It is recommended that the patient pursue a specific diet intake to avoid attacks. It is
safe to keep sanitised at the patient's place, whose outcome is in a space free from
the essence of spray and a dust-free environment. It will maintain the number of
medicines decrease for the patients.


Availability to support through telecommunication is highly suggested.

Anticipatory care plan agreed: YES Anticipatory drugs supplied: YES


Emergency care and Ambulance service is in access for those patients who
treatment discussed:
require medication and clinical treatment against high blood
pressure issues, which is not lowering after thirty minutes of
treatment at home.

Date of assessment: Date of review(s):

Any special communication considerations

It is hard for patients to speak up due to the contact with stammers and it requires
showing patience.

Any special physical or medical considerations

It is not suggested that the patients sit on a chair in excess and lay down more to limit

SIGNATORIES (if appropriate and / or possible)

Named Accountable Clinician/Doctor signature:


Named Senior Nurse/Manager Signature:


Care Coordinator/Carer (if applicable) signature:


Appendix 2

Witness Statement

Student name:

Qualification: Pearson BTEC HNC in Healthcare Practice for England

Unit 3: Supporting the Individual Journey through integrated
Unit number & Health and Social Care
title: Assignment Title: Investigating Health and Social Care
Services for the Individual
Place of work: Digby Manor Residential Care Home
A witness statement is used to provide a written record of student's
performance against targeted assessment criteria. The individual completing
the witness statement should be knolwegable, skilled and competent in making
judgments about your competence. The individual completing the witness
statement may not have direct knowledge of the qualification, unit or evidence
requirements as a whole, but who is able to make a professional judgement
about the performance of the student in the given situation.
Please select the correct option as it aplies to the Supervis
Unit & AC
student in the following areas: ior
Did the student have a formal induction with polcies

and procedures explained?
Does the student have access to workplace policies? 
Does the student understand and implements health

and safety procedures?
Does the student know how to access equipment

needed to do their job?
The student understands and satisfactorily implements
different and relevant legislation and policy in regard to 
safe and healthy conduct in own practice?

The student is able to provide support to an individual

in health, care or support service settings towards the 
identification of their care needs?
The student can provide appropriate leadership within
the remit of own role in a health, care or support

service to promote effective interprofessional and
multidisciplinary team working?
The student is able to use different suitable
communication strategies in identifying and responding

to the needs of different service users in a health, care
or support service?
Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible):

The patient's situation is the accountability of the health provider to assist the patient.
Healthcare providers should make a well-structured report on patients' progress
regarding their health. The patient requires to take medical assistance in various
ways, and it is the patient's responsibility to know about their medical treatment
according to his liberty. Being a healthcare provider, he must attain healthcare and
social necessity. And it is better to respect patients for their freedom of rights.

Assessment & grading criteria for which the activity provides evidence:

P5 Provide appropriate leadership within the remit of own role in a health, care
or support service to promote effective interprofessional and multidisciplinary
team working

M3 Provide competent and autonomous leadership in information sharing

within a multidisciplinary team in own setting towards meeting different
individuals' care needs

P8 Apply appropriate communication strategies in identifying and responding to the

needs of different service users in a health, care or support service

M4 Demonstrate safe and clinically effective practice within own professional

boundaries when communicating with different service users and staff in health, care
or support services
How the activity meets the requirements of the assessment criteria, including
how and where the activity took place:

The activity was implemented in the famous Digby Manor Residential Care Home,
and all needs of practical evaluations were completed, and the student showed
efficiency at the location mentioned above.

Witness job
Witness Date
signature: :
Student name:
Student Date
signature: :
Assessor Date
signature: :

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