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The green trees,the sweet fruits,the attractive flowers, the sound of the rain shower,the songs of the

birds and the colors that they wear, the stress relieving animals that you brought to our side, the
warmth of the sun that signals you hope, the radiant color of the rainbow, the crystal clear water in
rivers and oceans, the beauty of humbled mountains, all these things you have given us and all these
things have benefited us. Thus, all of us are truly grateful.

But we just keep on looking to the goods things that you have giving while failing to do our duties. We
became the heartless man that destroyed you, the mindless man that poisoned thousands of species of
our aquatic friends in the ocean, and the ruthless people that wipes billions of trees yearly causing the
feather friends and other animals to lose their reputation. We became the root cause of your
destruction, inflicting more than 90% of pollution everywhere, emitting billions of carbon dioxide yearly,
increasing the greenhouse effects which escalates the global temperature causing climate change to
become severe.

We become distreated individuals because of our beliefs that we are striving for progress and because
of in need to satisfy our unlimited wants but actually, we are just leading ourselves to death for all of
these selfish ambitions. We are just slowly destroying ourselves just like how we destroy you.

Now, the letter has opened our eyes. We promise that we will take care of you now and will do it
forever. We will plant more trees, and volunteer to clean up drives, we will composed biodegradable
materials and will recycle everything. Whenever we go to the market we will used renewable bags to
decrease plastic pollution. Furthermore, we will increase our use of renewable energy to reduce our
greenhouse gases emissions. We will promise to do these from now on and forever together with our
fellow humans.

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