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Nama : ………………………………….

Nomor : ………………………………….


Mapel : Bahasa Inggris Hari/tanggal : Rabu, 30 Nopember 2022
Kelas : 1 (Satu) Waktu : 08.45 – 10.15 (90 menit)
I. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf a, b, atau c yang merupakan jawaban paling benar! (Skor: 20)
1. Ani : Good morning, Ana. 7. A : What is your number?
Ana : …….., Ani B : My number is … 3
The correct expression to complete the dialog a. One
is … b. Two
a. Good morning c. Three
b. Good afternoon 8. This is number ten.
c. Good evening
a. 8
2. “Good afternoon” means …..
b. 9
a. Selamat pagi
c. 10
b. Selamat siang
9. There are … apples.
c. Selamat malam
a. Five
3. are – how – you
b. Six
The correct sentence is ….
c. Seven
a. You are how
10. There are … fish.
b. Are you how
a. Eight
c. How are you
b. Nine
4. Ina : How are you?
c. Ten
Tina : …
11. What is this?
a. How do you do
a. Book
b. I am fine
b. Pencil
c. Thank you
c. Pen
5. Andi : What is your name?
12. What is this?
a. My name is Bima
a. Book
b. I live in Klaten
b. Pencil
c. Thank you
c. Pen
6. “Senang bertemu denganmu” in English is...
13. What is this?
a. Thank you
a. Bag
b. Nice to meet you
b. Table
c. I am fine
c. Ruler c. Green
14. There are ….
a. Three bags 18. What shape is it?
b. Four bags a. Square
c. Five bags b. Rectangle
15. “Merah in English is …. c. Circle
a. Red 19. What shape is it?
b. Blue a. Star
c. Yellow b. Crescent
16. “Kuning” in English is …. c. Triangle
a. Red 20. What shape is it?
b. Blue a. Square
c. Yellow b. Rectangle
17. My hair is … c. Triangle
a. Black
b. Blue

II. Isilah titik-titik ini dengan jawaban yang benar! (Skor: 20)
1. Good morning, in Bahasa is …
2. A : How are you?
B : …. Jaw
3. The colour of sun is ….
4. BLUE , in Bahasa is …..
There are …………… rulers a. Sev

6. What number is it? 7 en

It is number …… b. Sela
7. What is you name? My ………………. is Edo
8. Thank you, is Bahasa is …….
9. What shape is it? It is ………….
c. Na

10. What shape is it? It is ………….

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