PSYC201 Self-Directed Learning Plan - YUNSAL

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PSYC201 Psychology of Learning

Culminating Learning Evidence (CLE): Self-Directed Learning Plan

The students are to learn a new skill or behavior by applying the concepts that they have acquired on themselves.
The final output is a comprehensive written report including their proposed plan, methods used, self-facilitated
intervention logs and results. For the first stage, you are to establish your plan.

Write down the skill that you have chosen. What kind of learner are you?
Learning Goal
Example Learn to play the guitar Mark an [x] on your answer
Answer Learn how to cook x Visual Learner
To know that I have succeeded, I should be Auditory/ Aural Learner
Learning Outcome able to accomplish: Read-Write Learner
Frequency Unit Timeframe Kinesthetic Learner
Example 2 songs per week
Answer 2 to 3 dish per week
Given your learning style, what methods will you What is the relevance of this learning goal to you
use to accomplish your learning goal? as a person?
Given that I learn best physically, the best way for To develop my skill or skills in areas that I have
me to learn the things I want is to watch videos never experienced or done before. This will also
online on how the steps in cooking it and how I can assist me as a student in doing the right thing by
do it correctly. Also, I will ask my mother for utilizing my skills or knowledge.
assistance because she is the one who knows how
to cook dishes, and so it was an interaction
between me and my mother, as well as a bonding
experience for us.

1. Identify a learning goal. Choose a skill or a behavior that you would like to learn in the span of the
next few weeks. Choose something that is attainable by the end of 30 days. You could learn to play
an instrument, speak the conversational basics of a new language, or a life skill like cooking. Some
points to consider when deciding on what you want to learn:
o What has always interested you or something you’ve always wanted to pick up?
Introspect and evaluate what could be a valuable tool right now.
o Is learning this skill or behavior doable in your current environment or situation? For
example, if you have a lot of meditating to do, would there be a quiet spot for you to do it?
If you want to learn a new dance, would you have access to tutorials or a teacher?
Assess your resources in terms of time, people and technology needed.

2. Determine the learning outcome. Specify what constitutes evidence of learning. Think what manifestation of
behavior would you be looking out for? This outcome will tell us that learning has occurred. Bear in mind
that in the course of the process, you will be asked to keep a journal to log your daily activity and track your
progress. What will you be putting in here?

Here are some examples that you could use as a guide:

Learning Goal                        Learning Outcome
Learn to play the guitar                                Learn to play 1 3-minute song without interruption in 3 days
Learn to count in Mandarin                           Memorize 10 numbers a day
Learn to cook a 3-course meal                     Successfully cook 1 dish per week

Also keep in mind that you will be doing a self-assessment, so in order for learning to have occurred, you should be
able to successfully complete your learning outcome within the target time that you have indicated.

3. Apply your learning style. What are the results that you got from the VARK and the Multiple
Intelligences tests that you took? This is a good way to put these to the test. Using your learning style,
create a method for you to use in order to achieve your goal. For example, an auditory learner may
learn a new language by listening to instructions. A visual learner may be able to use their photographic
memory to remember the new words they learn from the new language they chose. Create a plan for
yourself and maximize your learning. Again, remember your methods are doable given your current
environment. If you don’t have a drum set available in your house, then maybe now is not the time to
learn the drums.
PSYC201 Psychology of Learning
Culminating Learning Evidence (CLE): Self-Directed Learning Plan

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