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Ryan International School

Subject: Indian SST Grade 6

Class Notes

The First Cities

Learning Objectives

• To EXPLAIN the extent of the Indus Valley Civilization

• To IDENTIFY the main sites and cities of the Indus Valley Civilization

• To EXPLAIN the two types of cities of the Indus Valley Civilization

• To OUTLINE the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization


 Baked Bricks
 Decipher
 Pictographic
 Granaries

Give short answer for the following questions.

1. How do we know that most Indus cities were ‘Very well planned’?

Ans: Most of the cities were very well planned. The streets cut each other at right angles. In
Mohenjo - daro, the main street was 800 meters long and 10 meters wide. Houses were built on both
sides of the street in a planned way.

2. How was Dholavira different from most Indus Cities?

Ans: Dholavira was different from the other Indus cities; it was divided into not two but three parts – a
CITADEL, A MIDDLE TOWN, and a LOWER TOWN. Each part was enclosed by a stone wall.
3. What may have happened for the civilization to decline?

Ans: The following might have led to the decline of the Civilization
a) Natural Disaster such as earthquakes, floods, epidemics.
b) Change in the course of River Indus.
c) People abandoned the cities and moved to smaller settlements.

Give long answers for the following questions.

1. Describe the extent of the Indus Valley Civilization.

Ans: The Indus Valley civilization was spread over larger parts of present day Pakistan and the Indian
states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat. Hundreds of sites belonging to this
civilization have been discovered in these places.

2. Into how many parts were the Indus Valley Civilization divided? Describe briefly.

Ans: The Indus Valley civilization was divided into two parts: ‘The Citadel’ and the ‘Lower Town’


High wall made of bricks – protection from floods Lower in height
Contained buildings, religious structures and Bigger in area
Ruler and ruling class consisting of rich merchants Small buildings and houses of the common people
and priests lived there

3. Write a Short note on the Great Bath.

Ans: The Great Bath is a rectangular structure and resembles a swimming pool. It is made of baked
bricks and has been made watertight with a layer of ‘Bitumen’ or tar. The Great Bath has two flights of
steps, one on each side. There are rooms on the side for changing clothes. Water was drawn from a well
and drained out after use.

4. What occupations and crafts did the Harappans practice?

Ans: Occupation: People followed different occupations, there were farmers, weavers, potters,
jewelers, metal-workers, toy-makers, stone-cutters, seal-makers, boat-makers, masons and traders.
Crafts: A variety of crafts were followed by the people of Harappa. Pottery Making had reached
an advanced stage. Seals were made of terracotta and were square or rectangular in shape. Craftsmen
made things of stone, shell and metal. They made amulets, weights and ornaments.


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