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Narrator: Good afternoon, everyone! Thank you to each and every one of you for being here with us
today. As we all know, the 2023 Presidential Election is one of the most awaited events in the Philippines.
Today, we shall witness our front runner for the Presidential Post, Senator Mani Pakwan, have a dialogue
exclusively between him and the National Associated Press of the Philippines. Once again, let us all
welcome, Senator Mani Pakwan!

Senator Mani Pakwan: Good afternoon! The 2023 Presidential Election is indeed fast approaching, and
I am proud to say that I am here, more than ready to serve you all. Being an active advocate is time-
consuming, but never have I ever thought of quitting. This is more than just the connections I make as a
politician; what matters to me the most is the satisfaction of those I help. It's more than just having a
position and showing up in corporate attire every awarding ceremony. It's being able to extend help to the
masses, inspire other people, and make positive changes in our country.

Narrator: Now that's how a president should end his speech! The crowd is up on their feet as they show
their support for Senator Mani Pakwan. On that note, the members of the National Associated Press of the
Philippines will ask some questions to our frontrunner candidate. For our first journalist, please prepare
your question for the Senator.

Journalist #1: Sir, I am from Good Morning Philippines. Do you share the same confidence with your
Vice President? Do you think he/she is a strong contender as you are?

Senator Mani Pakwan: Of course! Other than his qualifications as a government official, the public
knows very well that we are a tandem. Who else should serve and lead the nation with me, right?

Journalist #2: Representing Querist, Mr. Mani Pakwan. You have supported the war on drugs from the
very start. Do you think it has been successful?

Senator Mani Pakwan: No doubt. Those who are against it don't realize the reality some of us face daily
because of drugs.

Narrator: Short answer but with conviction from our Senator! This proves that a person running for
presidency should say less and do more. The next round of questions will be coming from ABN CBS.

Main Journalist: Sir, can you enlighten us more on the experiences you gained before filing your
candidacy for President?

Senator Mani Pakwan: The health of the general public has always been a priority to me. I am proud to
say I took part in authoring laws intended to enhance our COVID response back in 2020. The Philippines,
indeed, was exceptional in mitigating the COVID crisis. As President, I assure everyone that inclusive
and accessible health services will be provided to all with or without a pandemic!
Main Journalist: The Philippines is undoubtedly hopeful to have an administration that makes public
health its top priority. However, back in March 2021, the Philippines recorded around five thousand new
cases in a day, while neighboring countries like Singapore and Malaysia only recorded 12 and a thousand,
respectively. With this, how can you assure us, Sir, of your commitment to health and medicinal services
if numbers from our COVID crisis hinted at neglect from the government?

Senator Mani Pakwan: You have to understand that the comparisons you presented are developed
countries. Let me correct myself: The Philippines had a phenomenal COVID response among the
developing countries. Also, along with public health, the government has other affai--

(Senator Mani Pakwan’s assistant stopped him from saying another word which confused the audience as
they turned their heads left to right.)

Senator Mani Pakwan: --Uhh, do you have any more questions?

Main Journalist: For my last question, I would like to ask for clarification regarding your activities with
the President. Pictures of the President spending his leisure time in the Palace were released while the
country was in turmoil, and netizens figured out that his "working" pictures were edited. What can you
say about this? Shall we expect the same in your administration?

(With the question raised by the main journalist, Senator Mani Pakwan suddenly looked scared and his
voice raised to express his frustration)

Senator Mani Pakwan: There was nothing wrong with faithfully serving the President as his right-hand
man, alongside being a Senator. Next question.

(Reporters simultaneously raise their hands and their questions. Before the main journalist could ask
another question, she receives a call from her boss asking her to report to their office.)

Main Journalist: Will do, Ma'am/Sir. I am on the way.

(the main journalist entered the office with a hint of an idea on why she was called to the office.)

Boss: Oh! I'm glad you're already here. You may have an idea as to why I called you here, and I want to
discuss it with you first and foremost. Take a seat, please. About the Q&A you had with Senator Mani
Pakwan, I know I sent you there on assignment, and if I'm being honest, you did your job well. However,
it received many negative comments and backlash, most especially from his supporters saying how the
questions only promoted hate against their candidate. I bear no ill will against you, but I am thinking
about whether this news should be published. This is very controversial, and it might change our image in
the eyes of the masses. As one of our prominent frontliner journalists, I would like to hear your opinion
regarding this matter.

Main Journalist: Sir, I am fully aware of the situation and, most significantly, the negative comments it
generated. However, as journalists, I firmly believe that it is MY job, to pursue the truth. In this line of
work, we may get criticized, deceived, and put on fire, but I feel like I would not be doing my job if I
don't firmly standby on what the truth really is. Sir, I also know what you're trying to say, but I just want
our country to have a leader who is worth all the votes for. This presidential race might be the most
important in history as the shift of power will change depending on the candidate that will win. As a
journalist, it is my job to inform the people of the truth and nothing but the truth. If I can help people
make an informed vote, I would gladly do it again despite the consequences that may follow.

Boss: Very well, I will take what you say into consideration. I will also take this up to the board members
but remember; I can't make any promises.

Main Journalist: Thank you, Sir. I hope you and the board can make the best decision regarding this.

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