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Second Article Of Faith All throughout their history, the Hebrew people

looks back on their salvation by God from the

slavery of Egypt as an infallible sign of God's
loving kindness and His fidelity to His
God Promised a Redeemer: (Proto- promises. And so, they began to look forward
evangelium) to the day when His divine purpose would be
fulfilled perfectly.
Immediately after the fall of sin, God promised
a Redeemer to Adam and Eve. He forgave Through the prophets, it was revealed to Israel
man, although He had not forgiven the rebel that this saving plan of god would be
angels. He was far more merciful to man than accomplished through an individual, one
to the angels. In making the promise, God especially sent by God to establish peace and
spoke of the Blessed Virgin, who was to be the justice on earth.
Saviors mother. This Savior whom God will
Likewise, the prophet Isaiah tried to convince
send into the world to of free man from sins
the people of his time that God was with them
and to reopen to him the gates of heaven, was
and that they should put their trust in Him As a
an included in the condemnation of the
sign of His presence among them, he
"serpent", the symbol of evil power. Ove "I will
announced the birth of the Royal Child. "The
put enmity between you and the woman,
virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and
between your seed and her seed. He shall
shall name him Emmanuel," (Is. 7:14), and
crush your head, and you shall lie wait for his
would sit upon the throne of David, his father.”
heel." tid (Gen. 3:15). The "seed" of the woman
refers to Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Jeremiah, too, disgusted with the wickedness
Son of Mary. of the Israelite kings, predicted that God would
"raise up a 'righteous shoot' to David as king
God Prepared His People: (Old Testament
He shall reign and govern wisely, He shall do
what is right and just in the land." (Jer. 23:5)
Man had to be prepared gradually for the
When Jerusalem fell and the people were
coming of such a tremendous act of salvation.
driven into exile, they realized that "they were
This need is obvious when we consider that
suffering for their sins." Then they began to
even today, two thousand years after Jesus
understand that "all sins must be expiated by
Christ's victory through His passion, death, and
suffering." Now, the description of the One who
resurrection, there are many who refuse to e s
was to come show him as a 'suffering servant'
acknowledge that victory. Even the Hebrew
of God. "Spurned and avoided by men, a man
people, who did have the faith in the one true
of suffering accustomed to infirmity... He was
God, failed to recognize the messianic
pierced for our offenses, crushed for our sins...
character in Jesus Christ, when He finally
by his stripes we were healed." (Is. 53:3-5).
Thus did Almighty God prepare His people
First of all, God revealed Himself in a
gradually, through history, for a clearer
wonderful way at the Exodus from Egypt. He
understanding of His plan, purifying the
showed them that He was a saving God. In
Messianic idea of its earthly notions and paving
response to these saving acts of God, the
the way for the acceptance of the Savior.
people under the leadership of Moses,
dedicated themselves wholly to Him at Mt. The Fulfillment: At the appointed time, God
Sinai. There, they were constituted as His sent His angel Gabriel to announce the birth of
people. the Promised Messiah, (cfr. Luke Chapter 1),
His only begotten Son who would free His
people from their sins.
Jesus Christ is the Savior of All Men: Jesus Christ is called the only Son of God the
Father because He is God the Son, the
Second Person of the Blessed Trinity who is
The four Gospels, and especially that of St. the true and only Son of God the Father. rtt af
Matthew, show that Jesus of Nazareth did fulfill en Jesus Christ Is True God and True Man
all the prophecies of the old testament. He is
the culminating point in a long history of
revelation, a revelation that gathers meaning Jesus Christ is true God because He is the
as it develops. He surpassed them and gave only Son God having the same divine nature
them a richness of meaning that the human as His Father, "God so love the world that He
authors of old could not have intended Jesus gave His only begotten Son." (John 3:16). "In
Christ, therefore, and He alone, has perfectly the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD
crushed the head of the "serpent". He has as with God, and the WORD was God... The
gained the victory, through His passion, death WORD was made flesh, and dwelt among us."
and resurrection, over sin and the power of (John 1:1 14)
Jesus Christ is the Son of God made man
The Catholic Faith steadfastly professes that
Jesus Christ Is God Made Man: The chief Jesus is literally and truly God, the eternal Son
teaching of the Catholic Church about Jesus of the Eternal Father. At the Eucharistic
Christ is that He is God made Man. Jesus Liturgy, the Catholic Family professes its belief
Himself said that He is God. During His trial in the central mystery of faith, the belief "in one
before the Sanhedrin the high priest said to Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God
him: "I adjure thee by the living God that thou eternally begotten of the Father, God from
tell us whether thou art the Christ, the Son of God, Light from Light, true God from true God,
God." (Jesus did not retract from His former begotten not made, one in being with the
claim but in answering He even confirmed it. Father (Nicene Creed)
"Thou has said it.") (Matt. 26:63). In St. John
Other Bible Readings Pertaining to the
10:30, He declared, "I and the Father are one."
Godship of Jesus Christ:
Christ proved His claims by:
1) wondering miracles
John 20:28
2) prophecies
John 11:25-26
3) His knowledge of all things
Hebrew 1.8
4) the holiness of His life
Luke 5:20-25
The Apostles plainly taught that Christ is God,
and they all died in testimony of their faith. St. Titus 2:13
Paul says of Him: "In Him (Christ) dwells all the
fullness of the God-head bodily." John 10:30

St. Peter made this declaration concerning 2 Peter 1:1

Christ: "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the
Living God." St. Thomas, also affirmed: "My
Lord and my God." Hebrew 12:23
Romans 9:5
Matthew 25:31 been tempted ((Heb. 2:17-18). His heart was
moved with pity for the crowd (Matt. 15:32). He
John 7:46
wept over Jerusalem in sorrow (Luke 19:42).
Colosians 1:16-17
In His passion, the reality of His humanity was
John 8:58 clearly evident. He suffered excruciating pain
of mind and body. In His agony He "began to
Phillipians 2:10-11 be greatly distressed and troubled. And He
John 14:11 said to them, "My soul is very sorrowful, even
unto death." (Mark 14:34). He suffered the
John 1:2 sharp physical pains of the scourging at the
pilar and the crucifixion; and He truly died.
After His resurrection He showed Himself in
Jesus Christ is True Man because He is the His human reality to His disciples. "See My
Son of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He had a body hands and My feet, that it is Myself, touch Me
and soul like ours. The solemn teaching of the and see; for a spirit has not flesh and bones as
Church has always confirmed the clear you see that I have." (Luke 24:39).
teaching of Holy Scripture that Jesus is truly a
man. He did not merely appear to be a man.
He truly became one of us. Because He was to On no other historical person is it so important
be our Savior, Jesus "had to be made like His to insist that He is truly man (cfr. 1 John 4:2).
brethren in every respect." (Heb. 2:17). "He The humanity of Christ is overwhelmingly to
who is the image of the invisible God is Himself prin important, because in Him, human nature
the perfect man." (Col. 1:15). Jesus Christ work is most ennoble, and He the perfect pattern for
with human hands; He loved with a human human living (cfr. Matt. 11:29), because
heart; and He acted by human choice. Born of through His humanity He redeemed us; and
the Virgin Mary, He has truly been made one of because He is far more than man
us, like us in everything except sin.

Bible Readings Pertaining to the Manship of

Jesus Christ did not merely play at being an Jesus Christ:
infant and a child. He really shared our life. In
the weakness of infancy He was nursed and Hebrew 2:17
cared for by His mother. He experienced the John 4:6-7
growth of childhood years. "And Jesus
increased in wisdom, and in stature, and in Hebrew 2:17-18
favor with God and man." (Luke 2:52).
Colosians 1:15
Mark 14:34
He had not only a human body, but also a
Luke 4:2
human soul, a mind, a human will, and human
emotions, He shared our weaknesses. In His Luke 24:39
apostolic labors, "He became wearied...with
Matthew 15:32
His journey." (John 4:6) He knew what it was to
be thirsty (John 4:7); He knew what it was to John 11:33
be hungry (Luke 4:2). He could be touched
with great sadness, "deeply moved in spirit and Luke 2:52
troubled." (John 11:33). He had suffered and 1 John 4:2
Luke 19:42
Matthew 11:29 "I BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST.....,
Jesus Christ is One Person VIRGIN MARY."

Jesus is Man and Jesus is God. But Jesus is

One Person a Divine Person. Jesus Christ is
"Mary said to the angel: 'But how can this
both God and Man. "One and the same Christ,
come about, since I am a virgin?" "The Holy
Son, Lord, Only-begotten, must be
Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the
acknowledged in two natures, unconfused,
Most High will cover you with its shadow. And
unchangeable, undivided, inseparable."
so the child will be ho and will be called Son of
(Council of Chalcedon, Ses. 5, Oct. 22, 451,
God."" (Luke 1:34-35).
A.D.) Jesus always remains the Son of God,
which He is from all eternity; He took to himself
a human nature in time, and He remains a man
The Incarnation
forever. But Christ is one Divine Person, He is
both God and Man

Incarnation means "becoming flesh." By the

incarnation therefore, we mean that the Son of
The Name of the Son of God: Jesus Christ
God took a human body and so and united it to
The Name Jesus means "savior" or His Divine Person. Without ceasing to be God,
"redeemer." This name is given Him, as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity
announced by the Archangel Gabriel to Mary, became man at the same time The divine
because He came to save men from sin, and to nature of Christ is from all eternity. Only his
open the doors of heaven to them human natu began at the Incarnation, when the
Son of God became man. "The Word was
The Name Christ means "The Anointed One."
made flesh and dwelt among us." (John
CHRIST is a Greek word, which has the same
meaning as "Messias" In the Old Testament, it
was a custom to anoint with oil the chosen
The Son of God was conceived and made man
prophets High priest, and Kings. Our Lord is
by the power of the Holy Spirit, in the womb of
the greatest of the prophets, He is the high
the Blessed Virgin Mary.The Incarnation is
priest who offers Himself, and He is the King of
peculiarly the work of the Blessed Trinity. They
heaven and earth. Therefore, it is fitting that we
form a human soul and a human body, and
call Him "Christ." He is truly the "Anointed One
these they united to the Second Person and
of Israel."
the result was our Lord Jesus Christ-- God-
Respect must be given to the name of Jesus. made-Man
We should say the name of the Lord with great
reverence. We should bow our head slightly
everytime we utter it. "In the name of Jesus,
every knee should bend of those that are in
heaven, and under the earth." (Phil. 2:10)

Third Article of faith

The Son of God was conceived and made man b) The Story of the Three Magi (cfr. Matthew
on the Annunciation Day, the day on which the 2:1-12)
Archangel Gabriel appeared and announced to
(Gaspar, Baltazar, Melchor)
Mary that she was to be the Mother of God.
Mar knew that the angel was sent by God, so c) The Story of the Flight into Egypt, and
she accepted her mission saying, "Behold the
handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me accord
a to your word." (Luke 1:38). d) The Story of the Massacre of the Innocent

The Birth of Jesus Jesus Christ was born of the (Matthew 2:13-23) Dec. 28
Blessed Virgin Mary on Christmas Day, in e) The Story of the Circumcision (Luke 2:21)
Bethlehem, a little town near the city of
Jerusalem, more than two thousand years ago. f) The Story of the Presentation at the Temple
Jesus was born in a stable, a poor place. He (Luke 2:22-38)
preferred poverty and humiliation in order to
suffer more for us.
The Parents of Jesus

Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem in Jesus had a human mother, the Blessed Virgin
obedience to the Emperor of Rome who had Mary, but He had no human father. The
commanded all his subjects to register in the Blessed Virgin Mary was Christ's mother
towns of their ancestors. Joseph and Mary according to His human nature and not
were both descended from king David whose according to His Divine Nature. She is truly the
city was Bethlehem. mother of God, because the humanity and
divinity of her Son are inseparable.

The birth of Jesus is celebrated throughout the

Christian World On December 25. This feast is St. Joseph was the legal spouse of Mary, but
called Christmas, which word come From both of them preserved their virginity,
"Christ" and "Mass." The feast is so called consecrating it to God. They always lived
because on that day The Mass together as brother and sister. St. Joseph was
commemorating the birth of Christ is said: only the guardian or foster father of our Lord.

a) Christ's eternal birth from the Father The Childhood of Jesus

b) Christ's temporal birth of the Blessed Virgin Actually, the life of Jesus Christ may be divided
Mary into three parts namely

c) Christ's spiritual birth in the hearts of men a) His Childhood to the time when He was
twelve years of age
b) His Hidden Life to the time He started His
Other circumstances surrounding the birth of mission c) His Public Life to the time of His
Jesus Christ are: death.
a) The Story of the Shepherds (cfr. Luke 2:1-
After the murder of the Holy Innocent, the Child So Abraham called his nephew Lot in this
Jesus lived in Egypt with His mother and St. manner. "Let there be no quarrel between you
Joseph until the death of Herod, then returned and me...for we are brothers." (Gen. 13:8) As
with them to the Holy Land. The Holy Family St. John Chrysostom wrote, Our Lord on the
settled Nazareth From there, every year, Mary cross would not have needed to commend His
and Joseph went to worship at the Temple of mother to His Apostle John, if she had other
Jerusalem. When Jesus was twelve years old, children.
He went with them to celebrate the Passover in
Jerusalem. Then Mary and Joseph left the city
to to Nazareth, but Jesus remained behind The Hidden Life of Jesus
without their knowledge.
The hidden life of Jesus Christ lasted from His
return to Nazareth at the age of twelve until He
began His public ministry at the age of thirty.
"But thinking that He was in the caravan, they
had come to a day's journey before it occurred At this point of Christ's life, all we directly read
to them to look for Him among their relatives from the Holy Bible are two statements:
and acquaintances. And not finding Him, they
returned to Jerusalem in searched of Him." a) "And He went down with them, and came to
(Luke 2:44-45). After three day's search, they Nazareth, and was subject to the." (Luke 2:51)
found Him in the Temple, in the midst of the b) "And Jesus advanced in wisdom and age
wise men there, listening and questioning and grace before God and man." (Luke 2:52)
them. Mary told how great had been her grief
when she said: "Behold thy father and have
been seeking thee sorrowing." (Luke 2:48) But In these two statements is contained the
Jesus replied: "How is it that you sought Me? history of the hidden life of Jesus Christ, the
Did you not know that I must be about my God-man The hidden life of Jesus Christ is
Father's business?" (Luke 2:49)
Jesus dearly loved Mary and Joseph, but He
did not hesitate to cause them pain and part for us a perfect model of obedience; "And He
from them, in order to obey His heavenly was subject to them." The god of all created
Father's will. In imitation of Him, many young things, almighty and infinite, was subject to two
people leave home and their parents to enter poor and unknown mortals. He obeyed them in
the priesthood or a religious congregation to all things, promptly. constantly, cheerfully, and
serve and dedicate their lives completely to with great love. This period of Christ's life is
God. also a model of perfect humility. Jesus
"advanced in wisdom and grace before God
and men." Although He possessed all wisdom
The Question On The Brothers of Jesus (Matt. and grace from the first moment of His mortal
13:35)hex Some non-catholics interpreters life, He manifested them only gradually and in
insist that Jesus had brothers that He was not a way that was in keeping with His age.
the only Son of Mary. Those spoken of in the The Public Life of Jesus
Gospel as the "brethren of Our Lord, were His
blood relatives; it was the practice among the Jesus Christ begun His public life when He
Jews to call near relatives "brethren." was about thirty years old. After spending long
years in obscurity and humble toil, Jesus next
entered upon a period of activity, going about
teaching publicly He left His home in Nazareth,
and began His public life by an act of great hear, and the dead are raised to life again and
humility, His baptism at the hands of St. John the Good News proclaimed to the poor; and
the Baptizer in the river Jordan. happy is the man who does not lose faith in
me." (Matt. 11:4-5)
The Baptism of Jesus
St. John the Baptist was the forerunner or
precursor of Christ He spoke to the people of Jesus Taught His Disciples
the coming Messiah, and pointed Jesus out to
them as the "Lamb of God who will take away
the sins of the world." John the Baptist was put Jesus announced to the kingdom of God and
to death by Herod, because of his wife called them to a life of perfection. "Be ye
Herodias. perfect, as my heavenly father is perfect." He
taught them the law of love taking the place of
the law of fear concerning the relationship we
Jesus came to John to be baptized; must have with the Father.
immediately afterwards, as Our Lord came out
of the water, the Holy Spirit came down upon
Him in the form of a dove, and a voice from Jesus summarized His teachings in the
heaven was heard saying "This is my beloved Sermon on the Mount. (cfr. Matthew chapters 5
Son, in whom am well pleased." (Matt. 3:17) & 6) Jesus spoke in simple language and often
in Parables, comparing what He wanted them
to understand with common things of which
After His baptism, Jesus went into the desert, they were familiar.
where He fasted for forty days and forty nights.
This teaches us to look upon baptism as a call
to penance, and to prepare for all kinds of Among the Parables of Christ are:
activity by prayer and mortification. The Lenten
period is intended to commemorate the forty- The Sower and the Seed
day fast of Our Lord. Lent lasts from Ash The Mustard Seed
Wednesday till midnight of Holy Saturday.
The Pearl of Great Price
After Our Lord's long fast, the devil was
permitted to tempt Him Christ rebuked the The Unmerciful Servant
devil, and angels came to minister unto Him. The Laborers in the Vineyards
From this temptation of Christ, we learn that a
temptation is not sinful. As long as we resist The Good Shepherd
the devil, we remain pleasing to God. The Lost Sheep
Dives and Lazarus
During the course of His Public Ministry, Christ The Prodigal Son
went about preaching, teaching, and doing
good. "He went round the whole of Galilee The Pharisee and the Publican
teaching in their synagogue, proclaiming the The Good Samaritan
Good News of the kingdom and curing all kinds
of diseases and sickness among th people." The Ten Bridemaids
(Matt. 4:23-24) "Go back and tell John what
Parable of the Talents
you hear and see, the blind see again, and
lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and the deaf
During the time of His public life, Jesus also few. And the mission of Jesus was continued
took care to prepare His apostles for their after His death and resurrection.
future mission to carrying the Good News of
Christ's aim in His public life was to teach what
salvation to all the corners of the world till the
God requires all to believe and practice, so that
end of time. He choose twelve men who were
all may enter the kingdom of heaven. For this
with Him continually, He promised the primacy
purpose Christ instituted seven sacraments for
over all to one of them, Peter. And at the Last
the sanctification of mankind. By His twelve
Supper with these apostles He instituted the
chosen apostles He established His Church,
Holy Eucharist, giving them, also the power to
which was to carry on His work after His death.
change bread and wine into His Body and
to continue teaching what He had openly and
Blood as He Himself had done.
publicly taught.

Jesus Went About Doing Good

Fourth Article of faith
Jesus Christ supported His teachings with
good works and confirmed their faith in Him by
performing miracles. He cured the sick, "HE SUFFERED UNDER PONTIUS PILATE,
restored sight to the blind, speech to the mute,
life to the dead He made the lame walked WAS CRUCIFIED, DIED AND WAS BURIED."
again etc...
Among the prominent miracles of Christ are: "We believe in Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is
He changed water into wine the Son of God. Under Pontius Pilate He
suffered; the Lamb of God bearing the sins of
He multiplied the loaves of bread the world; and He died for us on the cross,
saving us by His redeeming blood.. We believe
He calmed the storm at seat
that Our Lord Jesus Christ by the sacrifice of
He raised the dead to life the cross redeemed us from original sin and all
the personal sins committed by each one of us,
Instant care of the sick
so that, in accordance with the word of the
Miraculous catch of fishes Apostle, 'where sin abounds, grace did more
abound." (Romans 5:20).
He walk upon the waters
Evil spirits obeyed Him
By the REDEMPTION is meant that Jesus
As we read the four gospels, we notice the Christ, as Redeemer of the whole human race,
effect that the words and deeds of Jesus had offered His sufferings and death to God as a
on those who witnesses them. Many came to fitting sacrifice in satisfaction for the sins of
know Him and loved Him more and more. men, and regained for them the right to be
However, some, especially the Pharisees and children of God and heirs of heaven. A
to envy His popularity to Him. Finally, this redeemer is one who pays in order to get back
hatred grew so strong that it led to the something that was lost.
condemnation of Jesus to death. But the love
of the many was stronger than hatred of the
The Necessity of the Passion 10:17-18). With free and obedient love, then,
He gave Himself to His father's will in the
passion. (cfr. Luke 22;42).lu on no to anja ent
The passion of Our Lord was not something not
which absolutely had to be. Certainly God did
not have to save man when he fell into sin. And
indeed, God could have saved man in nay of Jesus Christ is a Perfect Redeemer and
many other ways. Has God so willed, He could Mediator
have accepted inadequate expressions of
human repentances and atonement for man's
sins, or indeed, He could simply have forgiven Jesus was sent into this world as a perfect
the sin. Redeemer. Though He is God, He is also truly
man, our brother. As the new Adam (cfr. 1 Cor.
15-45) and Head of the Mystical Body (cfr.
It was God's will, however, that redemption be Eph. 1:22), He had profound solidarity with all
achieved in the most perfect and fitting way. of us. He makes His disciples one Himself, as
For this, it was necessary that the Son of God a vine is one with its branches (cfr. John 15:5).
should become man and suffer, It is in the Since we are united with Him, His saving acts
sense, then, that we speak of the necessity of can be our salvation. besbri bn
Jesus' passion and death.

oup Because His humanity of One Who is the

Jesus Himself declared that He had to suffer to Son of God, His saving acts of a Person Who
bring us eternal life. "So must the Son of Man is God. They have superabundant value (cfr.
be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him may Romans 5:15-21), the Christ Jesus, Who is
have eternal life." (John 3:14-15). He had to God's true Son, is the only One who could offer
suffer, for His eternal Father willed that His the Father a fitting atonement for sin.
human nature, the crown and unifying bond of
all creation, should receive its glory as a fruit of
the cross. "Was it not necessary that the Christ lo? Here, we see the immensity of God's
should suffer these things and enter into His saving mercy. Not only does He save us, but
glory?" (Luke 24;26). Prophetic words had He brings about salvation in a generous way,
foretold Christ's sufferings; the Gospels allude and in a way that honors the humanity He
to these often (especially Isaiah (Luke 53 and saves. In Christ, He allows a Man to bring Him
Psalm 22). These prophecies were gifts worthy of salvation (cfr. Romans 5:15-21).
expressions of God's will. and they had to be "Man had better for us to have been delivered
fulfilled. "Everything written about Me in the by Christ's passion than by God's will alone."
Law of Moses and the Prophets and the (Summa Theol. III, 46, 3).
Psalms must be fulfilled." 24;44).
Jesus is our Mediator. He Who is Himself God
and Man rescued man from his alienation and
misery and restored him to peace with the
Jesus as man, recognized the command He
had from the Father. "This charge have
received from My Father." (John 10:18). Jesus
freely accepted that which His Father's will
required. "For this reason the Father loves Me, The mediation Jesus achieved through His
because lay down My life, that i may take it up passion is unique. Only He who is God and
again... I lay it down of My own accord." (John Man could in such a way restore men to their
God. (Sum. Theol. III, 26, 1-2). Others may At the Last supper, Christ also spoke with
place a role in His saving work, but only in a clarity of the Father and of the Holy Spirit, for
secondary way, and in total dependence upon by the cross He was to bring us to be children
Jesus, for He is the necessary way, and in total of God in whom the Blessed Trinity would dwell
dependence upon Jesus, for HE is the (cfr. John 14:9-26). then in words addressed to
necessary and indispensable Mediator of the Father, He showed what the cross would
peace. "For there is One God, and there is one accomplish; the human unity in the God that it
Mediator between God and Man, the Man would make possible (cfr. John 17: 1-16). bev
Christ Jesus." (1 Tim. 2:5).

There, too, He promulgated a new

Important Events Which Marked the End of commandment: "A new command give you,
Our Lord's Life that you love one another, even as have loved
you, that you also love one another." (John
13:34). In the light of the cross, the forgiving,
His Solemn Entry into Jerusalem sacrificing, utterly unselfish nature of His love
that brings peace to a broken world. "Peace I
leave with you; My peace! give to you." (John
His solemn entry into Jerusalem marked his 14:27).
triumph. He entered Jerusalem riding on an
ass, with children waving palm leaves and
singing: "Hosanna! Blessings on the King of Agony in the Garden of Olive After the Last
Israel, who comes in the name of the Lord." Supper, Jesus went with His disciples to the
(John 12:13). The Last Supper Mount of Olives, and there in a garden He
prayed to his Father. He began to feel fear of
the sufferings He was about to experience. "My
In each of the Gospels, the passion narrative father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from
begins with an account of the Last Supper. Me." (Matt. 26:39). So great was this anguish
Christ, in this last moments with His Apostles, that "His sweat became like great drops of
clarified the meaning of His sufferings which blood falling down upon the ground." (Luke
were then imminent, though His disciples were 22:44). His human heart and will yet remained
not able to understand all these things until steadfastly loyal to the Father: "Nevertheless,
after the resurrection (cfr. Luke 24:25). He not as will, but as You will." (Matt. 26:39).
revealed the greatness of His saving love.
"Having loved His own who were in this world,
He loved them to the end. (John 13:1). Jesus' prayer in the Garden, honestly
expressing all the mental anguish He endured
for our sake, with full commitment to the
He instituted the Sacrament of the Holy Father's will, is the perfect model of Christian
Eucharist. He made it clear that His death prayer in times of distress.
would inaugurate a new and eternal covenant
between men and their God and that He, in His
cross and His saving mercy, always be present Betrayal by Judas Iscariote
to His disciples in His sacrifice of the Mass.
(cfr. Matt. 26:26-28).
ain Shortly after Jesus' prayer to His Father, a
band of armed men sent by the chief priest,
scribes, and elders came to the Garden to
arrest Him. They had been led there by Judas At last, fearing that if he did not permit Jesus to
Iscariote, who Jesus addressed gently: "Friend, be put to death the high priest and leaders
are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?" would accuse him before Caesar, Pilate gave
(Luke 22:49). Jesus also showed concern for in to their insistence to sentence Him to die on
His disciples and urged that they be allowed to the cross.
go their way (cfr. John 18:8). Then the
disciples forsook Him and fled." (Matt. 26:56).
Jesus was made to carry His cross A heavy
wooden cross was laid upon the shoulders of
Trial before the Sanhedrin and the Denial of Jesus and was let through the streets of
Peter With great patience, Jesus underwent Jerusalem to Mount Calvary outside the city of
unjust trials before the High Priest, Herod, and Jerusalem.
Pontius Pilate. During and between these
trials, He was subjected to many humiliations.
He was the target of insults and mockery, He The Cruxifixion
was denied, as He Himself had foretold, three
times by Peter.
Arriving at calvary, the soldiers nailed Jesus to
His cross and was lifted up from the ground.
Jesus was cruelly scourged at the Pillar Upon the cross, Jesus suffered extreme pain,
loneliness and desolation, the sorrow of seeing
unfathomable sorrow in one most deeply loved,
Jesus was led to Pontius Pilate, the Roman His mother Mary. Even in the terrible torment in
Governor of Judea, to have His sentence be those hours, Jesus, the Son of God and High
confirmed. At that time, the Jews were Priest of our salvation, remained patience and
forbidden by their Roman masters from putting greatness in soul. Some insights into His mind
anyone to death without the confirmation of the and heart may be gained from His seven last
governor. Pilate, hoping to appease the High words as recorded in the Gospels.
Priest and leaders, had Jesus scourged. Jesus
was tied to a pillar, His clothes were torn off,
strong men with whips, cords, and straps with The Seven Last Words of Jesus
iron spikes whipped Him. The whole body of
Jesus became as one great wound. Added to
this, Jesus was spat upon, and crowned with During the three hours that Christ suffered on
thorns. "And the soldiers plaiting a crown of the cross, He
thorns, put it upon His head, and clothed Him
in a purple cloak. And they kept coming to Him
and saying 'Hail, King of the Jews' and striking spoke seven times. We call these "The Seven
Him. Jesus wearing the crown of thoms and Last Words."
the purple cloak, was brought before the
people, and Pilate said to them, 'Behold the
man"" (John 19:2-5). pilta) "Father, forgive them; for they know not
what they are doing."

Jesus was sentenced to die

(Luke 23:34)
b) "Truly, say to you, today, you shall be with again." Give orders, therefore, that the
Me in Paradise." (Luke 23:43) ENT MIH benwo sepulchre be guarded until the third day, or
C) "Woman, behold your son... Son, behold else his disciples may come and steal him
your mother." (John away. Pilate said to them: "You have a guard;
go and guard it as well as you know how." So
they went and made the sepulchre secure,
19:26-27) sealing the stone, and setting the guard. (Matt.
27: 63-66).

d) "My God, My God, why have You forsaken

Me?" (Matt. 27:46) Things we learn from the sufferings and death
of Christ

e) "I Thirst." (John 19:28) f) "It is

consummated/finished." (John 10:30) The passion of Jesus has eternal effects:00 w

Eeg) "Father, into Your hands commit my Through his we were saved from sin and all its
spirit." (Luke 23:46) Jesus then bowed His consequences, and have received every grace
head and gave up his spirit. (cfr. John 19:30) and gift leading to eternal life. It is Christ Jesus
Thus the Son of God died on Golgotha (a hill "who satisfied for our sins, from whom is all our
called calvary, outside the city of Jerusalem) sufficiency." (Council of Trent, Ses. 14, Nov.
for us sinners. "Why, one will hardly die for a 25, 1551).
righteous man - though perhaps for a good
man, one will dare even to die. But God shows
His love for us in that while we were yet 'This liberation won for us by Jesus in His
sinners Christ died for us." (Rom. 5:7-8) passion has effects even in this world.
Redemption is not only in the inner life of love
and grace. Man freed from sin can transform
22013 The sky, the earth, and the temple this world also into a kingdom of greater
88010 boow vviser A freedom, justice, and peace, into an image and
even a beginning of God's kingdom.

After His death, Our Lord's body was taken

down from the cross and laid in the grave God has reconciled us to Himself:
which belonged to Joseph of Arimathea. Then
his disciples rolled up a great stone to close
the tomb. "In Christ, God reconciled the world to
Himself." (2 Cor. 5:19). It is God Himself who is
always the Savior. The eternal love and power
The last plea of the Pharisees bioe art! of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit effected
man's redemption. God triumphed in Christ
winning victory over sin and satan, over the
The chief priest and the Pharisees went in a bondage of the Old Law and of death. bob fert!
body to Pilate, saying: "Sir, we have Deusd
remembered how that deceiver said, while he
was yet alive, "After three days I will rise
By the sufferings of Christ, satan and sin are Jesus Christ... because of His immeasurable
vanquished: 2 Love became what we are, so that He might
bring us to be what He is Himself." St. Irenaeus
of Lyons, Against Heretics).
Sin had reigned over man (cfr. Rom. 5: 21) and
enslaved him (Rom. 6:7). But through the
passion of Jesus, the Father set us free and The great evil of sin: From the passion of
restored us to the "kingdom of His beloved Christ we learn the evil that sin is, and the
Son, in whom we have redemption, the hatred that God bears it.
forgiveness of sins. " (Col. 1: 13-13). Satan,
too, was conquered. When Christ was raised
up on the cross, the power of satan was ended Sin must be atoned for:
(cfr. John 13:31). In Christ, the Father"
disarmed the principalities and the powers." We learn, too, the necessity of satisfying for
(Col. 2:15). the malice and wickedness of sin. Sin must be
a horrible thing, to make Jesus, the God-man,
Christ's death ended the bondage of the Old suffer so much. "He was pierced for our
Law: Though the Law itself had been holy, it offenses; He was crushed for our sins. " (Is.
did not bring life; for it 53:5).

revealed the duty to avoid sin, but did not give The sufferings of Christ serve as our model: In
the power to do so (cfr. Rom. 7:7-25). In addition, the sufferings of Christ serve as an
Christ's redemptive work, God inaugurated the example for us, to strengthen us under trials. If
New Law of Love and Grace. This New we receive trials, we should accept them with
Covenant indeed, requires even greater resignation, in imitation of Our Lords, Who
holiness, but the gift of God's spirit makes it suffered so willingly for our sake. We can never
possible for us to serve Him with joy and love. have as much suffering as He had. Every
(cfr. Rom. 5:5/7:4). christian should understand that the cross is
part of christian life. By Christ's cross and
resurrection, men are saved, when they lay
Bodily death was conquered by Christ's death: hold of Him through faith and love. Nothing of
Until the final resurrection, the full scope of this christian life can be understood apart from the
victory is not seen. But even now, all death can cross. Anyone who wishes to grow to maturity
be, as Christ's death was not simply a tragic in christian love, to remain faithful to God, must
evil, but a moment of supreme love and the receive light and draw strength from His saving
threshold of eternal life, (cfr. 1 Cor. 15:54-57). passion.

Through the passion of Christ, God's great love Jesus taught His disciples ever to carry the
is revealed: The passion of Jesus reveals the cross: "If any man should come after me, let
saving love of the Father. him deny himself and take up his cross daily
and follow Me." (Luke 9: 23). The crosses in
our daily lives, the difficulties and sufferings,
God the Father" so loved the world that He and the self-denials and sacrifices willingly
gave His Only Son." (John 3:16). The mercy of offered, are made saving and sacred by His
God, in bringing about the incarnation, Holy Cross.
sanctified and transformed humanity. "Our Lord
"Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an instances His own resurrection; He said to His
example, that you should follow in His steps. own body: "Destroy this temple and in three
He committed no sin; no guile was found on days will raise it up. " (John 2:19). Before
His lips. When He was reviled, He did not entering Jerusalem He said to His Apostles
revile in return; when He suffered, He did not that He would be put to death and " rise again
threaten; but He trusted to Him Who judges on the third day." (Matt. 20: 19). On the night of
justly. "(1 Peter 2:21-23). the last supper He said: " But after I have risen,
I will go before you into Galilee." (Matt. 26: 32).
Fifth Article of faith
Christ rose by His own Power


THIRD DAY HE ROSE AGAIN TO LIFE" Faithful to the message of Scripture, the
Church teaches both that the Father raised
Jesus from the dead and that Jesus rose by
Christ descended to the dead. By this, we His
mean that after He died, His soul descended
into a place or state of rest, called " limbo"
"where the souls of the just were waiting for own power. "God raised Him up." (Acts 2:24).
Him. In the Holy Scripture, the place was called "I lay down my life that may take it again... I
the " Bosom of Abraham". St. Peter called it a have the power to take it again". (John 10: 17-
prison", but we called it limbo. Christ went to 18).
limbo to announce to the souls waiting there
the joyful news that He had reopened heaven
to mankind. It was by the power of God that the humanity of
Jesus was raised from the dead. This power of
the one God belongs to the Father and the Son
While His soul was in limbo, Christ's body was equally. When the resurrection is seen as the
in holy sepulchre. When man dies, his soul is seal of the Father's approval, the glorification of
separated from the body. When Jesus died, Jesus' humanity is viewed as the work of the
His body and soul were separated, but His Father; when it was seen as a manifestation of
divinity remained united to both body and soul. Jesus' divine power and personality, it is
viewed as an act of the Son Himself.

Christ's body did not corrupt in the tomb. It was

there from Friday evening when He was Significance of the Resurrection
buried, to Sunday morning, when He arose
from the grave. This is why we say Christ rose
on the third day, although He was in the grave The resurrection of Jesus plays a central part
for three incomplete days. in the life of faith, for it does not only confirm
the Church's faith, but it is also the central
mystery through which God calls us to life. The
Christ resurrected from the dead hope to which we are born in coming to faith is
a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus
Christ from the dead." (1 Peter 1:3).
Christ rose from the dead, glorious and
immortal, on Easter Sunday, the third day after
His death. Christ Himself foretold in many
St. Paul makes the point in stark terms: "If the gift of the Spirit (cfr. John 16:7). Christ will
Christ had not been raised, your faith is futile be with the Church always (cfr. Matt. 28:20).
and you are still in your sins. Then those also He is present in the Church's life of faith and
who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. prayer, and especially in the sacramental
" (1 Cor. 15: 14/17 18). meetings with His glorified body. He is present
also in our daily life of charity.

The resurrection of Jesus, then, is the

foundation of the christian life of faith, prayer, Christ Himself will remain with us through the
and spiritual growth. It is the pledge of the gift of the Holy Spirit. When the Spirit of truth
resurrection of our bodies, for Christ conforms comes, He will guide you into all the truths...
the faithful to His own image and leads them to He will glorify Me, for He will take what is Mine
share in His glory. Jesus' resurrection and and declare it to you." (John 16:13-14).
glorification provide the basis for our hope and
faith in the immortal life of our bodies after the
final resurrection at the end of time. Christ sits at the right hand of the Father
Sixth Article of faith

By this article of faith, we mean that Our Lord

as God, is equal to the Father, and that as
Man, He shares above all the saints in the
glory of His Father, and exercises for all
eternity the supreme authority of a King; over
all creatures. To sit at the right hand of
Christ ascended into Heaven
anybody is a mark of honor from that person.
"Sit at my right hand, till I make your enemies
your footstool." (cfr. Psalm 109: 1).
The Easter mystery approaches its culmination
in the ascension of Jesus. After His sa ybodyne Seventh Article of faith o soy is lit
appearances here on earth in His risen body, bar frign into ti nededmont onor
and ' after He had given commandment
through the Holy Spirit to the Apostles whom
He had chosen (Acts 1:2), Jesus was lifted up, "FROM THERE, HE WILL COME TO JUDGE
and a cloud took Him out of their sight." (Acts THE LIVING AND THE DEAD"
1:9). He ascended with the flesh in which He
had risen and with His soul. This even took
place from the Mount of Olives in the presence 'When the Son of Man comes in His glory...
of His Apostles in full daylight. (cfr. Luke before Him will be gathered all the nations, and
24:51). He will separate them one from another as a
shepherd separates the sheep from the
goats... Then the King will say to those at the
Jesus ascended into Heaven, but He has not right hand, "Come, ye, O blessed of my Father,
abandoned us. He goes to the Father as the inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the
eternal High Priest," able for all times to save foundation of the world. "(Matt. 25:31-34).
those who draw God through Him, since He
always lives to make intercession for them. "
(Heb. 7: 25). Though He deprives us of His The General Judgement
visible presence for a time that He might send
Christ's goodness will shine in the
condemnation of those who have rejected God,
The general judgement will not be simply a
who have said "no" to the love that is the
collective summing up of all the particular and
center and crown of existence, who have
individual judgements of men after their
refused to build up the kingdom of justice,
deaths, for this last judgement will be far more
mercy, and peace. Christ's just sentence will
than a judicial passing of sentence upon the
recognized and confirm their own deliberate
good and the wicked. In and through this
and definitive rejection of God.
judgement God will establish the heavenly
community, the ultimate stage of His kingdom. His holiness will be exalted by the manifest
In judging, He will bring all to completion. fairness of His condemnation of those who
have freely chosen not to respond to that love
which called them to a life to which they could
There, men will be judged by their deeds of come only freely. The condemned will be
love. "I was hungry and you gave me food; was bitterly aware that it was they themselves who
thirsty and you gave me drink..." (Matt. 25:35). have freely rejected the saving offer of mercy
Men will be judged according to their of their Lord and Master.
relationship with Christ. Not only those who
On the other hand, all who accepted Christ will
knew Him explicitly in the light of clear faith, but
fully realize that which cannot now be
all men, at least in obscure but real ways, are
comprehended: "No eye has seen, nor ear
affected in this life by His saving power. He
heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what
invites all men to respond freely to His saving
God has prepared for those who love Him," (1
love, and He invited all to life. To love Him is to
Cor. 2:9).
keep and observe the great command of
LOVE, to love God with the whole heart and to Eighth Article of faith
love the neighbor in whom He dwells. At the
last judgement, then, each men will be judged
by the love he has shown Christ in our midst. "We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the
Giver of life, Who proceeds from the Father
and the Son. " (Roman Missal, Profession of
Jesus Christ is our Judge Faith). The Holy Spirit is the third Divine
Person of the Blessed Trinity, truly and
eternally God, equal to the Father and the Son.
It is God who judges. The final judgement of all He is the Paraclete, the Counselor that Christ
men will be shared in by the Three Divine promised the Apostles would be given" to be
Persons of the Holy Trinity, each in a way with you forever. " (John 14:16).
befitting His role in redemption. Because it is
Christ often spoke of the Holy Spirit
through the Incarnate Word that the Blessed
Trinity has saved us, it is Christ as man who is One of the most solemn occasions of which
presented as the supreme Judge of men. "He Christ spoke of the Holy Spirit was when He
is the One ordained by God to be judge of the charged the Apostles to: " Go, therefore, and
living and the dead." (Acts 10:42). This will be make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in
the crowning act of Christ as Saviour. Through the name of the Father, and the Son, and the
it, He will complete His work as Redeemer, Holy Spirit," (Matt. 28: 19).
because through it, He will bring about His
On certain occasions, the Holy Spirit appeared
Father's will that all might be made one, that
in visible form. When Christ was baptized by
they might be gathered into the final kingdom.
John the Baptist in the River Jordan, the Holy
Spirit appeared in the form of a dove. On
Pentecost Day, the Holy Spirit descended with In honor of the Holy Spirit, Pentecost Sunday is
a mighty rushing wind, and rested upon the dedicated to the celebration of the descent of
Apostles in the form of tongues of fire. the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. Pentecost
Sunday occurs ten days after Ascension
These signs are symbolic of the action of the
Thursday, fifty days after Easter Sunday,
Holy Spirit. The form of a dove symbolizes the
Pentecost means fiftieth
gentleness with which the Holy Spirit works in
our souls. The rush of wind represents the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit: The seven gifts
strengthening of the will. The fire represents of the Holy Spirit are: wisdom, understanding,
seal, fervor and the illumination of the mind. counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of
the Lord. Some of the effects in us of the gifts
The mission of the Holy Spirit
of the Holy Spirit are the fruits of the Holy Spirit
The mission of the Holy Spirit for salvation and the beatitudes.
history is summarized in the following words of
The twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit are: charity,
the Second Vatican Council:
joy, peace, patience, benignity, good ness,
a) "When the work which the Father had given long-suffering, mildness, faith, modesty,
the Son to do on earth (cfr. John 17:4) was continency, and chastity.
completed, the Holy Spirit was sent on the day
The eight beatitudes are:
of Pentecost in order that He might forever
sanctify the Church, and thus believers would 1. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs in the
have access to the Father through Christ in the kingdom of heaven.
one Spirit." (cfr. Eph. 2:18)
2. Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess
b) He is the Spirit of Life, a fountain of water the earth.
springing up to eternal life. (cfr. John 4:14/7:38-
3. Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall
39). Through Him the Father gives life to man
be comforted.
who are dead from sin, will at last revives them
in Christ even their mortal bodies. (cfr. Rom 4. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for
8:10-11) justice, for they shall be satisfied.
c) The Holy Spirit dwells in the Church and in 5. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall
the hearts of the faithful as in a temple (cfr. 1 obtain mercy. 6. Blessed are the clean of heart,
Cor 16/6:19) In them, He prays and bears for they shall see God.
witness to the fact they are adopted sons of
God (cfr. Gal. 4:6/ Rom. 8:15-16) 7. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall
be called children of God.
d) The Holy Spirit guides the Church into the
fullness of truth (cfr. John 16:13) and gives her 8. Blessed are they who suffer persecution for
a unity of fellowship and service. He furnishes justice's sake, for theirs is the kingdom of
and directs her with hierarchical and heaven.
charismatic gifts, and adorns her with His fruits Ninth Article of faith
(cfr. Eph. 4:11-12)
e) By the power of the Gospels, the Holy Spirit CHURCH, THE COMMUNION OF SAINTS"
makes the Church keep the freshness of youth,
perpetually renews her, and leads her to Jesus Christ founded the Church
perfect union with her Spouse (Christ). The All history, religious and non-religious,
Spirit and the Bride say to the Lord Jesus, including the Holy Bible, clearly prove that
"Come" (cfr. Rev. 22:17/ Lumen Gentium, 4) Jesus founded a Church. After teaching
publicly what He required all to believe and could not have been the Head of conflicting
practice, thereby announcing the main doctrine churches.
of his Church, Christ gathered a number of
Christ, even in His prayers, spoke of unity
disciples. From them He choose twelve to
among His followers. There would evidently be
whom He gave special instruction and training.
no unity if He had founded many different
After training them to form the organization of churches.
His Church, Christ choose Simon Peter, and
made him the chief. After the resurrection, He
said to Peter: "Feed My lambs... Feed My The Marks of the True Church
Sheep." (John 21:15,17)
We can know which is the one true Church
Christ completed the founding of His Church established by Christ, by the marks provided
just before His ascension into heaven when He by Him to recognize His Church. It is important
said to His apostles: "Go into the whole world, for us to know which is the Church founded by
and preach the Gospel to every creature." Christ, in order that we may obey it, as God
(Mark 16:15) commands. Then shall we also be certain what
to believe and do in order to be saved.
Finally, Christ promised to remained for all time
in the church He founded saying: "Behold, I am The true Church must be that which Christ
with you all days, even unto the consummation personally founded, and the Apostles
of the world." (Matt. 28:20) after the Pentecost propagated. It must have existed continuously
Sunday, the Apostles begun to carry out their since the time of Christ. It must teach in their
mission. Through them and their successors, entirely all the doctrines taught by the Divine
this mission of making disciples of all nations Founder while He was still on earth; and all its
continues and will continue to the end of the members must profess those fundamental
world. doctrines.
The Church of Christ Moreover, it must be a visible organization,
discernible and discoverable, evidently
It is the congregation of all baptized persons
existing, with clear marks or signs
united in the same true faith, the same
distinguishing it as the Church founded by
sacrifice, and the same sacraments, under the
authority of the Sovereign Pontiff and the
Bishops in communion with him. As the visible The Church of Christ Is ONE
society, it is perfect religious body. All
members are subject to the same religious Christ's Church is one in the faith its members
authority, possess identical religious doctrines, believe and profess. It has an essential unity of
and make use of the same means of grace, - worship. All are united to one saving sacrifice
the sacraments. A person becomes a member of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, and eat of the
of the church upon the reception of the one bread that unites all in Christ. They receive
sacrament of Baptism. the same sacraments. There is also a unity in
our communion with other parts of the Church
Jesus Christ founded only ONE Church throughout the world. The "local churches"
(dioceses), each under its own bishop, are
As God is one, He established one Church,
united in a common allegiance to the Pope,
which He commanded all men to obey and to
who is a sign and servant of unit. It is a living
follow in the way of salvation. Christ never
unity, springing spontaneously from the gifts of
referred to His Churches, but to His Church.
Christ's grace.
He chose only one Head for His Church. Peter
The Church of Christ is HOLY
The creed proclaims that the Church is holy. The Church Of Christ is APOSTOLIC
This holiness is to be found first of all in its
Finally, the Church is Apostolic. It is the same
Founder, Jesus Christ. From Him and from the
community as the Church of the apostolic age.
Holy Spirit, comes all holiness. Because of
Christ founded His Church on the Apostles.
Him, the doctrine that the Church teaches is
They in turn had successors. The Church is
holy; it remains unchangeably His doctrines.
apostolic because it continues to be governed
The Church's worship is holy; and the
by such successors. It is apostolic also
sacraments it administers to the members of
because it teaches the same doctrines and
the Church make it possible for them to live a
way of life as the Apostles taught.
truly holy christian lives.
When we call the Church Apostolic, we mean
The Church invites all to a holy life. (cfr. Lumen
that the teaching of Jesus Christ, which was
Gentium, 39 42). In this, it has remained
first preached to the world by the Apostles, and
constant despite the many sins of its members.
the Christian community in which that apostolic
Wherever the Catholic Faith is lived sincerely,
faith has lived and grown, continue to have
Christ brings forth fruits of holiness. Without
their existence in Catholic Church, edmam
ignoring the scandals and sins of some of the
Church's members, we can say in all By these four marks, we come to know that no
confidence that there is holiness in the Church other Church but the Catholic Church is the
because so many of its members have shown true Church of Christ, because no other
prominent holiness, even to the point of Church has these four marks. No other Church
martyrdom. There is such holiness in the is ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC and APOSTOLIC.
Church in the present age as in ages past. Each of these marks is so linked to the other
Possibly, no era of Christian history has been that one cannot be separated from them. Each
as blessed as the present one by so many mark is so joined with the others that all of
faithful who witness the faith in suffering, and in them form one coherent and interrelated idea
suffering even unto death. These are the of what Christ's Church is and what it must be.
modern martyrs of the Church.
For example, the unity of the Church is more
The Church of Christ is CATHOLIC remarkable because it is a catholic unity, that
(UNIVERSAL) is, a unity of faith, a unity of hope, and a unity
of charity in all places and ages; it is an
The word "catholic" comes from the Greek
apostolic unity, guarding the one faith first
word katolikos" which means " universal". The
proclaimed by the Apostles, and it is a unity
Catholic Church is a Church for all people in all
ministering to holiness of life.
places and in all times. The injunction of Christ
is very clear: " Go, therefore, and make The Mission of the Church
disciples of all nations.
Jesus Christ founded the Church to bring all
(Matt. 28: 19). "Go into the whole world, and men to salvation. Our Lord gave to the Church
preach the Gospel to every creature." (Mark a threefold office:
16: 15). "And the Gospel of the kingdom shall
be preached in the whole world for a witness to a) The office of a Teacher
all nations; and then will come the end." (Matt. b) The office of a Sanctifier, and
24: 14).
c) The office of a Ruler.
Moreover, the Church is universal in the sense
that it continues to teach all of what Christ By these offices, Christ intended His Church to
taught. And it regards itself as obliged by Christ accomplish the purpose for which He founded
to teach that doctrine to all men. it - the salvation of all men. Thus the Church is
assured to be able to accomplish the mission Because Christ is strong and merciful in His
through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. possession of authority, He chose to exercise it
through men. He appointed the Church to rule
The Office of a Teacher
with authority, saying: "Whatever you shall bind
Christ committed to the Apostles the task of on earth shall be bound also in heaven, " (cfr.
preaching His word in His name, that is, Matt. 18: 18). "Go therefore, and make
authentically. He assured them of the disciples of all nations, baptizing them...
assistance of the Holy Spirit who would guard teaching them to observe all that have
them in all truth in speaking. (cfr. John 14:15). commanded you; and behold, am with you
He commanded them to teach His word to all always, until the consummation of the world.
nations, binding men to the duty of believing (Matt. 28: 19-20).
their words as the word of God ( and thus
The Hierarchy in the Church
implicitly promising that He would make those
He called to faith able to recognize Him in His The Church is a hierarchical community by the
spokesmen), and He promised to be with them will of Christ. A hierarchy is a sacred
in their preaching until the end of time (cfr. leadership. It is the orderly disposition of the
Matt. 29:20). ranks and order of the clergy with ordinary
jurisdiction", the teaching Church", and the
In their preaching the Apostles had special
ruling body- an army of leaders under a head,
gifts. Not only did the Spirit guard them in
the Vicar of Christ, having care and control of
keeping the word of Jesus that they had heard
the holy and sacred affairs of the Church.
from Him, but He also enriched their
Persons become members of the hierarchy in
possession and grasp of sacred truths.
two different ways:
The Office of a Sanctifier
By the Power of Orders
During the life of Christ, He dispensed the
It is given by the sacrament of Holy Orders. It
means of grace, as when He forgave Mary
is the power to sanctify, a permanent spiritual
Magdalene, and when He gave His flesh and
power that no earthly authority can take away.
blood at the last Supper. He appointed the
Church to continue this office to sanctify the III) The Patriarch: He is a bishop who holds the
faithful by administering the fruits of Christ's highest rank after the Pope, in jurisdiction.
sacrifice on the cross to all men until the end of
IV) The Archbishop: He is the head of an
the world. With this office, we can easily
archdiocese composed of several dioceses. He
understand why Christ gave His Apostles, and
is addressed as "YOUR EXCELLENCY"
those who were to follow them the power to
bind and to loose, to baptize, to forgive sin, and IV) The Bishop: He governs a diocese, and he
to offer Holy Mass. is also addressed as " YOUR EXCELLENCY".
The Office of a Ruler VI) Prelate Nullius: He governs a prelature
separated any diocese. He is addressed as
The Church founded by Christ is a visible
organization, with the Apostles as superiors
and rulers. From the very beginning, they VII) Abbot: He governs an abbacy.
exercised their authority and powers. They did
not only advise, but they gave directions as VIII) Apostolic Visitor: He is usually a
superiors, and they made decisions as judges. temporary head of a vacant jurisdiction

It is in Christ that all authority of the Church IX) Vicar Apostolic: He is always a bishop and
natively dwells. "Al authority in heaven and on is a head of a Vicariate.
earth has been given to Me." (cfr. Matt. 28 :18).
X) Prefect Apostolic: He is not a bishop and he XVI) Honorary Prelates: They are those given
governs a prefecture. the honor as a distinction for their works and
zeal in the promotion of the Church's welfare.
XI) Ecclesiastical Superior: He is a head of a
mission "sui juris - an independent although XVII) Protonotary Apostolic, Domestic Prelate
small territory. and Papal Chamberlain: These are titles given
to priest for the same reason. The first two are
XII) Legates, Nuncios, Internuncios, and
entitled " Right Reverend " and the third " Very
Apostolic Delegates: These are
representatives of the Pope. Having ordinary or
extraordinary jurisdiction from the Supreme The Laity (The People of God)
Pontiff. They are members of the hierarchy.
The Second Vatican Council chose especially
A legate is usually a cardinal sent for to speak of the Church as the "People of God".
extraordinary occasions, as to preside at a The Church is not an abstraction, and it
Plenary Council, an International Eucharistic certainly, is not merely a group of all the
Congress or some special occasions. officials of the family of faith. We are all
together the Church, all blessed with gifts of
A nuncio is the highest diplomatic
the Holy Spirit.
representative of the Pope. His ranking is
equivalent to that of an ambassador Pope, bishops, religious, priests, laymen, and
extraordinary. Today nuncios are the deans of members of every degree and vocation, all
the diplomatic corps accredited to their gathered together in Christ, are the Church.
respective nations. We, all, are Christ's people, though each of us
has some special call - a particular mission
An internuncio is equivalent to a minister
with its own responsibilities and functions, still
all together in Christ make up a single, united
An Apostolic Delegate is a papal people. All received the same Spirit in baptism,
representative without diplomatic status. They all are nourished with the one Eucharistic
serve as intermediary between the Holy See Bread, all share in the same hope of our
and the hierarchy of the country where they are calling.
stationed. He ranks first among all the
The laity of the Church are all its members who
archbishops and bishops of the country, with
do not belong to the clerical or to the religious
the exception of the cardinals.
state. After baptism, we received our
XIII) Titular Bishops and Archbishops: These membership in the Church. We become part of
are those who hold the title of a See that the Church. Unless one cuts himself off by
formerly existed. Usually, they do not have but heresy, apostasy or excommunication, even a
a delegated jurisdiction. catholic sinner continues to be a member of
the Church. Those in mortal sin remain united
XIV) Auxiliary and Coadjutor Bishops: They are by faith and hope, but not by charity.
titular bishops appointed to assist in the
administration of a diocese. Coadjutors are The Mission of the Laity
given the right of succession to the residential
Every Christian has a mission. That is to say,
every Christian is called by God to some
XV) Pastors and Priests: Although they belong particular way of carrying out the one great
to the hierarchy in the power of orders, they service of love. All believers are called by
are not prelates in the strict sense of the term, Christ to assist in healing a world marred in
for they have very limited jurisdiction in the many ways by sin, and to establish a temporal
external forum of ruling the Church. order based on justice and love, according to
their own particular skills and the actual There is only One Mystical Body, only one
circumstances in which they find themselves. Church which contains three portions: a) The
"There are varieties of gifts, but the same Church Triumphant: This is composed of the
Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the saints
same Lord." (1 Cor. 12:4-5).
Each believer must be an active witness to
and angels in heaven because they have
God and the faith. His principal duties as a
already gained the crown of victory. b) The
witness to the faith are twofold:
Church Suffering: This is composed by the
a) to carry the words of life to those who are to souls in purgatory because they still have to
believe and have no other way of coming to expiate their sins which were already forgiven,
them. (cfr. Rom. 10: 14), and before they can enter heaven.
b) to testify to those words by his words and
actions. The more actively one testifies to
c) The Church Militant: This is composed by
those words becomes an apostle - perhaps as
the faithful on earth because they have to
a writer, or teacher, or as a parent or in some
struggle ceaselessly against the enemies if
other capacity -the more important it is, that
their souls.
one's work be rooted in the obedience of faith,
in full openness and assent to what Christ
constantly teaches in His Church.
The members of the communion of saints help
The laity and the Temporal one another by prayers and intercessions, and
by merits of their good works. Through the
To care for the temporal order is to care for the
communion of saints, the blessed in heaven
goods of life of the family, for culture and
can help those in purgatory and those on earth
business, for the arts and professions, for
by praying for them. The faithful on earth
political and social institutions. This order
should honor the blessed in heaven and pray
requires constant improvement. It must be
to them, because they are worthy of honor and
founded on truth, built on justice, and animated
as friends of God will help the faithful on earth.
by love." (C. S. 26). Immediate concern for the
The souls in purgatory pray to the angels and
temporal order is the proper concern of
saints, and pray for the living, but they cannot
laymen, because it requires all the knowledge,
merit anything for themselves. The faithful on
skills and insight they acquire and exercise in
earth, through the communion of saints, can
their varied secular tasks. Every christian then,
relieve the sufferings of the souls in purgatory
according to the circumstances of his particular
by prayer, fasting and good works, by
situation, has a duty to try to shape the world in
indulgences, and by having Mass offered in
accord with justice and charity.
their behalf.

The Communion of Saints

The faithful on earth as members of the
Mystical Body of Christ, can help one another
by practicing supernatural charity, and
By the communion of saints, we mean the
especially, by performing the spiritual and
union of the faithful on earth, the blessed in
corporal works of mercy.
heaven, and the souls in purgatory, with Christ
in their head.
The doctrine of the communion of saints is one
of the most Consoling dogmas of the Church.
When our love ones die, they are not
completely separated from us forever. Whether
Aside from the sacrament of Penance, there
in heaven or in purgatory, they still love us and
are other ways by which sins can be forgiven,
pray for us.
by the sacrament of baptism, the anointing of
the sick, martyrdom and good works. All these
presupposes the inner disposition of the sinner
Tenth Article of faith
who is truly repentant and has the firm purpose
of amendment


All sins, however great, can be forgiven,
through the infinite ments of Christ He gained
through His passion, death, and resurrection
This article of faith means that God has given God is always ready to forgive our sins, no
to church, throug Jesus Christ, the power to matter how great or how many they are, if we
forgive sins, no matter how great or how many are truly sorry for them. No actual sin can be
they are, if the sinner truly repent. forgiven without sincere sorrow and
repentance on the part of the sinner

During life Christ actually forgave sins for

example He forgave Mary magdalene, a The sin against the Holy Spirit of which Christ
paralytic and the good theft. In curing the warned us is the sin of persistent impenitence,
paralytic He said: "But that you may know that the sin of one who rejects conversion and dies
the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive in that state. This sin could not be forgiven in
sins, arise, take up thy palette and go to thy heaven or on earth because at the hour of
house (Matt 9:6) death, the sinner continues to thrust god away
from him.

Christ gave to His apostles and disciples and

their successor powers to forgive sins. He said: Eleventh Article of faith "I BELIEVE IN THE
"Receive the Holy Spirit; whose sing you shall RESURRECTION OF THE BODY."
forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins
you shall retain, they are retained." (John
"It is appointed for men to die once, and after
that comes judgement." (cfr. Hebrews 9:27)

It is true, as the enemies of the Catholic

Church asserts that man cannot forgive sins.
Earthly life can be made rich with Christ's
Man, by his own individual power can never
presence. Through the sacraments and works
forgive even the smallest sin. But he can
of love, our lives are penetrated by Christ's life.
forgive all sins with the power and authority
Still, though Christ is present to us with the
God gave him, as minister of God, acting in
Father and the Holy Spirit, the divine presence
God's place Or is God limited because is
remains veiled. For in this life "we walk by faith,
sinful? "These things I write to you in order that
not by sight." (cfr. 2 cor. 5:7) The gifts of grace
you may not sin. But if anyone sins, we have
give joy and energy, but also a thirst for
an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the
fulfillment in ways not now possible.
Just." (1 John 2:1)
our hour strikes, nobody can take our place.
God has mercifully hidden from us the hour of
At the end of time, when Christ will come to
our death. If we knew when we should die, we
pass judgement on all men, and when those
might be overcome by fear when the moment
who have died will rise again, the redemption
approaches. Some, besides, might lead sinful
of man will be brought to completion. But this
lives in the hope of repenting just before their
world, and this time of trial, ends for each man
with the coming of death.

One must, therefore, always be ready to die,

Death has many meanings for the christian. In
for death comes "like a thief in the night," when
a sense, death is entirely natural. "There is 'a
we least expect it. We must live as if every
time to be born, and a time to die." (Eccl. 3:2)
moment were the last fraction of a second of
Our lives are measure by time, in which we
life, always ready to appear before our divine
change, we grow old, and death seems even
Judge. The best way to prepare ourselves for a
appropriate after a full life. "And the dust
good death is to lead a good life, doing good,
returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit
and avoiding sin.
returns to god who gave it." (cfr. Eccl. 12:7)
The natural reality of death gives an urgency to
our lives. The remembrance that we are mortal The Particular Judgement
serves also to remind us that we have but a
limited time in which to shape good and
meaningful lives. In the christian sense, death As soon as each soul leaves the body at death,
is the penalty for sin. "As sin came into the it undergoes the "particular judgement," at
world through one man and death through sin, which its eternal destiny is decided. "We must
and so death spread to all men because all be all manifested at the judgement seat of
men sinned." (Rom 5:12). Because of sin man Christ." "It is appointed unto men to die once,
suffers "bodily death, from which man would but after that comes judgement." (Heb. 9:27)
been immuned had he not sinned." (GS. 18) "Every one of us will render an account of
himself to god." (Rom. 14:12)

Death, then, appears to us not merely as a

liberator from burden and limitations of earthly Jesus Christ is the Judge at the Particular
life, but as something fearful, the last enemy Judgement. Before him, each soul must stand.
that will be destroyed by the all-embracing The soul will stand in the awesome presence
redemption of Christ. For death is more than a of God the Son, to give an account of its whole
passing on to another land and to another life, of every thought, word, action, and
mode of life. We are not merely souls, we are omission. A man's whole life will be spread
beings of flesh and blood. To die is to lose the before him like a great picture.
fullness of our being, which we love, it is to be
dissolved. (cfr. 2 cor. 5:14).
He will remember everything, although he
might have forgotten much at the moment of
The Hour of Death death. How he will wish then that he had done
only good. We are not to suppose that the soul
will go to heaven befor Christ to before Christ
No one knows when, where, or how he will die. in order to be judged. God enlightens each
All we know is that we shall die, and that when soul in such a manner that it fully knows Christ
has passed a true judgement on it. This By this article of faith is meant that at the end
sentence is final and will never be reversed of the world, the bodies of all men will rise from
The soul then, will learn the sentence, the the earth, to which they are committed after
reasons for it, and its absolute justice. death, and be united again to their souls, never
more to be separated. This teaching was often
foretold by Our Lord himself. "For the hour is
Reward or Punishment coming in which all who are in the tombs shall
hear the voice of the Son of God. And they
who have done good shall come forth unto
The rewards or punishments appointed for resurrection of life, but they who have done
men after the particular judgement are heaven, evil, unto resurrection of judgement." (John
purgatory, or hell. "With what measure you 5:28-29) He also said that the Blessed
measure, it shall be measured unto you." (Matt. Sacrament gives immortality also to the body.
7:12) As we have loved God and our "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood
fellowmen during life, so we shall be given the has life everlasting and I will raise him up"
proper reward or punishment. (John 6:55) Christ redeemed the whole

a) He who dies in his baptismal innocence, or man, and not the soul alone. Hence, the body
after having fully satisfied for all the sins he must, in the case of the just, rise to eternal life.
committed, will be sent at once to heaven "The The body of man was originally destined for
just will go into everlasting life." (Matt. 25:46) immortality, and lost it only with Adam's sin.
"And there shall not enter into if anything "As in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be
defiled." (Apoc. 21:27) made to live." (1 Cor. 4:14) "He who raised up
Jesus will raise us up also with Jesus." (2 Cor.
4:14) "Our Lord Jesus Christ will refashion the
b) He who dies in the state of grace, but is in body of our lowliness." (Phil. 3:21)
venial sin, or has not yet fully atoned for the
temporal punishment due his forgiven sins. will
be sent for a time to purgatory. In the final resurrection, our risen bodies will be
the same bodies we had on earth. Each will
rise as the same person he was, in the same
c) He who dies in mortal sin, even if only with flesh made living by the same spirit. But
one single mortal sin, will be sent at once to Christ's resurrection from the dead is the
hell. "Yes, the hope of the like pattern of our own rising to life.
smoke scattered by the win, and like passing
memory of the nomad camping for a single
day." (Wisdom 5:14) By mortal sin a man cuts The risen body will be radiant and beautiful, if it
himself off from god. It is really he himself that is of a just person. It will have the qualities of
sends himself to hell. God's desire would be to Our Lord's risen body, characterized by:
see all His creatures with Him in his Kingdom

a) Impassability - the risen body will no longer

The Resurrection of the Body be subjected to pain, disease, death, hunger,
thirst, fatigue, sleep, heat or cold. "And god will
wipe away every tear from their eyes. And
death shall be no more, neither shall there be
mourning, nor weeping." (Apoc. 21:4) b)
Brightness - the risen body will shine with great is, but we do know that God is able to provide
radiance and glory. "Then the just will shine for the bodily creatures He has made a
forth like the sun, in the kingdom of splendor to adorn their glorious life in Him.

their Father." (Matt. 13:43) c) Agility - the risen The scriptural expectation of "new heavens
body is enabled to pass with the quickness of and a new earth" seem to suggest that in the
thought to all parts of the universe. age to come the whole renewed universe will
be heaven to those who have loved God and
dwell in His light. The Church in its teaching on
d) Subtility - this quality will enable the risen heaven, however, is not concerned with any
body to penetrate material substances, just like particular theories of space and time. It does
our Lord, Who arose from the tomb and not teach, for example, that all place that are
entered the Cenacle while doors and windows real are part of an indefinitely large space, and
were barred. "What is sown a natural body will that heaven is some finite distance from here.
rise a spiritual body." (1 Cor. 15:44) The nsen It makes no effect to locate heaven. But it
body of the just, united to the soul, will remain teaches that God is real, and life in Him is real,
in heaven forever, to glory in the presence of that the risen Christ is real, and that it is the joy
and in union with God. of His people to be with Him.

The bodies of the damned will also rise, to To enter heaven is to reach the fullness of life
share in the eternal punishment of their souls. for man. Even here, in this present life, we
They will appear hideous and repulsive, share in divine life by faith, hope, and charity.
horrible to behold, and they will remain But our eternal life in time is only a seed, a
condemned in hell forever. Their companions promise, it imperfectly expressed and points us
are other wicked souls and the devils. toward that fullness of life we shall have in
heaven. Then, when faith is no more, because
we shall see God as he is, and when we no
Twelfth Article of faith "I BELIEVE IN THE LIFE longer hope, because the promise of God will
EVERLASTING." be completely fulfilled, and when we love with
a gladness no one will take from us, then we
shall live with the fullness of eternal life for
By "everlasting life", we mean that there will be which Heaven will be a life of interpersonal
another existence after this present life, and it love. Our being will not b we were created
is the just will be happy for all eternity. This is dissolved from its personal autonomy and
heaven - the fulfillment of our hope. individuality into some va divine substance. We
shall remain persons, personally sharing the
intense love of the personal God. Thus,
To enter the kingdom of heaven is not simply scripture speaks often o eternal life under the
to go to a particular place. Heaven is more a image of joyful personal celebration of a
way of being or a state of being, a sharing in banque and often as a wedding feast (cfr. Matt.
the divine life and joy, that is a place. Still, for 22:1-4), and Christ is presen as the
human beatitude, place is not entirely bridegroom. Persons and personal love
irrelevant. Jesus was risen bodily, and where endures forever. (c
His living humanity is, it is good for those who
love Him to be. We do not know where heaven
While we will become like god in the splendor The heavenly reward is given according to the
of His gifts in 1 Cor 13.8) seeing Him and goodness of the life each led here on earth. In
loving him, God remains forever God and we the same measure as we have loved God., He
wi always be His creatures. No shadowy will reward us. However, each will be
pantheism will dilute the joy of eternal thanks completely and supremely happy, because
and gladness before God. each will receive according to the fullness of
his capacity. "There is one glory of man, and
another glory of the moon, and another of the
"The throne of God and of the Lamb of God stars." (1 Cor. 15:41)
shall be in it, and His servants shall worship
Him, they shall see His face, and His name
shall be on their foreheads. And night shall be In the same way, after joining the souls at the
no more, they need no light nor lamp or sun, resurrection, the bodies will differ in brilliancy
for the lord God will be their light, and they shal and beauty as stars differ from one another in
reign forever and ever." (Apoc. 22:3-5) glory, but all will be perfect. Yet, among the
blessed there will be no envy. As St. Francis of
Sales said: "Two children received from their
God is our Happiness mother each a piece of cloth to make a dress.
The smallest child will not envy her biggest
sister who received a bigger piece, but still be
Those who enter heaven will enjoy every quite satisfied with the one that fits her.
manner of blessing but the heart of their joy will
be the possession of God Himself -- Beatific
Vision. "Nevertheless, I am continually with The degree of glory of the blessed in heaven
you, you hold my right hand. You guide me will neither be added to nor diminished for all
with your counsel, and afterward you will eternity. They will remain eternally happy. "And
receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven night shall be no more, and they shall have no
but you? And there is nothing upon earth that I need of light or lamp, or light of sun, for the
desire besides you... But God is the strength of Lord God will shed light upon them; and they
my heart and my portion forever." (Psalm shall reign forever and ever." (Apoc. 22:3-5)

The meaning of the word "AMEN"

Eternal life is possessing God perfectly. No
longer shall we see Him by faith, but we shall
see him "face to face." (1 Cor. 13:12) Those By the word "Amen" with which we end the
who enter eternal life "see the divine essence Apostles' creed, is meant 'so it is' or 'so be it',
intuitively and face to face, with no creature which word expresses our firm belief in all the
acting as a medium of vision for what they see, doctrines that the Creed contains.
but with the divine essence showing itself to
them plainly clearly, and openly, and by so
grasping and rejoicing in the immediately, Our Lord often used the word "Amen,"
present reality of god they are "truly happy and especially as a solemn positive affirmation:
have life and eternal rest." (Pope Benedict XII, "Amen, amen, I say to thee, unless a man be
Const. Benedictus Deus). The Happiness and born I say to you, you shall see heaven
Joys of Heaven opened, and the angels of God again, he
cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3).
"Amen, amen, ascending and descending upon
the Son of Man." (John 1:51).

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