Finals Hezron Q. Tardo

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Final Examination
2 Semester S.Y 2020-2021

Name: Aljane Me A. Nambatac Grade and Section: XII - Pasteur

Subject Teacher: Helga Baes Date: May 19, 2021
“Maturity is when you stop complaining and making excuses, and start making changes. Change
is a matter of choice. “
TEST I. Multiple Choice: Directions: Choose the letter of the choices that you made. Write it
on the space provided for.

_B__ 1) It is an event that represents the permanent caessation of all biological functions that sustain a
living organization
A) Being B) Time C) Death D) Life
_A_ 2) which field of philosophy studies reality?
A) Aesthetics B) Ethics C) Metaphysics D) Epistemology
_A__ 3) What did Socrates, Plato, and Augustine have in common?
A) They all believed in the idea of an immortal soul
B0) they all believed in the category mistake concept
C0 They all wanted to create a philosophy school
D) They all wanted to create a new vision of the world
_C__ 4) All these statements about personal identity are correct EXCEPT:
A) Personal identity is the concept you develop about yourself evolves overtime
B) According to Descartes it is not possible for the mind to exists and persist without the body
C) The concept of persistence refers to our existence across time and how we can prove it
D) Personal identity can change drastically over time depending on life’s events
_C__ 5) Choices and decisions are only physical impulses coming from our brain. This describes
d’Holbachs belief about
A_) Decisions and Actions B) Freedom of speech and awareness
C) Choice and free will D) Religion and freedom of speech
_B__ 6) It is a kind of good that provides pleasure
A) noble good B)pleasurable good C) useful good D)permanently good
_B__ 7) It refers to the social conditions which enables persons and groups to fulfill their goals and
achieve well-being
A) common goal B) common good C) social being D) social condition
_B__ 8) A social relation forms a part of a whole, which is necessary for the operation, maintenance, and
success of every society
A) Systems Theory B) Conflict Theory C) Evolution Theory D) Theory of
_B__9) Who quotes the saying that man is a social animal?
A. Hobbes B. Aristotle C. Plato D. Rousseau
_B__10). What type of society where factories are seen as the center of work.
A. Virtual ‘.B) Industrial C. Agricultural D. None of these
_B__11). Who stated this quotation “man is essentially good thus society as man’s construct is good”
A. Aquinas B. Aristotle C. Plato D. Rousseau
_B__12. What attitude or behavior describes the “I- Thou” relationship?
A. Sarcasm B. Emphatic understanding C. Insult D. Impatience
_A__13. It gives us the opportunity to pursue various activities to achieve our goals and attain well- being
or happiness
A) freedom b) Justice C) opportunity D) appiness
_D__14. Which of the following is the best example of intersubjectivity.
A. Ben has always loved dogs. When his parents let him choose a family pet, he picks a Labrador
puppy from the shelter.
B. When Anna was twelve, her sister told her that pickles are rotten cucumbers. Because of this, Anna
now orders all her burgers without pickles.
C. When Sarah was fifteen, she went exploring in a cave and became trapped. And she is now afraid
of closed spaces.
D. Chonilo was born with vision in only one eye. Because of this, he sometimes has difficulty
perceived depth.

_D__15. The following are the characteristics of the underprivileged, except.

A. Uneducated B. Malnutrition and poor health C. Victims of calamity D. Lack of shelter

B 16. Which of the following signifies authentic dialogue towards accepting other people even if
they are different?
A. A boy sarcastically laughs at his friend after knowing about his flaws.
B. Krishna cried on her knees after learning about the pressing problems of the minorities in
their community.
C. Angie walked past the door old man in disgust.
D. The manager rejected the job application of a person with disability even if he is qualified.
_A__17. It refers to an agreement whereby people accept certain instructions on them for the
benefit of the society.
A. Society B. Culture C. Social contract theory D. Socialization
_B__18. Which of these does not described social system?
A. It composes of individuals formed of groups with common religion and culture
B. It comprises of individuals and institutions interacting within the same structure.
C. All types individuals and social models co-exist and interact within the social system
D. Its culture is developed through simultaneous social interaction
_A__19. A person experiencing an event can be called a/ an _____
A. Subject B. Object C. Inter-subject D. Narrator
_A__20. No human being should become an end to him/herself. We are responsible to our
neighbor as we are two own action, these simply means that people used the;
A. Freedom of choice B. Pleasure plain principle C. Rational thinkers D. Rational
_D__21) Which statement describes freedom of choice?
A. The ability to decide for oneself shows freedom of choice
B) The process of choosing ends when a choice has been made
a) both statement 1 and 2 c) statement 2
b) neither statement 1 nor 2 d) statement 1
_D__ 22) what premise is involved in the freedom of choice regarding other people?
A) Freedom of choice is not applicable when it causes harm to other people
B) Freedom of choice helps in developing a rapport with other people
a) statement 2 b) both statement 1 and 2 c) statement 1 d) neither statement 1
nor 2
_C__ 23) Which of the following statements is true?
A) Freedom of choice has limitations
B) freedom of choice requires prudence
a) statement 2 b) both statements 1 and 2 c) statement 1 d) neither statement 1
nor 2
_A__ 24) Dexter honed his piano skills thrice a week using an advanced piano piece.
Meanwhile, Stephie only practiced once using the same piece. As expected, Dexter performed
better during recital.
● What principle is shown by the scenario?
a) Practice improves performance c) Some people are innately talented
b) All actions have consequences d) Passion is greater than innate talent
_D__25) Krystal chose not attend her Physics class. She decided to watch a movie with her
mother instead.
● What effect may this choice bring her?
a) develop a psychological disorder c) develop a guilt from her decision
b) be punished by her mother d) be unable to understand the next Physics
_B__ 26) How can prudence affect freedom of choice?
a) Using prudence avoids conservation c) Using prudence avoid stress
b) Using prudence avoids harm d) Using prudence prevents negative
_D__27) Which among the following demonstrates freedom of choice for a college student?
a) getting sick from a recent trip abroad b) reading a book
c) watching videos over the on internet
d) deciding between taking the exam or going to a favorite band’s concert
_B__28) Which of the following is NOT a legal form of freedom?
a) freedom of self c)freedom of choice
b) freedom of information d)freedom of expression
_B__ 29) What is the act of making good judgment that allows a person to avoid risk
A) Information b) Prudence
c) Attention d) freedom
_B__ 30) What is the ability to exercise one’s freedom in any manner?
a) freedom of self c) freedom of information
b) freedom of choice d) freedom of expression
_A__ 31) Why do citizens create social contract?
A) To organize society and consent to form a government B) To set up a business deal
C) To elect a president D) To determine what type of economic system a country will adopt
_B__ 32) Man is already involved in the world, I, myself and that which I care for already exists
in the world, is one feature of man known as…
A) Thrownness or Factuality B) Existentiality
C ) Projection D) Fallenness or Forfeiture


TEST II: Is it really Me? 2 points each
Direction: Write YES if the statement truly describes the term or name and rewrite the name on
the space provided for... Write NO if it doesn’t then write the CORRECT TERM or NAME after
the word YOU ARE/I AM

Friedrich Nietzsche, on his Face of the Other stated that whenever

we deal with someone, we use the values and beliefs that we
inherited from our society and used them as a basis in relating with
others?Is it really him?

___YES__I am _Friedrich Nietzsche

“ I am Jorgens Habermas who claimed that the universal validity on

truthfulness pertains to the acceptable tone and pitch of voice and
expressions. Is it really ?
__YES_ _ ___, It is Jurgen Habermas

Michael Foucault identifies three major disciplinary discourses that shape

us the way we are- in the society namely: Sciences, Technology of the self
and dividing practices “, Is it really me?

_YES__, You are Michel Foucault

“ I am Immanuel Kant , who define social freedom as being with oneself in

another” Is it really me?

__NO ___, You are, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

My name is written in Philosophy books as Anthony Giddens who said that

society is a system of interrelationships that connects individual together. Is it
really me ?
_NO___, You are Karl Marx

Hi, I am Jean Jacques Rousseau, who said that looking at the main problem of
human society in my time is that human life in the modern age lies on the
mode of the I-It Relation,’ Is it really me?

__NO_ __, You are, Martin Buber

TEST III: Certainly, you are going to describe the uncertain

Hello… On this item, you are going to describe/ discuss on the concepts that are being presented below. Use
only common words to avoid misunderstanding. You will be grade according to the rubric .

QUALITY OF INFORMATION -------3 (clearly relate to the main concept, info)

CRITICAL THINKING-------------------2(process through about the concept)

1) Look for an indigenous material that is available in your neighborhood or community

that best describe on how are you going to define the word Freedom and write a short
explanation why you choose such mate

The Coconut tree has numerous utilizations and I can relate this to opportunity for the
explanation that a coconut palm can't be ruined by a measly tempest and still be lovely
after the downpour where actually like opportunity it can do what it normally can, and it
can't be forestalled by different powers such that a coconut tree will consistently be a
coconut tree. Also, opportunity is doing what is useful for others very much like coconut, it
assists all ventures with developing its uses and helps those ranchers live appropriately.

2) Jean Paul Sartre famous line “existence precedes essence”

It was October 1945 when Sartre articulated the words "presence goes before
quintessence" and along these lines made the expression for existentialism. It
implies that man exists, turns up, shows up on the scene and just a short time later
characterizes himself. Sartre's view expresses that there must take care of business
before there is a justification man or reason, that man picks his motivation and life
so before his reality there is no life.

3) Martin’s Buber, I – Thou, I- It relationship

Buber clarifies that people are characterized by two-word sets: I–It and I–Thou. The
"It" of I–It alludes to the universe of involvement and sensation. The I – Thou
relationship is described by commonality, unequivocal quality, presentence, power,
and unutterability. Buber portrayed that between as a strong jump into the
experience of the other while at the same time being straightforward, present and

4) How does the reality of death define our lives? What shall I do before I die? What makes
me happy?

Passing is the body's actual devotion to life, to adore, and with the real world. To
pass on is important, in life's helpless revelry however it isn't right and genuine
except if it is ordered from the inclination heart. Passing isn't inverse of life yet the
partner to birth. In life I need to excuse and be pardoned by individuals who
trespassed me and who I trespassed, I need to help and carry out beneficial things
for individuals to recall about me after my demise, bond with my loved ones
particularly my family, lastly I need that toward the finish of my life I need to
recollect that some time ago I carried on with a decent life. Having an object is a glad
life since it guides you to settle on right choices, impact practices, shape objectives,
offers an internal compass and make meaning.

“Only he who knows is virtuous” …Friedrich Nietzsche

Parents Signature: _________________________

Date: May 19, 2021

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