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Directorate of Education

Punjab Workers Welfare Board


Unit#1 Classification of Computer

Answer the following questions.
Q#1. Which are three major types of computer on the basis of construction?
Ans. 1- Digital Computer
2-Analog Computer
3-Hybrid Computer
Q#2. Define Analog computer.
Ans. Analog Computer is a computing device that works on continuous range of values. It deals with physical
variables, such as voltage, pressure, temperature, speed etc.
Q#3. How does a digital computer works?
Ans. Digital computer operates on digital data such as numbers. It uses binary number system 0 and 1.It
deals with Digital watches, Digital calculator, etc
Q#4. Write one of the most widespread uses of Hybrid Computers?
Ans. Hybrid computer combines the desirable features of analog and digital computers. It is mostly used for
automatic operations of complicated physical processes and machines.
Q#5. How many types of computer on the basis of Configurations?
Ans. 1-Micro Computers
2-Mini Computers
3-Mainframe Computers
4-Super Computers
Q#6. How is Super Computer different from Mainframe Computer?
Ans. Main frame Computers are used in large business, Government agencies and in big hospitals.
Q#7 .Write a short note on Microcomputer.

Ans.These are used in Homes, Schools, Offices and Banks. These are less expansive. These are also called PC.
Fill in the blanks.
1-A digital computer uses ___________ digits.
2-Digital watches and calculator are example________________
3-All operations in an Analog computer are performed in_____________
4-Mini computers come into existence in_____________
5-The IBM’s first microcomputer was designed in_________________.
Answers (1) Binary (2) Digital computer (3) parallel (4) 1971(5) 1981

Tick the correct Option.

1-Which type of computer based on their operation.
a. Analog b. mini c. micro d. super

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2-Which type of computer is based on only 0 and 1 digits.

a. Analog b. digital c. hybrid d. none of these
3-Which type of computer is bigger than minicomputers
a. Supercomputer b. mainframe c. hybrid d. analog
4-Speedometer of a car is an example of________device.
a. Digital b. analog c. hybrid d. minicomputers
5-__________ is also known as personal computers.
a. Microcomputer b. supercomputer c. Mainframe computer d .Minicomputer
6-_________is a mobile phone built on a mobile OS.
a. Tablet b. laptop c. smart phone d. personal
7-____________ is types of computers that are commonly used these days in homes, schools, offices etc.
a. Mainframe computer b. supercomputer c. microcomputer d. Hybrid
Answers.(1) Analog (2) digital (3)super computer (4)analog (5)microcomputer(6)smart phone (7) micro

Punjab Workers Welfare Board

Unit #2 Computer Hardware and Software

Answer the following questions.
Q#1. Define Computer System.
Ans. A system is a collection of elements or components that are organized for a common purpose.
Q#2. How many Basic Elements of a Computer System?
Ans.There are two basic elements of a computer system
Q#3.What is Software?
Ans .A set of instructions given to the computer to perform specific tasks.
For example Microsoft office
Q#4.Write names of Software.
Ans.Operating System, Spread sheet, Ms Word
Q#5. What is Hardware?
Ans.Hardware is the physical parts of computer that can be seen and touched.
Q#6.Write the names of computer hardware?
Ans.keyboard, mouse, monitor
Q#7.How many types of software have?
Ans. 1.Application Software
2. System Software
Q#8. Define the Application Software?
Ans. Application Software is a type of computer program that perform a specific personal, educational, and
business function.
Q#9.Define System Software.
Ans.System Software is Software that can control and work with computer hardware.
Q#10. Define Operating System.
Ans. Operating System (OS) is software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common
services for computer programs.
Examples: Microsoft Windows

Fill in the blanks.

1-A computer system consist of ____________ elements.
2-Computer hardware is what you can _______ and touched.
3-Software is the set of _____________ of a computer.

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4-Operating System is an example__________

5-Motherboard is an example of___________
Answers. (1) Two (2) seen (3) Instructions (4) Software (5) Hardware

Tick the correct Option

1-Hardware is a __________ part of computer which can be seen and touched.
a. Physical b. Software c. replace d.MS WORD
2- Which Operating System is different from others?
a. Windows 7 b.DOS c. Window NT d. Window XP
3-__________is the basic function of Operating System.
a .Managing programs b. booting the system c. file management d. all of these
4-which one is the type of application software?
a. Entertainment software b. productivity software
c. education software d. all of these
5-Which one is the type of system software?
a. DBMS b. utility programs c. operating system d. device driver
6-Computer program is
a. Software b. hardware c. both d. None of these
7-Many components are combined to make a _______________.
a. Mouse b. Computer c.LCD d. Monitor
8-A computer System consist of ______________ elements.
a.1 b.3 c.4 d.2

Answers.(1)physical(2)DOS(3)all of these(4)all of these(5)device driver(6)software(7)computer(8)2

Punjab Workers Welfare Board

Unit #3 Computer Memory

Answer the following questions
Q#1 .What is computer memory?
Ans.Computer memory is the storage space in computer where data is to be processed and stored.
Q#2. What are the types of memory?
Ans. 1. Primary Memory
2. Secondary Memory
Q#3. Write the names of Primary Storage.
Ans. 1-RAM
Q#4. Write the names of Secondary Storage.
Ans. 1-ROM
2-Flash Memory
3-Hard disk
Q#5 .What is the Difference between RAM and ROM?
Ans. RAM:
Random Access Memory Refers to memory chip stores data temporary.
RAM is volatile Memory data is lost when the power is switched off.
Read Only Memory refers to memory chip stores data permanently.
ROM is Non –Volatile data is not lost when the power is switched off.
Q#6.What is hard disk?
Ans. Hard Disk Drive has a very large storage capacity. All the programs like windows, paint etc. required for
working on a computer are stored on its hard disk.
Q#7. Define Byte.
Ans .A byte is a group of 8 bits.
Q#8. Write a note on storage device.
Ans. Storage devices are used to store data and information
Examples of storage devices are
Hard disk, Compact disk, pen drive etc
Q#9.What is the difference between CD and DVD?
Ans. CD or Compact Disk is an optical medium that can store digital data while a DVD or Digital Versatile Disk
can hold 4.7 GB of data. So DVD is widely used to store large files like video and movies.

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Q#10. What is PEN DRIVE?

Ans. A Pen Drive is a small portable device which can store large amount of data.

Fill in the Blanks.

1-A memory is just like_____________
2-The performance of computer depends upon the ________ of memory.
3-Volatile memory is also called_________ memory.
4-_______________ stands for Read Only Memory.
5-Flash memory is a type of memory that can be ____________ or _________.
Answers.(1) Brain (2)size (3) Primary (4) ROM (5) erased ,re written
Tick the correct option.
1-How many bits make a byte?
a.4 b.8 c.16 d.24
2-Which one has the greatest storage capacity?
a. Floppy disk b. DVD c. Pen drive d.CD
3-ROM is the ______________ memory.
a. Volatile b. Non-Volatile c. none of these d. a, b both
4-RAM is the_________________ memory.
a. Volatile b. Non-Volatile c. none of these d. a, b both
5-__________ has a very large storage capacity.
a. Hard Disk b.CD c. Floppy Disk d. none of these
6-Hard disk is put inside the ______________ box.
a.UPS b. System Unit c. Monitor d. none of these
7-0’s and 1’s are called ____________ digits.
a. double b. binary c. unique d. none of these
8-Which one is the greatest among the following?
a.1 Kilobyte b. 1Megabyte c.1 Giga byte d.1 byte
9- A DVD can store data____________
a.700 MB b. 1.44 MB c.32 GB d.4.7 GB
10- A CD can store data__________
a.700 MB b. 1.44 MB c.32 GB d.4.7 GB
Answer.(1)8(2)Pen drive (3)Non-volatile(4)Volatile (5)Hard disk (6) System Unit (7) binary (8)Gigabyte
(9) 4.7 GB (10) 700 MB

Punjab Workers Welfare Board

Unit #4 Input and Output devices

Answer the Following Questions.
Q#1.What are Input devices?
Ans. Input devices are used to enter data into the computer.
Keyboard, Mouse, joystick etc
Q#2. What are Output devices?
Ans. The devices which show output are called Output devices.
Monitor, Printer etc
Q#3. What is CPU? Explain its components.
Ans.CPU is the brain of the computer where processing take place.
It consist of three parts
1.ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
2.MU(Memory Unit)
3.CU(Control Unit)
Q#4. What is Scanner? Also name the two types of scanner.
Ans. Scanner is an Input device which is reads and scan text and pictures given on the paper into computer.
There are two types of scanner
1-Flat bed Scanner
2-Hand-held Scanner
Q#5.What is a light pen?
Ans .A light pen is a pen shaped pointing device. Light pen is used to draw pictures on the screen.
Q#6. What is Printer?
Ans. Printer is an Output device which is used to print text and pictures on the paper.
Q#7.How many broad types of printers.
Ans. There are two types of printers.
1-Impact Printers
2-Non –Impact printers
Q#8 .What is Monitor? How many types of Monitors.
Ans. Monitor is an output device. There are two basic types of monitors
1-CRT Monitors
2-LCD Monitors
Tick the correct option.
1-____________ is used to record sound into the computer.
a. Telephone b. Microphone c. Scanner d. Printer
Punjab Workers Welfare Board

2-________is a pointing device

a. Mouse b. Monitor c. speaker d. Printer
3-__________is a sequence of black lines on white background.
a. Unicode b. Barcode c. Carcode d. bookcode
4-Which of the following is not an input device?
a. System Unit b. Keyboard c. Mouse d. Scanner
5._____________is an output device .It gives output on the paper.
a. Scanner b. Monitor c. Modem d. Printer
6. The _________ is used to store data and instructions and information temporarily.
a. ALU b.MU c.CU d. none of these
7._________is a pen shaped device.
a. Joystick b. mouse c. barcode reader d. light pen
8.There are__________types of monitor.
a.1 b.2 c.3 d.4
9.There are_________broad_types of printers.
a.4 b.3 c.2 d.1
Answers (1)Microphone(2)Mouse(3)Barcode(4)system unit(5)printer (6)MU(7)light pen

Punjab Workers Welfare Board

Unit #5 Introduction to Microsoft Windows

Answer the following questions.
Q#1. Define Microsoft Windows?
Ans. Microsoft Window is one of the most popular Operating System for personal computers.
It was developed by Microsoft Company.
Q#2. What is start button?
Ans. Start Button, in the bottom left corner, is for opening new Programs.
Q#3. Define desktop?
Ans. The main screen of window is called desktop. It contains icons of files, folders and shortcuts of
Q#4. Write the names of some icons present on desktop?
Ans. 1-My Computer
2-My documents
3-Recycle Bin
4-Internet Explorer
Q#5. Why do we use start menu?
Ans. Start menu is the feature of windows operating System that provides quick Access to programs, folders
and system settings.
Q#6. Define taskbar?
Ans. Taskbar is placed at the bottom of the screen.
Q#7.Why we use Run option in windows?
Ans .We can run any program directly from this option.
Q#8. How many ways are there to open a program in windows?
Ans. 1. From Desktop
2-From Start menu
3-From Run Command
Q#9.What is Icon?
Ans. The small pictures on the desktop are called icons.
Tick the correct option
1-The first program that is installed on computer is called__________
a. Operating System b. Ms Word c. Internet explorer d. Ms Excel
2-First screen that appears after loading windows is called____________
a. Taskbar b. Documents c. Desktop d. none of these

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3-________is a little picture representing a program, a file or a folder.

a. Drive b. Icon c. Dialog box d. Taskbar
4-_________acts like a dustbin of the computer.
a. Files b. Recycle bin c. Windows d. Icon
5. MS Window is an_____________System.
a. Operation b. Operating c. Word processing d. database
6. In windows, start button is used to__________
a. Run application b. Device setting c. Turn off the system d. All of above
7. The date and time displays on__________
a. Task bar b. Status bar c. System bar d. Launch pad
Answers.(1)Operating System(2) Desktop(3)Icon(4)Recycle bin(5)Operating(6)All of above(7)Taskbar

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