Science 4th

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Unit Number 1

Questions and Answers

Q 1: - Write any four characteristics of living things?

Ans: - (i) Living things use food to remain alive.

(ii) Living thing breaths.

(iii) Living thing can grow.

(iv) Living thing can sense.

Q 2: - Write any three differences between plants and animals?

Ans: - Plants Animals

1. Usually green in colour. 1. Different in colour.

2. Make their own food. 2. Do not make their own food.

3. Plants can not move easily from one place to 3. Animal can move from one place to
other. another.

Q 3:- Differences between vertebrates and invertebrates?

Ans: - Vertebrates Invertebrates

Animals have backbone are called Animals have no backbone are called
vertebrates. invertebrates.

For example: - fish, frog, cat etc. For Example: - Starfish, Frog, Cockroach etc

Q 4: - Write the types of teeth and their functions?

Ans: - Name Functions

Incisor Biting and cutting food.

Canine Piercing food and tearing food.

Premolar Chewing and grinding food.

Molar Chewing and grinding food.

Q 5: - What functions do bone and muscles perform together?

Ans: - Muscles work with bones and joints to help you move hands, arms, feet and legs.
Q 6: - Describe the functions of lungs and heart?

Ans: - Lungs: - We respire through lungs.

Heart: - The function of heart is to pump blood all over the body.

Unit Number 2
Q 1: - Define environment?

Ans: - All the living and non-living things around us are called environment.

Our environment consists of living and non-living components.

Q 2: - Write the names of three biotic components of an ecosystem?

Ans: - (i) Animals (ii) Plants (iii) Decomposer

Q 3: - Write the name of three a biotic component of an ecosystem?

Ans: - (i) Air (ii) Soil (iii) Water

Q 4: - Draw a simple food chain?

Ans: - Plants Rat Owl

Q 5: - Write two human activities which are affecting the ecosystem?

Ans: - (i) Increase in pollution. (ii) Cutting of forest.

Q 6: - If the food resources are increased what will be the effect on the population of predator?

Ans: - The population of predator will be increase.

Unit Number 3
Q 1: - Write three reasons for falling sick?

Ans: - There may be many causes of a disease.

For example: - Germs, scarcity of food and air pollution etc.

Q 2: - Differentiate between contagious and non-contagious disease?

Ans: - Contagious: - The disease which can be transmitted from one to another is called

contagious disease. For example: flu, covid-19 etc.

Non-contagious:- The disease which cannot be transmitted from one person to another is

called non-contagious. For example: Cancer, Typhoid.

Q 3: - What is the benefit of coughing?

Ans: - It helps to care our throat and air ways from germs, mucus and dust.
Q 4: - Who does vaccination save us from contacting a disease?

Ans: - It is the method of treatment in which the weak or killed germs of a disease are injected into
the body. The body produces antibodies against the weak or killed germs. These antibodies
remain in body to fight the germs.

Q 5: - What is meant by balanced diet?

Ans: - The diet which contains all types of food in proper quantity is called balanced diet. e.g. milk
cereals, meat, vegetable and fruit.

Unit Number 4
Q 1: - Define matter and write the name of its state?

Ans: - Definition: - Everything which has mass and occupies space is called matter. Matter occurs in
three states.

(i) Solid (ii) Liquid (iii) Gas

Q 2: - Different between solid and liquid?

Ans: - Solid: - Solids have definite shape and volume. e.g. table, pen and chair etc.

Liquid: - Liquids have definite volume but not definite shape. e.g. water, milk etc.

Q 3: - Which state of matter has lowest density?

Ans: - Gas. Gas state of matter has lowest density.

Q 4: - State arrangement particles in solids?

Ans: - In solids the particles are strongly attached to each other.

Q 5: - Why are cooking utensils made of metals?

Ans: - Cooking utensils are made of metals because they are good conductor of heat.

Unit Number 5
Q 1: - Can light, sound and heat travel through in space?

Ans: - Light can travel through space but sound and heat cannot travel through space.

Q 2:- If sound cannot travel through space how do the astronauts talk with each other?

Ans: - Astronauts have special instrument in their helmet which helps them to transmit sound waves
through radio.

Q 3: - How do we sense the buzzing of a mosquito?

Ans: - Mosquito wings their wings so quickly that it creates the buzz near our ears so we can hear easily.
Q 4: - Into which two forms is the electrical energy transformed in a television?

Ans: - Electrical energy is transform into sound energy and light energy.

Q 5: - Who can we see a rainbow?

Ans: - When the sunlight passes through water droplets they divide into seven colours this is called

Unit Number 6
Q 1: - How a force and motion related? Explain.

Ans: - Force is used to move or stop the body. Force can also change the direction of motion.

Q 2: - What is mean by gravity on which object does it act?

Ans: - The force with by which earth pulls bodies toward itself is called gravity. It acts on all the things
thrown upwards.

Q 3: - Define friction in which direction does it act?

Ans: - Friction is a force which stops or tends to stop moving object. It always act against the direction
of movement.

Q 4: - What is a machine and how does it work for us?

Ans: - Everything that makes our work easier is called a machine. The machine makes our work easier
by changing the amount and direction of force.

Q 5: - Why cannot we walk easily on ice?

Ans: - We cannot walk easily on ice because there is less friction on ice.

Unit Number 7
Q 1: - What are fossils? About which organisms do they provide information?

Ans: - The remains of the organisms that do not exist in this world now but they were present many
years ago are called fossils. They give all the information about those organisms

Q 2: - Why are forests called renewable resources?

Ans: - Forests are called renewable resources because we can grow forest again.

Q 3: - Who does water reach areas and lakes?

Ans: - The snow falling on mountains melts and become water. This water flows into river and lakes
and finally falls into ocean.
Q 4: - Describe any two advantages and disadvantages of deforestation?

Ans: - Advantages: - (i) We can use wood for fuel and making things from wood.

(ii) Empty land is used to establish cities.

Disadvantages: - (i) Forests give us a lot of oxygen so by cutting of forests we will not get oxygen.

(ii) Deforestation has a great effect on climate.

Q 5: - Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable resources?

Ans: - Renewable resources Non-renewable resources

The resources which can be replaced after The resources which are not replaced again
use are called renewable resources. e.g. and again are called non-renewable
soil, air, forests etc. resources. e.g caol, petrol, diesel etc.

Unit Number 8
Q 1: - Differentiate between weather and climate?

Ans: - Weather: - The temporary change in the condition of environment is called weather.

Climate: - The general weather condition of a region is called its climate.

Q 2: - What is relation between climate and the height of the sea level?

Ans: - The rise of height from the sea level the climate because cooler.

Q 3: - Who does climate change with distance from the equator.

Ans: - As we move away from the equator the climate become less hot.

Q 4: - Why is the climate of polar zone is cold?

Ans: - The sun rays fall slanted so the climate is coldest.

Q 5: - In which zone in our country located on the basic of the climate?

Ans: - Pakistan is located in temperate zone. The climate is characterized by hot summer and cool to
coldest winter.

Unit Number 9
Q 1: - Why can we see only one side of moon? Explain.

Ans: - We can see only one side of moon because of rotational movement of moon. It keep one side
towards Earth at a time.

Q 2: - If there were no tilt in the earth axis how would it have affected the seasons?

Ans: - If there were no tilts in the earth's axis there would be no season.
Q 3: - Why it is winter on the Northern hemisphere then what will be the season in Southern

Ans: - It will be summer in Southern hemisphere?

Q 4: - What planet coolest to the sun?

Ans: - Mercury is coolest to the sun.

Q 5: - Why is the solar eclipse usually partial?

Ans: - Partial solar eclipses happen when the moon comes between sun and earth but the moon only
partial cover the sun disc.

Unit Number 10
Q 1: - What is the difference between cone and a prism?

Ans: - Prism: - It is a polyhedron with parallel ends and a prism.

Cone: - A cone is a surface of revolution formed by rotating a segment of a line around

another line that intersects the first line.

Q 2: - Can an envelope be made from a square shaped paper? Explain.

Ans: - Activity 10.5 page number 120.

Q 3: - Why a line is drawn a paper before cutting it with scissor?

Ans: - A line is a drawn to pot the scissor at right angle to the paper

Q 4: - Why is a clinical thermometer give jerks a few time before using it?

Ans: - Jerk with allow the Mercury flow into the bulb above kink which will make Mercury level below
normal temperature.

Q 5: - Why can any soil not are used to make a model?

Ans: - Because all types of soils particles are not suitable for making model due to their particle size.

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