SPM Assn 3

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Table of Contents
1.0. Preamble ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2.0. Quality Control Tasks for the Project ............................................................................................... 4 2.1. Software Quality Assurance and It's Activities............................................................................. 4 2.2. Quality Assurance and its Deliverables ........................................................................................ 6 2.2.1. Quality Plan of the Project .................................................................................................... 7 2.2.2. Quality Target of the Deliverables ........................................................................................ 7 2.2.3. Quality Assurance Audit ........................................................................................................ 8 2.3. Quality Control ............................................................................................................................. 9 2.3.1. 2.3.2. 2.3.3. Reviews ........................................................................................................................... 9 Inspections ...................................................................................................................... 9 Quality Control Tests:.................................................................................................... 10

2.3.4. Quality Control Task and Deliverables ................................................................................ 11 3.0. Time Plan........................................................................................................................................ 13 3.1. Strategy for Reducing Time Scale of this Project ....................................................................... 13 3.1.1. Scheduling Principles .......................................................................................................... 13 3.1.2. People Work Relationship ................................................................................................ 14 3.1.3. Fast tracking ........................................................................................................................ 15 3.1.4. Outsourcing ......................................................................................................................... 15 3.1.5. Increasing Resources of the Project .................................................................................... 15 3.2. Defining Tasks Sets ..................................................................................................................... 15 3.3. Software Engineering Model to be Used by Opus Ltd for Developing the Project ................... 16 3.3.1. 3.3.2. 3.3.3. 3.3.4. Planning......................................................................................................................... 17 Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 17 Engineering ................................................................................................................... 17 Customer Evaluation ..................................................................................................... 17

3.5. Project Timeline and Stages ....................................................................................................... 17 3.5.2. Task/Time Allocation Table ................................................................................................. 19 3.5.3. Gantt Chart.......................................................................................................................... 21 4.0. Recommendation and Conclusion ................................................................................................. 22 4.1. Recommendation ....................................................................................................................... 22 4.1.1. Justification for the Recommendations .............................................................................. 23

Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

4.2. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 27 References ............................................................................................................................................ 28

Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011



After completing the first and second part of this assignment as a group, the third part of it is an individual where I will be working on project plan and quality control in regards to property rental system. I am to come up with a plan on scheduling the project so that it can be completed within eight (8) months as it is initially estimated to be completed. I am also to take care of any risk that may rise during the task so that it will not make the project to be fall behind schedule. After working on quality assurance and project plan, it is also my responsibility in this project to come up with recommendations regarding to the project on how it will be scheduled, cost estimate as well as risk management.

Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

2.0. Quality Control Tasks for the Project There are two important aspects to consider when talking about software quality, these are i. ii. Quality Assurance Quality Control

In this project the aims Opus Ltd is satisfy their customer prior to making decision on developing the Property Rental System. The Opus Ltd has to deal with the two quality concepts mentioned above as described below: 2.1. Software Quality Assurance and It's Activities Software Quality Assurance is a process that ensure that the criterion, methods and procedures are correctly implemented and are appropriate for a given project (Clarification of the definitions of SQA and SQC). In other way, Software Quality Assurance is a practice that is design for the purpose of evaluating and documenting the quality of software/product at each stage of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) thereby ensuring the productivity of good quality product according to initial requirements and standards (Software Quality Assurance Plan , 2006). This Software Quality Assurance Plan aimed at defining the skills, procedures and methodology that is to be used by Opus Ltd so as to guarantee the production of quality product to customer by meeting specified requirement inside the resources of the project. Quality Assurance comprises of testing scheme, technical reviews, efficient development practice, control of changes made during the software development, measurement and reporting mechanism, procedures to couple with compliance as well as reporting mechanism. This activity is to be conducted by project manager, users and any other individual who get involved in the SQA team. SQA activities dealt with standards and processes of the project. At this junction the Opus Ltd should put into consideration the activities of software quality assurance that is to be employed during the development of Property Rental System. The common processes used in evaluating the quality of software will be discussing in this portion. The procedures employed here are:

Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.

Define Objectives Understand Customer Need System Design Pilot Testing Process Development Start Manufacturing Maintenance

All of the above activities will be put into proper consideration by Opus Ltd so as to achieve the objectives of the project. The Software Quality Assurance activities used for this assignment is according to (A project of Storage Mart Self Storage Provider., 2011) 2.1.1. Defining Objectives As a first step of quality assurance, the responsibility here is to define project requirements. This is achieved by understanding and documenting the project needs and its goals base on quality standard and user requirements. 2.1.2. Understanding Customer Needs This step involved getting the needs of the customer clearly. The Opus Ltd is to fully understand customer needs and make proper documentation so that it will be available any time it is needed by any personnel among the project team. 2.1.3. System Design This step involved the designing of the system based on objectives and customer needs of the project thereby keeping the project goals. 2.1.4. Pilot Testing This step involved process of checking the project standards and requirement together with regulatory associated to it. The designed system is to be tested to assure that it meets its intended goals. Once everything is found satisfactory the project will then proceed to next activity. 2.1.5. Process Development In this phase after successful design of the system, Opus Ltd is come up with the following:

Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

i. ii. iii.

Tasks and activities required for the development of the system have to be listed Develop plan for workflow Teams have to be form there by assigning specific responsibilities to each of the teams.


Specify the timeline for each of the tasks

All these are to put in place so as to ensure that processes should meet the project requirement as well as coming up with quality standards software. 2.1.6. Start Manufacturing This is to be done after developing and putting in control on the processes which will be achieve by using effective analysis and process failure mode tools in order to: i. Identify expected form of failure on the project and its effect on the system performance ii. iii. Initiate action for high risks entry Plan audit for timely performance measurement

2.1.7. Maintenance This step deals with quality monitoring via audits and inspection during the system lifecycle. Opus Ltd is to put this in place so as to: i. ii. iii. Gain complaints from customer if any Improve process and product design Serve as means of improvement and correction to various processes and product. Opus Ltd should adapt to all the described quality assurance activities so as to ensure that the customer get quality product at the end of the project. 2.2. Quality Assurance and its Deliverables Deliverable is a tangible or intangible product issued to the user internally or externally. This could be a report, document or working system. The project must adhere to customer objectives in order to achieve quality deliverables. The deliverables of Property Rental System are:

Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x.

Project Initial Plan Requirement Specification Project Cost, Time and Effort Estimation Analysis Documentation Prototype of the System System Design Specification Source code Test plan and Result Final Product User Manual

2.2.1. Quality Plan of the Project Opus Ltd limited is to make a proper plan on project deliverables in their aim come up with quality product that will satisfy their customer. The following steps are considered in order to achieve this: i. Identify the Quality Target: In this activity each of the deliverables is to be indentified thereby specifying its quality standards. ii. Produce Quality Assurance Plan: Prior to identifying the quality target, the quality plan will be used to ensure the satisfaction of customer on the deliverables. iii. Produce Quality Control Task: In this phase, I am to come up with plan for quality assurance and control during the execution of the program. This plan is use in managing and examining the processes for developing the project deliverables. 2.2.2. Quality Target of the Deliverables Deliverables Quality Standards and Criteria Breakdown the identified structure Project Initial Plan Defined all necessary information clearly Plan project schedule Identify the quality plan Identify use requirements

Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

Requirement Specification

Identify the required business approach Refine the requirement

Cost, Effort and Time Estimation

To be used with standards methods of estimation such Function Point, LOC or COCOMO

Analysis Documentation

Comprehensive analysis of the requirement Documenting the analysis result

Prototype of the System

The prototype to comprise all the required business process The design is to couple with the software that will

Design Specification

conform with the Property Rental System Used of standard tools during the process Code to be written competently

Source Code

The source code to have less bugs as possible Modular ways of programming to be used

Test Plan and Result

Use of various testing method Prepare test plan so as to discover error

Final Product User Manual

Produce working system with full user requirement Clear and Comprehensive

2.2.3. Quality Assurance Audit In order to compliance with requirement of Property Rental System, the quality assurance deliverables has to be review. This is to ensure that the work is going in hand with the customer requirement, the auditing is to cover both internal and external deliverables of the software. Scheduled Audit In this case, audit is to be performing upon the completion of each phase, individual responsible for deliverables production will be asked to discuss on the report of the audit. Unscheduled Audit In order to ensure the genuinely of actions agreed to be followed at the time of schedule audit, random and uninformed audit is to be performed and the result of deliverables is to be discuss with the individual responsible for producing it.

Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011 Audit Report Audit reports and suggested corrective actions produce by SQA will be brought to the focus of individual responsible for producing the software deliverables and recommend corrective actions and review with the individual as well as documenting the result of the audit of the SQA. 2.3. Quality Control Software Quality Control is a techniques that ensure that the software project go behind its criterion, methods and procedures in order to produce required deliverables both from developers and customer side (Clarification of the definitions of SQA and SQC). This aspect comprises of a series of reviews, inspections and tests that is to be employed by Opus Ltd in the project. 2.3.1. Reviews This is to be achieving by examining the work product for any fault by an individuals rather than the person who create it. A work product is a term giving to any created deliverables during the development life cycle through requirement, design, coding and or testing phase (Siva, 2003). Review will help the Opus Ltd in detecting faults and to ensure that the project adhere to standards and specifications. 2.3.2. Inspections Inspection is a process of detecting and rectifying problems associated with software project so as to prevent their defect to final result of a project (Siva, 2003). Software inspections is to be performed so as to assure the quality of the product that is to be developed by Opus Ltd. The people responsible for performing the inspection are: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Moderator Recorder Reviewer Reader Producer

Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

Each of the people among the inspection team has his own role to play independence of another. Opus Ltd is to assigned dedicated people to carry out the task of inspection being the important part of the quality control in its aim to achieving quality product. The responsibilities of each person in the inspection team are: i. Moderator: The role of moderator is to ensure that the inspections methodology is performed during the inspection procedures. ii. Recorder: Recorder is responsible for documenting any fault resulting from the inspection. Each and every fault will be assigned a fault category and type. iii. Reviewer: This comprises all of the inspections team prior to their individual responsibilities assigned for the purpose of analyzing and detecting any fault within the project. iv. Reader: Reader is like the leader of the inspection meeting, this is by reading loud particular documenting gathered for the purpose of inspections. v. Producer: The personnel here will be responsible for update that may result in the project. 2.3.3. Quality Control Tests: Several testing is to be carried out by Opus Ltd so as to have bug free product at end. Below is the testing strategy that is to be practiced in this project. Unit Test Integration Test

System Test Figure 1: Testing Strategy

Validation Test

Unit Test: In this module individual code has to be tested in order to check for error and to assure that each unit code performs it intended functions by producing correct outcome and data.


Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

Integration Test: Integration testing comprise of two parts, the first phase is to test the ability of software. It will be used to solve the functions conflict between hardware and software and each unit is to be tested as a black box. The second part of is to bring together more than one module to check the specified standards. It involves interfacing the software with the engineering version of hardware so as to evaluate their performance among various operational functions. This will help to identify as well as to rectify deficiencies between the software and hardware. System Testing: This is to begin after integrating the software and hardware for various functions and operation. Its purpose is to assure the operational performance between hardware and software. Until the hardware platform has no longer stress testing the phase will complete. Validation Test: This phase will be carried out to make sure that hardware and software performs their intended functions according to customer requirement.

2.3.4. Quality Control Task and Deliverables Deliverables Quality Control Task Documentation Review Project Initial Plan Review of Initial Plan Deliverable Review Requirement Specification Documentation Review Requirement Review Deliverable Review Cost, Effort and Time Documentation Review Cost-Time- Estimate Review

Frequency To be conducted after initial plan is completed To be conducted at the end of this stage Conducted after the requirements is complete. After the requirements is completely documented. To conducted at the end of this stage. Once Once To be conduct at the end.


Analysis Documentation

Deliverable Review Documentation Review Analysis Review

Regularly To be conducted after documenting analysis phase To be conducted at the end of this phase


Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

Peer Review Prototype of the System Deliverable Review Prototype Review Deliverable Review Design Specification Documentation Review Design Review Peer review Walkthrough Code Documentation Review Source code Review Deliverable review Peer review Documentation Review Test Plan and Test Result Testing

Regularly Weekly To be Conducted at the end of this phase Weekly After documenting the design To be conducted at the end of this Regularly Weekly After documenting the code At the end of this phase. Weekly Regularly Once for each i.e. test plan and test result Regularly

Test plan and test result To be conducted at the end of this phase Review Final Product Deliverable Review To be conducted when the system is complete before delivering to customer Final documentation.

User Manual

Documentation Review


Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

3.0. Time Plan 3.1. Strategy for Reducing Time Scale of this Project On my effort to come up with a plan towards completing the project of Property Rental System within or before eight (8) month(s). I will be discussing on how to carry out the tasks associated with the project in order to meet the delivery date line and at the same time to couple with the risks that may rise during the process. The criteria for planning the project schedule will described in this report so as to put the Opus Ltd into way of achieving the objectives of the customer. 3.1.1. Scheduling Principles Software project scheduling refers to set of engineering tasks that put in place to meet the project delivery deadline (Software Engineering and Research Method) For this project a Gantt Chart is to be created that will contain all the activities associated with the project there by assigning responsibilities for each of the task in the Gantt chart so that to know the start and end date for each task. This is because the project will be difficult to carry out without schedule most especially a larger project that involved interdependence tasks. The following scheduling principles are to be employed by Opus Ltd for developing Property Rental System in accordance to its associated criteria. Departmentalization Interdependency Time Allocation Effort Validation Responsibilities Outcome Milestone

The description of each of these principles is as follows i. Departmentalization In this principle the project is to be divided into controllable tasks and actions.

Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011


Interdependency Because it is common that some tasks depend upon another while other stand independent a relationship is to be organized among the tasks.


Time Allocation Each activity here is to be allocated its own time possibly by assigning start and end date.


Effort Validation The project must have number to personnel or staff to be participated on.


Responsibilities Each member among the project team must be assigned a particular task.


Outcomes After assigning responsibilities, each and every task must produce a defined output.


Milestones Every task must be associated with high point.

3.1.2. People Work Relationship This is another process that is used to perform project plan. In this the relationship between the number of personnel running a given project and general productivity is not linear. This method will be helpful in determining the number of persons that will work on the project, the method used LOC value to calculate the amount of effort that suppose to be given to the project. The time is estimated using the relationship between the project size and the productivity on the team working on the project. Below is the formula that is to be implemented whenever this approach is desired. E = LOC3 / (P3 * t4) Where E = Effort (person-year)


Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

LOC stand for Lines of Code P = Productivity (LOC/year) t = duration of the project This shows that duration should be extended if the number of persons working on the project is minor and it will be reduced by increasing the number of people who work on the project (Software Engineering and Research Method). 3.1.3. Fast tracking This strategy involved running tasks in parallel partially for those tasks that are supposed to be done in sequence. Even though this strategy may result in introducing risks, but it really maintain the degree of schedule slip because it enable the developer to run two phase of system development at a time. 3.1.4. Outsourcing In this strategy Opus Ltd is to hire developer from outside company to help them in developing the system in order to improve the project effort. In other way to give some part of the project to other company as contract so that to tract the estimated date of the submission. This strategy result in increased cost of the project and is like they given their idea to other company. 3.1.5. Increasing Resources of the Project In this strategy Opus Ltd is to provide sufficient hardware, software and other necessary tools as well as assigning enough members among the project team. 3.2. Defining Tasks Sets This is a bunch of software development tasks, milestone and deliverables that is to be achieved in order to end a project (Software Engineering and Research Method). Opus Ltd has to define sets of tasks processes so as come up with effective and efficient plan that is to be deal with during the project. This will achieve by sharing the tasks sets within the project deadline. Depending upon the project team desire on how the job is to be performing in dealing with the project type and the degree of rigor.


Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

This project for Property Rental System has been identified as New Application Development Project because "it is considered to be developed base on specific customer requirement" (Defining a Task Set For The Software Project, 2009). 3.3. Software Engineering Model to be Used by Opus Ltd for Developing the Project The recommended software engineering method that is to be used by Opus Ltd in developing the project for Property Rental System is Spiral Model. This comes to the conclusion that the report should include a way of assessing any risks that the project team may come across during the project. The model will help in developing quality software thereby managing the development time so as to achieve the goals of the project. "Spiral Model described as a risk driven approach. It used to guide multi stakeholder simultaneous software engineering system" (Hughes, 2002). This model comprise of four phases that will be followed by Opus Ltd to maintain the project schedule. The phases are: i. ii. iii. iv. Planning Analysis Engineering Customer Evaluation

Figure 2: Spiral Model Steps Diagram (Parekh, 2011) The steps of the lifecycle model is described as below:


Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

3.3.1. Planning This phase involved determination of the project alternatives, objectives and constraints as well as documentation. 3.3.2. Analysis In this phase reasonable solutions that can help in coming up with cost effective project is to be analyzed and plan that decided to use them. It is also used to identify various risks in the project development and bring a way to chasing them with the help of prototyping. 3.3.3. Engineering This is where the actual development is conducted, the outcome is this phase it to pass all iterative phases for improvement. 3.3.4. Customer Evaluation This phase is similar to test, the outcome of project developed is to pass to the customer for necessary checking so that comments and suggestions will be available to help identify and resolve errors that occur in the project if any. 3.5. Project Timeline and Stages In this report, Gantt chart is chosen to be the scheduling tools to serve as a guideline for Opus Ltd in meeting the project deadline i.e. eight (8) months. This is by considering the outcome of project management plan described earlier. In order to have proper plan on the project activities, the phases of the project development have been decided. Although the engineering model used for this project is Spiral Model, the model is modified here so that proper timing of the project is achieved. The project management modification used in developing the Gantt chart is as follows: i. Project Organization Monitor and Manage Project Generate Plan Perform Educational sessions


Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

ii. Gathering Requirement. Facts Gathering Problem Analysis Study Customer Needs Refine Requirement Manage Requirement Changes System Scope Management

iii. Analysis Define Scope Analyze System performance Assign tasks and activities Analysis documentation

iv. Design Components Tools Database Structural design Design Documentation

v. Prototyping Build a prototype Requirement Evaluation Requirement Refinement

vi. Coding Drawing Development structure Components building Systems and subsystems integration

vii. Testing Test plan Creation Data evaluation, Testing Debugging


Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

Prototype Release

viii.Maintenance Installation Implementation Final product delivery User manual

3.5.2. Task/Time Allocation Table

S/N 1 TASK Project Organization DURATION 1 week 1 weeks 1 week

Monitor and Manage Project Generate Plan Perform Educational sessions


Gathering Requirement Facts Gathering Problem Analysis Study Customer Needs Refine Requirement Manage Requirement Changes System Scope Management
1 weeks 2 weeks 1 weeks 1 week 1 week 1 week

Analysis Define Scope Analyze System performance Assign tasks and activities Analysis documentation

1 week 1 weeks 1 week 1 week

Design Components Tools Database Structural design Design Documentation

1 weeks 1 week 2 weeks 1 weeks 1 week


Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

Prototyping Build a prototype Requirement Evaluation Requirement Refinement

3 weeks 1 weeks 1 week

Coding Drawing Development structure Components building Systems and subsystems integration
2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks

Testing Test plan Creation Data evaluation, Testing Debugging Prototype Release
3 weeks

Maintenance Installation Implementation Final product delivery User manual TOTAL DURATION

4 weeks

36 weeks


Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

3.5.3. Gantt Chart Gantt chart will be used by Opus Ltd for tracking and controlling the activities and to generate a report that come up with time plan on delivering the project to customer within their required deadline.


Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

4.0. Recommendation and Conclusion 4.1. Recommendation In my recommendations as a Team Manager of developing the property rental system, I would like to call attention of Opus Ltd Management on some of the most important aspect of this project. The recommendation is focuses on project scheduling, cost and risk management being they are like the back born of the project. The outlines of the recommendations are: i. Changes Control

ii. Establish realistic deadline iii. Establish proper communication among project team iv. Effort in correcting problem v. Avoid Underestimate effort vi. Avoid introducing new changes vii. Provide positive reinforcement viii. Identify time management plan ix. Performing proper testing x. Define milestone xi. System Maintenance xii. Quality cost management identification xiii. Getting customer requirement clearly and documenting them xiv. Management issue xv. Employ well Skilled Staff xvi. Method Computerization xvii. Complexity Control xviii. Uniform Establishment of a Project Management Planning Methodology and Platform xix.


Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

4.1.1. Justification for the Recommendations i. Changes Control: Because of the dynamic nature of software project, changes may be introduced by customer after the initial requirement analysis. All changes are to be to be documented and recorded in a change log before it is attended by the project team. The changes are to be accepted in the following fashion: Assess and prioritized change requests Changes are to be made in an organize and comprehensive manner Only legible personnel have the ability to endorse changes and make plan on how to be implemented. Due to time factor, the Opus Ltd should only accept changes that the developer is able to implement within the original estimated time to avoid extra time. ii. Establish Realistic Deadline: In order to achieve completing the project within schedule, the delivery deadline has to be define in congestion with the customer input so that it meets the developer limited time to cover the work. The deadline should be defined by someone among the project team.

iii. Establish Proper Communication among Project Team: There should be effective communication among the project team in the sense that activities assigned should be clearly understood to avoid bringing out bugs which result in delay to the project.

iv. Effort in Correcting Problems: The Opus limited should serve responsibility in overcoming any problem. This is to assign persons responsible for monitoring and inspection of processes and functions associated with the project thereby mitigating any problems during the project. v. Under Estimate Effort:


Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

The project is to be overseen deeply, examine the size, and its complexity prior to making the development team so that there should be no lack of man power after the start of the project. If this is not avoided there should be risk of schedule slips at end which will be of total disgrace to Opus Ltd.

vi. Avoid Introducing new Changes: There is such a situation whereby customer bringing out new changes that is not in the changes schedule. In this case Opus Ltd is to hold no responsibility of any changes by customer unless it is within change schedule for the project to be successful.

vii. Provide Positive Reinforcement: The project teams is to be express that their work is recognized by making praise as this will encourage them in putting more effort towards achieving the goals of the project.

viii. Identify Time Management Plan: In line with achieving delivery deadline to customer, Opus Ltd is to fully concentrate when developing time plan of the project. The time is to be plan in accordance with keeping track on when to complete the project within requested time by the customer.

ix. Performing Proper Testing: It is recommended that, proper testing to be performed in order to acquire good quality software. Testing will help in identifying errors in order to come up with a view to wipe them, different types of testing have been expressed earlier which include unit testing, integration test, user testing and etc. Opus Ltd should make sure that testing is carried out thoroughly and by authorized personnel to avoid later adjustment.


Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

x. Define Milestone: This will help Opus Ltd to check whether the project is developing according to its standards.

xi. System Maintenance: The development company should put into consideration, the system maintenance after the installation at the customer site. This is to maintain the system quality by making periodic check and implementing new functions or general upgrades due change in technology.

xii. Quality Cost Management Identification: In order to avoid problem related to cost, cost management serve as a way to defining budget on the project using metrics. There are two ways that likely be employed such as approve expense and document expense, these way if adopted by Opus Ltd will help in minimizing the cost of the project.

xiii. Getting Customer Requirement Clearly and Documenting them: Understanding customer requirement clearly is very essential in software development. It also helps the developing company to build the software correctly according to customer need. But if the requirement is misunderstood, the project will end by coming out with a product with different functions which is not the customer desire. However, this will result in stepping down the project quality as well as extending the project time.

xiv. Management Issues: This has to do with managing any issue that may rise during the project development so as to prevent it from disturbing the development process. It also involves regular monitoring of the project for the issues to be managed. Some major issues management are: Any detected issue must have owner Project log is to be used in recording the rise issues Issue log is to check daily to know whenever there is un attended issue

Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

Keeping the stakeholders up-to-date on any issue and its status Findings are to be recorded inside the project files during reviewing issues for improvement.

xv. Employ well Skilled Staff: Opus Ltd is to avoid employing unskilled personnel that work on the project because they need to be properly trained before the start of the project. This come to the justification that skilled personnel need not to be trained and this will save time towards the delivery deadline.

xvi. Method Computerization: It is recommended to automate various schedule procedures during the course of this project as it will help in producing standards reports any time it needed and in real-time. It will help in performing job simultaneously for those tasks that require repetition. This will immensely contribute to real-time delivery to customer if adopted.


Controlling complexity:

In case of dependencies and activities among various tasks involved in the project, there is need for the project team to work in extremely discipline manner. In this case tools for project management is to be used so as to thoroughly control information and govern the entire planning in a well structured manner. This enable the projects team to peruse the planning and control information related to them by dividing the functionality of the project into units.


Uniform Establishment of a Project Management Planning Methodology

and Platform: Due to the fact that, the success of project depends upon individual managers, wherever planning method and tools are not applicable with respect to uniformity. A decision to use method plan and tools give chance to improve the quality of the tools and the same time to set up the methods configured in the tool.


Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

Standardizing methods and tools will help decline learning curves and make the team focus towards the project management and content thereby providing uniform information that enable purposeful communication and good quality decision between the project and stakeholder. 4.2. Conclusion Being the third part of the assignment, this report discusses in details the software quality assurance (SQA) and Software Quality Control (SQC). The report explained various methods that is to be considered in course of this project. In Quality Assurance the report explained about quality assurance deliverables, review, inspection and quality assurance audit. In quality control different type of testing were explained. Various processes of scheduling the project were also discussed thereby given different tools on which to implement the project plan. At the end recommendations for improving and maintaining the project were listed and justified so that the developers should take note on weak points during the development. As a project manager, I carried out every possible documentation and recommendations of this project by myself as assigned by my boss at Opus Ltd. The project is all about developing Property rental System based on certain criteria concerning the customer requirements.


Bashir Jazuli Umar (018800008707)

Software Project Management Assignment Part 3 T1, 2011

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