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 Problem Statement
 Purpose
 Objective and goals
 Project scope and limitation

System Analysis
 Existing system
 Scope and limitation of existing system
 Project features
 Requirement analysis-Functional requirement, performance
requirement, security requirement etc.

System Design
 Design constraints
 System Model: Use Case Diagrams
Class diagram
Sequence diagram
Activity diagram
 Data Models
 User interface

Implementation Details
 Software /hardware specification

Output and Reports

 Data Validation
 System Validation

Future Enhancement
Regarding the registration module, it contains the information about newly joined User
details like name of the user, password etc. Vehicls Details module contains the details
like Name of the Vehicle, send from, send to etc. Billing and Payment Details will
contain the details like Actual Amount to be paid, emi. Searching is having the details of
the customer. Any agent will login and search the details of the customer it will show all
details like customer Details, vehicle name, payment type etc.
This “Online Vehicle Showroom” project mainly contains the vehicle information. The
vehicle is purchased that vehicle amount will be cleared or not it will clear then it’s ok.
Otherwise the agent will search the details of the customer and recover the right

In general, software engineers distinguish software faults from software failures. In case
of a failure, the software does not do what the user expects. A fault is a programming
error that may or may not actually manifest as a failure. A fault can also be described as
an error in the correctness of the semantic of a computer program. A fault will become a
failure if the exact computation conditions are met, one of them being that the faulty
portion of computer software executes on the CPU. A fault can also turn into a failure
when the software is ported to a different hardware platform or a different compiler, or
when the software gets extended. Software testing is the technical investigation of the
product under test to provide stakeholders with quality related information.

Software testing may be viewed as a sub-field of Software Quality Assurance but typically
exists independently (and there may be no SQA areas in some companies). In SQA,
software process specialists and auditors take a broader view on software and its
development. They examine and change the software engineering process itself to reduce
the amount of faults that end up in the code or deliver faster.
 Problem Statement :
Online car Showroom system is a project which aims in developing a
computerized system to maintain all the daily work of Car showroom .This project
has many features which are generally not availiable in normal oniline car showroom
system like facility of user login and admin login through which the admin can
monitor the whole system .It also has facility of an feedback where user can put up
information about car or new models of car being new in our market or World
Market after proper verification from the concerned Showroom organizing the new
cars poster can add it to the notice board . It has also a facility where user after
logging in their accounts can see list of car the liked and its date and also the students
can request the admin to add new car by filling the car request form. The admin
after logging into his account ie admin account can generate various reports such as
user report , issue report, car report Overall this project of ours is being developed to
help the user as well as car lover to maintain the library in the best way possible and
also reduce the human efforts.

 Purpose
To provide world class information technology solutions and services to enable our
customer to serve their customer better.

 Objective
The main purpose of Online Vehicle Showroom is to develop a user friendly application
for vehicle showroom administrator as well as customers. This application allows storing
vehicle information, stock available at different locations, comparison of products,
payment modes etc. This will include the login form for both administrator and customers
with their own scope of accessibility. This allows the administrator a global scope and the
customer with limited scope. And thus help in maintaining the security of the records.

This system will reduce the manual operation required to maintain all the records of
booking information. And also generates the various reports for analysis. Main concept
of the project is to enter transaction reports and to maintain customer records.

This project is aimed at developing a Web application that depicts Online Vehicle
Showroom and booking vehicles through online. Customer can register to this site and
he/she can book vehicles by entering his login information. Administrator is main user
of this system and he can add employees, and new vehicle details. This is the website
project developed using PHP and MySQL database. 

 Goals
"Together we create the enterprises of tomorrow."
 Project scope and limitation
There are many reasons for the requirement of a new system .the reasons are

It has time saving process.

It has no paper work each and every record maintains and saves with the help of
It is efficient to handle records and inform to employee.
Records can be saving up to long period.
It is standardization in car showroom shop.

 Limitation:
The size of the database increases day-by-day, increasing the load on the database back up
and data maintenance activity.
Training for simple computer operations is necessary for the users working on the system.

Fact Finding Techniques

To study any system the analyst needs to do collect facts and all relevant information. The facts
when expressed in quantitative form the termed as data. The success of any project is depended
upon the accuracy of available collected with the help of certain methods or techniques


The method is used to collect the information from groups or individuals. Analyst selects the
people who are related with the system for the interview, in this method the analyst sits face to
face with the people and records their responses


It is the technique used to extract information from number of people. This method can be
adopted and used only by skillful analyst.

Record View:-

The information related to the system is published in the sources like newspaper,
magazines, journals, documents, etc. This record view helps the analyst to get
valuable information about the system and the organization


Unlike the other fact finding techniques, in this method the analyst himself visit
the organization and observes and understand the flow of document working of the
existing system, the users of the system
 Existing System:
The existing system is a manual system .the system has to be changed now as per the requirement
of user. In the previous system Car showroom shop was done manually that is all the record were
taken care of by the accountant of by the Car showroom shop manually, the total amount of
product were calculated by the account himself, and the daily report is generated by the
account .so it becomes too difficult for the accountant to keep the record all the paper becomes
difficult and time consuming too. So it was too difficult for an account to work error free that too
under so much of work load .

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