Enquiries Answer (Rehan)

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Functional language for dealing with enquiries

Asking people to wait

“Just a moment/ minute. I'll (look up the information on my computer/ get a
catalogue/ phone my colleague and check/ find the right page/ look for the right
“Please take a seat and I’ll ask you to come up when I’ve finished.”
“If you can give me some contact details, I’ll find out for you and get back to you as soon as I

Saying you do not know

“I’m sorry but I don’t have any knowledge of that matter”
“Unfortunately I don’t have that information at the moment.”
“I’m still not sure exactly what it is you want to know.”

Putting them in contact with someone else

“If you give me your phone number/ email address, I’ll ask someone with more
knowledge of the matter to contact you as soon as possible.”
“I’ll ask my colleague to come over to speak to you.”
“My colleague knows more about this. I’ll give you his/ her phone number/ email address.”

Offering help
“Please let me know if you have any questions.”
“Is that what you wanted to know?”
“Please let me know if you can’t find the right information.”

Ending the conversation

“Is there anything else you’d like to ask?”
“Was there anything else?”
“Does that answer all your questions?”

Saying you do not understand

“I’m afraid I’m not really very sure.”
“Could you explain again what your question is?”
“I’m afraid I don’t understand what the question is.”


Functional language for dealing with enquiries

Checking if you have understood (paraphrasing etc.)

“So, basically you want to know…”
“Just to double check, you’d like me to tell you…”
“If I understand you correctly, you are asking about…”

Checking if they have understood

“… if you see what I mean.”
“Is that clear?”
“Have I explained myself well?”

Checking if you have answered their question

“Is that what you were asking about?”
“Does that answer your question?”

Giving bad news

“That used to be true, but at present…”
“I’m sorry to say (that information is out of date).”

Giving good news

“Usually it is not possible, but in this case...”
“No problem. That is what I am here for.”
“I’m happy to be able to tell you that…”

Correcting the information

“(If you look at this page you will see that) in fact…”
“University policy forbids…”
“I’m afraid (we aren’t allowed to…)”

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