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MGT 314; Sections 1, 2, 4, & 5: Fall 2022 Semester

Group Project Instructions

Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business ("AACSB") accredited higher
education institutions ("HEI") are widely considered to provide superior quality education in
the business and economics disciplines. The AACSB accreditation process is highly rigorous
and complex. Business schools and colleges voluntarily pursue the corresponding
The School of Business and Economics (“SBE”) is currently ACBSP accredited. The
academic leadership and the faculty are actively pursuing AACSB accreditation.
Research the information available from Focus on the standards, process,
requirements, and resources necessary for AACSB accreditation. Limit your research to this
website only.
Utilize your collective knowledge of NSU and SBE. Answer the following questions:
1. Summarize the process to pursue AACSB accreditation for any institution of higher
education. [Hint: Limit to 1 page]
2. In your opinion, is SBE adequately prepared to commence the process of AACSB
a. If you think SBE is prepared, convince your instructor that your opinion is
b. If you do not think SBE is adequately prepared, answer the following:
i. What is (are) lacking?
ii. What is (are) necessary to be ready for AACSB accreditation?
3. How will NSU SBE students, alumni, and other stakeholders benefit (or suffer) when
AACSB accredited? [Hint: Limit to 1 page]
4. Relate your responses to questions 2 and 3 above to the concepts of Quality
Management (chapter 9) and Quality Control (chapter 10) as discussed in your
textbook. [Hint: Limit to 1~2 page(s)]
Write a 10~12 page paper, not including a cover page. Use 12-point font and double spacing.
Submit two paper copies of the final report, and email an electronic copy by the appropriate
deadline (see below).
Due Dates
• Sections 1 & 2:
o December 11 (during office hours): Show draft report
o December 18 (by the end of class): Final report due.
• Sections 4 & 5:

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o December 12 (during office hours): Show draft report
o December 19 (by the end of class): Final report due.
You are writing this paper for your MGT 314 instructor. He is familiar with academic
General Guidelines

• Cite your sources: Your textbook and the AACSB website are your only sources.

• Failure to properly reference/cite your sources is academic dishonesty.

• Use the APA format for citations/sources. You will find an APA guideline in the
instructor website (

• Do not rewrite concepts from your textbook(s) and/or the AACSB website.

• Support your conclusions/recommendations with analysis, critical reasoning, factual

data, etc.

• The quality and depth of your research, analysis, critical reasoning, etc., will dictate
your grade for the Project Report.

• Thoughtfulness, correctness, and thoroughness of the analysis

• Fact-based analysis. Support your decisions and conclusions with
• Structure and organization of the report (clarity)
• Quality and applicability of recommendations given

You must carefully proof-read your documents. Spelling/ grammatical/ contextual errors,
confusing/run-on/contradictory sentences, etc. will diminish the quality of your report.
Adhere to the page limit. Failure will result in penalties.

• Place process maps, diagrams, other relevant material, and bibliography in an


• Do not resort to filling pages with irrelevant information and graphics.

• Submit the documents timely. Late submissions will be penalized.

• Submit two paper copies of your report. Do not bind your report. Staple your report.

• I abhor irrelevant graphics, logos, watermarks, “Letter of Appreciation,” “Letter of

Acknowledgement,” etc.

Academic Integrity
• If I detect academic dishonesty, I will give all group members “F” in the course and
may recommend additional disciplinary actions.

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• I reserve the right upload your electronic copy to Turn-It-In to ensure academic

• Do not copy/paste from other students’ reports or material available on the Internet.

• “Copying and pasting” is academic dishonesty.

• It is easy to identify “copy/paste;” if you can find it online, so can I.

• I reserve the right to use anti-plagiarism software.

• Use of the following are strictly prohibited:

• Anti-plagiarism software will detect the above and similar sites.
• Use of above mentioned and similar tools will be treated as
academic dishonesty.

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