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CONFIDENTIAL, LG/FEB 2018/ELC121/120/SET 1 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA COURSE : INTEGRATED LANGUAGE SKILLS I/ INTEGRATED LANGUAGE SKILLS: LISTENING COURSE CODE : ELC 124/120 READING TASK : FEBRUARY 2018 SET 4 TIME : 2HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES, 1. This question paper consists of three (3)parts : PART A(2 Questions) PART B (2 Questions) PART C (1 Question) s Answer ALL questions in the Question Paper. e Fill in the details below: UITM STUDENT CARD NO. PROGRAMME / CODE PART ENGLISH LANGUAGE GROUP NAME OF LECTURER, rs ‘You are allowed to refer to a print English-English dictionary Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of () the Question Paper DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO This examination paper consists of 10 printed pages (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 2 LGIFEB 2018/ELC121/120/SET 1 PART A: READING COMPREHENSION (17 MARKS) Read the following passage and answer all the questions, A Road to Mental Health through the Kitchen Many chefs know what a sanctuary the kitchen can be. For that reason, in Fecent years, a number of cookbooks have started to look at how cooking can be therapeutic. Nowadays, some health-care clinics, therapists and counsellors have also started applying cooking and baking as therapy tools for people suffering from depression, anxiety and other mental health problems. They 5 believe cooking and baking classes can help the patients to build self-esteem and fee! a sense of achievement. It can also increase concentration and boost social skills. Therefore, these classes are found to be effective in helping them to maintain the quality of their daily life. Firstly, through cooking and baking classes, the patients are able to improve 10 their self-esteem and feel a sense of accomplishment. These activities are a suitable form of therapy which is known as behavioural activation. It is a therapy that assists depressed patients in alleviating their depression level by helping them to be more active. Jacqueline Gollan, an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioural sciences, stated that activities that give rewards or a sense of 15 achievement improve an individual's sense of well-being. For example, the individual feels @ sense of accomplishment when he sees the bread with chocolate chips that he baked has made someone else happy. Furthermore, baking and cooking classes increase patients’ concentration and at the same time help them cope with their illnesses. These classes help them 20 to curb negative thinking by focusing their minds on following the instructions in a recipe. Besides that, these activities help them to focus on something other than the stressful emotions that they are feeling. Annie Gendaszek, a counsellor at Newport Academy stated that this type of therapy is different from talk therapy as It allows patients to get involved by doing fun activities. For some patients, 25 talk therapy can be very stressful because they need to have conversations with their therapists for several hours every day. (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL, CONFIDENTIAL, 3 LG/FEB 2018/ELC121/120/SET 1 IV People with mental illness usually feel socially isolated, Therefore, to be in a kitchen doing cooking and baking activities will certainly improve their social skills. Sharing the cooking tasks and eating with others who participate in the 30 program are beneficial to treat their feeling of isolation. Helen Tafoya, a clinical counsellor at an outpatient program that runs cooking classes for local people with schizophrenia, depression and other illnesses said these activities are therapeutic. She emphasised that preparing and enjoying food in the company of other people have a healing ability. Cooking and eating in groups are 35 encouraged because being around others can boost their social skils. V__ In conclusion, mental and emotional problems can be treated by cooking and baking in the kitchen. These activities get patients to increase their self- confidence and feel a sense of achievement. They will also be able to improve their concentration because it distracts them from concentrating on negative 40 thoughts. Furthermore, the activities help them to mingle with other people more easily too. Overall, these activities are considered as ways to aid and heal people with mental illness such as depression. Retrieved and adapted from mental health-through-the-kitchen-1418059204 QUESTION 1 (13 MARKS) a) What do the following words refer to? i) They (line 5) ii) (line 12) i) These (line 20) iv) She (line 34) ee vy) their (line 38) : = (5 marks) (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 4 LGIFEB 2018/ELC121/120/SET 1 b) Write the meaning of each of the following words as it is used in the passage. i) alleviating(line 13): ii) curb (line 21): lil) beneficial (line 31) iv) mingle (line 41) (4 marks) c) Write T if the statement is TRUE or F if the statement is FALSE. i) Cooking, as a form of therapy, is a recent discovery. ii) The focus of behavioural activation therapy is to make patients communicate with each other. lil) Cooking therapy is less favoured than talk therapy as it prevents a person from doing fun activities. |v) A mental health patient who feels isolated needs to be around people or in the kitchen because it can help improve communication skills (4 marks) (© Hak Cipta Universit Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL QUESTION 2 (4 MARKS) ‘Complete the table with information from the passage. LG/FEB 2018/ELC121/120/SET 1 Cooking Therapy Experts Methods Benefits Patients participate in doing Improves an a), Jacqueline Gollan b) rewarding activities Patients get involved by ©) Increases patients’ concentration Helen Tafoya d) Patients and enjoy food with others. (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA, Boosts social skills (4 marks) CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 6 LGIFEB 2018/ELC121/120/SET 1 PART B: READING COMPREHENSION (13 MARKS) Read the following passage and answer all the questions in complete sentences. Incredible Benefits of Becoming a Morning Person | Successful people are usually early risers or people who get up early in the morning before the sun rises. They assert that this routine allows them to stay ahead of the competition. Even though the advantages of waking up at dawn are undoubtedly amazing, many people stil refuse to do so. There are many benefits to being a moming person and not letting the sun catch you in bed. Il The productivity aspect is the most important reason for becoming a morning person. One does not need to immediately rush into some important tasks early in the morning as it is his or her personal choice on how to start his or her day. Regardless of their preferred morning routine, those who start their day early will be ahead of others. For example, Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, chooses to start his day by sending company emails at around 4,30 a.m. everyday. He believes that starting the day very early will give a great mental boost by enabling the early riser to check off his or her to-do list by lunch time. Il Another advantage of being an early bird is it develops self-discipline, Waking up early while the rest of the world is still asleep definitely requires self-discipline. It also demands great resoive not to hit the snooze button and continue sleeping. An incredible discipline will be built over time once a person gradually becomes used to waking up early every day. It is also proven that a consistent improvement of waking up one minute earlier than the previous day will lead one to wake up at his or her desired hour. Throughout the process, one will naturally build his or her way to becoming a morning person and eventually this becomes a habit. IV Apart from that, one will also feel more energetic and more ready for a challenging day if he or she wakes up before the sun shines, However, it is not Just the habit of waking up early that makes a person feel more energetic, but also the early hour routine that a person has every moming. These routines 10 15 20 25 (© Hak Cipta Universi Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL, CONFIDENTIAL 7 LG/FEB 2018/ELC121/120/SET 1 could be some physical activities such as exercising, meditating or practising yoga that may release the feel-good hormone known as endorphin. Endorphins give the body a great boost to feel better and more energetic throughout the day. V__ Waking up early also gives one a sense of self-satisfaction that only the morning 30 person can understand. Accomplishing the whole to-do list before lunch hour is such a satisfying feeling especially when others are still struggling to complete their tasks. They can then enjoy the rest of their day completing tasks that he or she desires to do. This great sense of satisfaction increases a person motivation to thrive the next day. 35 VI_ tis an incredible fact to know that successful figures prioritise family. By pushing the start button earlier than others, these people are creating more space for time to spend with their family members. On the other hand, those who start their day late may end up neglecting their family as they have less time. This could eventually lead to feelings of guilt for not spending quality time with the family. 40 Thus, waking up and completing tasks earlier will give moming persons time for their family later in the day. When they are at home, their focus and attention is fully directed to the family VIl__ Allin all, waking up early is not really difficult. Even though it cannot be mastered ‘overnight, waking up early is certainly not an impossible task. Indeed, the 45 benefits of waking up early can only be understood and experienced by the morning person and it is never too late for you to become one. Retrieved and adapted from http://www. inoredible-benefits-only-morning-person-would-experience. htm! (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL, 8 LGIFEB 2018/ELC121/120/SET 1 QUESTION 14 (11 MARKS) a) Why are people who get up early in the morning always seen as winners? (1 mark) b) What does the phrase ‘letting the sun catch you in bed’ (line 5) mean? (1 mark) ) According to the passage, why is the morning routine that the early risers choose to do not important? (1 mark) ) State two (2) ways how waking up early can help develop self-discipline. i) ii) (2marks) ) What is the topic sentence of paragraph IV2 (1. mark) {© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 9 LG/FEB 2018/ELC121/120/SET 1 f) How can being a morning person give one a feeling of self-satisfaction? (2 marks) g) For successful people, what is the benefit of waking up early to their family? (1 mark) h) The word ‘Thus’ in ine 41 connects two ideas. What are these two ideas? i) ii) (2 marks) QUESTION 2 (2 MARKS) ‘Even though it cannot be mastered overnight, certainly waking up early is not an it task.’ (lines 44 - 45)? Do you agree with this statement? State your reason. (2 marks) © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL, CONFIDENTIAL, 10 LGIFEB 2018/ELC121/120/SET 1 PART C: GRAMMAR (10 MARKS) Fill each blank with ONE suitable word, According to a recent survey, fresh graduates have some catching up to do as employers are not too happy (0) about their quality levels. A significant 70% of the respondents said that the standard of fresh graduates was just average, while 24% believed that they were bad and only 6 % said they were good. The poor ratings were not generally linked to their academic qualifications, (1) rather to their poor attitudes and the communication skils shown during interviews or at work, When the employers were asked why it was hard for fresh graduates to get hired, the top cited reason given by 68% of the respondents was fresh graduates ask 2) unrealistic salaries and benefits. A previous survey @) that 60% of fresh graduates expect a salary of RM3,500 for their first job while 30% want to be paid as high as RM6,500 in order to live (4) However, the average salary offered to fresh graduates is only between RM2,100 to RM2,500. Reflecting on the English proficiency ©) in Malaysia that continues to be of concem, 64% of the respondents said that a poor command of English was (6)___ second reason behind fresh graduate unemployment. Being the main language for business communication, more and more employers are taking into account the importance of hiring candidates (7) have a good grasp of English. The third contributing (8) to fresh graduate unemployment was being too choosy about the job or company, followed by poor communication skills and a display of poor character during the interview. According to Ms. Chook Yuh Yng, Country Manager of, it is important for fresh graduates to do (9) research on sites such as to better understand the expectations, requirements and salary levels offered by employers to prepare (10) {or their interviews. Adapted from httos:/Awww.jobstreet, employers-fresh-graduates END OF QUESTION PAPER (© Hok Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL,

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