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J.Z. Shah Arts & H.P.

Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat

Textual Exercise from Literary Quest
Prof. Ritu Agarwal ( PhD)
Questions for MCQ
1. Who is the writer of the poem Stay Calm? Grenville Kleiser
2. In which year was Kleiser born? 1868
3. In which year did Kleiser die? 1953
4. What should you do when you feel insulted?Curb resentment
5. What should you do when you feel like speaking which you will regret later? Curb
6. What should you maintain according to Kleiser? Mental Peace
7. What is the synonym used for ‘Peace’ used in the poem Stay Calm? Tranquil
8. What happens when your mind is at peace? Ill thoughts cease
9. When is it easy to be angry according to Kleiser? When defrauded or defied
10. What happens when your wishes are denied according to Kleiser? Feel peeved and
11. What should you do if you wish to win the battle over selfishness and spite? Keep
strict silence
12. What kind of battle do you have to win according to Kleiser? Battle over selfishness
and spite
13. What should you do when you are confronted by a foe according to Kleiser? Keep
mental balance
14. When can you say that you have mastered the vital thing of life? When you are poised
and tranquil
15. Give the meaning of the word ‘defrauded’? Cheated
16. What does ‘peeved’ mean? Irritated /annoyed
17. What does’ defied’ mean? Insulted/disobeyed
18. What does ‘confront’ mean? Faced/opposed
19. What is the theme of the poem Stay Calm? Maintain mental peace , stay silence and
curb resentment

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 1
20. If the enemy hides , what is the one word used for that in the poem Stay Calm?


Questions for MCQ
1. What is a ballad? Narrative poem telling a story
2. Who wrote the poem The Ballad of Father Gilligan? W.B.Yeats
3. In which year was W.B.Yeats born? 1865
4. In which year did W.B.Yeats die? 1928
5. From which country did the poet W.B. Yeats belong?Ireland
6. What was the full name of Father Gilligan?Peter Gilligan
7. To which age group did the priest Gilligan belong to? Old age
8. “Or under green sods lay” .What does green sods mean in the poem The Ballad of
Father Gilligan? Grave
9. What time does the ‘moth-hour eve’ imply in the poem The Ballad of Father
Gilligan? Evening/Twilight
10. “Once, while he…………. on a chair”. Complete the line from the poem The Ballad
of Father Gilligan? Nodded
11. What does the word “Mavrone” mean as exclaimed by the priest in the poem The
Ballad of Father Gilligan? Sorrowful-Alas!
12. Which animal did the priest ride on in the poem The Ballad of Father Gilligan?Horse
13. Who opened the door for Father Gilligan? Sick man’s wife
14. Which expression is used for the death of a sick man in the poem The Ballad of
Father Gilligan? As merry as a bird
15. “He who is wrapped in purple robes, With planets in His care.” Who is wrapped in
purple clothes according to the poet Yeats? God/Jesus Which phrase is used to
describe the path on which Father Gilligan rode? By Rocky and fen
16. Why did Father Gilligan not go to the sick man’s house? He fell asleep
17. Why were the people dying in the poem The Ballad of Father Gilligan? Due to
18. Who helped Father Gilligan?God/Jesus/Angel
19. Why did Father Gilligan ask for forgiveness? He felt guilty
20. In which posture did Father Gilligan pray? Kneeling
21. What happened to the stars in the poem The Ballad of Father Gilligan?They grew
into millions

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 2
22. “And God covered the world with shade”. What does this mean in the context of the
poem The Ballad of Father Gilligan? Night time
23. The arrival of which bird marked the morning time for Father Gilligan? Sparrow

Questions for MCQ
1. In which year was D.H.Lawrence born?1885
2. In which year did D.H.Lawrence die?1930
3. What did D.H.Lawrence favour?Socialism
4. In which year was the poem Money Madness published and in which collection of
poem? 1929-Pansies
5. In the poem Money Madness, what does “vast collective madness” refer to? Approach
of every individual in the society towards money
6. According to the poem Money Madness, what does money make us do? Quail
7. What is the purpose of writing the poem Money Madness ?Talk against materialism
8. In the poem Money Madness what does the line “eat dirt, and go cold” mean? Face
insult and death
9. What do we need to regain if we have to survive according to Lawrence? Sanity
10. What does the poet consider more terrifying than money? Collective money-madness
11. When would mankind start killing one another according to Lawrence? If they lose
12. With reference to the poem Money Madness complete the line: “a pound note causes a
_____ and a ten-pound note causes a _____”. Pang, real tremor
13. How does mankind judge a person’s value as mentioned in the poem Money
Madness? By their bank balance
14. Which section of the society is the poet addressing in the poem Money Madness?
15. What should be free according to the poem Money Madness? Bread, shelter, fire
16. Complete the line ‘ When the multitude is mad…………..” as mentioned in the poem
Money Madness. Every individual carries his own grain of insanity
17. Why does money make us quail according to Lawrence? Money is power
18. “ It is one thing or the other”. What is the ‘one thing’ and ‘the other’ refer to in the
poem Money Madness? Money and sanity
19. What kind of feeling does money create in us according to Lawrence? Feeling of fear

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 3
20. How many times is the word ‘dirt’ repeated in the poem Money Madness? 5
21. What can fear become according to Lawrence? Delirium
22. What does man do before money in strange terror? Grovel
23. What kind of power does money have according to Lawrence? Fearful and cruel
24. “It is fear of my ………….mad fellow-man.” Which word of the following completes
the line in the poem Money Madness? Money
25. What is the meaning of ‘multitude’ as per Lawrence in the poem Money Madness?

Questions for MCQ
1. What is the tone of the poem To Science ? Tone of Complaint
2. Which word is used by Edgar Allan Poe to describe science? Vulture
3. Which mythological figures have been referred to in the poem To Science? Diana,
Hamadryad and Naiad
4. Which image is used for the poet in To Science? Bird flying with undaunted wing
5. Which phrase has been used to describe science in the poem To Science? Dull realities
6. Which is a water nymph as mentioned in the poem To Science? Naiad
7. What does the line “who alterest all things with thy peering eyes” mean in the poem To
Science ? Science is based on keen observation
8. What did the Elfin lose in the poem Sonnet to Science? Green grass
9. Why does Edgar Allan Poe describe science as true daughter of Old Time Thou art?
Science is as old as time
10. What does science prey upon according to Allan Poe? Heart of the poet
11. Why does the poet Allan Poe accuse science of being a vulture? Science with its reality
eats up imagination
12. How does the poet Edgar Allen Poe present science in line 1? As the daughter of Old
13. Who is the narrator of the poem Sonnet to Science? Poet
14. In which year was the poem Sonnet to Science written? 1829
15. How many lines does a sonnet have? 14
16. What does the word ‘ thou’ refer to in the poem Sonnet to Science ? Science
17. “Hast thou not dragged Diana from her car?”Who is Diana? Goddess of Hunting

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 4
18. Where does the nymph Hamadryad live? Woods
19. “Why preyest thou thus upon the ………. Heart”Which word completes the line in the
poem Sonnet to Science ? Poet’s
20. “To seek for treasure in the ………. Skies.” Which adjective is used to describe skies
in the poem Sonnet to Science ? Jewelled
21. “Who alterest all things with thy…………eyes”What kind of eyes does science have?
22. What has science torn away from the poet in the poem Sonnet to Science ? Summer
23. What does ‘undaunted’ mean? Unafraid
24. Which of the following is a synonym of ‘beneath’? Below

-Swami Vivekananda
*Examine the theme on which Vivekananda dwells in speeches in his address to the
Parliament of Religions?
According to Swami Vivekananda what are the evils that prevent the advancement of
society as stated in the three speeches delivered by him at the Parliament of Religions?

Swami Vivekananda was a Hindu monk who represented India at the World’s
Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in 1893. The Parliament of Religions is recognized
as the first formal assembly of representatives from eastern and western spiritual traditions.
Swami Vivekananda’s welcome address in Chicago introduced the world to Hinduism. He
advocated the idea of universal tolerance and universal harmony within the context of
religious pluralism. He spread inter -faith awareness and introduced to the western world
Yoga and Vedanta.
In the extract titled The Chicago Speech, Swami Vivekananda’s three speeches are included
which proved his mettle and showed to the world the importance of oneness inspite of
Welcome Address-11 September,1893:
In his welcome address at the Parliament of Religions in Chicago on 11 September,1893
,Swami Vivekananda addressed the audience as Sisters and Brothers of America. He
expressed joy for the warm and cordial welcome. He then expressed thanks in the name
of the most ancient order of monks in the world, thanks in the name of mother of all
religions and thanks in the name of the millions of Hindu people of all castes and sects.
He categorically thanked the speakers who said that people from the Oriental world are
people from far off nations who would like to claim the idea of toleration.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 5
Hinduism and India
The main focus of his welcome speech was his sense of pride in belonging to Hindu
religion. He laid emphasis on the fact that Hindu religion has taught the world both
tolerance and universal acceptance. He stated that Hinduism accepts all religions as true.
He with a sense of pride stated that he belonged to a nation which sheltered the persecuted
and the refugees of all religions and nations. He specified that Indians have gathered in
their bosom the Israelites though their own temples that year were shattered to pieces by
Roman tyranny. He declared that he was proud to belong to a religion which fostered the
remnant of the grand Zoroastrian nation.
Oneness of God
Another important theme of the speech was his desire to focus on Oneness of God. To make
his point clear he quoted a few lines from the hymn:
“As the different streams ...O Lord, the different paths … all lead to Thee.”
He called the parliament of Religions an august assembly, a declaration to the world of the
wonderful doctrine preached in Gita. Swami Vivekannada made the teachings of Bhagvad
Gita known to the world and tried to say that God is One and that men need to realize this
universal truth.
Enemies of the World
Another important aspect of the speech of Swami Vivekananda was that he described in
detail the enemies of the world. He stated that sectarianism, bigotry, fanaticism are the
enemies of the earth. According to him these enemies have filled the earth with violence,
drenched the earth with human blood, destroyed civilization and sent whole nations to
despair. These enemies according to him are horrible demons which have slowed the
progress of human society. He hoped to hear the death knell of fanaticism and death knell
of all uncharitable feelings between persons.
Why We Disagree, -15 September,1893
In his second speech entitled “Why we Disagree” delivered on 15th September, 1893,
Swami Vivekanand through an illustration of a frog tried to preach to the world that though
all religions are different but the essence is the same. He narrated a story to illustrate the
causes of variance and why people disagreed.
He told the story of a little, small frog with eyes who lived in a well for a long time and ate
worms. One day another frog that lived in the sea came and fell into the well and the frog
of the well asked him how big was the sea. He was of the opinion that sea could not be
bigger than the well. On the other hand, frog from the sea was annoyed because he knew
the well was nothing in comparison to the sea. Both started fighting and the frog of the well
threw frog of the sea out.
By sharing this story, Swami Vivekananda drew an analogy and said that the Hindu like
the frog in the well sits in his own little well and thinks the whole world is my little well.
The Christian does the same. The Muslim also sits in his well and thinks this is the whole
world. Thus, everyone disagrees but he said that the need was to make an attempt to break
down the barriers of this little world and allow each other to enter.
Address at the Final Session-27 September,1893
Swami Vivekanand delivered a heart- felt gratitude speech in the final session of the
Parliament of Religions on 27th September, 1893.He thanked the noble souls whose large

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 6
hearts and love of truth could dream to have Parliament of Religions. He praised the liberal
sentiments that overflowed on this platform and did not forget to thank the enlightened
audience for their uniform kindness and for the appreciation of every thought that tend to
smooth the friction of religions and for making general harmony sweeter.
He even had a word of caution for those in particular who thought that unity will come by
the triumph of any one religion and the destruction of the other. He clearly stated that:
“Brothers yours is an impossible hope.”
“Do I wish that the Christian would become Hindu? God forbid .”
“Do I wish that Hindu or Buddhist would become Christian? God forbid.”
His words celebrated uniqueness of each religion, laid emphasis on realizing oneness of
God and dwelled in the hope for humanity in general. He gave an illustration of the seed
which is put in the ground, and earth and air and water are placed around it but the seed
does not become the earth, or the air, or the water. Instead the seed becomes a plant, it
develops after the law of its own growth and assimilates. He believed religion is also like
the seed which grows into a plant. A Christian cannot become a Hindu or a Buddhist, nor
a Hindu or a Buddhist can become a Christian. But each religion must assimilate the spirit
of the others and yet preserve his individuality and grow according to his law of growth.
He concluded his speech in the final session by saying that the Parliament of Religions
has proved to the world that Holiness, purity and charity are not the exclusive possessions
of any church in the world and that every system has produced men and women of the most
exalted character. He pitied the people who dreamt of the exclusive survival of his own
religion and the destruction of others. He felt that on the banner of every religion must be
written, ‘Help and not Fight’,” Assimilation and not Destruction, ‘Harmony and peace and
not Dissension.”
Thus, Swami Vivekananda with his rational thoughts and idea of tolerance and universal
harmony spread inter-faith awareness also created an awareness of the doctrine of Hindu


*Describe Mother Teresa’s life and work in detail.

Mother Teresa was born in Skopje, Macedonia( Greece) in 1910.At the age of
12 she decided to be a missionary and at the age of 18, decided to be a nun. Although born
a Yugoslav,’ she Indianized’ herself totally and became a global citizen through her selfless
service to the world community. She was a little woman, barely five feet tall, wore a cheap
white sari with a blue border and a small cross hanging below her left shoulder. She could
be described as a lady of small stature, frail in build, soft spoken but quite determined with
great courage.

She joined the Irish community of nuns, Sisters of Loreto,Dublin which had missions in
India. She did her initial training in Dublin and then came to India. In September 1946
while on a train journey, felt a strong call from God to work among the poor. She was
granted a permit directly from Pope to become an un-enclosed nun under the care of the
Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 7
Archbishop of Calcutta. She left school and went to the American Medical Missionary
Sisters in Patna to take a six months’ nursing course. With five rupees in her pocket and no
home to go she arrived in Calcutta.In India she was first appointed as Geography mistress
at St. Mary’s High School in Calcutta. Later she became the principal.

Beyond the lovely gardens of the High school lay the city slums. Slums kept haunting her.
She would take her pupils down to see them.“ Something must be done about this” she told
them. She began her work in Calcutta among ‘the poorest of the poor’. When she came to
Calcutta, she found that it was too much populated. She saw that so many of them lived
and died on pavements. Poverty moved her.

She had a modest start from a room for free where she started working. She visited home
after home and begged for food for the hungry and medicines for the sick. Then she began
a school with five children in a slum compound. On the first day she wrote the Bengali
alphabet in the mud. People came to help and slowly everything fell into place. From a
humble start the school started taking care of thousands of neglected children. Today there
are no less than 81 such schools.

Her first recruit was a former pupil who became Sister Agnes. Ten more former pupils
joined her. She then got permission to start a new Order which she called,’ The Missionaries
of Charity’. On 7th October 1950, Mother Teresa started her own Order, “ The Missionaries
of Charity” to care for those who had no one to look after them and to serve the destitute
and the marginalized.

Those who joined her Order had to give up their lives completely for work. For her
everyday was a holiday. She made the Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity take three
vows to lead a life of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience. The fourth vow was that they had
to give wholehearted free service to the poorest of the poor-to Christ in his distressing
disguise. Mother Teresa taught her sisters to see Christ in everyone. Sisters had to give up
all their possessions. One sister was asked to return her gold medal and another Sister
Bernard has described the tough daily routine which they had to follow under Mother
Teresa. Mother Teresa never wanted the Sisters to see themselves simply as social workers.
For her social work was to see in the children and in the broken bodies Christ. Social
welfare she felt was for a purpose but Christian love was for a person. Love she felt was
vital. She advocated that no one should feel unwanted if she or he is suffering from leprosy.

Mother Teresa was concerned for those who could not be cured. She wanted to give a home
to the dying so that they may die with dignity. Once she obtained an empty building near a
temple to the Goddess, Kali. It was a resting place for pilgrims visiting the temple. Many
people abused and hated her for this. People did not like the smell of the dying. Some
people went to the Police Commissioner and accused that she was trying to convert Hindus
into Christians. The Police Commissioner himself visited the place and saw Mother Teresa
treating a man’s sore. The stench was awful but Mother Teresa said that the suffering of
man was more painful. Commissioner returned and was deeply moved. He simply told the
people that if their mothers and sisters can do what Mother is doing, he would throw her

Inspite of her selfless service many people continued to threaten and insult her. One day
crowd stood around a man lying on the pavement outside Mother Teresa’s ‘ House for
Dying Destitutes’.No one went near him. He was dying of cholera. Mother Teresa appeared

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 8
and gathered the man up in her arms and took him into the Home. That man was a priest
from the Kali temple. After this incident people realized that they were wrong.

Now there are 32 Homes for Dying Destitutes. There are homes for unwanted children and
babies. No child is ever turned away. The Order now has 28 such homes(orphanages).
Mother Teresa would take in any leper. She began with five and a doctor who specialized
in leprosy. Now there are 70 leprosy clinics. The Order has a Leper colony, ‘The Place of
Peace’ where families can live and find work to do. It is in the charge of Sister Francis
Xavier, a qualified doctor.

Indian govt. seeing the value of her work, gave Mother the land, 34 acres and a large gift
of money. When the Pope visited her, he gave his splendid white car to her. However, she
got the car raffled and the 37000 pounds she got for it went into her leprosy work. She also
opened a home for Bangladeshi women who had been raped by Pakistani soldiers. In her
Tagareth Centre, lepers are taught to weave cloth and to make bandages and paper bags for
their medicines. Elsewhere there are 800 girls who make nets in order to earn money. There
are today 61 centers in India and 28 in other countries. There are about 1000 sisters and
200 brothers. All sisters and brothers are well educated. They have to take exams before
getting accepted.

Criticism could never stop Mother Teresa. Once she was even accused of selling Indian
babies abroad. She was sure that what she does is a service to Christ. She never considered
failure. She told: “ All things work together for good to them that love God.” She combined
faith in God with common sense. She would carry an empty bag on her journeys by plane
to collect the left-over food. She never took money for services rendered. Neither man nor
beast could deter her.

Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. The 90,000 pounds which she
received was used entirely for the extension of her work. She said: “Write about the work
here, not about me. I am not important”.

In her presence one could feel a wonderful radiance and cheerful vigour.
Mother Teresa left for the heavenly abode on 5th September 1997 but her work lives forever.


1. I…….(be: present tense) a student. am

2. We…..(be: present tense) students. are
3. You…. (be: present tense)a student. are
4. You……(be: present tense) students. are
5. He/She……..(be: present tense) a student. is
6. They……(be: present tense) students. are
7. I…….(be: past tense) a student. was

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 9
8. We…..(be: past tense) students. were
9. You…. (be: past tense)a student. were
10. You……(be: past tense) students. were
11. He/She……..(be: past tense) a student. was
12. They……(be: past tense) students. were
13. I…….(work: present progressive) in Goa. Am working
14. We…..(work: present progressive) in Goa. Are working
15. Roy ,you…. (work: present progressive ) in Goa. Are working
16. You are both ……(work: present progressive ) in Goa. Working
17. Salman……..(work: present progressive ) in Goa. Is working
18. They……(work: present progressive ) in Goa. Are working
19. I…….(work: past progressive) in Goa. Was working
20. We…..(work: past progressive) in Goa. Were working
21. Roy and you…. (work: past progressive ) in Goa. Were working
22. You were both……(work: past progressive ) in Goa. Working
23. Salman……..(work: past ) in Goa. Was working
24. They……(work: past progressive ) in Goa. Were Working
25. I…….(have: present tense) a new cycle. Have
26. We…..(have: present tense ) new cycles. Have
27. You…. (have: present tense )new cycles. Have
28. You ……(have: present tense ) a new cycle. have
29. Sabina……..(have: present tense ) a new cycle. Has
30. Sabina and Raveena……(have: present tense ) new cycles. Have
31. I…….(do: present tense) all the work here. Do
32. We…..(do: present tense ) all the work here. Do
33. You…. (do: present tense ) all the work here. Do
34. Kevin……(do: present tense ) all the work here. Does
35. Kevin……(do: past tense ) all the work here. Did
36. They……(do: present tense ) all the work here. Do
37. I…….(walk: present tense) to school everyday. walk
38. Karan and I…..(walk: present tense ) to school everyday. walk
39. You…. (walk: present tense ) to school everyday. walk
40. Shani……(walk: present tense ) to school everyday. Walks
41. Mr John……( teach: present tense) English. Teaches
42. The students…..( study: present tense) history in Kashmir. Study
43. My sister…….(write: present tense) poetry. Writes
44. The boys…..(play: present tense ) football. Play
45. The boat…. (leave: present tense ) for the bird sanctuary at 6 am. Leaves
46. Trains……(arrive: present tense ) on time here. Arrive
47. I……( give: past tense) her fruits. gave
48. We……( give: past tense)her fruits. Gave
49. The girl………. (give: past tense) her fruits. Gave
50. The girls……..(give: past tense) her fruits. Gave
51. I…..(be: past tense ) good at languages. Was

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 10
52. We…. (be: past tense )cooking dinner. Were
53. You……(be:past tense ) tired last night. Were
54. You……( be: past continuous tense) walking up the hill. Were
55. Honey ……( be: past tense) a friendly girl. was
56. Honey and Shamita…….( be: past tense )swimming in the sea. Were
57. Bose………. (speak: simple present tense) Kannada fluently. Speaks
58. I……..(work: simple present tense) for an NGO in Gwalior. Work
59. There…..(be: past tense ) three crows on the tree branch. Were
60. The boys…. (play: past progressive tense )table tennis. Were Playing
61. Rehman……(clear: present perfect tense ) the table. Has cleared
62. The planes……(approach: present progressive tense) the airport. Are approaching
63. Naseema and her sister……..(go: simple past tense) for a walk in the park. Went
64. They…..(paint: simple present tense ) very well. Paint
65. Reena…. (want: simple present tense )to go to Singapore for her holiday , but her
friends …….( prefer: simple present tense) to go to Malaysia. Wants, Prefer
66. Ahmed and Rafi……(be: simple past tense ) on their way to school. They…….( run:
past progressive) to catch the bus as they……. ( be: simple past) late. Were, Were
running, Were
67. Mr Rawat……(move: present progressive tense) into his house next week. He…….(
invite: present perfect) all his friends to a house-warming party and we…..( accept:
present perfect) his invitation. Is moving, Has invited, Have accepted
68. The President and the vice president………. (come: present progressive tense) to the
meeting. Are coming
69. The President and chief executive of the company ……..(arrive: present perfect tense)
Have arrived
70. Bread and butter…. (be: simple present tense ) my favourite breakfast. Is
71. 150 kilometers……(be: simple present tense ) not a great distance. Is
72. Ten thousand rupees….……(be: simple present tense) a fair price for this car. Is
73. Either the president or the secreatry………. (sign: present perfect tense) this document.
Has signed
74. Neither Robert nor Abdul ……..(come: present perfect tense) to the meeting. Has come
75. Either my children or their friends…. (write: present perfect tense ) this letter. Have
76. Neither the girls nor the boys ……(has: simple present tense )any knowledge of this
matter. Have
77. Everyone….……(want: simple present tense) to succeed. Wants
78. No one………( know: simple present tense) the answer. Knows
79. Everyone………. (finish: present perfect tense) their work. Has finished
80. Nobody is allowed to go unless they ……..(finish: present perfect tense) their work.
Have finished
81. Everyone…. (finish: present perfect tense )his or her homework. Has finished
82. Her clothes ……(be: simple present tense )very expensive. Are
83. His trousers….……(have: simple present tense) become too tight. Have
84. Where ………( be: simple present tense) your spectacles? are

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 11
85. Your baggage………. (be: present tense) heavy. Is
86. The equipment ……..(be: present tense) expensive. Is
87. The furniture …. (be: present tense )old. Is
88. The luggage ……(be: simple present tense )heavy. Is
89. The committee…..( investigate: present continuous tense) this matter. Is investigating
90. The young children in this school………. (have: present tense) yoga classes twice a
week. Have
91. Both the roti and the dal ……..(be: past tense) fresh and tasty. Were
92. The roti and dal which the restaurant serves …. (be: present tense )fresh and tasty. Is
93. Rs.10,000 a month ……(be: simple present tense ) a good salary for a beginner. Is
94. Neither Murali nor Tara…..( know: present tense) the answer to this question. Knows
95. Either the boys or their parents………. (collect: present perfect tense) the report cards.
Have collected
96. The furniture in these rooms ……..(be: present tense) very expensive. Is
97. Each chapter in these books …. (need: present tense )to be read carefully. Needs
98. Everyone ……(look at: present progressive tense )the beautiful paintings on the
walls.Is looking at
99. The information you gave me…..( happen: present tense) to be incorrect. Happens
100. The jury………. (look: past progressive tense) at one another with puzzled
expressions on their faces. Was looking
101. The luggage ……..(fall: present progressive tense) off the rack. Is Falling
102. Physics …. (be: present tense )my favourite subject. Is
103. Either you or your sisters ……(use: present perfect tense )these brushes. Has
104. The public…..( has: present tense) a right to know the facts of the case. Has

*Identify the degree in the given sentences:

1. He is a strong man. Positive Degree
2. The butterfly is beautiful. Positive Degree
3. Mohan is as tall as his brother Positive Degree
4. The table in the room is as large as the one outside. Positive Degree
5. Your pencil is larger than mine. Comparative Degree
6. The flower is more beautiful than its picture in the book. Comparative Degree
7. This table is the largest of the three in the room. Superlative Degree
8. The spotted butterfly is the most beautiful of all those found in the region.
Superlative Degree
*Complete the table:

Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree

Ill/Bad Worse Worst
Good Better Best
Near Nearer Nearest/Next
Thin Thinner Thinnest

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 12
Gracious More gracious Most gracious
Late Later Latest
distinguished More distinguished Most distinguished
Dependent More dependent Most dependent
great greater greatest
strange stranger strangest
fine finer finest
poor poorer poorest
young younger youngest
tall taller tallest
Far Farther/further Farthest/furthest
heavy heavier heaviest
low lower lowest
leisurely More leisurely Most leisurely
stingy stingier stingiest
little less least
Many More Most
Much More Most
Old Older/elder Oldest/eldest
Slow slower slowest
Soon sooner soonest
high higher Highest
brave braver Bravest
Easy easier easiest
Famous More famous Most famous
Clever More clever/cleverer Most clever/cleverest
Valuable More valuable Most valuable
Few Fewer Fewest
low lower lowest
elderly More elderly Most elderly
clearly More clearly Most clearly
satisfied More satisfied Most satisfied

• Write an expository speech on how a generator works

Source :Annie, John. Literary Quest.Orient Blackswan: Hyderabad,2018.

Good morning ,

Let me tell you how generators works. A generator is essentially just an electric motor

working in reverse.An electric motor consists of a tight coil of copper wire wrapped around

an iron core that's free to rotate at high speed inside a powerful permanent magnet.When

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 13
you feed electricity into the copper coil it becomes a temporary electrically powered magnet

.In other words an electromagnet.It generates a magnetic field all around it.This temporary

magnetic field pushes against the magnetic field that the permanent magnet creates and

forces the coil to rotate.

By a bit of clever design the coil can be made to rotate continuously in the same direction

and powering anything from an electric toothbrush to an electric train .

A generator is also not different. Imagine you have an electric toothbrush with a

rechargeable battery inside .Instead of letting the battery power the motor that pushes the

brush, what if you did the opposite? What if you turn the brush back and forth repeatedly?

By doing this you would be manually turning the electric motors axel around . This would

make the copper coil inside the motor turn around repeatedly inside its permanent magnet

. If you move an electric wire inside a magnetic field ,you make electricity flow through

the wire. In effect you generate electricity .So keep turning the toothbrush long enough and

in theory you would generate enough electricity to recharge its battery that in effect is how

a generator works.

Thank you

• Write an argumentative speech against the practice of ragging.

Source :Annie, John. Literary Quest.Orient Blackswan: Hyderabad,2018.

Dear friends,

I'm here to express my views on ragging. I strongly believe that ragging is a menace that is

destroying the academic character of many educational institutions. I am against ragging. I

consider ragging to be an inhumane, unnatural and abusive form of action which some senior

students indulge in to terrify freshers or newcomers in educational institutions .

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 14
The Supreme Court of India defines ragging in its 2001 judgment as: “Any disorderly conduct

whether by words spoken or written or by an act which the effect of teasing ,treating or handling

with rudeness any other student, indulging in rowdy or in disciplined activities which cause or

is likely to cause annoyance hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension

there of in a fresher or a junior student or asking the students to do any act or perform something

which such a student will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or

generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche

of a fresher or a junior student .”

Psychological harm, shame and embarrassment-----ragging, by its own definition, is something

that creates a hostile environment. A university is a place of learning and should not be a place

where students are filled with intimidation and fear.

Such emotions as the Supreme Court of India says will affect students adversely. This so called

‘friendly interaction’ as some senior students refer to it usually crosses its limits and leads to

physical aggression and sexual abuse and sometimes even to death.

A report from 2007 by the Indian Anti Ragging Group-Coalition to Uproot Ragging from

Education (CURE) analysed 64 ragging complaints and found that over 60% of these were

related to physical ragging and 20% were sexual in nature. The anti-ragging NGO, Society

against Violence in Education ( SAVE) noted 7 reported ragging deaths in the year 2007 alone

and 31 reported deaths between the years 2002 -2007. According to statistics revealed by

UGC’s a total of 511 cases were registered across the country in 2021 as

compared to 219 registered in 2020.

It is clear from these statistics that ragging is a very real and dangerous threat that we must take

seriously. We must make earnest attempts to eliminate all forms of ragging. Ragging in all its

forms must be condemned as it is responsible for causing serious psychological trauma . It

leads to physical injury and suicide.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 15
Though the Supreme Court has passed many strictures against ragging, the issue is far from

being resolved.This is because, many do not perceive ragging as a crime.As ragging is a major

cause of campus violence and death ,I fervently appeal to all of you to help bring this dangerous

phenomenon to an end.

Thank you.

*Draft an expository speech on what CPR is and how it should be performed.


Dear friends,

Let me tell you something about CPR. CPR means Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation .It is an
emergency lifesaving procedure performed when the heart stops beating. Immediate CPR can
double or triple chances of survival after cardiac arrest.The American Heart Association uses
the letters C-A-B to help people remember the order to perform the steps of CPR.

• C: compressions
• A: airway
• B: breathing

If you're not trained in CPR or worried about giving rescue breaths, then you can provide
hands-only CPR. That means uninterrupted chest compressions of 100 to 120 a minute until
paramedics arrive . A trained person can start CPR with 30 chest compressions before giving
two rescue breaths. Compressions means that you need to use your hands to push down hard
and fast in a specific way on the person's chest. Compressions are the most important step
in CPR. Rescue breathing can be mouth-to-mouth breathing or mouth-to-nose breathing if the
mouth is seriously injured or can't be opened.
CPR performed within the first few minutes of the heart stopping can keep someone alive until
medical help arrives. Later on the medical authorities can use Automated external defibrillators
(AEDs) to help the person survive.

One should know that there is a difference between Cardiac arrest and Heart Attack. Cardiac
Arrest occurs when the heart malfunctions and stops beating unexpectedly. On the contrary,
heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked. Sudden cardiac arrests are often
caused by a fast and irregular heart rhythm that begins in the heart’s lower chambers, or
ventricles. CPR is helpful for cardiac arrests.

A little knowledge and presence of mind with awareness can help save many. So it is our duty
to know about CPR and help someone in need. Stay humane.

Thank you.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 16
*Argumentative Speech in favour of banning smoking in public places


Dear Friends,
My topic for today is Banning Smoking in Public Places. I am strongly in favour of the topic.
I believe that smoking should be banned in public places.
Medical studies have shown that smoking not only leads to health problems for the smoker,
but also for people close by. First and foremost, it has been proven that tobacco consists of
carcinogenic compounds which cause serious harm to a person’s health, not only the smoker.
Anyone around them can develop cancers of the lungs, mouth and throat, and other sites in the

People who smoke in public portray a bad example. Children are easily influenced in their
growing stages. They imitate the people around them because they cannot differentiate between
right and wrong. Teenagers happen to think that smoking makes a person "cool." When they
see adults doing it on the streets it strengthens their belief in the "coolness" of smoking.

If smoking is banned in public areas, it will promote a healthier lifestyle for everyone. This is
because by banning smoking in public areas the government sends the message that the
government cares about the health of the citizens and that the government discourages people
from smoking.

If smoking is banned in public places it safeguards the life of the smoker as well as that of the
public. Studies have shown that second hand smoke kills. Second hand smoke causes sudden
infant death syndrome (SIDS), respiratory infections and asthma attacks in children. Besides
that, second hand smoke causes heart diseases and lung cancer in smoking and non-smoking
adults. Just by being near people who are smoking, innocent people are dying of diseases that
are caused by second hand smoke. This violates a non-smokers' right to live a healthy lifestyle.

By disallowing people who smoke from smoking in public, it will cause smokers to smoke less.
Because smoking is not allowed in public, people are only allowed to smoke in their homes.
This in turn will benefit the smokers who have been trying to quit smoking but are unable to
because they have more reason to stop. Smokers will benefit from this ban because it will help
them reduce the amount as well as the frequency of smoking.

If people are prohibited from smoking in public it would be safer for the environment. When
smokers smoke in public they tend to throw their cigarettes on the ground wherever they are.
These cigarette buds are detrimental to the environment because they take a long time to

In conclusion, it is clear that it should be made illegal to smoke in public places. This would
improve the health of thousands of people, and that is most definitely a positive development.

Thank you.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 17
*Vote of thanks Speech


A warm and graceful morning to our most valued Honourable Chief guest Mr/Ms…..,
management committee, worthy teachers, parents, my dear friends, and everyone gathered here.
It’s my privilege to propose a vote of thanks speech and acknowledge the contribution of those
who worked really hard to make this …………..celebration happen.

I (speaker name), on behalf of …….……, and the entire fraternity of the institution, first of all,
extend my most sincere thanks to the Almighty God for making today’s event a resounding
success. I extend a really hearty vote of thanks to our chief guest ( …Guest name) who spared
time to grace the occasion. Your thoughts have enlightened our minds and have shown us a new
path. My gratitude to all the speakers for gracing the occasion and sharing their opinions today.

I also extend thanks to all the staff members for their enormous cooperation within the
organization of this gala event.An event like this cannot happen overnight. It requires planning
and a bird’s eye for details. We have been fortunate enough to be backed by a team of very
proactive and dedicated staff of our institution who are well versed in their job.

A special mention to our respected Principal Mr/Ms….for being the catalyst that stimulated us to
do our best and standing as pillars of strength. With a deep sense of appreciation, we thank our
loving teachers for their untiring efforts.

I would also like to thank the people who worked behind the scene.

Last but not least a big thank you to each one of you who made this …….. celebration memorable
for all of us.

• Life cycle of a butterfly

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 18
Source :

The given picture depicts the life cycle of a butterfly.The butterfly develops through a
process called metamorphosis. This is a Greek word that means transformation or change
in shape.Butterflies, moths, beetles, flies and bees have complete metamprphosis. There
are four stages in the metamorphosis of butterflies : egg, catterpillar,chrysalis, and adult.
Eggs are laid on plants by the adult female butterfly. These plants then become the food
for the hatching caterpillars.Eggs can be laid from spring, summer or fall. Butterfly eggs
can be very small.
The second stage is the Caterpillar stage: The Feeding Stage.It is the larva which is also o
called a caterpillar.The job of the caterpillar is to eat and eat and eat. As the caterpillar
grows it splits its skin and sheds it about 4 or 5 times. Food eaten at this time is stored and
used later as an adult.Caterpillars can grow 100 times their size during this stage.

The third stage is the Chrysalis(Pupa) stage which is also called the the Transition
Stage.When the caterpillar is full grown and stops eating, it becomes a pupa. The pupa of
butterflies is also called a chrysalis.Depending on the species, the pupa gets suspended
under a branch, hidden in leaves or buried underground. This stage can last from a few
weeks, a month or even longer. It may look like nothing is going on but big changes
happen inside. Special cells that were present in the larva now grow rapidly. They will
become the legs, wings, eyes and other parts of the adult butterfly. Many of the original
larva cells provide energy for these growing adult cells.

The last stage is the Adult stage or the Reproductive Stage.The adult stage is what most
people think of when they think of butterflies. They look very different from the larva.
The caterpillar has a few tiny eyes, stubby legs and very short antennae. The adults have
long legs, long antennae, and compound eyes. They can also fly by using their large and
colorful wings. The one thing they can't do is grow.

Most adult butterflies live only one or two weeks, but some species hibernate during the
winter and may live several months.
• Life cycle of a human being

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 19
Source :
The given picture depicts the life cycle of a human being. Like all living things, humans
have a life cycle.
The journey of human life begins in the body of a mother with a fertilised egg.
This fertilised egg develops into a Foetus. A foetus grows in the womb surrounded by
liquid and gets its nutrition through a tube called the umbilical cord.
The foetus develops into a Baby in 9 months. This is the second stage.The mother gives
birth. From birth to around two years of age, we say a child is a baby .Babies cannot do
much for themselves and need to be fed .
Child from three years old to ten years old. Children are more independent than babies,
and they continue to become more independent as they get older
Then the child grows into an Adolescent .An adolescent is a young person aged between
10 and 19. Puberty results in changes in the body during this stage of the life cycle. There
is even more brain development during this time.
Then starts the Adulthood starts.Although eighteen and nineteen end in ‘teen’, people of
this age are actually now adults. The human body is at its peak of fitness and strength
between 18/19 and 39.
Human beings become elderly by the age of around 60. Elderly people are not as strong
as when they were younger and get tired more easily.
It is when death calls the human life ends.
In summary, the human life cycle has six main stages: foetus, baby, child, adolescent,
adult and elderly.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 20
The diagram is a flow chart . Flow chart is used to present a process that takes place in
successive stages. In a restricted sense a flow chart is the sequence of operations.
There are five basic flowchart shapes. The flow chart begins with an oval shape. This shape
tells where the flowchart begins and ends. The lines with arrows determine the flow through
the chart. Flowcharts are usually drawn from top to bottom or left to right. A parallelogram
represents input or output. In most flowcharts, the rectangle is the most common shape. It
is used to show a process, task, action, or operation. The Rhombus or Diamond shape
indicates the Decision where a question is asked. The answer to the question determines
which arrow you follow out of the decision shape. The arrows flowing from the decision
shape are usually labeled with Yes, No or True, False.
In the given flow chart in the question paper representation is done of the procedures
involved in handling a shipment of goods between the time it arrives at the dock and the
time it is cleared for the buyer.
First the goods arrive at the dock. Then these goods are inspected. The third stage is the
decision stage. If the contents match with the order then yes it goes for incoming quality
check. If the contents do not match with the order then the people who inspect inform the
purchase department.
The order which goes for the quality check. Some of them are accepted and some are
rejected. If the order is approved after the quality check then the person incharge notifies
the warehouse for pick up. If the order is not accepted then it is dumped there itself.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 21
The diagram is a flow chart . Flow chart is used to present a process that takes place in
successive stages. In a restricted sense a flow chart is the sequence of operations.
There are five basic flowchart shapes. The flow chart begins with an oval shape. This shape
tells where the flowchart begins and ends. The lines with arrows determine the flow through
the chart. Flowcharts are usually drawn from top to bottom or left to right. A parallelogram
represents input or output. In most flowcharts, the rectangle is the most common shape. It
is used to show a process, task, action, or operation. The Rhombus or Diamond shape
indicates the Decision where a question is asked. The answer to the question determines
which arrow you follow out of the decision shape. The arrows flowing from the decision
shape are usually labeled with Yes, No or True, False.
The given flow chart tells us how to route incoming calls. It is a flow chart which presents
the process of a customer care centre’s process to answer incoming calls.
When a call comes, the first step is that the call operator answers the phone. Then s/he asks
the question as to how can they help? Here there are three options. If the call is for a product
one process is followed. If there is a problem, then another process is followed.If there is
some other issue, then the call is diverted.
Once the caller has confirmed that his or her call is product related, then the Customer care
centre call operator enquires about the product details. They also ask if they need some help
to place an order.
When the caller shares the details then they are further asked to take the name of the product
and the company which has manufactured it. Once these details are collected the call
operator transfers the call to sales Extension no. 2203. Here one process gets over.
On the other hand if the caller has some other issue then the call is diverted.
The third option is the operator asks what is the problem they are facing. Here again there
are three options. Call is asked if s/he has a billing problem or a shipping problem or
problem with the product.
If the caller has a problem with the product then they are enquired about the name of the
product and the company which has manufactured the product. After the information has
been collected the operator transfers the call to help desk Extension no. 2217. It is here that
this process ends. For billing and shipping related problems the call is diverted.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 22

This is a tree diagram. There are 2 types of tree diagrams one is the organization chart
which is used to show the structure and lines of responsibility within a company. Another
is a family tree. Tree diagrams begin with one keyword and are connected to other words
below it by a number of arrows. The second level of words is again connected to other
words at a third level and so on until the final level is reached. The branches of such tree
diagrams are known as groups or subgroups.
The given tree diagram is an organisation chart. In this organization the general manager
holds the highest position. To the general manager the sales manager, chief engineer, works
manager and personnel manager reports.The general manager coordinates the roles and
responsibilities with all four of them.
The sales manager works with a team of two sales person. The chief engineer on the other
hand has a team of two senior supervisors. The Works Manger works with one senior.
The senior supervisor who works under the guidance of Works Manager has in turn a team
of four supervisors.
Thus this tree diagram depicts the hierarchy of an organisation.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 23
ID Code Project Name Estimated Time Budget ( In rupees)
1001 Corporate Website 2 years 1,912,000.00
1002 Year 2021 Fixes 1 year 99,998,000.00
1003 Accounting System 2 years 897,000.00
1004 Data Warehouse Maintenance 2 years 294,000.00
1005 TCP Implementation 2 years 425,000.00
This is a table which depicts a project time schedule . It contains information about the
scheduled time frames and allocated budgets for a company’s ongoing projects.
As per the table it is clear that the company has 5 projects namely Corporate Website, Year
2021 Fixes, Accounting System Implementation, Data Warehouse Maintenance and TCP(
Transmission Control Protocol) Implementation.
The first project of the company is they wish to establish a Corporate website. The ID code
for this project is 1001. The company has estimated that the website would be ready in 2
years time . In the annual budget , the budget allotted for this project is Rs.1,912,000.00.

The second project of the company is to Fix the Year 2021. As Windows 10 will not receive
updates indefinitely and Microsoft has unveiled Windows 11, the company wishes to fix
these changes.The ID code for this project is 1002. The company has estimated that the
fixes would be done in 1 year time limit .The budget allotted for this project is Rs.

The third project of the company is to Implement the Accounting system. An accounting
system allows a business to keep track of all types of financial transactions, including
purchases (expenses), sales (invoices and income), liabilities (funding, accounts payable),
etc.The ID code for this project is 1003. The company has anticipated that in 2 years time
this project would be complete .The budget allotted for this project is Rs. 897,000.00

The fourth project of the company is around Data Warehouse Maintenance. In computing,
a data warehouse is a system used for reporting and data analysis and is considered a core
component of business intelligence.The company has anticipated that in 2 years time this
project would be complete .The budget allotted for this project is Rs. 897,000.00
The last project of the company is to implement the Tansmission Control Protocol for
which they have estimated time limit of 2 years. The ID code for this project is 1005. TCP
specifies how data is exchanged over the internet by providing end-to-end communications

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 24
that identify how it should be broken into packets, addressed, transmitted, routed and
received at the destination. TCP is designed to make networks reliable with the ability to
recover automatically from the failure of any device on the network. The budget allotted
for this project is Rs.425,000.00
In short, this table highlights the company’s plan towards computerisation and making the
company technologically enhanced.

The Day's Sale






0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Kg sold

The given picture is of a bar chart.In a bar chart the length of bars are proportional to the
measure of data. . The bar chart here shows the weight in kilograms of a day’s sale in a
local vegetable market .
From the bar chart we can make out that 52 kg of potatoes got sold in one day which was
the highest. That means the demand for potatoes was the highest.
40 Kg of onions were sold in a day and 24 kg of tomatoes were sold in a day.
The cucumbers were the least in demand. Only 8Kg of cucumber was sold. The sale of
beans was 16 kg in a day.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 25
1. Population growth was more in Urban areas between 1951 and 2001.
2. The total rural population in India in the year 1981 was 525.4 million.
3. The urban population in the country increased 31.2 million between 1961 and 1971.
4. The difference between India’s rural and urban population in 2001 was 458 millions.


Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 26
This is a line graph which depicts the relation between a pick up truck’s mileage and its
It is clear from the graph that as the mileage increased, the value of the truck decreased.
When the truck was bought , mileage was zero and the cost of truck was Rs.12,00,000.
When the truck had covered a mileage of 20,0000 miles then the value of the truck fell to
Rs. 11,00,0000. As it covered 40, 0000 miles , the value of the truck decreased further.
The value of the truck fell to Rs.8,00,000.
When the truck covered a mileage of 60,000 miles, the value of the truck decreased
further to around Rs.5,00,000 . The value of the truck fell by 1 more lakh that is it was
only Rs.4 ,00,000 when it covered the mileage of 80,000 miles.
By the time the truck had travelled 1,20,000 miles the price of the truck fell to Rs.
This suggests that the more you use the vehicle , the value of the vehicle decreases.

Pie chart is a circle that is divided into areas, or slices. Each slice represents the count or
percentage of the observations of a level for the variable. The total value of the pie is always
100%. It is also known that a circle subtends an angle of 3 60°. Hence, the total of all the data
is equal to 360°.

In the pie chart given in the text book on page no.98, it is clear that body language is the most
powerful element in our communication. Tone is the next in line. The words we choose for
communication falls in the third place. From the pie chart sirit is clear that only 7% role is of
words in the overall communication process whereas the voice contributes to 38% in all and
the body language conveys 55% of how we behave and communicate.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 27
• Draft a debate on the topic “ Advertising does more harm than good”

Chairperson: Hello all! The topic of today's debate is advertising does more harm
than good. The speakers are Anand and Nitin. Anand would you
like to start? and Anand will speak in favour of the topic.
Anand: Thank you Ma’am. Members of the jury, ladies and gentlemen, I
would like to speak in favour of the topic.Aadvertisements are
harmful because they force people to make choices. My
argument is that people would lead happier lives if
advertising was restricted. In my opinion advertising leads to
overload of choices.Instead of empowering people, excessive
choice serves to confuse people.They are unable to decide on
what to buy.Newspapers and the streets of every city are full of
advertisements which constantly bombard the public with their
messages. This is harmful . Many advertisements attempt to make
people biased. For instance ,fairness creams and so called health
salons convey the message that dark people are unattractive or
that you must be pencil slim in order to be considered
beautiful.Young people fall victim to this .I strongly feel that
advertisers are only interested in profit and they do not care about
the wellbeing of society . Giant fast food chains advertise
unhealthy products which contribute to obesity and other
diseases like juvenile diabetes . Advertising brainwashes people
into believing that they are making choices but infact the choices
are made by the advertiser. Advertisers spend money on market
research not to find out what people desire but to find out their
weak spots. This is where they target their campaigns. They
exploit the weaknesses of people. Do you think advertisers inform
people about better products? NEVER.When they package their
messages with glossy pictures and honeyed words they suppress
the problem areas and people fall prey to these gimmicks .
I conclude by saying with emphasis that advertising does more
harm than good. Thank you.
Chairperson: Now I invite Nitin to speak. Nitin will speak against the topic.

Nitin: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen .I would like to argue against the
topic and demonstrate that advertising is beneficial in providing people
with choices they deserve to have.Advertising plays a positive role in
the lives of people by educating them about the features of various
products so that they can make informed decisions.Advertisements

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 28
highlight the features of products.By giving us more information about
products advertisements help us make better decisions.Secondly
advertisements reflect the desires of people and many advertising
companies put in a lot of time and effort into market
research.Rather than influence people advertisements are actually
influenced by the needs of society.People today have more money to
spend and advertisements only influence the way in which the money
is spent. The right to information is the backbone of an open society.
Advertising has a legitimate place in every democracy that allows its
citizens the freedom of choice.Advertising I would state with
conviction respects the rights of people by giving them the freedom to
choose.Don't you think that advertisements are a part and parcel of
daily life people can ignore them if they want. Nobody forces them to
read the advertisements.All they need to do is to skip those pages.If
people believe that being fair and thin are the ideals of beauty, it is the
media and commercial cinema that are to blame not advertisements.
As for selling unhealthy food many companies are in fact asking
advertisers to promote healthier options.
I would like to conclude by asserting that advertisements play a
positive role in an open society by giving people the ability to choose
what is best for them.Thank you.
Chairperson: Ladies and gentlemen, you've heard the arguments presented by both
the young men. Even the 3 judges have listened to them patiently.Now
let us wait for their verdict.

• Draft a debate on the topic “ Education kills Creativity”

Chairperson: Hello all! The topic of today's debate is Education Kills Creativity. The
speakers are Anandi and Nilima. Anandi would you like to start? and Anandi
will speak in favour of the topic.
Anand: Thank you Ma’am. Members of the jury, ladies and gentlemen, I would like
to speak in favour of the topic. Education today is defined by a set syllabus
and curriculum . The teachers within a limited period of time have to
complete the syllabus and train the learners keeping in mind the exam.
Therefore they find it difficult to go beyond the set syllabus which has made
learning kind of rigid. There is no flexibility. Even if the teachers want ,they
cannot experiment. There are so many limitations imposed on them.
Today education concentrates a lot only on classroom learning whereas you
will agree that the real education is in the real world. Students have to follow
a set pattern. If they divert from it, they have to pay a heavy price.
The schools and colleges which follow traditional methods till today force the
students to write exactly in the same manner in which it is given in the text
book . Learning does not promote creativity. In fact it is more of rote learning.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 29
Education is all about competition now and not collaboration. Only the high
scorers are rewarded but don’t you think each and every student is different?
Modern technology has made the matter worse. Instead of applying their
mind and thinking on their own, for every assignment or project given, the
students merely copy from the internet and paste it.
The students who are talented in extra curricular activities are forced to think
that they are of no use and that they are not intelligent. This in fact defeats the
very purpose of education
I conclude by saying that it is high time we start focussing on the learner and
change our approach towards education and there is a lot to be done for
changing the examination system. Thank you.
Chairperson: Now I invite Nilima to speak. Nilima will speak against the topic.

Nitin: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen .I would like to argue against the topic and
demonstrate that education can never kill creativity because the very purpose of
education is to impart knowledge , skills and information which definitely is the
foundation for creative ideas to flourish.
It is in the walls of the classroom that the seeds for creativity are laid as they are
given various projects, assignments . Students are also encouraged to visit some
places and then they are asked to write a report. The subjects are such that they get
prepared for real life. BBe it language, be it accounts or mathematics, be it moral
education everything is shared with them. My belief is that the text books broaden
the minds of the students and they can for themselves decide what to do and what
not to do.
Modern technology is the best proof as to how education has led to creative
explosion on the internet in the form of witty reels, messages, tweets, blogs and
vlogs. Only the medium of expression has changed. Don’t you education is
restricted now not just to classrooms but it is in the palms of every person as they
use the mobile and internet. Infact I believe that education of today has made the
learners smarter, sharperer, cleverer and speedier.
There are many educational institutions who are promoting learner centred
education. Now with the help of augmented reality , education has fostered
I conclude by saying that it is perhaps the education system we need to blame rather
than education itself for discouraging creativity. Thank you.
Chairperson: Ladies and gentlemen, you've heard the arguments presented by both the young
girls. Even the 3 judges have listened to them patiently. Now let us wait for their

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 30

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