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Name: Phạm Thị Thùy Dương

ID: 20521221
Class: CS4323.N11.CTTT.1


Task Status Page
Section 1.5 Task 1 Done 2
Task 2 Done 3
Task 3 Done 4
Task 4 Done 6
Task 5 Done 7
Task 6 Done 7
Task 7 Done 7

Self-scrores: 10

*Note: Export file to PDF and name the file by following format:
Student ID_LABx.pdf

Section 1.5

Figure 1 – Switch back to the root directory

We can go to the root directory by the command “cd /”
Switch to /bin directory

Figure 2 – Switch to /bin directory

We can go to the /bin directory by the command “cd /bin”
Then, we can use the command “pwd” to determine the current directory (/bin)
Switch to user directory

Figure 3 – Switch to user directory

Because we are currently in the /bin directory, we can use the command “cd ~” to return
to the user directory.
Use the command “pwd” to check the current directory, and the screen shows out the user
directory (/home/d20521221)

1. Create the following directory tree in your personal directory as shown

Figure 4 – Check current directory

First of all, we use command “pwd” to check what directory we are in  user directory

Figure 5 – Create a directory

“mkdir” is the command which can help the user create empty directory. And a parent
directory is a directory that is on top of another directory in the directory tree.
To create a parent directory, use the “ -p” option. When the -p option is used, the
command only creates the directory if it does not exist.
So, to create a directory tree as shown above, we use the command “mkdir -p
Myweb/{images/{icon,background,animation},databases, scripts,java}

Figure 6 – Check subdirectory in Myweb and images

Use the command “cd Myweb” to move to Myweb directory and use command “ls” to
check what subfolders are there in the Myweb folder.

Use the command “cd images” to continue move to images directory and use command
“ls” to check what subfolders are there in the images folder.

Figure 7 – Directory tree

Then, we can use the command “tree ~/Myweb/” to show directory tree we created. As
we can see on Figure 7, there are 7 directories and 0 files in directory tree.
2. Find some files with .html and .class extensions in the current file system and
directory. Copy some .html files to the Myweb folder.

Figure 8 – Check current directory

Because now we are in “~/Myweb/images”, so we need to use the command “cd ../..” to
turn back to the user directory.
Use the command “pwd” to check what directory we are in. (/home/d20521221)

Figure 9 – Find .html files
Use the command “find / -name *.html” to find files with extension .html. In Figure 9 is
some of files .html are shown.

Figure 10 – Find .class files

Use the command “find / -name *.class” to find files with extension .class. In Figure 10 is
some of files .class are shown.

Figure 11 – Copy files .html to Myweb

We use the syntax “cp link directory” to copy file .html to the folder Myweb.
Example: In Figure 11, we use command “cp /usr/share/doc/info/html/Basic-
Windows.html ~/Myweb” to copy the /usr/share/doc/info/html/Basic-Windows.html to
the Myweb directory.

Figure 12 – Check .html files in Myweb

We can use the command “ls ~/Myweb/” to check the .html files we copied to Myweb.
3. Execute the mv command to move the .html file in the Myweb directory to
the Myweb/java directory.

Figure 13 – Switch to Myweb directory

Use the command “cd ~/Myweb/” to move to the Myweb directory. To make sure,
continue using the command “pwd” to check the current directory we are in

Figure 14 – Move .html files to Myweb/java

To move file .html in Myweb to Myweb/java, we use the syntax “mv file directory” to
execute move command.
Example: In Figure 14, we use command “mv Basic-Windows.html java/ to move Basic-
Windows.html in Myweb to the java directory.

Then we can use command “ls ./java/” to check the .html files we move to java.
4. Delete the folder Myweb/scripts

Figure 15 – Remove Myweb/scripts

We can use the command “rm -fr scripts/” to delete the scripts directory in Myweb.
Then, we use the command “ls” to check directories are still displayed in Myweb.
5. Set permissions for the Myweb/databases directory so that only the owner has
full permissions and other users don't have any permissions on it.

Figure 16 - Grant access

We use the command “chmod 700 database/” to give the owner read, write and execute
permissions, the group and others can't do anything with this file.

Figure 17 – Check access rights

We can use the command “ls -l” to check access rights of owners and visitors.
6. Create a user named student ID and password as the date of birth of each
student. The user created is in a group named HDH

Figure 18 – Create username 20521221

To create a username is student ID, we use the command “sudo useradd 20521221”

Figure 19 – Create group HDH

We use the command “sudo groupadd HDH” to create group HDH.
After that, we use the command “cat /etc/group |grep HDH” and its display
“HDH:x:1002:”, this means the HDH group has been created successfully.

Figure 20 – Add username 20521221 to group HDH
We use the command “sudo usermod -a -G HDH 20521221” to add username 20521221
into group HDH.
After that, we use the command “cat /etc/group |grep HDH” again and its display
“HDH:x:1002:20521221”, this means the username 20521221 has been added into group
HDH successfully.

Figure 21 – Create password for username 20521221

To create a password for username 20521221, we use the command “sudo passwd
After pressing enter button, it will display “New password”, you need to type your
Example: Type the new password is 04122002 and after pressing enter, it will force you
to retype your password again to make sure and security.
Then, it will display “passwd: password updated successfully”, that means you have
created your password successfully.

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