NSTP Midterm Activity #2

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1. From the list of leaderships the qualities that describes me would be prudence, justice,
temperance industry and responsible. from my own perspectives that in most of the situation I
tend to direct myself in the right direction with not only with the guidance of those who are wiser
than me but also as to basis of what it morally right. I also consider this an description of my
habit for pressure really does keep me going throughout projects and that keeps me motivated to
finish my task efficiently and profoundly. I also consider this that depicts me in my habits for
sharing ideas is part of my personality in terms of sharing more knowledge and gaining
knowledge as well to other individuals.

2. The two characteristics would best describe me would be industry and justice that
industry is the habit of working hard and working under pressure. I also consider this an
description of my habit for pressure really does keep me going throughout projects and that
keeps me motivated to finish my task efficiently and profoundly. And Justice is which is the
habit of having great ideals and ambitions of doing good; being concerned with doing great
deeds of service to others by devoting one’s life to serve one’s country or to help people. This as
well describes my hobbits in terms of giving service to those who I know who are in need of ,
that giving a helping hand is very nourishing to the soul that gives happiness with a certain
attainment of doing something good without expecting anything in return.

3. I consider the best leadership style is Authoritarian Leadership (Survival) for the reason
that leader announces his decision with no feeling of responsibility or accountability to share the
reasons. A leader presents a decision but “Sells it to Members.” And that announces the decision
and shares the reason behind it, which has been prepared in advance.

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