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1. Background
Theme: Sink or Float
Grade: 1
Standards: State Science Standards of Learning, Grade 1, 1.5 & 1.7

2. Preparation
Content Objectives
- Students will be able to know the difference between sink and float.
- Students will be able to perform the experiment and conclude that the
object sinks or floats.
Language Objectives
- Students will be able to listen to their partner’s ideas about experiments.
- Students will be able to name experimental objects and state the results of
experiments with those objects.
Key Vocabulary
- sink
- float
- drop
- boxes/ pots of water
- Eraser
- Plastic bottle
- chart paper

3. Motivation
- Post, read and explain the content and language objectives of the lesson
to students
“ Let’s look at our language objectives for today. Students will read the
language objectives below. Now let’s look at our content objectives for today.
Students will read the content objectives below.
- Students will watch a video about sink and float
- After watching video, teachers ask students
+ After we put the ball into the water, what happened to that ball?
+ After we put the spoon into the water, what happened to the spoon?
- Students will answers based on their known knowledge, teacher confirm
the answers and then introduce 2 new words “sink” and “float” to
4. Presentation
● Explain the meaning of "float" and "sink"
- Sink: to go down the bottom
- Float: to stay or move on the surface.
● Tell the students: "There are 2 objects, a plastic bottle and an eraser." Ask
students: “ If these two objects are dropped into the water, what will
● Give students time to predict the result for about one to two minutes.
● Let a few students answer for the class. Predict the student's answer:
eraser sinks; plastic bottle floats.
● Tell the students, "We're going to practice dropping those objects into
● The teacher practiced the experiment of dropping an eraser into the water.
Call on a student to practice the experiment of dropping plastic bottle in
● After the experiment, students actually observe the experiment and report
the results.
5. Practice/Application
- Divide students into four groups.
- Give each group of pre-prepared items: pots, water, chart paper.
- Each student will choose their own item to test for sinking or floating.
(Note: students choose different objects)
- Allow students to check items one at a time, placing them in the sink or
floating column of their chart paper as they complete them.

- Groups to cross-examine other groups' experiments.

- Go around and check their piles for correctness, as groups finish.
6. Review & Assessment
- Gather students into a group.
- Ask students if they were surprised by any of their results.
- Review the concept of sink and float with them.
- Read a book about sink and float. Ask students to discuss the text as a
whole group and share details they learned from the book.
- Review students' "float" and "sink" piles as well as their worksheets to
assess their levels of understanding.
- Circulate and listen to group discussions. Offer suggestions where needed
and monitor their ability to speak about the topic and text.

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